#mianite superpowers au
coolcattime · 28 days
A Mianite Superpower AU I've been cooking up where the gang is split between heroes and villains. This little explanation focuses on the “villains” because I came up with the Au based around them so I'm more sure of their backstories. (More of the AU under the read more because as it turns out, I had a lot to say. This focuses on Tom, Sonja, Capsize, and Redbeard).
The universe is one where some people are just born with superpowers. Their strength grows with time, and generally it's accepted that a person with powers will have fully developed them by teenhood. Hence the heroes association has a required test for children to find those with major powers so they can be properly trained to become superheroes.
The test is controversial, and has only been growing more so in recent years. Especially as being caught ‘cheating’ the test has become an arrest-able offence. From this development a small group of villains has been forming from those caught ‘cheating’.
Powers: Creation and manipulation of explosions, creation and manipulation of fire, mild healing factor, will come back to life after dying
When he had taken the test, Tom only had minor powers. He could create tiny explosions the size of firecrackers and manipulate the flame of a lighter, but his powers weren't anything to write home about and certainly not superhero worthy. The superheroes association agreed, marking him as having minor powers and letting him remain to live his life rather than training him. It seemed that Tom was destined to live a normal life.
Then Tom died. He was hit by a car and died on the scene. Technically nothing out of the ordinary. Except, a day later, Tom woke up.
He woke up confused as hell in a hospital morgue with no idea as to how he was currently alive. What should have been a miracle was quite tainted by him getting arrested mere hours later for “hiding superpowers”. No matter how much he tried to explain that he had no idea had he come back to life, they didn't listen to him. Only made worse by the powers he had already being amplified to the point that he's pretty sure he could blow up the building he was being kept in. He didn't go that far, but he did end up breaking through a good number of walls to escape custody as, for reasons as unknown to him as the rest of his newly upgraded powers, the power-restrictor that was put on him didn't seem to work.
That night Tom was declared a super villain. And if they were going to call him a villain, Tom was going to be the biggest thorn in their side they could possibly imagine. After all, who can cause more trouble than a villain who can't die?
Powers: The ability to comprehend all written language, clairvoyance via ink and paper, shape-shifting
Sonja's original power of language comprehension was never going to be the sort of thing that got her put on active hero duty, but it was deemed useful enough to get her recruited for behind the scenes work. She liked it well enough, even if her job seemed to mostly be being told to dispose of anything actually interesting. But it wasn't a hard job, she got training, and above average accommodation, and she was well liked by pretty much everyone in the building.
Her life probably could've just continued this way, working her way up behind the scenes until she became irreplaceable. But one day, Sonja became intrigued by one of the documents she'd be given to investigate. A set of instructions for an apparent ritual written by a newly captured villain. Now those were, at least in her line of work, dime a dozen, but the exact nature of this one was something she couldn't ignore. A ritual for an individual to be gifted new powers. And that was just too interesting for her to either destroy or hand over the document to be sat in an archive for the rest of time. So she tested it on herself.
She had no idea if it would work or how she would get to grips with a brand new power, so she set it up to get herself the ability to gather information via ink and paper. It seemed similar enough to her current power to quickly get to grips with and useful to the heroes association since it would be great for low stakes intel gathering. And it worked. She did the ritual and suddenly just spilling ink on paper could produce maps or lists of information. She was so excited to present the ritual to the higher ups, because she was sure it could help the association.
Sonja was arrested. Officially she was arrested for hiding her powers, but she knew it was really because she did something she didn't like. Her arrest was argued against by a number of heroes and association staff alike. She had always been well-liked, a bullshit arrest wasn't going to change that, but none of their arguments stopped her from being sent towards the same facility that held actual supervillains. What actually stopped her from being locked up was Tom causing the transport truck to crash. He offered her freedom, and if she was going to be deemed a traitor anyway she might as well take the road where she isn't imprisoned.
Since joining Tom, she's managed to gather the resources to perform the ritual again, giving herself the ability to shape-shift. She's also used her clairvoyance to figure out what precisely caused Tom's revival and sudden power spike. An odd heart-shaped artifact apparently sewn into his corpse. Though her powers won't say exactly what it it or who put it inside Tom, leaving them a goal to investigate.
Capsize & Redbeard
Powers: The ability to transfer their powers between each other, water manipulation (Capsize), short distance teleport of themself and others (Capsize), air manipulation (Redbeard), minor charmed speech (Redbeard)
Coming from a small coastal town, Capsize and Redbeard were very used to the idea that their powers meant that one day they would be taken away to never return. The only time heroes ever showed up was when a villain threatened to rise sea levels and honestly even that didn't make them show up sometimes. The only time they saw anything of the heroes association was once a year when a single clerk would come to administrator the power test to the of age kids. Not liking the idea of being forced away from their home, Capsize and Redbeard decided to trick the test.
With the clerk only able to administrator the test to one kid at a time, they knew that they just needed to transfer all their powers into whoever wasn't being tested and hope that they didn't get caught. By some miracle, they didn't. There was some brief questioning as to what exactly their transference power did when they didn't have powers, but seeing that nothing could be proved, they were marked down as having a minor power and left to their own devices. Given the town's less than stellar opinion towards the heroes association and the twins doing their best to help around town, they were more than happy to keep the secret.
Years passed, the two growing up with being able to live their lives and learning their powers at their own pace. As long as they hid their powers one day a year, they could continue to do so. But eventually everyone's luck runs out. It wasn't as if Redbeard wasn't aware of the day, but that thought went out of his mind when he saw a workman falling from some scaffolding. He acted on impulse, slowing the man's fall. Unfortunately the heroes association clerk was walking by and quickly Red was arrested for having hidden powers. He just about managed to transfer his powers to Capsize before the power-restricting handcuffs were put on him, but now the heroes association was aware of his powers, the power transference made sense.
Heroes were summoned to the town for the first in over a decade as a Capsize was marked as a wanted criminal and the mood of the town threatened to turn riotous. The news managed to also catch Tom and Sonja's attention who headed to find Capsize with Sonja's powers, a little surprised to find she hadn't yet left town. They found her already being confronted by a hero who was attempting to talk her into surrendering. Said hero is extremely distracted by two supervillains turning up and turns his attention towards them only to be knocked out by Capsize who frankly isn't in the mood for the heroes associations bullshit. She isn't stupid. She knows that the only thing waiting for her and Redbeard from them is prison. So she asks Tom and Sonja if they'll help her break out Redbeard. Of course, the two agree.
Capsize and Redbeard end up fleeing their home town being officially declared super villains as they join Tom and Sonja. The group counts the whole thing as a victory as the heroes association's reputation has never been lower in Capsize and Redbeard's home And, for their long term goals, Capsize and Redbeard recognise the idea of a heart shaped relic from an old story about the original three heroes giving them at least some kind of a new lead to look into.
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transandor · 2 years
so tempted to do a superhero/mha au for the mianite gang but superpowers are HARD
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