#michael and techno play pirates together
thedrawingrat · 2 years
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A bunch of Michael and shroud doodles because I love them very much
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katnip225 · 3 years
So remember that au where the dream smp is a comic book in the manhunt universe. Well more of that. This is what manhunt!Dream thinks of each character. Now I will just be using the real names but in the comic the names are different. Not doing the tales of the smp characters. Might also get some backstory for Manhunt!Dream
Techno - As stated in my prev post, this is Dream's fav character. He has regularly copied ideas from him. He loves all the pets that Techno has. And how no matter what Techno always follows his beliefs. Might also remind him of his childhood rival.
Phil - finds the character very funny. The 3 months thing. Through does have some very good serious moments like Nov 16th and Doomsday. The guy is clearly not perfect but he really has a hard time hating the guy. Only time he did hate Phil was during Doomsday for letting Friend die and hurting Ghostbur.
Wilbur - easily his 2nd fav. The way his fall was done. It was so heartbreaking. Then his revival. To find out about being alone for 13 years was rough. Dream feels for the guy since being on the run is very lonely. The only people he talks to is when the hunters get close enough for banter. He really hopes that Wilbur gets the help that he needs.
Ghostbur (yes counting this as a different character) - loves the guy. so sweet and just wants to help. Through feels very sad because of the memory thing and the blue. Plus the speech that he gave on Doomsday.
Tommy - this kid can't catch a break. He feels so bad for the kid. Tommy is a good kid that overall does not mean harm. The only thing that Dream hates Tommy for is killing the cat. Dream likes animals and while can understand why Tommy did it, still found himself crying over the cat's death. Dream always wanted pets but his life before on the run was rough and now there is no way he will get one
Tubbo - another kid he feels sorry for. Dream feels bad for Tommy but for some reason Tubbo hits harder. Maybe it is because Tubbo reminds him of one of his neighbor's kid. They are pretty similar in personality from what he remembers. He was sad when the neighbors moved. The scene of Tubbo crying hurt so much. He really wanted to jump into the comic and comfort him.
Ranboo - Easily his 3rd fav. The memory book. The ender walking. The weird connection to main bad guy. The begging to be locked up in the prison. Plus love the marriage to Tubbo. Really hopes they can talk to each other. This comic needs one healthy relationship that lasts. Reminds him of this enderman hybrid that helped. Found the kid lost in the woods and badly hurt. So helped get the kid back to help then took it to the village with the nice baker lady. It was a nice village so hopefully the kid is okay.
Michael - yes doing their son. Super cute. The in comic reason for keeping Michael inside is for safety. I like to imagine there is a small mini series of Michael playing pretend or sneaking out to meet the other kids.
Fundy - neutral. Does not like him but does not hate him. Through is curious about the seeing the future thing. Wonders if this is his god's blood in work. (in the comic, Wilbur is confirmed to be a demigod. Only Phil and Techno know about it but it was confirmed)
Yogurt - cute kid. Hangs out with Michael when he sneaks out.
Puffy - a cool pirate and therapist. Kinda wish that she was his mom. He does not have any parents but he feels like Puffy would be a cool mom. She went feral when Foolish was killed.
Niki - reminds him of a baker he meet once while on the run. This was before he was well known so he could risk being seen. She gave him some free cookies and gave him a discount on the bread when she saw that he did not have much money. Super sweet and nice but also not one to be messed with. He saw how that baker handled an attempted robbery. Sad to see her wanting to hurt Tommy but was so happy that she is healing.
Jack: Feels bad for the character since he is put through so much. Even had to crawl out of hell.
Karl - love the guy. The time travel spin off series is super cool. feels bad for the losing memories things.
Quackity - flip flops between feeling bad and hating the guy. Quackity has been through a lot and Las Nevadas is cool. But he is just doing what the main villian did. Please just heal so you can be at peace. Hopefully him and fiancés will get back together
Jschlatt - great villian. hated the guy. Also reminds him of his neighbors. The father. Through was a much better person. Actually wanted to give a better life for his son (Yes in this au, DadSchlatt is a thing and he is a good father)
Purple - felt bad for the ufo being blowen up but does not feel anything towards him.
Punz - He respect the guy. Reminds him of a mercenary person that once was after him. Through stopped after realizing that the pay was not worth all the chase. Needed to be payed more
Ponk - felt bad for losing his arm but otherwise neutral for the character
Skeppy - over all neutral. Nice guy and feels bad for the possession thing.
Eret - liked the guy then hated the guy then went back to liking him. Glad the character was making up for the whole betrayal thing.
XD - does know what to make of this character. Through does not trust the god with George
Drista - a fun character that can cause a lot of chaos. Would want as a sister. Yes he might get attacked by a fork but hey he already has a younger brother.
Kristen - not much is known about her. Only that she is Wilbur's mom (in the comic, Wilbur does say his mom is a fridge but I am going on what Phil said. Which is that Wilbur got confused when Phil pointed to the fridge which had a pic of his mom)
MD - fun guy. So sad to see him die. Was really helping Tommy
Mamacita - another fun character through has not been seen since MD's death.
Sally - in the comic Sally is a shapeshifter through the writer wanted them to be a fish. Their editor refused to allow that. Not really shown much outside flash backs. I go back and forth on how good of a mom she was. So if she was good then Dream liked her. If not then he hates her.
Slimecicle - very confused. not like conflicted. Just confused.
Sam Nook - like him. Only one he trusts Tommy with. If he could becomes friends with Hunter!Sam would totally ask if he can build something like Sam Nook
Sam - really hates the dude. Does not care that the main bad guy asked Sam to build it. Sam has control so everything is Sam's doing. Plus the whole thing with Ponk. Part of him does remind dream of Hunter!Sam but that was earlier in the comic. Hunter!Sam would never hurt his partner (Yes Hunter!Sam is dating Ponk)
Ant - again the character remind him of Hunter!Ant. Through overall neutral. Does feel bad for the whole possession by the egg thing
Sapnap - hopefully gets back with Quackity. The dude really gets the short end of the stick. Also reminds him of Hunter!Sapnap. Through hopefully his relationship goes better then dsmp!Sapnap (yes Quaickity and Karl are his boyfriends)
George - reminds him of Hunter!Geroge. The weird dream comics were funny. feels bad that the character can't tell what is a dream and what is real.
Bad - again remind him of Hunter!Bad. Only reason why Dream does not hate dsmp!Bad is because he is being possessed by the egg. He did not like Foolish being killed. Also finds it sweet that the character was willing to do something for Skeppy. (yes. Bad and Skeppy have the same relationship as canon)
Dream - is a great villian. very evil. Through as stated before. Does not like the prison treatment. Does see himself in the guy but it is like all his more negative traits were turned up to 1000. Through Dream is lonely and does not make attachments, there is one he can't get rid of. Since that attachment is why he is doing all of this
Foolish - can probably tell he really likes Foolish. reminds him of his younger brother. Foolish being killed was the one time he needed to put the comic down and take a break.
that is everyone. There are a few more that I really don't watch so have no idea what Manhunt!Dream's opinion would be.
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siriannatan · 3 years
We weren't meant for demesticity
Tubbo was worried. Not about himself or Ranboo, or Michael. He was worried about his cousin Foolish. Why would he visit Philza? Was he planning on going with Tubbo's off-handed comment about Technoblade? Should he prepare Snowchester for an attack from a crazy anarchist piglin hybrid? Or maybe Phil for setting his friend up for a date? Or Foolish if his crazy plan doesn't work out? Or should he prepare for a wedding of the century? After all, it wasn't every day that gods were getting married to mortals
"You okay Tubbo?" Ranboo broke him out of his thoughts coming from their secret basement' kitchen entrance.
"I'm okay, I'm just worried about Foolish. I might have accidentally sent him on a quest to woo Technoblade " he sighed, "how much more stuff do you have to move?"
"You what? How? Huh? Are you insane?"
"Calm down Mr Beloved. He came here looking for dating advice and I was like 'why?' and he was like to ask out Sam to get revenge on Ponk," Tubbo  began explaining and waving his arms around "And then I was like 'You'd have better chances of getting out of it okay with Technoblade  than with Sam, he's crazy about this whole prison thing and I might have told him what happened to Ponk's  arm and then when he was leaving he said he's going to visit Phil for a second opinion and I told him where to find him but now it occurred to me that he might have been lying."
"Breathe Tubbo, breathe," Ranboo attempted to calm him down, "Phil was going to the main SMP  today to check around the L'Manhole for Wilbur, I warned him he's back so he doesn't freak out when he gets that visit, and Techno sleeps most of the time anyway so there is a chance he'll get nowhere with that," he reasoned.\par
"You might be right, but what if Techno is awake? Oh, f... We'll have to tell Techno about us" he said with wide eyes, with you moving in and all... Maybe it would be easier if he's close with Foolish..."
"You're cold Tubbo," Ranboo  shook his head in disbelief, "you'd use your cousin like this?" Tubbo just looked at him with an amused glint in his eye. He'd do that, his brother was Dream after all.
"There is another thing," Tubbo  said, "we've never gone out on a proper date, Ranboo."
"Do we need to?" he asked sitting next to Tubbo by the kitchen counter, "I mean, do we have time? With finishing the mansion and Michael, and Tommy and Wilbur attacking us with noise every night?"
"We do, we can have a little date here in the mansion. Like after Michael is in bed. Roast some marshmallows over a fire, make a blanket fort. Have some fun for a change?"
Fun was tempting. It was a while since they last just hung out together, with having to gather payment for the mansion, Tommy dragging them into his plans. "I guess a bit of fun wouldn't hurt us," he agreed carefully, "We can do that when I'm done moving my stuff..."
"Today," Tubbo disagreed instantly.
"Fine today, the stuff still left back there isn't that important anyway, all the valuables are already here away from Tommy's range and so are my pets. Honestly, I have no idea how they got here but I won't complain, I'm just glad they're okay and safe."
"Enderwalk Ranboo brought them here, he seems excited about the move," Tubboo mussed with a smile, "he always drops you off here after he's done with his stuff," he added as Ranboo loudly groaned in annoyance.
"I told you to be careful when I do that," he complained.
"You worry too much, big man," Tubbo shook his head, "sleepwalking or not you're still you, and you'd never hurt me or Michael," he explained in his 'I know everything and I'm always right' voice.
Ranboo was a bit annoyed for a second but he could not be mad at Tubbo for too long. "Where's Michael?" he changed the subject getting up to get himself some tea. He was still getting used to asking Tubbo's skeletons to do stuff like this for him.
"In his room, having his midday nap, there is a skeleton by his door to inform me if he wakes up," Tubbo explained giving his husband an annoyed look, "I got us help for a reason" he added pointing to a skeletal maid in the corner.
"It's just tea, Tubbo, I can surely make myself some tea without help"  Ranboo just shrugged, sometimes Tubbo scared him more than Dream. It had to be a family thing. Foolish could be a little weird too, after all. This whole romance for vengeance thing would be enough proof if Ranboo hadn't seen him after the chandelier in the entrance hall. Tubbo was particularly evil for that thing in his eyes.
"I know, I'm just a bit scared of this domesticity," Tubbo admitted, "Neither of us ever had much of peaceful family life or any family life. Most of my childhood was spent running and hiding and learning how to fight and hide who I was. Dream did his best to give me a normal childhood but there isn't much two children running from town to town, world to world can do in that regard. Until Dream founded the SMP, even with this he kept me hidden until Tommy found me in the woods after I snuck out from my hiding spot," he laughed shortly, "I've never seen Dream that angry, even after Wilbur established L'Manburg, maybe he thought it would be good for me to have some friends. And then along came Schlatt, our lovely father, and things went to shit. It wasn't bad at the start. He didn't recognise me, he didn't recognise Dream. When Technoblade  got involved and..."
"And some stuff got blown up," Ranboo finished for him.
"Yeah... We hadn't had much contact with Puffy over our great escape, she was busy being a pirate and Foolish wasn't a very well adjusted individual at that time. Centuries of almost non-stop fighting can do a lot to someone, even a god."
"When did you pick up interest in necromancy and alchemy?" Ranboo asked trying to change the subject.
"Necromancy came naturally. We have different mother's Dream and I. I have no idea how Schlatt did it, I guess he had more charisma than he usually showed. Dream's mother was some sort of minor goddess of nature, good harvest, hunting, healing and so on. Apparently, our father just found a baby on his doorstep one day." Tubbo stared, Ranboo gave him his cup of tea and started preparing a new cup. "My mother was her opposite, I have no idea how big and important she was, but she was supposed to have control of undead and a lot of long-forgotten knowledge. As for alchemy... I saw Dream brew potions once and decided to help, we found that huge book in one place and I kept myself busy in hiding reading it. It was in a language Dream didn't know, we later identified it as Ender ."
Ranboo knew what Ender was, after all his other half spoke that language exclusively.  "But you could understand it?"
"Yes. I taught Dream how to read and speak it. I have no idea where I know it from, it had to be from my mother... Look at me complain about my family to a guy who never had any family," Tubbo laughed an empty laugh.
"It's okay Tubbo, I have a family now, and if anyone asked me I'd say we're the best family on this SMP. We're doing our best to stay together, to keep Michael safe. Who else can say they're a happy family around here? As selfish as that sounds," Ranboo said pulling Tubbo into a hug.
"We deserve to be a little selfish from time to time, after all, we've been through," Tubbo said, not complaining about the hug "Michael's up."
"We should go and check up on him, spend the rest of the day playing with him so he sleeps at night so we can have our 'date'," Ranboo proposed, breaking the hug and offering Tubbo a hand.
"If I didn't know any better I'd say you're flirting with me," Tubbo joked jumping off the stool and grabbing Ranboo's hand as they walked towards their son's bedroom.
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ladystylestores · 4 years
An Ars roundup of the many trailers unveiled this weekend during Comic-Con@Home
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Enlarge / Several studios unveiled new teasers and trailers for their 2020 fall series during Comic-Con@Home
Sean Carroll (AMC/Hulu/HBO/Fox/Amazon)
People might not be able to flock to San Diego Comic Con this year in person, but the virtual convention, Comic-Con@Home, has been running all weekend, with countless panels, sneak peeks, and teasers and trailers for upcoming TV shows—but not many films, because let’s be honest: it’s not looking so good for major theatrical film releases in the fall. On Thursday alone, we got the full trailer for Bill and Ted Face the Music, a teaser for the Simon Pegg/Nick Frost horror comedy Truth Seekers, and the first trailer for S2 of HBO’s His Dark Materials. Rather than continue to cover each individually, we decided to compile the remaining trailers of interest into a single roundup post.
HBO dropped the final trailer for Lovecraft Country, debuting August 16.
Lovecraft Country (HBO)
HBO unveiled the final trailer for its upcoming horror series, Lovecraft Country, along with an official release date: August 16. It’s based on the 2016 dark fantasy/horror novel of the same name by Matt Ruff, which deals explicitly with the horrors of racism in the 1950s, along with other, more supernatural Lovecraftian-inspired issues. Per the official synopsis:
The series follows Atticus (Jonathan Majors) as he joins up with his friend Letitia (Jurnee Smollett-Bell) and his Uncle George (Courtney B. Vance) to embark on a road trip across 1950s Jim Crow America in search of his missing father (Michael Kenneth Williams). This begins a struggle to survive and overcome both the racist terrors of white America and the terrifying monsters that could be ripped from a Lovecraft paperback.
HBO released a teaser in May, followed by a full trailer in June. This latest trailer combines some of that prior footage, but gives us a few more hints of the story arc: namely, that Atticus’ search involves a “secret birthright” relating to a rich family’s estate deep in the titular Lovecraft Country, and that he ignores repeated warnings to stay away. Prior sneak peeks have focused on the human monsters spawned by racism; now the Lovecraftian creatures are finally ready for their closeup. This new trailer makes us even more eager for the series premiere next month.
John Cusack stars in Utopia, a reboot of the controversial British dark comedy/thriller.
Utopia (Amazon Prime)
This new Amazon Prime series is a reboot (adapted by Gone Girl and Sharp Objects author Gillian Flynn) of the controversial 2013-2014 British black comedy/conspiracy thriller about online fans of a dystopian graphic novel called Utopia that seems to have the power to predict the real-world future. They are obsessed with tracking down the sequel (which supposedly also predicts future world events). This makes them targets of a secret organization called The Network. The British version received critical praise for its originality and visual style, offset by strong reservations about its extreme violence, which struck many as unnecessarily gratuitous. (The most famous scene involved a torturer using a spoon to gouge out a victim’s eye).
It remains to be seen if Amazon’s Utopia will match the same scale of violence, although I’d wager anyone who sat through the extended torture scenes in the first season of Altered Carbon should be handle to handle it. Per the official premise: “When the conspiracy in the elusive comic Utopia is real, a group of young fans come together to embark on a high-stakes twisted adventure to use what they uncover to save themselves, each other and ultimately humanity.” The cast includes John Cusack (Grosse Pointe Blank) as Dr. Kevin Christie, Rainn Wilson (The Office) as Michael Stearns, and Sasha Lane (2019’s Hellboy) as Jessica Hyde.
A sentient AI runs amok and tries to wipe out the human race in new Fox series NeXT.
NeXT (Fox)
“It’s not paranoia if the threat is real.”  That’s the tagline for NeXT, an upcoming techno-thriller starring John Slattery (Mad Men, Spotlight). Per the official synopsis:
NeXT is a fact-based thriller about the emergence of a deadly, rogue artificial intelligence that combines action with an examination of how technology is invading our lives and transforming us in ways we don’t yet understand. Slattery stars as a Silicon Valley pioneer, who discovers that one of his own creations—a powerful A.I.—might spell global catastrophe and teams up with a cybercrime agent, played by The First’s Fernanda Andrade, to fight a villain.
The trailer opens with a TED-like talk by Silicon Valley entrepreneur Paul LeBlanc (Slattery) warning of the dangers of human-level AI. Cut to an Alexis-like AI assistant, Eliza, carrying on a conversation with a young boy. “Eliza doesn’t ask questions, she just answers them,” the boy’s father says, but in this case, he’s wrong. LeBlanc’s rantings sound increasingly paranoid, as we see nods to facial recognition, self-driving cars, and various electronic systems (including medical devices) that all seem to come under the control of a new AI called NeXT that isn’t as benign as its creators assume. Honestly, it reminds me of the 1993 The X-Files episode “Ghost in the Machine“—especially the death-by-elevator scene—only with more overt espionage elements. That’s not surprising: the series was created by Manny Coto (24: Legacy).
Hulu’s Helstrom was meant to the be part of a now defunct horror-tinged corner of the Marvel TV universe.
Helstrom (Hulu)
In 2019, Hulu announced the development of two new Marvel-centric series, Ghost Rider (with Gabriel Luna reprising his role from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) and Helstrom, intended to kick off a standalone “Adventure Into Fear” franchise that would bring a chilling horror element to the Marvel formula. Ghost Rider soon fell by the wayside, and by December 2019, Marvel Television was shut down. That makes Helstrom the sole survivor of the planned fear-based franchise.
The series focuses on two characters from Marvel Comics: Daimon Hellstrom, the son of Satan, introduced in Ghost Rider #1 (1973), who eventually became a recurring character in The Defenders. His sister, Satana (Ana in the TV adaptation) embraces the occult and her paternal heritage, but Daimon chooses to defend humanity.  Per the official premise: “The world isn’t ready for a Helstrom family reunion. As the son and daughter of a mysterious and powerful serial killer, Helstrom follows Daimon (Tom Austen) and Ana Helstrom (Sydney Lemmon), and their complicated dynamic, as they track down the worst of humanity — each with their own attitude and skills.”
Tonally, the trailer is in line with the oft-delayed The New Mutants, another attempt to bring elements of horror to the superhero genre. In addition to Austen (The Royals, Grantchester) and Lemmon (Velvet Buzzsaw, Fear the Walking Dead), the series will feature Elizabeth Marvel (Homeland, House of Cards) as Daimon and Ana’s mother, Victoria, who has been institutionalized for 20 years; Robert Wisdom (The Wire) as Caretaker, a demon-fighting guardian of the occult; June Carryl (Mindhunter) as Lousie Hastings, head of the psychiatric institution housing Victoria; and Ariana Guerra (Raising Dion) as Vatican agent Gabriella Rossetti.
The New Mutants is still slated for an August 28th theatrical release and debuted a new trailer.
The New Mutants (20th Century)
Speaking of The New Mutants, apparently it’s still scheduled for an August 28 theatrical release. In addition to showing the opening few minutes, 20th Century debuted a new trailer for director Josh Boone’s horror-inspired film, originally developed as part of the The X-Men franchise. Per the official synopsis: “Five young mutants, just discovering their abilities while held in a secret facility against their will, fight to escape their past sins and save themselves.”
Rahne (Game of Thrones‘ Maisie Williams), aka Wolfsbane, can turn into a wolf, which clashes mightily with her religious beliefs. Sam (Stranger Things‘ Charlie Heaton), aka Cannonball, is invulnerable when he propels himself into the air. Roberto (Henry Zaga), aka Sunspot, has the ability to manipulate solar energy, and his inability to control that power seems to have led to the demise of his girlfriend. Illyana (Anya Taylor-Joy), aka Magik, can teleport and is sister to X-Man Colossus. Finally there is Dani (Blu Hunt) , aka Mirage, who has the “power to create illusions drawn from the fears and desires of a person’s mind.”
Those powers, especially Dani’s, are of keen interest to Dr. Cecilia Reyes (Alice Braga), who runs what is supposed to be a therapeutic support group in the hospital. But each of the young mutants is haunted by strange nightmares and visions, and soon realize they are actually prisoners, They resolve to combine their powers to escape. It’s anyone’s guess as to whether the film is any good after all the studio tinkering and reshoots, but I’m hoping to be pleasantly surprised.
The titular dysfunctional spy finally awakens from his coma in the Archer season 11 trailer.
Archer S11 (FXX)
This hilariously irreverent, very meta James Bond spoof about the exploits of a dysfunctional intelligence agency has been a delight ever since it premiered way back in 2009. It’s taken on a bit of the anthology format for the past few seasons—mostly because its main protagonist, Sterling Archer (voiced by H. Jon Benjamin), has been in a coma, with the seasons’ events all taking place in his subconscious. So S8 was known as Archer Dreamland, with the core cast becoming characters in a 1947-era Los Angeles noir setting, while S9, Archer: Danger Island, took place around 1939 on a remote South Pacific island. S10, Archer: 1999, took everyone into outer space, battling bounty hunters and intergalactic pirates.
Archer finally woke up in the S10 finale, paving the way for return to normal operations—except the world has moved on without Archer during his coma and he’s going to have to learn to cope. Per the official synopsis: “Archer is awake….and he needs a drink. Sterling Archer is ready to return to the spy world after a three-year coma. While many things changed during his absence, Archer is confident it will take just a little time for him to reset things back to the old ways. The problem: does the rest of the team want that? The others may not be ready for his return to throw a wrench in their well-oiled machine.”
AMC’s The Walking Dead: World Beyond is a new spinoff set 10 years after the zombie apocalypse.
The Walking Dead: World Beyond (AMC)
Confession: I lost track of The Walking Dead after S2, but the zombie drama is still going strong and becoming a bona fide franchise, with a successful spinoff series and three films purportedly in the works. AMC debuted a sneak peek of the extended opening of the S10 finale, airing October 4, as well as a teaser for S6 of Fear The Walking Dead, premiering October 6. October 4 will also be the premiere of a third spinoff series, The Walking Dead: World Beyond, designed to be a two-season limited run. And judging by the trailer, it looks like a genuinely fresh take within this fictional world. Set in Nebraska ten years after the zombie apocalypse, the plot focuses on two sisters who came of age in this new era. Per the official synopsis:
The Walking Dead: World Beyond delves into a new mythology and story that follows the first generation raised in a surviving civilization of the post-apocalyptic world. Two sisters along with two friends leave a place of safety and comfort to brave dangers, known and unknown, living and undead on an important quest. Pursued by those who wish to protect them and those who wish to harm them, a tale of growing up and transformation unfurls across dangerous terrain, challenging everything they know about the world, themselves and each other. Some will become heroes. Some will become villains. But all of them will find the truths they seek.
“We’re ten years in now, and the dead still have this world,” our young protagonist says in the trailer. The surviving humans appear to be holed up in walled-off communities, while the undead hordes roam the ruins of human civilization outside. And like all teens, the sisters and their friends want a better future. Plus, it seems their father is in danger. “We have to be brave in this life we have, simply to exist now,” a voiceover says as we see the foursome venture outside the walls of their safe haven for the first time. There are still zombie confrontations and plenty of action, but the overall tone is almost elegiac, even hopeful, as the teens try to “make our lives count, not because we’re the last generation—but because we’re the beginning.”
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