Countless the soul tries remedies in vain: since I was taken from the ancient road, it strives and fails to find the path again. The sea, the mountain and the fiery sword: amid all these, surrounded, I live on. The mountain is denied to me by one who took away my reason and my mind.
Michelangelo, ‘18.’ in Poems and Letters, trans. Anthony Mortimer. 
  “Mille rimedi invan l’anima tenta: poi ch’i’ fu’ preso alla prestina strada, di ritornare endarno s’argomenta.   Il mare e ’l monte e ’l foco colla spada: in mezzo a questi tutti insieme vivo. Al monte non mi lascia chi m’ha privo dell’intelletto e tolto la ragione.“
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*with my hands held together like a prayer* Oh great one may I request the bayverse boys reacting to feeling their pregnant s/o’s baby bump and feeling the baby kick?? I’m in a fluffy mood rn and your writing is as sweet as honey 
When They Feel Baby Kick For The First Time (Fluff)
Bayverse!Turtles x reader
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A/N: The Great One has heard your prayers of baby kicks and sweet honey. Though the Great One does not hold powers over honey, they can give you kicks of baby feet. Enjoy in the name of the Great One!💚
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Warnings: None💚
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During each and every one of your pregnancies, Leo always seemed somewhat shocked whenever he felt the babies’ first kicks from your belly, like he wasn’t prepared, as if he hadn’t experienced it with all of your other pregnancies.
Whether it be during a cuddle, while Leo put a hand on your stomach as he passed by you in the kitchen, or when he was resting his head beside your belly, talking to your growing child only to get a firm kick in his head, Leo seemed surprised each and every time, staring at you like it had never happened before.
Your husband would get emotional each time, hugging you tightly while stroking your pregnant belly, mumbling sweet words of how excited he was, while showering your face with kisses.
At a point during your pregnancy, Leo would grow familiar with your babies’ punch and kicks, predicting them as they came. Although nothing could have prepared either you or him for the strength of Valentina’s legs and what a punch they pulled. And you thought Marcello was the worst kicker for them all. You thought wrong.
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Have you ever seen a man play soft boxing with a woman’s pregnant stomach? No? Well, I don’t blame you. It does sound very wrong and dangerous. But I can assure you, it’s not as bad as you may think.
Raph took up the habit of lightly punching his knuckles against your stomach when he felt your child kick, back when you were pregnant with Joan. It was like a soft knock, asking if anybody was in there.
Much to Raph’s joy, there was an answer, a small pair of feet kicking back against his hand, much harder than he had done it, letting him know that there in fact was someone on there. That made Raph happy and emotional, before continuing his little way of communication with your still unborn child.
He would continue to do it during your other pregnancies, softly and playfully knock his knuckles against your stomach, even before your belly had taken form. At this point he was just so excited for when the next pair of feet would kick out at him.
And when Minerva and then later on Ragnar would kick out against his hands, answering his small knocks, Raph was excited, fist pumping the air like he had won a marathon.
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Donnie was very much a mindless belly stroker. Whenever you were around with your pregnant stomach, large or not, Donnei would stroke it absentmindedly, while continuing working with whatever he was working on at the time. It was soothing for the both of you, almost stress relieving at times. And well, also quite adorable.
It was during one of the absentminded soft strokes of your belly, that Galileo gave Donnie’s hand a hard firm kick, seeming to wake Donnie up from whatever work trance he had found himself in, staring directly at your stomach with wide eyes, his mouth open in shock and surprise. The expression on your face let him know that you had felt it too. Well, of course you had, it was from inside your stomach.
After this Donnie started taking much more joy in stroking your belly throughout the day, even speaking to your belly, no matter if Galileo decided to kick or not. But oftentimes he did, bringing a big smile fond to Donnie’s lips, his face lighting up in pure joy, at times even happy unstoppable laughter.
This act of rubbing and stroking your stomach would continue during your pregnancy with the twins, with Donnie even showing Gali how he could “talk” with his sisters. It was adorable to watch.
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Having heard about the joy of feeling their child kick against their hands, from the inside of their partners, by his brothers, Mikey was more than excited to feel your baby kick. Especially after how hard the two of you had worked to get you pregnant.
Even before your belly had even taken form, Mikey would walk day in and day out, with his hands on your stomach, ready to feel your child’s first kicks. He wouldn’t miss it for the word, almost making it a personal mission of his, to be there when your child would do their first kick.
And Mikey’s determination proved it’s worth, as one evening as you and Mikey was about to calm down for the night, cuddling up in bed and waiting for sleep to take over the two of you, when suddenly you and Mikey felt the unmistakable kick from inside your pregnant belly. At that point you and Mikey threw all plans of sleeping out of the window, staying up to feel more kicks.
At that point Mikey also decided to destroy everyone's plans in the lair of sleeping, as he started to do happy runs around the living area, hands in the air, yelling and screaming in happiness.
And with your second pregnancy only three years later, the whole history repeated itself, with Mikey wanting to feel Luis’ first kicks like he had done with Sunny. And just like the night he had felt Sunny kick, Mikey was out running rounds in the lair, waking everybody up to the sound of his happy yells.
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lotus-duckies · 10 months
if i had a nickel for every time the turtles got stuck in a ball
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ray-jaykub · 4 years
What are some physical aspects a reader would be high key obsessed with the guys and how blushy or cocky do they get about it?
Sorry this took so long to get to this. Shits got me stressin and my mom just called me something and i dont think i can forgive her :/
•he gets super blushy if ypu talk about his eyes. He'll giggle! Literally giggle!! Such a dork. Leo will get bashful about his strength. When he goes to hug you just be like "Wow! You're really strong leonardo" poor thing will sputter and go red.
•Talk about his height, how he's so tall and flexible. How he handles his katanas with grace and defends himself and his family. Now call him a hero and Leo will walk around and act like he owns the place. Raphael's gonna have to smack sense into him
• ~HIS LIP SCAR~ Talk about his lip scar and all his other scars! Ask about them! Give them kisses for every story! He will melt like butter on a pan. Raph especially get's really flustered when you just tell him he looks handsome at some random time. 
•Now what you do to get him cocky is in involvement with the root of the word... cock. Yeah, he eats that shit up. Just praise him and how he makes you feel while doing the horizontal tango and nobody can stand him afterward.
•Donnie is kind of a mess. He has some anxieties and is the most insecure of them. It's how his brain works, so you gotta pull out the compliments. Talk about his eyes and his hands. How they look like stars and how he can be so precise with everything. Don will be an absolute mess.
•typical, to have him cocky you gotta talk about his wit. Yes you can't see his brain but like he's hella smart. Ask him to talk science to you in the most flirtatious way possible and he will act like some hot shot casanova
•He really thinks he has no game despite how hard he seems to try. So i guess you just flirt black and he will be an absolute mess. Mikey will be using the bathroom and think about it and just gets all flustered and everything. Keep doing it even if his brothers tease him. Tell him how charming he is
•You gotta bring up the ninja skills baby. You gotta ask him to teach you sometime and when you "can't" seem to get it just talk about how he's so much better at this and makes it look so easy. In otherwords, play hopeless and he'll go on and on about all the practice he had
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twilightpony4 · 8 years
Don’t Leave Raph and Mikey alone on a Rooftop Run
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Per raggiungere i suoi risultati Michelangelo non esitò a forzare le regole della rappresentazione anatomica, esasperando nelle figure gli elementi più idonei a esaltarne il fascino. I rapporti proporzionali tra le parti del corpo e tra esse e l’intero corpo, che erano stati la guida preziosa per gli artisti precedenti, furono definitivamente abbandonati.
Michelangelo, una vita inquieta. (Forcellino)
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arcelovesrex · 10 years
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ask-a-grate · 11 years
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"What's your biggest regret?"
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I know that always goes wrong in sci fi shows but I think in reality it'd be the best question to ask!
Wait, how many questions do I get? Unlimited??
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Can I ask for his notes? Wait, are we going to the future, or are they going to the past? Can I take something back from the future if that's the case? If not, can I take notes?
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How far in the future are we talking, anyway? There's so many possibilities I don't know where I'd begin if I can ask as much as I want - if I only have one question . . . "what do you want to tell me?"
Probably something like ..
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"so how are the bros, annoying as ever?"
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"hows it feel to be the tallest turtle"
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