#mick rawson: threads.
shefatalesarch · 2 years
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THERE WAS A GRIN ON HIS FACE AS HE APPROACHED and his arms extended in a wide fashion as he took in the sight of the other woman. “you know i have to admit i did not expect the call but i am pleasantly surprised and happy to oblige where i am needed, when needed.” he mused as his feet began to carry him towards emily with a tilt of his head. “just how bad is the situation anyway?” had she called for an extra brain, or a sniper?
@havenforged ♥ for a starter from mick rawson for emily prentiss
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em-prentiss · 19 days
when you hold me, it holds me together: Emily is stranded at a bar. She calls Hotch.
sweet nothing: Aaron and Emily’s daughter finally says her first word, but when she does, he’s not there. 
and when I break, it’s in a million pieces: Emily has a panic attack. 
I love you, it’s ruining my life: Emily's life is hardly okay after Doyle. Coming back and finding the man she loves with another woman doesn't help matters. 
you put me on and said I was your favorite: A closer look at Aaron and Emily's relationship.
I used to float (now I just fall down): Emily has a bad day and Aaron tries to help her through it. 
you can see it with the lights out (you are in love): Aaron and Emily, through different lenses. 
I know I don’t speak your language (but I wanna know more, baby): It's no secret Emily knows multiple languages. Sometimes, Aaron likes to show them off more than she does.
it always leads to you (in my hometown): Unrelated snippets of hotchniss based on every song in evermore. 
touch me with a kiss, feel me on your lips: In which Aaron and Emily have a no strings attached kind of relationship. 
I didn’t know if you’d care if I came back (I have a lot of regrets about that): Scratch is finally down, but Aaron doesn't come home. Not until Emily runs into him by accident.
my sleepless night, my winless fight: It’s Emily’s first case as Unit Chief and she struggles to sleep with Aaron miles away.
to leave the warmest bed I’ve ever known: It’s JJ’s wedding, and Aaron knows Emily is leaving. He tries to stop it. 
amaranthine: Aaron takes care of Emily while she’s on her period.
this is where I wanna be (where it’s so sweet and heavenly): Aaron, Emily, and the small steps they take towards each other (infinitesimal, tentative, but they get there). 
passed down like folk songs, our love lasts so long: Unrelated snippets of hotchniss based on every song in folklore.
if you’ve bled, I’ll bleed the same: Aaron looks after Emily in Colorado.
that old familiar body ache, the snaps from the same little breaks in my soul: How Aaron deals with Emily's death. 
got lovestruck (went straight to my head): Emily brings a cat into the BAU.
oh can we just get a pause? (to be certain we'll be tall again): Hit and Run with established hotchniss.
I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends: How the team finds out about Aaron and Emily.
strange what desire will make foolish people do: Alaska is cold, and their joint room has only one bed.
when you know, you know: In celebration of Aaron and Emily's engagement, the BAU takes a trip to the beach.
Retrouvaille: It's Morgan's wedding, and Emily makes the trip from London.
everybody wants you, you can have them all (but I got what you need): Mick Rawson flirts with Emily. Aaron doesn’t like it. 
is there someone else or not? (cause I wanna keep you close): Aaron meets Beth. Emily won't admit she's jealous, but she definitely is.
these hands had to let it go free and this love came back to me: A Route 66 fic where Emily finds out about Aaron's surgery.
you could call me babe for the weekend: Emily comes back to help save JJ. She may or may not spend the rest of the weekend at Aaron's.
one single thread of gold tied me to you: Aaron visits the BAU after he gets out of WITSEC. 
say my name and everything just stops: Aaron and Emily go on an undercover date. 
Redamancy: A soccer mom pays extra attention to Aaron. Emily doesn't like it - and she does something about it. 
hold me, love me, touch me, honey (you'll be the first who ever did): Aaron looks after a concussed Emily. 
Soft Sundays
(aka the soft fics where nothing happens, really—some of my favorites to write and read)
drunk in love: Aaron is drunk. And really unable to contain his love for his wife.
Persuasion: Emily finds a stray cat. She wants to take it home; Aaron does not.
this love is glowing in the dark: Emily comes home drunk. Aaron is more than happy to take care of her. 
have I known you twenty seconds, or twenty years?: Two mornings, twenty years apart. They are parallel to each other; mirrors. 
no, I didn’t see the news (cause we were somewhere else): Emily opens the door to Aaron's apartment and finds her whole team waiting for her. She's not exactly fully dressed. 
burnt toast, sunday (you keep his shirt, he keeps his word): Emily needs a midnight snack. Whilst preparing it, she accidentally wakes Aaron.
in another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you: Emily and Aaron let the laundry pile up. Tackling it is a joint effort, one neither of them wants to do. 
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shefatalesarch · 2 years
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ALTHOUGH HE WAS HARDLY IN THIS OFFICE he knew the infamous computer genius quite well. he'd worked with her during his time with cooper. however, right now seemed like a bau all hands on deck sort of situation and since he hadn't exactly been in a situation that required desperate attention, he had gotten a call to lend a hand on one of their cases. "if it isn't the fast hands in the west, if they got you, can't see what possible skill i lend here." he mused with a clap of hands. "good to see you, garcia. in person, rare thing for us."
@screenviolense ♥ for a starter from mick rawson for penelope garcia
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shefatalesarch · 2 years
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HIS HEAD TURNED WHEN HE HEARD HER ENTER FINALLY and mick was pushing himself back from the window and turning more full towards jj’s figure. “i have to admit, i’m generally surprised you calling in a guy like me, you need a sharp shooter or somethin’?"
@jenniferjareaufbi ♥ for a starter from mick rawson
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