#mick st. john x reader
jjeresano-euler · 1 year
Agrios- Mick St. John (Moonlight)
So I’ve started watching Moonlight. Holy hell, Alex O’Loughlin looks so cool in this series!
special mentions: @myreyisbae @vxbne
Agrios- feral
Pairing: Mick St. John (Moonlight) x Fem!Hunter!Reader
Summary: Huh, you fall in love with the person you’re hunting. And you’re willing to break ties with your clan just to be with him.
Warnings: Fluff, reader having the crisis of her life, also uh, mick in his vampire form should probably be added as a warning, riiiiiight? Also, this is the perfect opportunity to use the tall character is a little shit to the shorter yet super temperamental character, also, sweet protective reader and sweet protective Mick, happy happy becomes sad & tragic, maternal issues, death, happiness? What’s that? New year’s gone wrong? New year’s gone wrong.
“Okay, run it through me, slowly.”, your friend said, sharpening your knife. “You fell in love with Mick St. John.”
“And you’re supposed to be hunting him, not-“
“Don’t even finish that.”, you finally replied. “God…”
You grabbed your bow and arrow and fired three in quick succession. Bullseye in 3 arrows or less, as usual. You sighed. “You know you could get executed for this, right, (Y/N)?”
“I know. Which is why I’m leaving.”
You put your bow around your body, the quiver of arrows clipped onto your backpack. “They’ll know I’m gone, i realize that, but they won’t find me if i don’t have this anymore.”
You flicked on the lighter and you guided the heat in the ink’s path; it promptly disappeared as you sighed. “You’re really gonna go through with this, are ya?”
“Yeah. I am.”, you grumbled. “I’m leaving under the pretense that I’m finishing the job, alright? I’ve gotta go.”
You walked out of the camp, your bag in tow as you headed for the outskirts. Great job, (Y/N), you’re going solo hunting the man you fell in love with. You looked around, anticipating his arrival. You nocked an arrow into your bowstring, and aimed…
Your arrow flew. But it never made it to its target.
“If you’re going to shoot, might as well check if there’s someone in the way, yeah?”
You grinned. “Mick! Holy shit, i could have killed you..”
“Almost, but not quite.” He says. “Almost? I could have sworn i aimed right.”, you mused. “Now give me back my arrow, please.” You reached up to get your arrow from the taller man, but he was laughing.
Laughing!? “C’mon, Mick, give it back, for fuck’s sakes, you know i can’t reach that high!”
“Which is why being tall has its perks.”
“Jesus, Mick..”, you groaned. “Please give it back?”
You didn’t hear the whistle of the arrow, but the sharp pain you felt on your abdomen was very, very real.
“So, this is where you sneak off to, huh?”, your mother yells as you collapse in Mick’s arms. You show your mother your favorite finger (you know what i’m talking about) as you hiss in pain.
“All this time, you were harboring a vampire. Why?”, your mother yelled again. “You violated the clan’s rules, you violated my trust; what kind of a daughter ARE YOU!?”
“Someone who’s willing to abandon her family to be free of a purpose she doesn’t want.” Honestly, Mick should be impressed you had the strength to even fight back, even if you were struck by an arrow and basically bleeding to death in his arms. “Why? After-“
“Oh, spare me the after everything bullshit, why don’t you?”, you groaned. You had decided to time your departure to the end of the year because you knew they would be the most distracted at that time.
Well, guess you were wrong. “Go.”, you manage to force out. Mick immediately turned his attention to you. “What?”
“Not without you.”, he whispered, gently holding the pressure. “That’s… that’s not what i was talking about, idiot..”, you chuckled dryly. “I know Josef wanted you to take my clan down for a long time… so.. do it.”
“How’d you-“
“Sweetheart, you’re not the only one with good hearing. Now go.”, you struggled to force him off of you. “I’ll be fine, i swear. Besides, she didn’t hit anything important.”
Oh, that pissed him off. But then everything became a black hole.
The center? You. You were floating in oblivion.
Dun dun dunnnnn!!! I finished moonlight yesterday and it was so good! It’s late in my timezone and i wrote this while resting from all the New Year adrenaline; so I’ll continue this in part 2. @myreyisbae hope you enjoy hehehe
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werezmastarbucks · 4 years
Am I crazy or is there no mick st john x reader fics here hahahahaahhaba
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paulvibe · 5 years
The Assistant (Paul McCartney x Reader) Pt. 4
Tumblr media
Words: 3.9k
Warnings: Drug use, Sexual themes, Smut!!
A/N: hi! enjoy ;)
September 1968
After last weeks fiasco with Klein, you’d avoided Paul almost entirely. He could tell something was wrong, but never made a conscious effort to ask. In the meantime, he’d started to bring Linda to the studio almost everyday. She was like a little sliver caught under your skin you just couldn’t pick out. The sad thing is, you used to like Linda. You, her and Pattie would often get lunch together. Was this Paul’s fault? Yeah, maybe... it seemed that way. 
Everybody was already at the studio. However, you guys were in a small conference room waiting for more people to arrive. All the boys were dressed nice, in blazers, suits, and vests. Today was the day they were revising their contracts. Lawyers, managers, the whole big thing. You could feel their nerves, and no one dared to speak. You were standing near the door, John sat at the opposite end of the table, Ringo next to him. George was standing next to the windows and Paul was on the other side of the table away from the rest. 
“How’re we feeling?” You asked, surveying each of their faces. John scoffed and rolled his eyes. You were a little hurt by it, but brushed it off looking at the others.
“As good as we can be, darling.” Ringo spoke, his tone was a little dreary. You began to feel worse; they truly looked miserable… and to think only two years ago they were on top of the world. Rain started to patter against the windows, covering the silence with some white noise. You sighed, taking a seat against the wall away from the table. 
The meeting lasted nearly two and a half hours. You took notes when told to, as well as made tea and food runs. When the boys would get too heated over some negotiations Klein had to whistle loudly to interrupt any voices. You also helped the boys calm down and focus on the course of action. With all the people yelling, throwing fits, and causing trouble, by the end of it you were nearly exhausted. But, glad they had finally come to an agreement. Paul was going to leave a day after the last concert they had scheduled on the 30th of January; John around the same time. Both Ringo and George were also to leave, officially disbanding the Beatles. Though, that was still four months into the future. 
As everyone was leaving, Paul and you stayed behind cleaning up the conference room. He was quiet, gathering papers and pushing in chairs. Since you’d been ignoring him all week-- due to Kleins orders-- it felt weird to finally have a moment alone. Once he’d finished assembling his things, he walked passed you to the door. His hand, however, in passing, lingered on your lower back. You wanted so badly to speak to him, but when you opened your mouth, you couldn’t find the words. Just before the man opened the door to exit, he turned to face you. You could tell the meeting not only wore you, but Paul as well. 
“I’m throwing a party tonight, just for fun. I'd like for you to be there.” He focused on your face, a gentle innocent glance. You could feel your cheeks heating up as you stuttered out an answer. 
“I-I’d love to.” 
“I'll-” The man paused, his eyes looking you up and down as though you were a piece of candy, “See you there.” His gaze lingered on your body before he exited the conference room.
‘Now hold up,’ Your conscious spoke before you could gather yourself. ‘You just agreed to go to a party, which Paul will be at… and possibly Linda as well... Fool.’ ‘Well, it could be fun anyway.’ The otherside of your brain argued back. You let out a huff and quickly left the conference room.
You showed to Paul's home shortly after 8 P.M.-- of course, after battling your mind for hours whether or not to attend. The man had a valet service set up so they took your car to spare parking behind the lot. The home was already bursting with life and music as you passed through his garden to the front door. You entered the home, not bothering to knock, and immediately greeted packs of people mingling. Pushing passed the hot bodies, you kept scanning every open space you could to find the man. You’d ended up seeing a few of the crew, and even Mick Jagger with Keith Richards and Jim Morrison. You knew Paul was friends with them, but certainly wasn’t expecting that. 
You kept pushing forward, and did a loop around the home before the host finally appeared. He had a cigarette in hand-- though you weren’t sure if it was tobacco or another substance-- and a drink in the other while socializing with a few people you didn’t know. He must’ve heard you footsteps because he turned just as you got up to the group.
“Ah, love, I’m so glad you came.” Paul smiled. He leaned down, kissing your cheeks before quickly excusing himself from the group. The man was tispy; you could tell by how touchy he was. One of his arms snaked it’s way over your shoulder, and began guiding the two of you away from the crowds. He opened a door which led to his small study, and then followed in behind you, firmly closing it. To your surprise, nobody had taken the room for sex or drugs yet. 
“I just wanted to get somewhere quiet.” He commented, sitting on the tufted couch. You couldn’t help but notice his eyes as he scanned you up and down, and the subtle lip bite as well. You’d chosen a more revealing outfit tonight, wearing a pair of yellow pants with a collared, black crop top, tied in the front, as well as a large faux fur coat. He had changed from earlier also, now donning more casual clothes. He wore black slacks, with a pair of loafers and on top, a long sleeved red shirt. His hair was comb slicked back, and his beard was neat as well. 
“You’ve got quite the company out there.” You spoke with a snort as you shucked off your large coat, and started to walk around the room. Your fingers grazed the books he had on built in shelves. Paul’s study was your favorite room in his house. On one wall, there was a fireplace with two built in bookshelves on the sides of it; and a large dark oak desk was to the left against the wall. In the middle of the room, in front of the fireplace, was the seating area with one couch, a armchair, and coffee table. Paintings hung on the walls added a bit of life, and Paul’d even had a few guitars hung next to them as well. Two lamps lit the room just enough, as well as the fire which had been turned on to combat the cold air outside.
“Yes, well, it’s out of my control now.” He took another swig from the beer bottle, then relit the cigarette in his grasp and took a drag. You circled the room before sitting on a small tufted chair to the right of Paul. He reached out his hand, giving you the cigarette. Upon closer inspection, you saw it wasn’t a cigarette, but a joint rolled with papers that mimicked cigarette wrapping. 
“Clever,” You commented, then took a long puff from it. Paul watched you as you did so; he always liked the way your lips looked wrapped around things. His eyes, dark in the dim lighting of lamps, gazed at you; nearly burning a hole in the side of your face. You looked back at him, feeling butterflies erupt as you passed the marijuana cigarette back. His fingers grazing yours caused even more nerves to light up.
“I didn’t think you were going to show.” He added, taking a drag. You began to feel the affects of the marijuana, making the world seem in slow motion. 
“Yeah, well…” You started but trailed off.
“You’ve seemed distant this week, darling.” Paul sat up, and leaned towards your figure a little more as he passed you the joint. A sigh escaped your lips before you took a puff and answered him.
“It’s Klein. After the press conference, he told me to leave you alone. Except if you need me to do assistant work.”
“That dirty man. He’s always been skeevy.” Venom laced Paul’s tone as he drank from the bottle, then wiped his mouth. You nodded in agreement and glanced around the room once more before asking.
“Where’s Linda?” 
“She has business in New York.” He responded. You felt your heart-rate pick up and bit the inside of your cheek as a response. So, you were alone? 
“Ah,” You spoke, hiding your excitement.
 The two of you continued to chat, as well as pass the joint. Paul even left at one point to go gather some more marijuana and rolling papers. It was getting more and more hot in the room, but you didn’t mind. It gave you an excuse to wear your skimpy outfit. You hadn’t even known how much time had passed, but occasionally the two of you would hear the party rage on. 
Once you felt sufficiently stoned, you two sat in silence. By now, you’d moved so you were both sitting on the couch, instead of opposite chairs. With each movement, you two had scooted closer until your legs were touching from knee to hip. You looked into his eyes, the firelight causing them to shine brighter.
Paul looked at you through his black lashes. His doe like eyes seemed more intense in the dim lighting. The two of you sat cross legged on the floor, facing the other. Smoke swirled in and out of your vision and around Paul as well. Music could be heard, but was distant as you two were in a private section of the home. You took a puff off of a half smoked marijuana cigarette and made eye contact with the man as you performed a simple French inhale trick. His eyes focused on your lips, causing his to gently part in return. You could feel his energy in your hazy state. He wanted you, he wanted you so bad. 
Your sitting bodies felt electric together causing your heart to beat faster. Paul leaned towards your figure, a sensual expression across his face. You shifted your weight, leaning closer to him as well. His eyes glanced down at your chest gazing delightfully at your cleavage. It only gave you confidence as you rest your hand on the man's leg. His eyes came back up to meet yours as he finally connected your lips. You put your hands on the sides of his face, holding him there as you switched your position; as Paul sat cross-legged on the floor you straddled his lap still keeping the kiss going. You eventually broke the kiss, grabbing the Joint from a random ashtray you set it on. Still sitting in Paul’s lap, you relit it and took a large drag before handing it  over to the man in front of you. He too took a long puff before setting it back onto the ashtray.
His hands then moved and melded firm on your bum, as he didn’t want you to get away. You two began to kiss again, though it ended up morphing itself into a heated makeout. Your hands found their way to Paul’s jeans; slyly unbuckling his belt and with one motion undoing his button as well.  Your hand began to explore, finding his member semi hard and still tucked away behind his underwear.
In the meantime, Paul’s hands found their way to the zipper of your dress, he’d managed to unzip it entirely and then unclasp your bra as well. You broke the kiss while he pulled the apparel and undergarment off, freeing your breasts and leaving you in panties and socks. You’d skipped stockings tonight, having a knowing feeling about the events that were occurring. Paul’s mouth was swift to latch onto your breast. His tongue swirled your nipple, occasionally flicking it with the muscle.  The sensation only fueled the fire down south, and you began to grind against the man; underwearing being the only thing separating skin. You grabbed the Marijuana cigarette again, finding it still burning, you placed it between your lips and took another pull, blowing smoke around the man between your breasts. 
Paul adjusted your position shortly after, moving you from sitting on his lap to laying you on your back as he sat between your legs; basically putting you in the missionary position. The joint still sat between your lips and you kept puffing on it. By now you were extremely stoned; every little movement and pleasure Paul caused you was experienced tenfold by your senses.
 You two still lingered on the floor, however the bass player had placed your discarded dress under your head to act as a pillow. He gently took the Joint from your mouth and placed it into his own, now smoking it himself. You sat up on your elbows, palming his member through underwear as he carefully maneuvered his shirt off his body- not having to take the little weed cigarette from his mouth. You admired his body; he was slightly toned on his chest, however his shoulders and arms were more defined. He donned a small patch of chest hair, and a dark happy trail that led to a nice patch of dark pubic hair. His hair was messy, and he combed his fingers through, desperate to remove the strands from his eyes. 
Paul now stood on his knees, quickly shucking off his pants and underwear leaving the man completely nude. After that, he set the joint onto the ashtray so he could get to work with nothing in the way. You took the moment to ogle him in the warm lighting. He was already glistening from sweat, adding fire to the fantasy. He linked his fingers into the sides of your panties, gliding them down and off your legs all while staring at you through his lashes. Afterwords, he spread them, eyes gazing you up and down. He bit his lip, his doe-y eyes admiring your pussy. One of his hands left the grip on your leg and single digit ran up your slit, hitting your clit at the end of it’s journey. You squirmed and gasped at the sudden sensation, earning a head-cock from Paul. He redid the motion, this time with two fingers. You reacted the same, a squeal and squirm, gripping your hand onto his thigh. 
“Darling, so wet for me already.” He commented, voice heavy. “How would you feel if I have a little snack?” Seductive undertones laced every word.
 He leaned down and scoot back until his head came level with your stomach. With the last word escaping his lips, he kissed around your navel, working his way further and further down until a light kiss peppered your clit. Your hands flew to the man's head immediately tangling themselves within his hair. He took this as an eager invitation, and began to suck your clit. One of his free hands worked its way up and began to twist your nipple gently. The sensitivity of your body caused you to moan and tighten your grip on Paul’s hair. Paul’s free hand left your nipple and moved down to your vagina. He continued to lick and flick your clit with his tongue as he slowly inserted a single digit. You tightened around his finger, enjoying the feeling of it all as he began to finger you carefully. 
“Oh, Paul,” A breathy moan left your lips. Paul’s reaction was to finger you faster while he sucked your clit harder. His beard rubbing against your inner thigh felt so wonderful, and you nearly suffocated the man between your legs. The bass player began to move his fingers as though he was plucking guitar strings. He kept tapping your g-spot as he did so, earning even louder cries of pleasure from you. Paul could tell you were getting close, as you kept tightening around his fingers. He gently pulled them out, and gave one last sweet kiss to your clit before sitting up on his knees again. His dick was now fully hard and he nonchalantly jerked himself, scooting closer to your position. 
You sat up a little, reaching out to grab his member. Your hand replaced his and you switched positions once again, landing you on top. He now lay his head on your discarded dress. However, before he fully laid down, he grabbed an additional joint you’d rolled earlier and lit it. He knew what you were about to do, and he was going to enjoy it. You moved your hair from your face and leaned your head down so your lips were just above his cock. You gently licked the tip, earning a shudder from Paul. You were on your hands and knees now, basically switching the man positions entirely. One of your hands gently rubbed your clit, and the other held you up as you sucked the bass player off. Your tongue swirled around and you bobbed your head, making sure to keep your mouth as airtight as possible. Paul kept letting out delightful moans, occasionally letting his hand hold your head or fix your hair. He even used it to guide your bobs, keeping you on beat.
“Oh, love,” The man breathed. You cast your gaze up to his face, making sure to stay within rhythm. His usually hazel eyes were turned a dark brown from lust as he watched your pretty mouth circle his cock. You then stopped playing with yourself and used that hand to rub him while sucking. His moans only increased and became more frequent with each nod. You finally popped off, finishing with a few kisses around his navel. You wiped the corners of your mouth with a slight grin, sitting back on your knees. Paul was only harder now, periodically causing his member to twitch from need. You lazily jerked him with one of your hands as you straddled his lap again, placing you into the cowgirl position. You lined yourself up with him, your entrance just barely touching his tip. 
He passed you the fresh marijuana cigarette and rested both his hands on your hips afterwards. As you began to inhale, Paul guided you down onto his cock. You quickly grabbed the joint from your lips as you moaned, not wanting to drop it. His hard member filled you so perfectly as you sat down on him, giving you that warm feeling deep in your stomach. The room was still smokey, adding to the heat and charged environment. Paul’s hand stayed firm on your hips as he began to help you bounce up and down on his dick. He even began to thrust up, only resulting in his member going deeper and harder in you.
Each ram seemed to make his hard cock find your g-spot perfectly. Your stomach kept twisting with every thrust, getting closer and closer to your orgasm. Paul kept averting his gaze between your face and breasts while you fucked him. When you were able to, you would look into his eyes showing you how much you were enjoying him. He removed one hand from your hips and took the joint from between your fingers, swiftly putting it between his lips. You could tell how erratic his breaths were by his exhales of smoke. It gave you confidence seeing him so pleasured by you, prompting you to only go faster. 
Paul surprised you by wrapping his arms tightly around your bum, trapping his cock in your pussy, as he lifted and laid you on your back again. He then began to thrust more rapid than he’d done before. Slaps of sweaty skin echoed around the room but you didn’t care at all in the throes of pleasure. He grabbed the joint from his mouth while still fucking you and put it between your lips, allowing you the enjoyment of the marijuana. You moaned loudly, Paul as well, only fueling both of your satisfaction. One of his hands found their way to your clit and he began to rub with his thumb. Swirling sensations began to fill your tummy, prompting louder moans from both you and Paul. 
“Oh, baby, I’m going to cum.” You moaned, opening your eyes long enough to see Paul’s reaction. 
“Darling, cum for me.” He raised his eyebrows in bliss, immediately rubbing your clit faster and harder. In response you tightened around his cock as he thrust, causing the man to close his eyes. The pressure was building fast and before you knew it, an orgasm overtook your entire body. You wrapped your legs around the mans back, trapping him deep within you. He let out a loud moan as his thrusts became staggard. You could feel his cock throbbing deep in you as he collapsed and lay with his head snuggled in your neck. You both lay still, but breathed heavily trying to recover from the incredible orgasm you both just experienced.
Paul slowly sat up and pulled himself out of you, wincing from how sensitive he was. You felt his hot cum slowly drip out of your pussy, but you didn’t care. Your mind was so clouded it didn’t even cross your thoughts that he just came inside you with no protection. The man groaned as he laid down next to you, now both of you on your backs. You’d calmed down, but he was still breathing a little heavy.
“That was everything I imagined it to be.” Paul commented after a few moments of silence. You couldn’t help but let a giggle escape as your turned on your side to face the black haired man. Both of you were still stoned out of your minds, but didn’t even care. Right now, your worlds revolved around the other. 
You two laid there naked for what seemed like an hour before you actually had the energy to get dressed again. First Paul got dressed, then helped you get put together as well. His touch was so gentle when it came to you, he acted as though you were made from glass. Well except when it came to fucking. None of your ex’s had sex like that, it was a nice change from the typical bloke from the bar. 
In the tired bliss of after sex glow Paul’d managed to find a blanket and two pillows in the closet of the room you were in. He then made the makeshift bed and you two climbed in, snuggling up to the other. His hand gently rubbed your back as you cuddled into his chest. ‘You just had sex with Paul.’ Your subconscious screamed in your ear. You tried to push the thoughts away, but they refused. Reminiscing about the last hour and a half made you want to squeal and cheer. 
“Goodnight, love.” Paul spoke. You could see he was dozing in and out. Even though the room was lit up like a Christmas tree, you too were starting to fall asleep. You closed your eyes and lay your head on Paul’s chest before answering.
“Goodnight, Paul.”
A/N: i’ve never written smut before, so like pls tell me how i did <3 more graphic, less graphic? idk. Also!!!! my wifi got turned off for three months, i cant afford to pay it rn, So i may not be as active! 
Pt. 5
Taglist: @vixenstail​ 
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modesto69a20-blog · 7 years
Articles, Marked With "Characters".
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