blushdrunksa · 7 months
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she got out of the shower and her skin was scrubbed red. she had a bruise forming along her jaw where the guy had slapped her, and she got sick as soon as the shower was finished. moira heard footsteps coming in the direction of the bathroom and she got to her feet and started brushing her hair out after rinsing out her mouth. there were faded bruises elsewhere, but she wasn't so much worried about those anymore; he'd seen those already when they were together. there was a knock at the door and moira opened it a little, a tired smile on her lips, "hi, baby," she murmured and leaned in to press a kiss to his lips, "did i wake you up?" / @middlefade for edwin.
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hypnoticfever · 5 months
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"don't look at me like that. it's been two weeks since the last time i was here. you're lucky i didn't come back right after i left." / @middlefade
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lcvewaslcst · 6 months
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"you know i've seen you at a couple of our parties - you always look like you're having the worst time here. and as the president of this branch of delta nu, i feel particularly distraught about it," she raised a single brow, her arms crossing tightly over her chest as her eyes wandered over the length of the other. "some. let me see if we can make this better," she half demanded, outstretching an arm to hold a hand face up for the other to take. "or you can keep sitting over here all by your lonesome. trust me - option a is the one you wanna take, babe."
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thursdaygrl · 7 months
closed starter for @middlefade shuffle said the vibes are… cruel summer by taylor swift
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"it's cool. i'm not worried about all of that... i just want you."
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blushdrunks · 5 months
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"here..." she dropped the black card on the table, "we'll go shopping. mum and dad would hate it, but what they know won't hurt them, will it?" she said and blew smoke to the side. / @middlefade
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morronescamila-a · 1 year
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                she stepped outside while her mother was trying to relax through her breathing exercises. noel was a little startled when she saw a man standing out back already and her eyes widened a little, “uncle jay?” she whispered. she remembered him from when she was very little and had visits with her mother and the asshole she was married to before her dad. dad being archie in this case -- he’s the only dad she’s ever had and it would stay that way. “i didn’t think i’d ever see you again,” she choked out and hurried over to give him a hug. tears burn her eyes and she just holds onto him as tightly as she could. jayden had done so much to help her mother and she’d never forget that. // @middlefade​
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wanderingxsouls · 7 months
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This is not the first time that Noah has found herself in this kind of predicament; in fact it's probably the fourth, maybe fifth time. (For someone whose supposed to be good with their hands she sure as hell is clumsy as fuck.) Her lip purse together, her nose scrunches upward as she sees the mess in front of her. The grande mocha latte she just ordered is a puddle of chocolate caffeine on the floor quickly seeping toward her very expensive black Gucci boots. "Oh fuck. Not again" This is actually the third time this has happened to her today.
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shockpop · 4 years
@middlefade​     /     terushima .
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    sluuuuuuuuuuurp .    if  yuuji  hasn’t  already  seen  the  large  cherry  slushie  in  denki’s  hand ,   he’s  sure  to  have  heard  it  by  now ,   obnoxious  sound  preceding  him  as  he  pushes  his  way  out  of  the  convenient  store .    in  the  opposite  hand  is  a  plastic  bag ,   adorned  yellow  smiley  twisting  slowly  to  face  the  boy  it’s  offered  to .    denki’s  tongue  is  red  when  it  finally  pulls  off  the  straw .      ❛   they  didn’t  have  the  shrimp  kind ,   so  i  gotcha  beef  instead .    and  a  kinder  egg .    but  i  call  half !   ❜
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pontevoix · 4 years
repost and fill in the words you most associate with your character !! REGULAR TEXT IS TSUKISHIMA; ITALICIZED IS NEDWARD.
ANIMAL:  crow, the giant tortoise; komodo dragon, peregrine falcon COLOUR:  amber, charcoal, nighttime blue; scarlet, sky blue,  MONTH: october & november;  october SONGS:  i wish i was the moon -- nekko case // there is a light that never goes out -- the smiths; yertle the turtle -- red hot chili peppers lol // float on -- modest mouse NUMBERS:  11 & 3 & 4; 3 & 2 & 1,000,000 DAY OR NIGHT:  cloudy nights where the moon comes in & out of sight, day -- high noon PLANT: black pine, sesame, gladiolus; wheat, japanese barberry, protea  SMELL:  shampoo, laundry detergent, sweat, seabreeze deoderant, cologne ?? ; rain, sweat, bread, oldspice body wash lol,  warmth SEASON: fall & summer; spring & summer FOOD: strawberry shortcake, rasberries, tamagoyaki; stew, apple pie, steak, steak, anything on a kabob DRINK:  water water water, ryokucha, gatorade, orange sparkling water; coffee & orange juice & water  ELEMENTS:  air, earth ; fire & earth
tagged by : the one!! the only @ichoreyed​ !! thank you :) tagging :  @middlefade​ , @hateslosing​ , @greatdecoy​ , @enqueteurcygne​ , @isolov​ , @morderdame​ , @shimzus + everyone who wants to!! :) 
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prospectorspomade · 6 years
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We know you've seen them, those guys that look like their hair is perfect to begin with. That no matter the weather, the cut or even if they have product or not guys. This gentleman has one of those perfect styles but got a little helping hand from our Iron Ore pomade. It just adds to the look and is added security to his personal style. Repost @punk_official cutting out of @rival.barbershop #rival #barberhsop #prospectorspomade #crewcut #middlefade #shortstyle #keepitcool
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blushdrunksa · 7 months
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"lock the bloody door or i'm going to commit a fucking murder and the dead body will most likely be yours." she narrowed her gaze at kaz before looking down at her thigh as she inked another design she'd been working on for weeks now. / @middlefade for kazzybud.
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hypnoticfever · 6 months
for ronan | @middlefade
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“okay, that’s it. you all know what to do, so… go do it.”
there was a hint of a smile on her lips as she shooed the class out. it didn’t take any of them long to scatter and she couldn’t blame a single one of them. jasmine knew what it was like being stuck in those classes, knew what it was like being held down in those seats and wishing the time would pass quicker while the clock seemed to stop entirely.
it was also known that the clocks could actually stop entirely. in fact, that happened once far too many years ago that it felt like a different lifetime. jaz watched it happen, heard giggles in the back of the classroom back then, but no one would dare to stand up and take credit for it to risk themselves as being marked. it put a target on their back, so she kept another secret about herself to herself.
even as they taught that particular class now, she kept her secrets because those secrets could get them killed.
“you don’t have to stay either.” her voice was low, gaze landing on the only other person still in the large space. “it’s the weekend. no point in going over everything right now.” besides, she knew the eerie feeling of being stuck in those classrooms too well and never wanted anyone staying longer than they needed.
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wanderingxsouls · 7 months
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It's worth it. It's worth it. It's worth it.
Noah holds the clip board in her right hand, pen held tightly in her left as she continues to write down the measurements her boss is spouting out of the model standing prettily in front of the mirror. Her handwriting is extra neat today to ensure her boss doesn't have another melt down because she can't figure out the difference between a three and a five. Her hazel eyes roam the woman in front of her, already assess which of the clothes on the rack she'd dress her in; ones that would make sure to flaunt all the perfect bits of her body. The ones that will surely having people stopping and staring, either to ask who she's wearing or to just look. Noah thinks that this woman probably gets the later one a lot.
The phone in her jacket rings loudly causing her boss to whip her head in Noah's direction. Her slender hands slip in to pull put the phone in question: her bosses. "...It's Bernard..." She trails off handing the phone in her bosses direction. The older woman snatches the phone from her and walks off without uttering a word in either her or the pretty models direction. Noah waits until her boss isn't in hearing distance before she lets out a huff of air forceful enough to move her bangs. "Sorry about her, she's not the more people-y-est people person..."
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kavsdream-blog · 8 years
📨 r
📨 for a text my muse would send to yours.
    prokopenko: tell me again what you said in london    prokopenko: i really need to hear it right now    prokopenko: please
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blushdrunksa · 7 months
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"i'm running on two hours of sleep between a double shift and i think 'm seein' things. shadows and the like." / @middlefade for luka.
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hypnoticfever · 4 months
continued from here / @middlefade
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his head didn't need to lift, nor did his gaze need to trail around to know the blonde was nearby. it had gotten to the point where he could sense when hannah was around. though, if he was being honest, the smell of coffee around them did wonder to let him know she was there with a hot cup for herself and for him. it didn't matter that he only finished a cup nearly thirty minutes before arriving because he knew he'd need another and he knew she would arrive with another.
"what, is it not believable enough for you?" his gaze finally lifted and he glance over in her direction, already know the answer. they both knew the answer, knowing these stories were all a lie with so many others unknowing of the truth. even if someone learned the truth, it was a hard pill to swallow. even when eric knew it himself, he still couldn't wrap his head around it at times.
steps carried him along with the cup of coffee in his hand. he lifted it, giving a blow to the steaming hot liquid before taking a sip and then his head tilted to glance down. "yeah, i've read that one before," he spoke and pointed a finger at one of the papers that was placed in front of him. after another sip of his coffee, eric placed the cup down and moved some of the papers around, shifting them out on the table to look at one after the next. "i wouldn't be surprised if it goes back even further than that." he paused for a moment and lifted his gaze to glance at hannah before quickly looking back down. "do you remember it? from last time?"
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