#might clean out my bug tank today and transfer over the ones that seem to be tussock moths and give them some oak and see
autistic-shaiapouf 2 years
Not only is my mini rose actually alive still after I put it outside, but it's also hosting a whole bunch of bugs 鈽猴笍馃挄
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like-a-viral 5 years
How to Pack Effectively and Travel Light
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Travel is fun, but as long as you don鈥檛 find yourself lugging plenty of stuff around the world. the matter is that the majority of people haven't any idea the way to pack effectively. They find yourself carrying far more than they ever need, and this often results in frustration, arguments between travel buddies and unnecessary stress.
I鈥檓 a confessed travel junkie and are fortunate enough to possess traveled the planet repeatedly over. Travel is addictive and lots of seasoned travelers agree that when you begin, it's hard to remain within the one place for too long. for a few reasons, the travel bug is extremely contagious and hard to cure. Not that I ever want to try to do this anyway. I like traveling and over the years I even have learned a thing or two about traveling light.
Hopefully, my tips will assist you to travel light subsequent time you pack your bags.
Holdall vs. Suitcase on Wheels
This one is straightforward to make a decision. Holdalls (or large gym bags) are cumbersome and sophisticated to hold. They become an enormous annoyance if you travel long distances due to their shape and style.
You are far better off with a suitcase on wheels, preferably small and compact. We tend to hold large suitcases intentionally because we always fear that we'll run out of garments and stuff while on the road. You're far better of taking as little as possible. At foremost you simply want to possess enough clothes for 7 days as there are washing machines where most of the people go. If on the odd occasion you finish up off the beaten track, nobody cares if your shirt is dirty or maybe smells a touch.
Backpack for Word Travelers
If you opt to travel around the world you would like to require a well-fitted backpack. Unless you travel 5-star in fact. therein case, a sturdy suitcase on wheels will do the work just nicely. lately, backpacks are designed to be comfortable and lots of do accompany inbuilt wheels for the odd center transfer.
The problem with a backpack is that the more stuff you're taking, the heavier they're going to get as we tend to shop for things that are often unnecessary. If I used to be to travel the planet again on a backpacking trip I might only ever take a max of 40 l rucksack. I think you'll buy clothes at your destination and that they are often cheaper than buying them reception and having to log them around with us.
Roll Your Clothes
Did you recognize that by rolling your clothes into a decent role you'll fit them into a way smaller suitcase or backpack? I exploit cubes I patronize the camping store to store my clothes consistent with needs. I can quite easily travel with a little suitcase on wheels for 2 weeks without ever running out of clothing.
Pack Half
Get into the habit of packing each day early for your trip then remove half the things and leave it reception . does one need a pair of trousers for each day of the week? Or how about taking 10 books (you could be bored), your iPod, your phone charger, batteries, and half your office desk with you. you'll hardly need all the things you think that you would like to get through . Unless your destination has no shops of any kind, ditch all the extras.
Buy at Your Destination
Not only is it cheaper to try to that (unless you reside during a Third World country or your currency is otherwise within the tank), but you'll be such a lot more relaxed while people around you stress over carrying far too much luggage on them. If you consider traveling in the true spirit, do so with as little clutter as possible.
Travel Size Bottles
Forget your usual bathroom necessities. If your trip only lasts every week there's no reason to require that whole bottle of shampoo and shower gel. Instead, attend your drug store and buy little refillable travel-sized bottles. Then fill them together with your shower essentials. it's also advisable to require a toilet utility bag which will be hung up as often there's little room to put things in hotel bathrooms or hostels. Plus, it'll keep your gear clean.
Pack Multi Purposes Clothes
Multi-purpose clothes are cool. Today they are available in many various styles and fashion. Gone are the times once you seemed like a dog during a rag if you wore your cargo pants while dining at an honest restaurant. Today you'll wear equivalent pants for this purpose while hiking a mountain subsequent day.
I also love the wide selection of breathable shirts available from camping stores lately. better of all, many of them don鈥檛 even need to be ironed anymore.
What is your travel tip? be happy to share with us, please.
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eyeliveinabook 8 years
Bucky x Reader p.4
Okay so this is a pre-smut part. Smut will come next(probably later on tonight) I would really apperciate it if y'all can let me know if you want a series of this or just let it die. Bye
After what had happened with Ray, Bucky suggested you go somewhere else to try to scout for this hacker. He noticed that your steps were very quick and it seemed like you just want to get away, go back to the tower and curl under the blankets. Annoyed about it he decided to try talking to you as you guys sat together in a park. "So what was up with Ray?" You sighed and turned to face him. "I don't want to talk about it, so drop it." You say trying to have anger burning in your eyes but all that shown was no emotion. "Well I want to know why you were acting strange. So unless you start talking I'll keep asking. Or I can text Ray and ask him." You could hear the smirk in his voice and all the color in your face was gone. "He gave me his number not you, besides you wouldn't do it." "Wanna bet Doll I took the number out of your pocket." "You can't text, old man, and I am not helping you." "Suite yourself." He pulled out his phone, you grab it and without thinking you stuffed it in your bra. "I'll tell when we get back to the house tonight. Until then I am keeping your phone." Bucky just looked at you suprised and shook his head, "Doll, Steve is going to call me later today for an update on this misson. I am going to need it then." "Well steve can wait until tonight. Hey Buck, there is a guy sitting at your 9'oclock wasn't he at the coffee shop earlier this morning?" After Bucky turns while trying to be smooth(doesn't work) he looked back at you, "Yeah so?" You dig into your bag and pull out a small laptop, when you turn it on there is no wifi signal. "How is he using it if there is no wifi?" "Maybe he is playing games on it." "Bucky go over there and talk to him." "What why?" "Because he had a shirt on earlier with Tony's logo and his laptop have an Avenger's sticker. Since you're not technically part of the Avengers he won't recognize you. Here when you sit down put this near his computer and then if he seems fishy tell him that this has some personal blueprints of Tony's. Then when you feel comfortable to leave go back to the house, as soon as I am finished here, I'll head over there." You hand him the stuff as you pull out your bluetooth to ring Tony. Bucky just glares at you then gets up. You watch as he starts talking to the kid. "I am not taking care of a winter solider baby if that is why you are calling." Tony says. "No time for jokes Tony I need your help, you know that flash drive that you gave to me that has blueprints of your newst tech. I need your help activating it. Also I didn't appriate you stealing my PJ's." You heard Tony chuckle,"Sorry couldn't pass up the opertunity, now let me talk you into this. The two devisses Tony gave you were part of a hacking system. Bascally there is a square device and the flash drive. The square thing sitting by Bucky is extra storage, while the flash drive is upgraded and transfer all the files that are on the laptop into the storage. If the kid takes the flash drive it doesn't matter, as long as we get that storage back. The laptop will act normal and all the files will be there as if nothing happened. Setting that aside you pull out a walkie talkie and a small microphone when you speak into the microphone BUcky's arm will pick up the signal and tranfer what you are saying into his ears as if you were whispering to him. "The kid can leave with the flash drive but don't let him take that little storage box. When I tell you, slip that thing back in your pocket." "You talking to me?" Tony asks. "No, I am talking to Buck with that walkie talkie system you designed." "Aw okay tell Bucky to call me if it doesn't work. You know if you wanted to mess with him, you can say whatever you want and he will hear it." "And?" You sigh getting really tired of Tony, "Are you trying to hook us up?" "No I am just suggesting that if you want to irriate him or get back at him for anything, now would be the time because all he can do it listen." You hear the smirk in his voice, "Tell Buck that all the files are transfered. Have fun (Y/N)." Tony said chuckling. "Oh I will Tony thanks." You say ending the call. You tell Bucky that his mini mission is finished and he can leave whenever he wants to. However you notice that he seems to really enjoy the conversation with the kid. Would it be worth it to get back at him for the stunt he pulled yesterday? You get up and walk a little ways away so no one can see you, but still in range with the walkie talkie. Taking your bluetooth out, because knowing Tony it's probably bugged to see if you would take on his suggestion. You take a deep breath and just go for it, "You know Buck your phone is getting really warm in my bra. I also put it on vibrate for when Steve calls." You look to see Bucky freeze, the kid didn't even notice. He relaxes a bit, "Yeah this is total pay back for that shit you pulled making me touch your dick. You know, after that it's all I've been thinking about. How your body would feel against mine, how it would feel to have you fucking my mouth over and over." You were so satisfied with what you were seeing, Bucky was trying to stay calm and collected but you knew he was so going to kill you later, "Well have fun talking to the kid I'll be back at the house taking a shower." With that you turn the walkie talkie off and start walking back. When you finally got back to the house you threw your bag on the bed and decided to find some clean comfy clothes. Settling on yoga pants and a tank top, you jumped in the shower. You grinning the whole time thinking what Bucky was going to do. Probably nothing that bad, you two will just fight and scream, he would walk out, come back at night when you were asleep and in the morning you two would act like nothing happened. That is how your fights usually went when you were in the Tower. Turning off the shower you hear the front door open and close, while ringing out the water from your hair you hear the bathroom doorknob move. "(Y/N) you better have a fucking good reason why you did what you did back there." You can hear him growling at you and as much as you hate to admit it you found yourself incrediable aroused. "(Y/N) get your ass out here." "OKay buck let me dry off." You heard him walk away when your whole face went red. You had forgotten to bring a towel and your clothes were on your bed. You couldn't just go out there like this, espically with what happened. You racked your brains for ideas before you whipe as much water off of you as you could, creeping over to the door you gently unlocked it and quitely pulled it back and just sticking your head out you see Bucky laying on his bed. his feet were by the pillows as his head was hanging down on the oppisite side of the bed, which of course was in your direction. He opened his eyes, looking at you and he was pissed off, like 'Holy Shit I don't care what happens to me but I just might fucking murder you' pissed. "Bucky?" You were shaking because of embarrassed and neverous you were. "Um...could you maybe get me a towel." This made him turn so his stomach was on the bed, "Why don't you get the shadows to do it?" "They can't...their not working. Bruce gave my and injection that kept my powers from working during the day because he didn't want me killing you." You voice came out as a whisper. Bucky got up and leaned on his bed, "Well you're in quite a pickle, Doll, because after that stunt you pulled, I am not getting you a towel." There was a wide grin on his face that you would love to smack off. "Bucky seriously please help me." "If you want a towel your going to have to go and get it." "Well then get out of the bedroom." "No." You were suprised at how un-Bucky-like he was being. you closed the door and looked around the bathroom. No mat, no hand towels, hell at this point you were really fucking cold. You knew that just made it worse as look down to see your nipples hardening. "Fucking shit please Bucky." "Nope." He said popping the p. You knew karma was being a bitch, you took a deep breath in. "Fine I'll come get the towel just....please don't laugh." You didn't give time for him to answer before you opened the door. You started moving to your bag that had your towel, not even looking him in the eye. After searching for it you couldn't find it,then you saw it sitting over by Bucky's bag. That bastard had moved it. Totally forget the situation you put your hands on your hips, "Dude what th-" The stare he was giving you was not pissed off it was more, 'Holy Shit I don't care what happens to me but I need to fuck you.' You remembered that you were naked and quickly reached for a pillow to cover you up, but the damn super solider moved so fast that he hand your hands behind you back. You wiggle around trying to get him to loosen up, "Bucky let me-" He cut you off by kissing your neck, you couldn't stop the moan coming out of your mouth. His lips were hot and his tongue licked ever part of you skin, until he spun you around letting go of your hands. Both of you stood there in silence, then as if you both made up your mind you both crashed your lips together. You couldn't believe that just yesterday you were fighting with Fury about this mission and now here you are, lip locked with Bucky. He suddenly jerked away and stared at the floor, "Uh....I'll get your towel." He said walking away. Before you could stop yourself the phrase, "Don't" left your mouth. With his back still turned to you, "Hun, you better wrap up because right now I wanna fuck you." Just hearing that alone made you pussy even wetter, "We can still..." you start. "Can what? Go from hating each other to passionately having sex. I don't have feelings for you." "You don't have to, we could be fuck buddies." "What the hell-" "It's two people agree there will be no feelings while having sex. We could do it and then go back to ripping each other's head off." You started walking towards him, his back still facing you. "Would you be okay with that?" he asks, voice trembling. "One other condition: if one of us suddenly gets into a relationship it stops. I am not going to be a side chick. As long as you can agree to that, I agree." Bucky turned facing you, his cheeks red as were yours. "Okay I agree." He says quitely and you can tell that he is trying to process what is happening, because in the 40's there were probably no 'fuck buddies'. You smile to him and rub your hands on his shoulders. "Just relax, James." You say
okay so I swear I will write the smut later tonight, but I need to do homework. as soon as I finish (for today) I will start writing straight away. Do you guys want me to turn this into a series or just leave it like it will be?
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