#might have to download the xkit extension to mute the post
firespirited · 4 years
USA post got wheaton-ed. lots of angry takes and frankly i don’t disagree with many of them LOL. YES it’s lucky when you still have elections, elections that aren’t bogus, elections that hopefully won’t be undone by the CIA (man alive! That would be ironic) but people fought very hard to keep the dictatorship at bay for the past four years to get here, they’re pushing with all that they’ve got left because of judges and senators and states that refused to let the current prez take over all branches of government (and we’ve seen him try). If RBG had died earlier and the post office hijacking hadn’t been so transparent, well there probably would be been an “election” with a pretty 80% with a bow on top so Trump could have his printed red map to show off.
YES i AM coming from a place of great privilege being a brit who’s trying to earn french citizenship instead (as I can currently vote in neither) but I’m not speaking from complete ignorance. I’m a socialist, european political history nerd and have been immersed in it since childhood, also an immigrant who mingles mostly with other immigrants, often political exiles. I’m not going to pretend that americans have it as bad as other worse places. Not gonna pretend that Biden’s even close to my political tastes. I’m also not going to pretend that democratically elected officials, especially populists, don’t turn around and take as much power as possible. Fighting back isn’t easy: other countries have done the same thing as the US is now, lost and because of the extra 3-5 years they’ve got a full dictatorship on their hands instead of a dictatorship that’s just barely being held in check.
YES the US might not qualify as a dictatorship according to your definitions but they weren’t exactly starting out as a first world country to begin with. There are dictatorships with healthcare and welfare and far better covid rates ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  Let’s not pretend that the US is in any way a fair country with a basic safety net where people didn’t risk their health (and homelessness from hospital bills) working ‘essential jobs’ or voting in person when mail was ruled out in states where the plague is running rampant and unchecked.
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noelacciari · 5 years
I see a lot of people worried about clashing with mutuals as we get farther into the playoffs, and I’m sure most of you know all of this but I thought it might be a good reminder! We do have tools at our disposable to save our friendships and our mental health! 
(Below the cut: xkit mute function and tag filtering on mobile)
If you use tumblr on desktop, I highly recommend downloading the “new” xkit extension. Not only does it have a blacklist feature (which will hide posts with tags you define in it), it also has my FAVORITE feature... MUTE!
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the mute function is installed on xkit, and then when you hover over a blog’s URL, there is an option to mute them
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(Jason is just an example i am not planning on muting him... ever)
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you can choose to mute certain types of posts (useful for maybe only blocking text posts because someone is posting a lot of commentary, while maybe the gifs they post/reblog don’t bother you so much), or you can just block everything and never have to see anything they post! BUT, you are not unfollowing them, and once playoffs are over (or whatever it is that is making you unhappy), you can unmute them and they are back on your dash!
if you use tumblr on mobile, then unfortunately you cannot mute people. But, tumblr recently added a built in tag filtering feature, that works similar to blacklist. I’ve provided screenshot below to show you have to find it if you’ve never used it.
1) Go into your general settings
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2) click on filtering
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3) add tags to filter by clicking on +new. Your currently filtered tags are all displayed, and if you decide you want to see them again, you can simply clear the tag out.
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Don’t feel like you have to have a good reason to filter a tag. It could be because the subject triggers you, or it could just be that you’re really fucking sick of seeing Brandon Carlo’s face on your dash (as if). Use this liberally!!!
And lastly, all these functions are great, but I encourage everyone to tag your shit. It will save everyone from petty arguments, and is a great tool we all have at our disposal to use conscientiously. (Yes, people can unfollow you if they don’t want to see your posts. But... this is still an option.)
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