#might reblog a kiss prompt drawing meme who knows
partnerindestiny · 18 days
we are who we are!
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As the month rolls over, the final night of the Ethereal Moon passes. The morning that follows is one of color and chaos. The hallways have been strung up with streamers, in patterns of rainbow and pink, blue, and white. There is a sense of community in the air, a current cutting through the student body and administrative staff alike. While the decorations may be gaudy, and perhaps the patterns unfamiliar, this is a month of celebration.
Caeda mingles among the crowd, bright extroversion encouraging people to join in on the celebration. Forsyth and Lloyd's dedication behind the scenes helps students assemble stands and banners decorate windows. Shez, for their part, plasters paint upon their face, content to engage on their own terms. Ewan's small form flits amidst the crowd, distributing sparklers in every color of the rainbow. What will you do?
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[ Confetti ] - everything in Garreg Mach seems to be covered in a layer of sparkles and confetti. Grab a handful if you like! And if you don’t mind glittering for the next week.
[ Chalk ] - across the cobblestone, people of all walks of life are drawing in brightly colored chalk. Some are simply signing their names, while others are writing sweet messages, and still more are simply drawing little pictures. What will you add to the canvas?
[ Face paint ] - palettes of paint in every color of the rainbow sit squarely upon a little stand, inviting those who pass by to “wear their colors”. Hanging at the side of the stand are some suggested color combinations and their meaning. Students are encouraged to paint each others’ faces in a display of trust. 
[ Cut & Style ] - a group of Garreg Mach’s students have decided to try their hands at hairstyling, knowing that a proper haircut can do wonders for one’s view of themselves and their expression. However, whether or not they’re good at giving haircuts is another question entirely. 
[ Tie-dye! ] - small, easily-ruptured balls filled with dye have been left in buckets scattered across the Monastery. The intent? Students have been distributed white shirts upon request, and with the donning of said shirt, invite others to shower them in color. There’s nothing stopping you from pranking an unsuspecting fellow without a white shirt on, though..
[ Lovetape - redux! ] - inspired by the celebratory event from BOEL, a gaggle of Golden Deer have decided to take their own spin on the stick-on-compliment game. Brightly colored paper with adhesive backs beckon passerby, as well as a stack of pens. The game is simple - scrawl down a compliment, and stick it onto someone else. Just remember - if you’re fast enough, you might not even get caught! 
[ Mocktail Melody ] - another station, this one in the dining hall, boasts various drinks of different uncannily vibrant colors. Some are bubbly, some are sicky-sweet, and still others are oddly bitter. None are alcoholic. What sort of mixture will you make?
[ Kissing Booth ] - less well-built than the other stands is one that proclaims itself as a kissing booth. Curiously, no one sits behind the counter - will you sit there and await company, or approach someone sitting there?
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Reblog this meme to show you’re participating! 
As this is unofficial, there’s no real necessitated tag, but if people would like to have one space for all of this, I’ll personally be using the tag #TOAPride2024! This can also be used for any opens for these prompts, if you'd like to do that instead.
The tag can also be used for any sort of pride-related art you’d like to make for your muse, or if you’d like to explore anything else related to pride. Feel free to get creative!
There is no restriction on ages or orientations/genders that can participate in this event!
Banner credits: 1, 2
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OOC note
Hello there, TOA! This is a personal attempt at organizing a little approximation for a pride month event. The prompts can be spun however people would like. I know that there are some implications that come with the idea of canonizing pride in the world of Fire Emblem, as well as the fact that pride flags as we know them are unlikely to exist, but ultimately my goal of organizing something like this is to reach my fellow LGBT muns, especially those who cannot celebrate their identities in real life. Pride is both a celebration and a memory, an honoring of survival and a remembrance of those who came before us, and I hope everyone can get a little bit of fun from this.
Happy pride! 
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veorlian · 3 years
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sometimes you just gotta smooch your tiny wife. not pictured: lace standing on a very tall chair
belated doodle for the "breathless kisses" prompt for @14daysdalovers
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stagekiller · 5 years
{ not accepting D: - I’ll reblog it again in the near future tho :”D }
15. an ‘ I’ll be back’ kiss
    Obligation as a word had never made it into Jerome’s dictionary; yet those with a keen eye & sharp reflex were, sometimes, able to trick him into performing a variety of deeds. Word is for Gotham’s favorite kingpin, whose tongue could offer honey or poison with bittersweet familiarity to the jester; he had grown up beside a snake after all. Jerome’s endeavor were usually constructed in a way meant for colossal property damage - Oswald wasn’t necessarily fond of that, for he preferred owning said property to tearing it down for the sake of a ‘good laugh’. They shared very different views on what was funny, after all.
         But they could both agree on one thing.
    Being double crossed usually wasn’t very funny. And the Penguin, of all people, was not one to take kindly to it. Of course, the fools that did him dirty weren’t but air-headed gangsters, delusional enough to believe Cobblepot wouldn’t eventually discover their treason; they had played right into his talons. An old fashioned open fire approach would do the trick, but, for the sake of sadism alone, Oswald took to utilizing the twisted genius of Jerome Valeska. And, the latter being prone to impulsion & plagued by a disturbing creativity, it took little convincing.
   After baiting them with a deal that was planned to be successful - probably the last stroke before they had completely outlived their usefulness in the Penguin’s eye - the notoriously generous mobster offered a feast in celebration; all to seal the good faith between them. And what better way to celebrate than with good old cake ? Exploding cake to be precise, a classic. Though, the common gag usually does not entail razor-blades & nails. Those who didn’t get their face or torso mutilated on the spot were finished off by a maniacal Jerome, who took his sweet time pumping gas into their system & watching them writhe in madness. It was, quite honestly, a horrible way to go.
   That same evening ended with showman & kingpin enjoying a triumphant drink. Mr. Mime & Edward the dog were crouched in a corner, watching their bosses from a safe distance - though, in both their cases, it was probably just Jerome who posed a threat. Casual chit-chat spread over small sips, Oswald’s classy whine coming in stark contrast with the unbearably sweet cider Jerome was gagging down as if it were water. Their talk revolved around future plans - ah, there goes the clown again, something about Gotham’s water works that sounds very concerning - until mutilated lips steered the conversation away in a rather abrupt manner ( perhaps Jerome wasn’t too keen on sharing this specific plan in detail and that in itself should be worrisome ).
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“ You know, Mr Oswald… ” Voice trails off as Jerome’s head falls, permanent smirk now stained with amusement; it turns playful and forebodes the upcoming joke. “ It was kinda sad to see these guys go. They looked like they were having such a blast. ” Feigned pout wrinkles his scar tissue, back leaning against the couch as he takes a long sip. Emerald hues, complimented by the room’s light, trail off to meet Oswald’s face as he adds; “ Bet they thought stealing from ‘ya was gonna be a piece of cake. ” 
   Silence. Jerome’s expression remains serious, though his persistent stare is obviously anticipating a reaction.
   Penetrating gaze pries closer as Oswald’s lips purse into a thin line, crow’s feet slowly creasing his stainless complexion; Cobblepot’s appearance is far from ideal - in his youth, Jerome would have been shallow enough to notice. That’s not what his after in that moment. This hint of satisfaction that blossoms in his chest as the Penguin’s lips slowly curl, thin nostrils drawing a deep breath in some desperate attempt to maintain his composure; that’s what he’s hunting for. Seconds follow during which Jerome nods expectantly, mouth hanging agape into a half-smirk & brows raised, encouraging Oswald to give in. And then the sweet exhalation comes, complimented by a giggle.
   Hoarse hyena-cackling joins in immediately - perhaps he rushes so in order to establish dominance over some childish game. Laughter being contagious, it prompts Oswald to abandon all qualms and thus the two end up in a laughing fit; though it’s far from jovial. In fact, it resembles an old film bad guy cliche more than anything; both of them have a sinister quality to it - though it might just be the echoing cries of all the poor souls who heard it in their final moments. It goes on & on, with Jerome folding in half as he wheezes and Oswald’s face slowly turning red as he struggles to catch his breath. Relishing in their victory together; perhaps part of the Mad Clown appreciates that. Catching glimpses of Oswald’s face - on the verge of tears at this point - his heartbeat picks up, palms feel sweaty against the glass; is this anxiety ? He hasn’t felt that in so long ! Some weird feeling bubbles up his chest; one he can’t identify as anything else but disgust at this moment - disgust with HIMSELF.
  Amidst the laughter, a freckled hand snatches the pair of white gloves on Oswald’s coffee table. Jerome doesn’t bother leaving the finished glass where it’s supposed to be place, instead dumping it beside him on the couch; the stain is Olga’s problem to deal with. Green eyes roll to his own hands as fingers slide underneath warm fabric, fists clenching & stretching until the fit becomes comfortable. Serious expression follows his reach for the red coat dumped over the couch’s back. A wiggle of his shoulders helps him slither inside, tugging on the lapel and pinching its flower badge to secure it in place.
   All that without sparing the mobster a single glance. When his gaze finally graces Oswald’s features, it FREEZES; registering the sight.
  It was a mere trace; discreet shift in familiar features, albeit not unexpected. Something off in Oswald’s gaze - is it puzzlement ? Is it concern ? Jerome can’t tell what it is, but he can spot it, even if it’s discreet. Head tilts, genuine bemusement comes in the form of a cold glare & deadpan expression; much unlike Jerome’s usual mock puzzlement, the scrunched up features utilized to paint comedy in his presence momentarily dissipating. Shift in his seat announces the departure, yet his gaze lingers on Oswald’s face longer than it needs to.
  A small depression on the couch signals his absence. His boots click a few steps away - steps than can be counted in the fingers of a single hand, before the noise halts. “ Oh. ” Hoarse voice holds a hint of mischief; usually foreboding some provocative announcement. “ Before I forget. ” Spinning around on heel, hunched shoulders turn to reveal his raised pointer finger & naughty smirk. Proud stride brings him closer to the couch again, hands folding behind his back as he approaches the concerned mobster.
  Waist bends with a wave of his long coat’s tail. Pointy nose rubs lightly against freckled skin, warm breath caressing the kingpin’s cheek before chapped lips BRUSH over thin ones ever so slightly. They barely part, just enough to stroke some warm moisture over the other’s. Cold glare shifts from Oswald’s lips to meet his  confused gaze for a split second, before Jerome flashes a toothy grin, turns around and struts away whistling - followed by the mime soon after.
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foxgloves-fox-love · 5 years
Self-shipping AU
Just wanted to do these questions hehe ;w;
1. What kind of blog does your f/o have? Do they selfship on main? Do they look like a regular fan? Quiet reblogs or lots of gushing? Lots of analyses of your character and your source or incoherent blabbering? Do they have a headcanon blog? Do they try to roleplay as you?
Ren is shameless and only has like one sideblog that he reserves for creative stuff. He posts everything else onto his main blog. He also gushes a lot just lots of keysmashing and talking about how cute I am, and not a lot of analyses just tons of blabbering. He posts all his headcanons on his main blog and frequently tags pictures with our ship name if they remind him of us.
2. Do they prefer selfshipping by inserting themselves into your source, or by daydreaming about you in their own little / personal world, or by imagining you by their side during their daily life?
He definitely daydreams about me in his own little world especially before bed and also imagines me by his side during his daily life. He would probably insert himself into my source as well bc he's not satisfied with where he is in his life. He just wants to do everything.
3. What’s their self insert like? Is their s/i literally them? Is it basically them but with just a few changes - to be more like the person they’d like to be, or to “fit in” your source better? Is their s/i totally OP or extra or more realistic? Is it an OC that’s totally different from them?
His s/i is literally him. He doesn't change parts of himself to fit into my source or to be more like he wants to be because he uses self-shipping as coping and wants me to love him for him.
4. Do they spend more time on wikipedia, on your fandom wiki, on your TV tropes page? Looking for official content they might’ve missed, like fun trivia? Looking for fanart, for fics? Looking for information and details and references for fics or art or other fancontent they’re making because they want to make sure they get everything right?
He's definitely a fandom wiki kind of guy and scours the internet for content. He doesn't need to look at references that much because he has me memorized pretty easily. There are multiple looks I've gone through in "canon" and while he loves all of them and it's hard to remember all of them, he tends to stick with the one that's most currently out in canon because it makes him feel like he's living beside me.
5. Do they create anything inspired by you and/or their ship with you? Fanart? Fanfics? Gifsets? Moodboards? Edits? Songs? Dances? Crafts? Playlists? Cosplays? Do they post them (or pictures of them) online? Do they sell any merch (online, at cons, etc)? Do they make pics of their selfship in dollmakers? Do they spend hours on otp prompt generators? Do they commission art of their selfship?
He creates fanart but doesn't draw much anymore and is kind of sad about it because he misses how much he used to draw. Instead he tends to write fic and create songs and playlists. He posts his music and stuff online on his sideblog for creative stuff and doesn't sell merch when he goes to cons. Because he doesn't draw as much anymore he LOVES making us in dollmakers and picrews. He also commissions a shit ton of art for his selfship and is completely shameless about it.
6. Does your f/o have a selfship wedding with you? Do they celebrate it on their blog or more privately, with their fellow selfshipper friends? Do they make any content (like art, fics, etc) to celebrate?
He wrote a song to propose with and is waiting for anime canon to catch up to his favorite part from the manga before posting it and making a huge deal about it. When he does have the wedding he commissions a really extravagant wedding picture and has it framed and put in his room.
7. Does your f/o have fankids with you? If not, maybe pets?
We own a dog and he wants to have kids when we get married so he can cope with his anxieties of being a bad father.
8. Do your f/o and your friend’s f/o plan for double dates since their f/os (you and your friend) are from the same source? How would that go?
lmao :') idk? >w> Maybe Farz and Ren would do that...
9. If you have multiple f/os (romantic, platonic, anything), imagine them making or joining a Discord server or a group chat about you or your source. Who gushes, who shares art and fics, who analyses everything, who sends memes?
Oh god lmao. So like I was doing this for Ren, but imagining everyone in a discord server is killing me!!! Vincent would do nothing but post porn gifs and be an absolute butt and laugh at people all the time and Jack would like never talk in it except to post the occasional psychological profile of me and talk about how interesting I am every once in a blue moon. Gengar would just cry type all the time. Craig would shitpost with memes and laugh at people because he’s a dick and not actually into self-shipping and Shino would analyze EVERYTHING from the show. The people who would gush and talk the most would be Ren and Omen ;w; Ren would share his music and Omen would think it's all very interesting. Omen might even develop a crush because Ren is so interesting and Ren would be completely oblivious bc he’s guzzling that self-ship juice lmao.
10. Does your f/o have very creative ship names, or are they bad with finding tags / ship names, or do they just use regular fandom tags?
Ren likes the ship name Rae and uses that irl, but he likes to do the fun creative ones in order to tag stuff. He uses "Little Star" for it.
11. What’s your f/o like when they read / watch / play your source? Do they reread / rewatch / replay their favorite parts over and over? Do they make comments aloud? Which parts of your story made them laugh? Made them cry?
Ren gets really happy when he watches the anime because it's very relaxing. He watches his favorite parts over and over and over again until he can say the dialogue by heart. He doesn't make comments aloud but he gets super emotionally invested. His favorite parts that make him laugh are when I say goofy or dumb things and then comment on the irony and break the 4th wall. The parts that make him cry the most are any time I get hurt and start crying. When I got bullied or felt bad with my classmates or was hurt when I was very young. All of those hurt him a lot and he cried about it.
12. Do they post any videos related to your source? Like AMVs? Or reaction vids (with them reacting to your source as they read / watch / play / etc)? If your source is a game, do they make a walkthrough? Is it a perfect walkthrough, a more casual one?
He would like to make AMVs but doesn't really have editing software for it, but wants to learn! He wants to post reaction vids but is nervous about posting his face online for...reasons. lmao
13. Which of your f/os has “y/n’s husband / wife / partner” as a username online?
Ren would definitely call himself my biggest fan. He wouldn't use husband but he'd definitely use fanboy.
14. Do they have merch of you? What kind of merch? Posters? Keychains? Stickers? Stuffed toys? (And if they have a plush of you, do they kiss it and sleep with it?)
He has a plush that he cuddles and sleeps with and sometimes makes out with lmao. He also has so much merch!!! He is the type to make ita content. On Christmas he decorates the tree with stuff and has posters all over the walls. His favorites tho are figures. He looooooooves figures the most. He's constantly shelling out the big bucks for the biggest and most detailed ones because he can look at them and feel like I exist in a 3d space.
15. What kind of content do they like / make the most? Is it fluff? Angst? Hurt / comfort? (btw: imagine your f/os going to you when they need comfort, because they love you and you’re comforting to them.) Do they respect canon or do they make lots of AUs? What kind of AUs do they like?
-rubs hands together- His favorite content is hurt/comfort both with me being hurt and me hurting the other party, depending on his mood. When he gets unstable and lonely he plays out angsty situations to further his spirals. He knows it's unhealthy, but it comforts him at the same time. His favorite when he's feeling like being healthier is making irl AUs where he can play out his trauma with me as a caretaker figure or alongside him and comforting me.
16. Which of your f/os has 1341 pics of you saved on their phone / laptop? What kind of pic did they choose as their phone / laptop background? Is it a canon pic of you, or fanart, or art of their selfship with you?
Ren definitely hoards a lot of shit on his phone, he has so much content of me on it it's ridiculous. Omen kind of does the same but not nearly as much because he has multiple f/os and has to share space with them lmao. Vincent's phone is just filled with porn ok just lots of rule 34 shit but he also like doesn't have a lot of content on it because like he's just a horndog and only really gives a shit about the dirty content. Jack has pictures but not a lot because he prefers to fantasize.
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