#might share the stats for this fun little fella when i'm done!
sky-scribbles · 2 years
"evil space whale thoughts" because WHAT a title
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Thank you to both @essektheylyss and @mllekurtz for this one!
'Evil space whale thoughts' is one of the wips relating to the long-term DnD campaign I'm running! (I only know of one of my group who's on tumblr - so if that's you, I'm begging you to stop reading now.)
... and for everyone else, this WIP is a big ol' loredump of ideas for my BBEG, a creature called the Cosmophage (ie. the universe-eater). The idea came about because of a conversation with my 12-year-old dnd-loving nephew that went something like this:
Me: I'm planning the final boss to be some kind of ancient aberration that swims from the Far Realm to find magical planets and then devours the magical energy from them, leaving them lifeless husks.
Nephew: That's so cool. You should make it a giant space whale. But evil.
Me, taking mental notes: ... That sounds good.
Nephew: But instead of a whale tail, it has jellyfish tentacles. And it glows.
Me: Yes.
A snippet from the loredump:
The Cosmophage feeds by latching onto a magic-rich world like a gargantuan leech and sinking crystalline spikes from its belly right into the planet's core. While draining the world's energy, the creature is immobile and vulnerable - and so it sends its harbingers to cleanse worlds in preparation for its coming.
As the Cosmophage swims the astral tides of the Far Realm, lesser aberrations flock to it like pilot fish to a shark. Core spawn, star spawn, and similar beings take up residence in the hive-like network of tunnels within the Cosmophage's gargantuan form, becoming both its symbiotes and its hive mind. Absorbed into the beast's consciousness, these aberrations scout through gaps between the planes, hunting for magic-rich planets. When one is found, a long game of infiltration begins as the spawn recruit cultists, seed discord, and do all within their power to ensure that the world falls to infighting and chaos. By the time cosmic signs and vast tears between realms reveal the arrival of the Cosmophage, it is too late to rally armies. The Cosmophage razes what civilisations remain, with its symbiote spawn feeding on the dead.
... Unless my player characters stop it, of course. (Fun fact, my nephew came up with a whole bunch of homebrew ideas, and I'm currently making as many as I can so I cna present them to him in a lil book when I next see him! It's the least I can do for the BBEG inspiration :'D)
Tysm for asking!!
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