#mike faist x famous reader
mikedfaist · 3 months
thinking about mike and reader doing a q&a after a screening of a film they did together (maybe it’s in columbus, the theater I go to is in columbus and always has special screenings and q&a’s) and them not only being so articulate and passionate about their film but also silly and very in love even though they’re trying to be subtle (they’re not)
Put the two of them in a room together, let alone sitting side by side, and you are in for a treat.
The film is a love story about two strangers who cross paths for only a brief moment. The director talks about working with the two of them – and years after the fact once the relationship has come out – that she was merely a spectator for their own love story. She got to watch the two of them fall in love in front of the camera, and that’s what makes the film so special. They aren’t just playing their characters; they are the characters.
Most, if not all, of the dialogue in the film is adlibbed, and so the scene where Mike’s character tells her, “Whatever you want from me—I don’t care what it is, I just want to be yours,” that was coming from him. The two of them met on the first day of set, having it been kept a secret she was even a part of the film as to not instigate rumors. He recalls spotting her standing outside of her trailer, adorned in oversized sweatpants and stained UGG boots, smoking a cigarette over a cup of coffee.
“I’m quitting,” she says, rolling her eyes. “I must’ve slept through those D.A.R.E. lectures in school.”
One of the big talking points of the film – primarily with the fans – are the sex scenes. There is one scene in particular that depicts him spitting in her mouth, and then a panned out shot of him going down on her. It’s a little graphic, but the girlies love it.
She does most of the talking, describing mornings on set where Mike would bring her coffee, and the little games they would make up to pass the time. She recounts a day where Mike tackled her on the beach while playing Get Down Mr. President, and he had to cover his smile with his microphone. She also relates back to filming the intimate scenes with Mike.
“I remember when we were preparing for those scenes, he was very vocal about what I was and wasn’t comfortable with, because it’s very unscripted what we do, so communication is like massive. We also had a very lovely Intimacy Coordinator, Lynn, on set who was incredible in what she did. We’d go into these scenes and whatever happened, happened. The spitting scene—” This is where the crowd got a little noisy. “Yeah, I know…” She laughs awkwardly. “The spitting scene was something we discussed beforehand. It was like…okay, what can we do to make this a little more…” She showcases her exuberance with jazz hands. “And it worked, right?”
“I think what was so special about making this film was having such an incredible partner by my side.” She turns to look at Mike, who, again, covers his smile with his microphone. “I already got him blushing.” She gently knocks her foot into his. “I really don’t think I could have given the performance I did if it wasn’t for him. He really is just so amazing, and lovely, and just an overall remarkable person. He makes it hard not to fall in love with him.”
“One thing for me,” Mike begins. “I remember the first morning on set, and we were in hair and makeup, and she looks over at me from her chair and she’s got her hair all done back, and those undereye masks on, and she turns to me and says, ‘It’s such an honor to love you, even if it’s for a short time’, so I don’t know what she means by it’s not hard to fall in love with me, when she’s spitting out actual poetry at 6 in the morning.”
She covers her face with her hand, shaking it slightly. “I must’ve watched The Notebook the night before or something.”
One of the questions they are asked was individually, what were their favorite things to film.
Her: The bar scene where I sing karaoke… I loved that. I think we did like five different takes with five different songs. Also, the pier scene where we share a funnel cake, that was a good day. It’s always a good day when there’s a funnel cake.
Him: I was going to say the funnel cake… Uh, probably the beach scene when we are playing in the water. It was fucking cold though.
Question: What made you decide to take on this project?
Her: I loved the authenticity of it. You have these two lost people who find this safe haven in each other. It’s a love story but without that happy ending. There is no closure, but such is life. I loved how there wasn’t a dialogue script, because we really got to make our characters our own. We put a lot of ourselves in these characters, and it felt very genuine. They really do love each other, even in that short time.
Every time she speaks, Mike is sitting there with heart eyes. He absorbs everything she says. Fans in the audience mentioned that he was engulfed in her stories, and how when he would chime in with comments, she’d engage and beam right back at him. There wasn’t a moment where they weren’t smiling at each other. She at one point reaches over to squeeze his hand, and if you count, she stayed there for just a second too long.
Afterwards, some lucky fans said they saw them backstage share a long, drawn-out hug, where she rested her head in the crevice of his shoulder and neck, and he was rubbing her back. When they parted, he rubbed her shoulders and you can see her nod at something he says, before he kisses her forehead, and then part.
Some say, at first, they were bummed by what felt like an unfinished ending to the film but were quick to change their mind seeing her and Mike very much in love on stage. They are the happy ending.
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auspicious-manner · 1 year
welcome back! just some simple domestic fluff with mike faist and famous reader! get to this whenever you feel like it! lots of love<3
thank you for the kindness! <3
i’ve missed writing for mike! also have you guys seen the new challengers trailer AHHHHH IM SO EXCITED IT LOOKS SO GOOD!!! i have a few challengers themed mike stories in my inbox/drafts, so expect those somewhat soon ;)
also it’s been a long time since i’ve written a fluff fic, so sorry if this sucks lol
fem reader x mike faist
warnings: anxiety and mentions of depression
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you loved nearly everything about your life. being an actress, singer, and now a writer has given you more confidence than anything else.
you started as an actress. ever since you were little, you would put on shows for your entire family with costumes and scripts. they weren’t simple either; you would perform full dramatic monologues, emotional scenes, and romantic moments with your stuffed animals. your mom didn’t have to hesitate putting you into acting classes.
into your teen years, you booked commercials and small roles in children’s shows. then, right when you turned eighteen, you got your big break when you gained a major role in a movie alongside some of hollywood’s biggest stars, directed by none other than steven spielberg.
from there, business offers and acting gigs flew in. everything seemed to be happening all at once. it was all so overwhelming. but fame is what you wanted, right?
that’s what you thought, at least. as a child, you glamorized the picturesque hollywood starlight life. you wanted everything from the glitz to the glam. you didn’t realize that being famous came with this sense of dread that one wrong move could end your entire career. you felt unworthy of being in the spotlight all the time. so, in order to keep those intrusive thoughts from rearing their ugly heads, you kept so busy that not even a single thought could even cross your mind.
you knew you could sing, and you began writing songs and releasing music. you even went on a north american tour. then, when the tour slowed down, you wrote a novel. you kept so busy that you lost track of who you really were. what you felt you were meant to do.
sure, you had success and had more connections and fans than anyone could dream of. but what did it matter when you felt so alone?
you began closing yourself off. the limelight was making you anxious, and you couldn’t bring yourself to be seen in public in the state you were in. it all felt so hopeless. you considered living of the grid and going incognito in order to escape the expectations placed on you. for months, you stayed as hidden as possible, and it only made things worse.
being a long time friend of steven spielberg at this point, he sent you a personal invite to the premiere his new film west side story. you almost threw the invite in the trash. the thought of going out on a red carpet again and seeing all of these faces with bright, flashing cameras was out of the equation for you. yet, you missed the feeling of being dolled up. you missed feeling pretty.
when the big night came, seeing yourself in the dress that you had picked out didn’t feel real. you felt like you and not you all at the same time. your mind was conflicted; you knew the glam of hollywood was what made you happy, but since it had been so long since you have felt that way, you felt oddly out of body.
it was a long, off white dress with a leg slit and a completely open back. the dress had sleeves that stopped just below your shoulders, and it hugged your body tightly but not uncomfortably. your wavy hair fell onto your shoulders neatly in a half up half down, your curtain bangs framing your face. for the makeup, you tried to keep it relatively natural, and you didn’t want to draw too many eyes. you paired the look with some heels and a purse.
looking in the mirror, you tried your hardest to feel positive. you looked beautiful, you felt beautiful, yet something still felt wrong. maybe it was because you had no one by your side if you got anxious. as far as you knew, you would know one person there.
the car sent to pick you up took you on a ride through new york as your heart rate quickened. when you arrived at the scene, the bright lights and red carpet gave you chills.
after walking into the crowd, it didn’t take long to find steven. he pulled you aside into a fatherly hug. it felt good to be near someone as familiar as him.
“Y/N, long time no see!” he said excitedly as you hugged him.
“it’s been a while, hasn’t it?” you replied, pulling away.
“what have you been up to? knowing you, i’m sure it’s something great!”
you smiled, trying to create a facade. “oh, you know, a little bit of this and a little bit of that,” you said while nervously laughing. you couldn’t tell steven spielberg that you’ve been in a slump and that the most productive part of your day is waking up and making something to eat.
“i’m excited to see whatever you have up your sleeve,” he said, going to your side and taking your arm. “now, there’s someone i’d like you to meet.”
he guided you through the crowds, and you kept close to him. everything was becoming overwhelming.
you approached a man with his back turned to you. “Y/N, meet mike faist. you two could have a lot to talk about.”
the man turned around, and the first thing you noticed about him was that his eyes seemed to be glowing. they were brighter and bluer than anything you’d ever seen. they were absolutely stunning. upon further inspection, you realized that you recognized him from the posters for the movie, and knew he was playing riff.
he smiled at you, almost as enthralled with you as you were with him. he held out a hand, and you took it gently to shake it. you hoped he didn’t feel the sweat building on your palms. “Y/N L/N, it’s lovely to meet you.”
you grew flustered. “how’d you know my last name?”
mike looked taken aback. “doesn’t everyone?” your smile fell slightly, and mike noticed. “i’m a big fan of your work. your songs, your movies, and i recently started reading your book too. you’re amazing at everything you do.”
steven patted your shoulder before walking away, leaving you with mike. mike had a presence about him that made you feel welcomed and seen. it’s been a while since you felt that way.
“so, mike, what else have you been in?” you asked, wanting to know more about his work. he knew so much about yours, and you felt a little embarrassed that you didn’t know more about him.
he smiled and looked down. “i was a newsie in newsies on broadway, and i covered jack kelly. i played connor murphy in dear evan hansen on broadway, i was in a tv show called panic, and a lot of other stage and film work.”
you nodded, squinting your eyes slightly. “you know, i’ve seen both of those shows on broadway, and i didn’t realize until just now that that was you.”
he laughed. “am i not memorable?”
you giggled in return. “i don’t think it’s that. i just think i’m missing a little part of my brain.”
you and mike continued to talk about your respective careers. you noticed that he was so easy to talk to, and that he listened to and hung onto every word that you would say. it gave you butterflies, and you wondered what was wrong with you.
sadly, you remembered you’re at mike’s movie premiere and he had to do interviews and talk to other people besides you. you could tell he wanted to stay with you, but knew he had other obligations. before he left, he said, “we’ll see each other again before the night is through.”
you’ve had plenty of men try and charm you, with the efforts always falling flat. you’re no stranger to keeping your feelings under control and learning to not date in hollywood. it was too easy to be played by the wrong guys. but, your heart was telling you something different about mike. he made you more nervous and giddy than anyone else ever had and you barely knew him. you started to forget about the fact that you’ve been a hermit battling with your mental health for the last few months.
you caught up with a few old friends from the industry that you had recognized in the crows before it was time to go to a private screening of the film.
you watched as everyone funneled into seats in the theater next to their plus ones and friends. you stood back, scoping the area for empty seats. you felt frozen as all the seats seemed to fill.
“follow me,” a voice said close to your ear before taking your hand and walking with you down the rows of seats. you noticed it was mike and you smiled to yourself.
he took you close to the screen, but not too close, and sat down with you. you sighed. “thanks for saving me back there, i was getting stressed.”
mike tilted his head. “you’re from around here. you’re used to red carpets and screenings, aren’t you? i didn’t think this would stress out someone as experienced as you.”
he was right, it shouldn’t have stressed you out. you were so used to hiding away for so long that this all felt new to you again like it did when you were eighteen.
mike noticed your expression change, and he turned to you. “i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have said anything. but you’re worrying me a bit, is everything okay?”
you tried to brush it off. “i’m fine now, really. crowds just get me anxious-”
“i’m not just talking about tonight,” mike said, leaning in towards you. “the world has caught onto your unprecedented disappearance from the public eye. that can never mean anything good. are you sure you’re okay?”
you bit your lip, holding back tears. it was one thing to keep everything to yourself and pack it away and never confront what you’re actually going through, but to hear someone else say it put it into perspective for you. you had completely lost track of your vision and goal in life. you had lost track of you.
mike put his hand on your leg comfortingly, taking the silence and the glossy tears hidden in your eyes as a sign that you weren’t okay. the silent support he sent was exactly what you needed in that moment. a stranger was the person you least expected to comfort you.
before you could both think to say anything else, steven appeared at the front of the crowd and gave a speech, followed by the showing of the movie. every time mike appeared on the screen, you got chills. he was amazing. his performance made you hate riff yet feel some kind of empathy for him. that was due to mike’s spellbinding performance.
occasionally, you would feel mike’s eyes glance at you when important scenes came up. it’s almost as if he wanted to see your reaction. he wanted your approval.
then, after two and a half short hours, the movie ended, and the theater erupted in applause. everyone stood on their feet and you did the same, small tears running down your cheeks. you looked at mike, and his smile dropped when he saw you.
“why are you crying?” he asked.
you sniffled. “it was so amazing. you were so amazing.”
mike turned red, and he reached down to envelope you in probably the best hug you’ve ever had. he had the widest grin, and it wasn’t just from the movie.
you and mike traded numbers, and from that night on, you became inseparable.
mike awoke something in you that hadn’t been seen in a long time. he made you feel inspired at motivated and comfortable. you hid yourself away from the world in fear that the public would turn on you, twist your words into something far from the truth. mike dispelled those feelings for you; you felt like yourself again around him.
after the night at the premiere, mike made the first move in wanting to talk to you. you face timed each other for hours each night, staying awake into the early hours of the morning just talking about anything and everything.
you went out for a coffee date a week after the premiere, and it seemed clear to both of you that there was more to be discovered than just a friendship.
as you were walking through central park with mike, keeping your head slightly down as to not attract any unwanted eyes, you boldly brushed your hand against his, letting it linger for a moment. his hand moved away, but creeped back into place when he realized what you were doing. he slowly grazed his finger tips against yours as he walked, and he reached his fingers out and your hand fit neatly into his. you continued to hold hands for the rest of your walk.
when you arrived back at your apartment, you both sat down on the couch, your bodies turned inwards to face each other.
“i feel like i’ve know you my whole life, but its only been a week,” you said quietly, looking into his eyes.
mike smiled lightly. “i’ve never clicked this fast with anyone.”
you both paused, and mike hesitated before he spoke again. “can i ask you a question?”
you nodded, and he went on.
“there’s always been so much speculation about your love life in the media, and dating rumors and whatnot. i don’t like believing anything the media says, but i want to hear it straight from you.”
you smiled to yourself. the media liked to pull things that weren’t actually there and make up stories for fun. you’ve never actually had a real date since you’ve been in the business, let alone a relationship.
“i haven’t found anyone worthy yet.”
mike nodded, scooting closer to you. you could tell he was aiming to put his arm around you, but hesitated to see your reaction. you leaned in, telling him without words that it was okay, and he rested his arm around your shoulder as you laid close to each other. you immediately felt comfortable under his arm.
“i admire you, Y/N. i always have. i like that you know what you want, and that you know yourself. that’s a really great quality to have.”
you blushed, but your happiness faltered. you leaned your head back on his arm. “yeah, i guess. too bad i haven’t felt that way recently.”
mike looked at you, frowning. “why? if you don’t mind me asking.”
you weren’t typically the one to open up quickly to strangers. but mike felt different. he wasn’t going to judge, or make you feel bad about yourself. he was comforting.
“i’ve hid myself away from the world because i’m scared. i’m so insanely scared of messing up and having the whole world turn on me. so, i did the only thing i could think to do. i locked myself away in hopes that it would help,” you giggled nervously. “it didn’t do shit.”
you were smiling at your own misfortune, but mike stayed somber. “i’m sorry, Y/N, that’s awful.”
you shrugged. “yeah, but i did it to myself.”
mike sat up, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. you froze under his touch. “the world needs your brilliance. don’t be afraid, there’s so many people ready to guide you and protect you from anyone trying to take you down. i’m here for you, i promise.”
you bit your lip, unable to say words. mike was so incredibly kind. all you could do was whisper a thank you.
mike put his arm back around you, and you leaned into the couch together. “if there’s anything i can do to help, let me know,” he said quietly.
you leaned your head on his shoulder, looking up at him. “you already have.”
mike smiled, turning red. “you’re cute.”
you felt complete. you hadn’t known mike for that long, but he filled a part of your soul that had been gone for a while. he made you feel liked again when you couldn’t like yourself.
you sat up and looked at him. your faces were only a few inches apart. at the same time, you leaned in, and your lips grazed each other before interlocking. it felt euphoric.
you pulled away, remaining close, and you smiled at each other. “you’re the most talented person i’ve ever met,” you whispered to him.
mike lightly placed his hand under your chin. “that means a lot coming from you. i love everything you do.”
you leaned in again, feeling your old self coming back again. you felt renewed. mike made you feel like the star you are again.
you rested your forehead on his. “thank you.”
mike tilted his head slightly. “for what?”
“for making me feel worthy again.”
mike smiled lightly, then gave you a short but sweet kiss. “never forget that you’re beautiful and wanted.”
a small tear escaped your eye. mike was everything you needed. you almost felt in denial that someone like him could be making you feel this way because you were so used to men not valuing you. you were moving fast with mike, but it felt right. you were never one to believe in love at first sight, but this was pretty damn close.
you leaned into his side again, and his hand rested on the back of your head. you could get used to this.
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chrisgotitall · 2 months
pairing: Mike Faist x famous! reader
summary: It's Mike and reader's first free day in quite a while.
notes: a bit smutty
The sun was weakly peaking from the curtains. You look over at your phone, it's 6 am. You turn to your side and you see Mike, still sound asleep. You smile at how peaceful he looks, his face completely relaxed, his breaths regular and calm. You lay there for a couple of minutes, without thinking of anything because this is your day off. It was nice not having any stress at all but somehow you felt guilty for not having anything to do or think about.
Two arms bring you out of your trance, hugging your waist tenderly and his nose nudges against your arm, his eyes are still closed but you know he's awake.
"Hi..." you say, putting your arm around his head so that now his head rests on your shoulder.
"Morning..." his voice is rusty and low. He stays there just enjoying your embrace, he doesn't seem to share your guilt in having nothing to do.
"We should order breakfast" you say getting up and disturbing the comfortable position he was in, "What do you want to eat?"
"I don't know... I was still sleeping actually" he says rubbing his eyes, looking startled.
"Yeah well we can't just rot in bed all day... we should probably get going and do something" you say typing the room service number, with the phone already on your ear.
One hand takes yours, putting the phone down and the other hand presses on your waist pulling you back down on the bed. He pulls you into a hug adjusting your figure onto himself so that he is now cuddling you.
"Rotting in bed sounds really great actually..." he kisses you tenderly but firmly. You can feel the need through his lips. His hands pressed on the small of your back are now travelling to hold your butt.
"Mmh... come on" you say detaching from the kiss pulling yourself up, "You hate lazy days..." you get up completely, causing a sigh from Mike.
"I do but it's the first time we both have a day off... we can actually do nothing, for once" he travelled from the centre of the bed to the end of it, sitting up, you between his legs.
He tries to get you close again, holding your waist. You look down at him, his eyes looking up at you pleading to comply. You put a hand on the nape of his neck and you let the other run through his hair. He instinctively closes his eyes at the touch.
"You haven't been touching me like this in forever..." he pulls the back of your knees wanting you to straddle him. He pulls you into a kiss.
"I know... I'm sorry, I was so caught up in things, I couldn't find the time..." you say breathlessly in between kisses.
"Now you have the time" he pulls you into a heated kiss. He cups your face wanting you as close as possible. Your hands go to the hem of his t-shirt, waiting for him to lift his arms so that you can remove the piece of clothing.
He chuckles at your lust, feeling proud that he convinced you.
His hands go down to your ass, pulling you close and squeezing it causing you to moan in his mouth. His hungry kisses swallow every sound you make. You remove your own shirt causing him to attach himself to your chest and neck, kissing every inch of skin he can get.
You hold his head as his attack on your neck proceeds, he kisses and sucks on your skin, numbing your brain from all the previous guilt and worries. Right now you don't even know what you were feeling guilty about.
A phone rings and it takes you out of the bubble you were locking yourself and Mike into. It's yours. You open your eyes, Mike still kissing you.
"Ignore it" he says kissing you on the lips, cupping your face again, wanting you to look at only him.
"Baby..." you start. He shakes his head no and kisses you again. "It might be important" you reach for your phone, not moving from your position on Mike's legs. You answer your phone. Mike stops everything he was doing. It was your agent, asking you if you were available for a photoshoot next week.
You explain to him the other commitments you have for next week so that he can try and find a free day.
While you talk, Mike watches you with a mischievous look. He gives you a kiss on your neck and one on your chest. Then he starts rubbing his thumb on your clit through your shorts. You sigh in pleasure, looking at him. He was proud of himself.
"Yeah... that's perfect" you say out of breath, both answering your agent and encouraging Mike. You put a hand on his shoulder, trying to balance yourself. You bite your lip trying to not let out a sound.
He increases his speed and you start praying for your agent to end this call right now. You look at Mike and on his face there's nothing but lust, you can see it in his eyes.
"Shit..." it slips out of your lips without even realizing it. Your agent questions you. "I hit my toe, sorry Tom"
You can't take it anymore and end your call telling him you really have to go. You throw your phone on the bed and take Mike's face in your hands, kissing him hard.
Maybe it was the fact that you didn't touch each other in some time but the pit that built up in your stomach explodes causing a rush through your whole body. You moaned his name a few times and once again his lips were on yours taking every sound.
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apolloscastellan · 3 months
Current works: 2.
Last work: Loss of my life final chapter (Published 02/09/24)
Currently working in: ArtPatrick x Patrick's childhood best friend!Reader series, Riff Lorton x Tony's sister!Reader series, Poly!Percabeth x Reader one shot.
Jack Kelly
Racetrack Higgins
David Jacobs
Albet DaSilva
West Side Story:
Riff Lorton
Art Donaldson
Patrick Zweig
Tashi Duncan
Harry Potter:
James Potter
Lily Evans
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Ron Weasley
Percy Jackson:
Luke Castellan
Annabeth Chase
Percy Jackson
Dear Evan Hansen:
Connor Murphy
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Penelope Featherington
The Summer I Turned Pretty:
Steven Conklin
Conrad Fisher
Jeremiah Fisher
Taylor Jewel
Stranger Things:
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Max Mayfield
The Hunger Games:
Peeta Mellark
Finnick Odair
Famous people:
Ben Cook
Mike Faist
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zweighigh · 2 months
Ooh yall im currently OBSESSED with @mikedfaist ‘s famous! Reader x Mike Faist au, LIKEEE its my holy grail forreal
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gayerthanevertbh · 3 months
training season | n. romanoff
pairing: older!natasha romanoff x fem!reader | natasha x reader x fem!oc
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summary: you were a fierce competitor who aspired to be the top female tennis player in the world, and there is no way you can compete with the famous natasha romanoff on the tennis court. every time she volunteered to coach you, there was a condition: to sleep with her. with this routine, both of you grew closer than ever. however, another woman had already taken her place in court before you could even see her. game, set, match. who will you choose? natasha weakens you, but louise jones revives you.
warnings: sports, love triangle, sort of polyamorous, age difference (natasha is 38; reader is 22), smut, dom!natasha, sub!reader, jealousy, older women, and heavy angst.
inspired by the movie "challengers" & the book "luster" written by raven leilani.
author's note: thank you zendaya, josh o'connor, and mike faist for inspiring me to write this fanfiction to the point i need to make a lesbian version. i hope you enjoy this story on the long run :)
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chapter one: competitor
chapter two: game, set, fuck
chapter three: not the best
chapter four: standford
chapter five: louise jones
chapter six: one girl, two women
chapter seven: eat the rich
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tetsusimp · 6 years
“do i post this alex boniello meme i just made or some actual fucking content”
- me right now
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reprisedpiece · 7 years
Five Years
Pairing: Mike Faist x Reader
Warning: swear words (as usual)
Request: “mike faist x reader where she is laura's best friends and he is in love with the reader but he thinks she is dating Laura but she have a huge crush on him”
Word Count: 7981 
Note: oh man i worked so so hard on this and i am very proud. this is the longest fic i’ve written. i’m sorry this came out late but something happened and you can read about it here lmao at least you’ll know the reason if u find the ending a bit bleh. some of you might find it cheesy but idc right now I AM PROUD OF THIS Y’ALL I HOPE YA LIKE IT TOO (as usual, feedback and comments are appreciated. you can even hmu if u just want to talk)
1:47 PM
You eyed the brightly-lit numbers in your phone before shoving the device back into your pocket, huffing. You leaned forward from your position as your leg started bouncing with anxiety. You were picking at your nails while Laura shouted into whoever was on the other line.
You and Laura were situated in your usual spot – the love seat. Everyone knew to stay clear from that piece of furniture because most of time, it was hogged by the two of you. Laura always stayed in the left side while you sat at the right.
Right now, you were slightly irritated at Laura. You knew deep down that you shouldn’t be due to the fact that she’s already doing you a huge favor but you couldn’t help it because you were pressed for time.
“Are you going to take long?” You ask softly as not to disrupt her conversation but enough to catch her attention. She turned to you with an apologetic smile, wrapping her arm around your shoulders as she pulled you into her.
“Just a few more minutes, I promise.” She mouthed. You bit your lip as you nodded. You really couldn’t do anything about it. You had to wait until she finishes whatever kind of conversation she’s having right now, eyes shifting to Mike as he uses his phone.
You saw how his eyes crinkled when he read something on his phone. You guessed it was something hilarious because it made him giggle nonstop. You watched as he showed his phone to Will, who then threw his head back in laughter before passing the phone along to Ben.
Your eyes darted back to Mike. 
God, how can one person be so infatuated with someone like him? Things have changed since you met him a few years back. Five years, to be more exact. Circumstances were different now yet the feelings stayed the same.
You sighed as you tried clearing your head of these thoughts, sinking further into Laura as you shut your eyes. You felt her rest her head on top of yours as she carried on with her conversation.
Everyone in that theater knew how close you and Laura are. Both of you had so much in common; maybe except the fact that she’s a total sweetheart and you aren’t exactly one. Nonetheless, you and Laura grew up being extremely comfortable with one another. 
Both of you had a fair share of crap that you dealt with growing up. In the end, that didn’t matter because you had each other. You sought comfort in one another, hence having a near-zero filter whenever the two of you were together. 
You hardly felt embarrassment anymore when it came to Laura. You had no reason to. That’s why the two of you would cuddle, give each other kisses on the cheek and forehead, hold hands, all that sweet stuff. Hearing comments about the two of you dating was a common occurrence, it no longer bothers both of you. Still, it doesn’t stop you from wanting to yell ‘just best friends!’ at every person who stares at the two of you longer than they’re supposed to.
Your friendship with Laura has gone through so much that there isn’t one thing that you wouldn’t do with her or tell her. Except maybe the fact that you are absolutely smitten with Mike Faist. But that’s for later. 
She’s the closest thing you have to a sister and there will never be a trace of romance between you two. What you and Laura had was something that cannot be replaced. Laura can’t be replaced. She’ll always have a special spot in your heart, and it will never be in the romantic sense like most people assume.
When Laura got into Broadway and moved to New York City, it was definitely something that took a while to get used to. It was as if the world the two of you lived in was suddenly stretched and now you’re being dragged into a place that was way out of your comfort zone. Anyone in your position would be scared out of their damn mind. How couldn’t it? You were an average girl, looking for a job, while your best friend in the world is suddenly famous.
You’ve moved all the way from your little town where you and Laura grew up in, all the way to New York. Before that, you spent a few years in California to study.
Laura moved to New York a few years earlier than you did so she knew how to live in the rambunctious area. You, on the other hand, have absolute no idea what you are doing. Living in California was way different than living here. She’s all you had in this big city, which made you depend on her more than you wanted.
Along your stay, she asked if you wanted to meet her cast members. 
At first, the idea boggled you because you still couldn’t believe that the little nugget who tried piercing your ear with a needle back in the ninth grade had finally achieved her dream. She’s in a Broadway show for crying out loud. People would kill to be in her place.
You reluctantly agreed and soon enough, they loved you. 
They adored you for who you were and how supportive you are of their lead actress. Spending a year with them, you felt like you could talk to them about anything. 
Except for Mike. 
Seeing him again after so many years was still a shock to you. 
Everyone noticed it – the tension between you and Mike. They couldn’t distinguish whether it was good or bad so they decided to let it be. It wasn’t like you two were fighting. It was just that your interaction were mostly stolen glances and nervous smiles. You two talked, that was no question. There really was just something that the rest couldn’t point out until this very day ended.
Due to your close relationship with Laura, of course most of the Dear Evan Hansen cast and team assumed that you were in a relationship. 
90% of the time, you’re with Laura. You are in a new city after all. You are clueless as heck. Laura, on the other hand, knows the ropes. She knew how to get places and all that. You were still feeling a bit paranoid to go anywhere by yourself. A year into a dense area will do that to you. The New York lifestyle was a big change. You’ve gotten yourself familiar with Manhattan but you knew little about the rest of the boroughs. Anything could happen so you stuck by the only family you had in this unfamiliar city.
The fact that you are a bisexual didn’t help this assumption die down. People automatically assume you’re incapable of holding a platonic friendship with a girl. As much as it irritated you, that’s what most people think. This happened back in high school as well so you and Laura learned to not care about it.
Mike, however, cared. He cared a lot.
How could he not? He was madly in love with you. It was impossible for him not to care on the idea that you were another person. That it wasn’t him making you smile and making you feel butterflies in your stomach and all that sweet shit. 
Of course, you didn’t know about it. That man was good at hiding his feelings. Now he has to feel his heart being pinched every time he sees you with Laura.
Mike leaned back into the couch as he threw his phone on the pillow next to him. He could still hear Will and Ben laughing their asses off. His gaze fell to you. He watched as you snuggled into Laura’s side, closing your eyes. 
His eyes shift to floor. At least one of us was happy, he thought to himself as he referred to the two of you. He rest his head on the arm of the couch before closing his own eyes, reminiscing at how the two of you were before all this happened.
You took up a semester in AMDA before transferring to a different university to pursue a different career path. 
You had an artistic bone in you. But you weren’t the best with acting or dancing. What you had was great talent with music. 
Mike knew that you absolutely loved music. You once told him it was the one thing you could do for the rest of your life. Music meant so much to you. It was something you could never let go. 
You met him on your way to the auditorium. You were in a hurry as to not be late for your class. Your shoes squeaked against the floor as you padded cross the hallways.
Your eyes were focused the the big sign that has your professor’s name on it that you didn’t notice a boy, who was using his phone at the time, was walking your way. 
You bumped into the boy. Both of you groaned in pain as you hit the floor. He appeared to be leaving the very same room where you were supposed to go to.
Your music sheets scattered everywhere, all twenty pages of it. You huffed as you knelt down to gather them. The boy dropped to his knees as well as he helped you.
You cursed under your breath, frustrated on how this day was turning out. The boy momentarily shifted his gaze from the fallen papers to you. He could still remember the picture to this very day. Your hair in a bun, the marks on your face, the way your nose crinkled, he remembered it all. It was a breathtaking sight. 
“Were you on your way to Mason’s class?” He asked, cocking his head at you.
You looked up at him, blowing a strand of hair away from your vision.
“I was before I bumped into you which I am very sorry about.” You said nervously as you quickly pushed your sheets back into your folder.
When you gathered most of them, the two of you stood up. He reached out the other half of the stack of papers you were holding. 
“He’s not there. He moved into another room on the other side.” He informed you, pointing to the building where you came from. You groaned. You can’t believe you just ran across the campus only to go back.
“We can walk together,” He proposed. Your head snapped to face him, not knowing how to respond. You then realized you were talking to the best tap dancer in your class – Mike Faist. His talent and mad looks made him intimidating in your mind. Everyone knew that he had so much talent and potential. You stared at Mike for a few seconds, opening your mouth to speak but quickly closing them.
“Only if you want!” He continued as he saw the expression on your face. He started walk away when you caught his wrist, making him face you again.
You hugged your music sheets to your chest with your other arm. You gave Mike a gentle smile that made the boy swoon before you spoke.
“Let’s go.”
Since then, you and Mike have gotten pretty close. In you stay in AMDA, he was the closest person you had. You had so many fond memories together during that time. You’ve helped each other in memorizing lines, had a lot of group study sessions together, he even taught how to dance because you had terrible rhythm of the dance floor. You had taught him how to play a few songs with the piano and by the last month of your stay, you had tons of inside jokes which could leave the two of you laughing on the ground for hours. 
In a span of one semester, Mike started feeling something for you. He knew what it was but he only hoped he was wrong. He didn’t want to ruin his friendship with you. He was afraid to lose you.
But he couldn’t help it. Soon, he stated noticing little quirks about you that he had grown to be smitten about.
He learned about how you loved cracking your knuckles before you play any instrument, how you always had a guitar pick in your wallet, how you licked your lips before speaking, the pattern of marks on your face, and so much more. He knew about the little things that some people wouldn’t take a second look at.
Mike didn’t think it was possible to be so in love with someone in just five months. He didn’t tell you. He couldn’t. He was afraid that you’d freak out, that it would scare you away from him. 
After all, who the hell falls in love so quickly? He even considered the idea that maybe he was just feeling lonely. He thought that maybe he just wanted someone. He tried convincing himself that but it didn’t work. He wanted you – just you.
He knew he couldn't keep it in for so long. Mike cannot keep his feelings for you cooped up so he decided he was going to tell you. Not the entire truth but a part of it. He decided he was going to downplay his own feelings to something less intense. A crush on you, perhaps? Mike was planning to tell you that he simply liked you. At least with that, you wouldn’t freak out as much, he thought.
But when Mike ran to your dorm room to make his confession, he was shocked to see you crying on your bed with a letter gripped tightly on your right hand.
He knocked softly on the open door, making you aware of his presence.
Your head shot up to the door, only to see Mike with a concerned look on his face.
“Mike! Oh my god,” You wiped your tears with your left hand. 
“Are you alright?” He asked cautiously. 
You nodded as you continued rubbing your eyes. You cleared your throat before speaking.
“I got into UCLA! My transfer got accepted.” You sputter out, clearly shocked. 
Mike’s smile faltered. 
He could not believe you were actually leaving. Heck, he didn’t even know that you applied for a transfer.
“Y-You are?” He asked, giving you a weak grin. 
You admit that you were feeling melancholic during that time. You didn’t want to leave the people you’ve met here behind. You didn’t want to leave Mike. But you wanted this. You were too ecstatic at the moment that you pushed the sad thoughts behind.
You smiled back at him before standing up. You ran up to Mike, wrapping your arms around his neck as you pulled him down into a hug. Mike immediately wrapped his own arms around your waist, holding you close to his chest.
He felt his heart crash to the bottom of his being. If he listened very carefully, he felt like he would have heard it shatter to the ground. He tightened his hug as you were about to pull away, bot ready to let you go.
He couldn't ruin this moment. The idea of confessing to you was long forgotten. You were happy. He wouldn't dare to take that away from you.
“Congratulations.” He whispered to you, nuzzling his face against your neck. He was genuinely happy for you, without a doubt. It was the idea of you leaving him that got to him. 
“Thank you.” You squeezed your grip around him for a moment before pulling away, beaming up at him with a big smile on your face.
“I have to tell Laura about the good news!” You said excitedly as you reached for phone. Mike slowly backed away, watching you from the door.
Just like that, you were gone in a week. It was bittersweet, Mike thought. He was glad that you were finally out there chasing your dreams but all he could think was that you left too soon.
Mike forced himself to forget about you. He tried going out on numerous dates with different girls yet he always found himself comparing them to you. 
Her hand doesn't feel like Y/N’s, she’d never wear something like that, Y/N doesn’t like that sort of thing.
That’s what he thought of every single time.
He’s just frustrated because the girl that would be sitting in front of him wouldn’t be you.
Sure, he has liked some girls more than he expected he would but it wasn't as strong as what he felt for you.
But what could he do? Love wasn’t something a mere human like him could control. Love splits to different individuals and finds homes within their hearts. Love grows, love shrinks, love changes depending on what it sees. Love could stay for days, love could stay for years.
Yet it seemed like love was only at rest when it finds its way back to you.
Soon, Mike gave up on trying to deal with love. He decided to give it a rest and focus on what he really wanted – theatre and dancing. He spent most of his days and money on classes, pushing himself to the limits to be the best he could be. 
In the end, it payed off. In a year, Mike has made his Broadway debut on Newsies. And after working even harder, he got cast as Connor Murphy in Dear Evan Hansen.
He was more than ecstatic. This, right here, was what he wanted and he finally got it. He was beyond happy for his achievements and how far he has gone. This was it. He was sure nothing could ruin it. 
It was when all the cast members gathered around for the first table read. This was where they were going to run through the entire script and all the actors could get a sense of what is expected of them in this musical.
Everyone gathered in the table. The entire crew started introducing themselves and what they do in this team. As Steve finished with his little speech about team work and such, it was the cast members’ turn.
Mike smiled as everyone introduced themselves. Words could not describe how excited he was for what was about to come for him. 
“Hi! I’m Laura Dreyfuss and I’m playing the role of Zoe Murphy.” Mike’s ears perked up at the name, a sense of nostalgia hitting him like a wave. 
He didn’t notice that he was staring for a quite a while until someone called his attention. 
“What?” Mike asked, facing whoever was calling him.
Ben started laughing. “Introduce yourself, man.” The room filled with quiet laughter.
Mike chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand and using the other to give a small wave to the rest as he stood up from his seat.
“I’m Mike Faist and I’m playing Connor Murphy.”
Everyone gave him a curt nod, greeting him back as they moved to the rest of the cast.
Mike sat back down. He faced the girl who introduced herself before him and saw her scanning through the script. Was this the same Laura? The very same Laura Dreyfuss who happened to be the friend of Y/N L/N?
This was all Mike could think of during the rehearsals. The nagging feeling never left. He just wanted to know how you were. I mean, it’s been four years. It has been a while.
One week into rehearsals, he still couldn't find the courage to ask Laura. 
It would seem so out of the blue. Wouldn’t it be weird? Asking a complete stranger about her best friend who he fell head over heels for. It wasn’t like he could just go up to her and say, ‘Hey! Your best friend may or may not be the love of my life. How is she, by the way?’.
Yeah, if only it was that simple.
He was twiddling with his thumbs, trapped in between Laura and Michael Park as they watched Ben, Will, and Kristolyn rehearse in front of them.
Mike was contemplating whether this was the perfect moment to talk to Laura about it. Every time he gathered the courage to ask about you, it always disappears the next second.
Laura glanced at Mike for a while before moving her focus back to the stage, leaning back into her seat.
“I know who you are, you know.”
Mike slowly raised his head to face Laura. He pointed to himself as they met eyes, silently asking if she was talking to him. Laura chuckled and nodded.
“You do?” Mike sounded shocked.
“I didn’t mean to sound creepy but I do know you.” She replied, eyes still on the practice set in front of them.
Mike did the same and faced in front, shifting in his seat.
“I remember you too,” He crossed his arms in front of his chest as he continued his conversation with Laura. “Even though we haven’t officially met.”
She chuckled. “Heard about me through Y/N?”
Mike smiled at the mention of your name. “I could ask you the same question.”
“You’re not wrong there. She talked about you a lot.” Laura said, glancing at Mike as he looked at her with shock.
“She did?” 
Laura nodded. “She didn’t shut up about you.” She replied, giggling. Laura could still remember the times you rambled about Mike. Of course, you still denied you felt anything for him but Laura knew you like the back of her hand.
Mike slowly nodded his head, trying to seem calm as he could be. “She mentioned you a lot too,” He said before turning his body to face Laura a bit.
“Speaking of Y/N, how is she? You guys were pretty close when I last saw her.”
Laura looked up at Mike to give him a gentle grin. “She’s doing great. We’re still close as ever.” Mike felt a smile creep up his face. You were doing alright. You were happy. That was a relief.
Laura eyed Mike knowingly. “She’s coming to visit tomorrow after she applies at another firm.”
The mention of the word ‘firm’ made Mike’s eyebrows furrow together. “Firm? I thought she was pursuing music?” He asked with a confused tone.
Laura shrugged. “Not anymore, I guess. She didn’t take up music when she transferred to UCLA.” 
Mike nodded as he leaned back into his chair. He was confused? Did anything happen? More questions popped into his head and he didn’t have the answer to any of them.
A year has passed since that conversation happened and now, here you were. You were snuggled against Laura while watching Mike.
You got your phone out from your pocket and your eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when you saw the time.
2:02 PM
You quickly stood up, Laura’s arm flopping down to the seat. She looked up to you with a confused expression on her face. Her phone was still pressed against her ear and you could hear the quiet chatter from the other line.
“I have to go. My interview is at 2:30 PM, Laura.” You said quietly, twirling the green scarf around your neck.
She looked at you with panicked eyes. Laura couldn’t drop this call right now but she knew you had to be somewhere. 
“Look, just tell me where it is. I can go there by myself.” You told her quickly. You were unsure of your own words. I mean, you have been here for around a year and you still have lots to learn about. You were going to rely on the current knowledge you have of New York.
Laura furiously shook her head at you. She pulled away from the phone, excusing herself as she covered it so that the other line wouldn’t pick up whatever she was about to say.
“Are you crazy? Your interview is in Queens!” She whispered harshly.
“It’s one subway ride from here. You told me that borough was safe!” You whispered back, grabbing your bag from the table next to the love seat.
“A lot of scary things can happen in a subway, Y/N.” 
“You have a phone call to finish, Laura. I can’t drag you out to the noisy streets just like that!”
Laura chewed her lip nervously, eyes moving to the three boys across the room.
“Does anyone know how to go to the Exile, Inc.? That place in Queens?” She asked.
The three boys stared at each other, Ben and Will shaking their heads. Everyone faced Mike expectantly.
Mike let in a sharp breath before nodding at you and Laura. You let out a sigh of relief.
“Thank god, okay. She has to leave like right now. Can you take her?” Laura asked Mike. 
He nodded at the two of you.
“Alright, give me a second.” He said as he grabbed his jacket and scarf from his dressing room, which wasn’t far.
You started cracking your knuckles as you waited. You weren’t exactly sure whether you were excited or nervous to be with Mike, alone.
Mike started wrapping the scarf around his neck as he put on his jacket. He was doing this while walking back to where you were. He didn’t know how to feel. This was the first time the two of you were going somewhere alone. 
He walked towards you and Laura, nodding to signal he was ready to go. 
You smiled at Mike before giving Laura a kiss on the cheek as she carried on with her phone call.
“Ready?” Mike asked you.
“Yeah.” You said quietly, still feeling a bit nervous around him. You felt a little embarrassed. You were dragging him to some job interview and the two of you knew that this wasn’t your first interview. This was the eighth. 
It’s pathetic how a jobless girl is still pining for a Broadway star, you though to yourself.
The two of you walked in silence as you left the Music Box Theatre. You listened to the sound of vehicles passing by, the loud chatter of the crowds, and the overall ambience of the city. Mike moved to the outer side of the sidewalk, shielding you from the traffic.
“So this building we’re going to,” He started as he shoved his hands inside his jacket pockets. “What kind of firm is it?”
“It’s actually an agency, not a firm.” You faced him momentarily before moving your gaze to the pavement.
Mike nodded. He could still sense a bit of awkwardness between the two of you but nonetheless, he was glad you two had this moment to yourselves. “An agency that deals with what?”
“Graphic design,” You shrugged, not making a big deal out of it. “I’m applying as a graphic designer.”
“Graphic design, huh?”
“I know, it’s quite a stretch from what I did a few years back.” You chuckled nervously. You continued to walk as you neared a corner, your hands playing with the buttons of your coat.
Mike glanced at you, a smile lingering on his lips. The view was just beautiful. It’s funny how New York is so busy that anything can catch your attention but his eyes were just set on you. The orange leaves were falling to ground, one particularly landing on your head.
He slowed down his pace, eventually halting to a stop. You stopped a few inches in front of him as you looked at him, confused.
“What is it?” You asked quietly, walking back to him.
“Did something happen?” He asked you as he stared at the leaf that sat on your head.
“What do you mean?”
He reached out on top of your hair, grabbing the leaf. He plucked it off before twirling it in his fingers. He handed to you the small orange leaf as he continued talking. “I suppose something happened. I mean, you were pursuing music back then and now you’re into graphic design.”
He started walking off, leaving you to stare at the leaf that he placed on your palm. You started to walk as well, picking up the pace to catch up with him.
“I didn’t entirely give up on music if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“Why didn’t you pursue it then?” He started kicking the pebbles off the pavement. “Do you not love it anymore or something?”
You vigorously shook your head at him. “God, no. I’ll always love music, you know that.” You playfully shoved him. He chuckled as he stumbled a bit. 
“Okay, okay. You love it but why not go on with it?” He asked as he placed a hand on the small of your back, guiding you as you turned the corner.
You felt your cheeks heat up. “I guess it’s something I didn’t want to share to the world,” You started.
He moved his hand away from you before looking at you expectantly as he waited for you to continue. 
“I have no interest making money off of it. It’s just something I love, something I treasure. Music will always be special to me. I could spend my entire life just dedicating all my days to music.” You said, your eyes moving to your shoelaces. They were a bit undone but you didn’t mind it too much.
You faced Mike as you continued walking down the street. “I feel like it’s a part of me that people should earn their way into, you know? Not something they should pay to get a part of.” You finished.
You saw Mike nod slowly. You couldn’t read the expression on his face so you weren’t sure whether he understood what you were trying to say.
You started to ramble. “Look, it’s confusing. I know that but what I’m say-”
“No, I understand it.” He cut you off, grinning at you. “It’s precious to you heart and you want to guard it. Wait for the right people to be a part of your music.” He explained in his own words.
He then pointed to the flight of stairs a few feet ahead of you, signalling that you were headed that way.
You looked at him with awe. “That’s exactly what I’m trying to say!” You say, clearly glad that he got it.
You started walking backwards so you could face him as you walked to the steps. “Besides, graphic design can be cool as a job. It’s pretty fun.”
He chuckled as he glanced at you before facing the street once again. “I hope I’m one of those people you trust your music with.” Mike told you with a joking tone even though he meant that genuinely.
You scoff as you turned around when the two of you reached the stairs. You rolled your eyes at him playfully. “Of course you are.” 
You started walking down the steps when Mike stopped in his tracks, in shock. “I-I am?”
“Why wouldn’t you be? You’ve been there ever since.” You retorted back, facing him.
“Even after all these years?” He asked as he started walking down next to you. He felt warm inside. To hear something like that, especially from someone like you, was enough to lift his spirits to a whole new level.
“You are, You smile to the ground, letting your hair hide you from Mike. “And you will always be.” You mumbled the last part to yourself. It was quiet but Mike heard it. He smiled as he looked at you with his soft and gentle eyes. 
“I’ve missed you, did you know that?” He said.
You shook your head. “I didn’t. But I’ve missed you too.”
“Why did we ever stop talking?”
You shrugged your shoulders, remembering very well what happened. “We both got so busy. We never had the time, I guess.”
“I guess so too.” He said back, frowning as he painfully regretted how he two of you drifted apart.
“But even after all those years, I still trust you with my little treasure.” You say, chuckling as you used his words to refer to your music.
He bit his lip before talking, smiling. “Well, it’s a privilege to be one of those people.” He genuinely told you once the both of you reached the same step. He placed a hand on your shoulder, giving it a squeeze.
As you leaned back into his touch, your grip around your folders loosened at the same time a gust of wind passed by. 
“Crap!” You exclaimed as you watched some of your papers fly away. You quickly ran down the stairs to chase your papers. Mike did the same, chasing after you.
You sighed in relief as all the papers seemed to be contain in the space in front of you. Luckily, not any on them got sucked through the subway’s tunnel.
You dropped to your knees as you started collecting your pages one by one. Mike knelt down in front of you as he helped you do so.
You heard him chuckle, making you look up at him. “What is it?”
“It’s just like old times, don’t you think?” He spoke softly, reminiscing back to the first time you met each other.
“How can I forget?” You say. You couldn’t help but smile at the memory. You remembered how his two-toned eyes looked with the sunlight gracing his face. The way his hair, which was way shorter back then, was all ruffled up. You even remember the bags under his eyes because who doesn’t lose sleep in college?
Once you had all your papers, Mike was first to stand up. He patted his knees to remove any dust from the pavement.
You were still in the process of putting the pages back to its folders when the subway arrived, the tunnel suddenly being flooded with a sea of people. 
“Shit, we have to hurry if we want to able to sit down.” Mike said as he stretched out his hand for you to grab.
You took his hand as he tugged you upwards before running to the subway. Your feet padded across the pavement as he navigated you through the crowd. He was running in front of you, dragging you along with him.
You were bumping into different strangers’ shoulders and Mike noticed the resistance. Suddenly, he slipped his fingers into yours. He interlocked them to have a tighter grip on you. He didn’t want to lose you in this crowd.
Finally, you’ve reached the subway. You waited until everyone from the train has finally left before entering. Mike’s eyes were watching people make their way out of the tunnel. Yours, on the other hand, were set on your intertwined fingers. If anyone was watching you, they’d notice how pink the apples of your cheeks were. Thank god there weren’t any.
You felt Mike squeeze your fingers. “C’mon, let’s go inside.” He said as he faced you before tugging you forward.
You slipped yourselves into the subway. Your eyes scanned the vehicle. There were less people who entered compared to the ones who left. The subway was relatively spacier.
Now it was your turn to drag Mike around. You spotted seats in the end of the subway. There were hardly any people in that area so you tugged Mike in that direction, signalling that the two of you should sit there. He complied, letting you drag him around.
A few steps later, you and Mike plopped down to the seats. Both of you were slightly out of breath after all that running. Mike checked his watch, not realising that he still hasn’t let go of your hand. Not that you minded. 
“Hmm,” He hummed as he mentally counted the minutes until you get to your destination. 
“I think we’ll be there by 2:25 PM.” He said before shifting his gaze to you. “How far is that agency of yours?” 
“Well,” You licked your lips before talking, eyes glancing at your interlocked fingers before facing Mike. “It’s a two-minute walk from the station, according to the people there.” You say.
Mike noticed it. He definitely noticed you looking at your hands. Suddenly, Mike remembered Laura. He quickly let go of your hand, letting it flop down your side.
“I’m sorry ‘bout that. I forgot,” He said with a sheepish smile. His eyes scanned around the subway, trying to find something to talk about so you wouldn’t have to discuss about the handholding. He spotted your untied shoelaces in the corner of your eye.
Your eyebrows furrowed. He forgot what? Before you could ask him, he pointed a finger to your shoelaces.
“You should tie those up. Wouldn’t want you to trip.” He mumbled as he shoved his hands back into the pockets of his jacket, eyes glued to his own shoes.
You eyed him carefully. What was he on about?
“Hold on,” You started before leaning down to your shoelaces. “You forgot?” You ask him.
He looked at you for a while before nodding. “Yeah. I’m really sorry-”
“No, no. Wait, what did you forget?” You ask him as you were tying a knot.
Now it was Mike’s turn to be confused. “I forgot about, you know.”
You shook your head as you finished tying your shoelaces. You leaned back into your seat to get a good look at Mike. Man, he was genuinely confused. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Mike stared at you, bewildered. “Laura,” He said. You continued staring back, waiting for him to finish.
“I forgot about Laura, alright? But don’t tell her that.”
“She would have murdered me if she found out I was holding her girlfriend’s hand for quite a while.” 
Your eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when you heard ‘girlfriend’. Did Mike really think you and Laura were together?
This had you laughing, throwing your head back in doing so. 
Mike was confused as heck at this point. He watched as you continued laughing, tears welling up in your eyes.
He took in a sharp breath. “Was it something I said?” He said slowly, afraid he might have offended you in some way. 
You were still shaking with laugher. You waved your hands in front of your face as you tried telling him that it wasn’t that. 
“N-No! it wasn’t,” You had to stop as you continued giggling.
Mike huffed, not getting what you were on about. “I said I’m sorry, alright.” He mumbled, pulling the hood of his jacket over his head.
You finally calmed yourself down, wiping the tears on your eyes with the back of your hand. “L-Laura isn’t my girlfriend, Mike.”
Suddenly, Mike snapped his head towards your direction. His hair was peaking out of his hood, waiting until you say that you were kidding. When he realized that you were being serious, he just couldn’t believe it.
“She isn’t?”
He honestly thought you were with Laura for the past years. He made himself forget about all his feelings only to know right at this moment that it was all for nothing.
You giggled at him. “She’s my best friend. That’s all she’s ever going to be!”
“But before we left, you kissed her-”
“Well, that’s just something we do. We just happen to be that close.”
A surge of emotions washed over Mike. This would mean that perhaps, he had a chance with you. He opened his mouth to say something when you cut him off.
“And you shouldn’t have assumed I was with her just because I’m bisexual,” You started getting preachy about your sexuality. You wanted to clear it up. You always did this whenever you and Laura told people you weren’t together.
“Just because I’m into girls too doesn’t mean I can’t hold a platonic relationship with them. It also it doesn’t make me any less loyal,” You leaned back into your seat, ever so slightly shifting closer to Mike before continuing.
“I mean, I’ve liked someone for five years now. If that’s not being loyal, I don’t know what is. It’s kind of pathetic. ” You chuckled in spite of yourself, crossing your arms in front of your chest. You glanced at Mike as you said that sentence.
“It’s a heck load of dedication of ask me.”
“Well, that too.”
Mike felt his heart beat faster. It’s got to be a coincidence, right? That both of you happen to like another person for five years? He didn’t want any false hope but a man could dream.
“I, uh,” He bit his lip, as he looked at you. “I’ve also liked someone for five years so you aren’t alone there.”
You, on the other hand, got a bit discouraged. You overheard the ‘five years’ part and all that entered your head was that he liked someone. Just great. Nonetheless, you smiled up at him.
“Why didn’t you tell that person about your feelings?” He asked you as he looked at his watch. 
You scoff. “I could ask you the same thing.” You playfully bumped your shoulder against his.
“Touché,” He chuckled before looking back at you. “But seriously? I think I’m just waiting for the perfect moment.” He said.
You shrugged. “Perfect moment? That doesn’t exist.”
He raised his eyebrow at you, eager to hear your reasoning. “Oh yeah? Why is that?”
“I don’t know,” You leaned your head back until it hit the window behind you. “I mean, bad things are always going to happen. There’s always going to be things that would ruin your moment, you know? Someone would always be a bit too late, something would go missing, a reservation could be cancelled,” You started.
Mike chuckled as he gave his own example. “Someone always leaving too soon,” He said, sneaking a glance to your way as he subtly referred to you a few years back.
You nodded. “Yeah, exactly. That’s why you should just do it. When you love someone, you just say it loud. Whatever happens, happens.”
“And what if you get rejected?” Mike countered back.
“Look, here’s what I think. Love is a good thing. What makes the moment special is knowing you’ve had the privilege of loving someone,” You smile to the ground as your mind immediately went to Mike. You didn’t know this but at the very same moment, Mike laid his eyes on you.
You licked your lips before continuing. “And hearing you’re loved back? That is what makes it a perfect moment.”
Mike smiled at you. With this entire conversation, all he could think of was you and every bit of you. He thought he couldn’t find any more reasons to make him fall for you but this very conversation proved him wrong.
“Then why did you wait?” He asked.
You scoffed at yourself. You were a damn coward, there was no denying that fact. “Courage is something you need, of course. Sadly, I don’t have that.” You say, playing with your scarf.
You faced him with a sad smile. “You should tell the girl that you like her.”
He observed that you were avoiding his eyes. “You think so, Y/N?”
You nodded. You wished Mike nothing but happiness, even if it meant not being with you. “I’m sure she’d be glad to hear it.”
You sat in silence for a few seconds. Mike took in your words about the perfect moment. You were right, he thought to himself. If anything, this may be the only chance he has to tell you about how he really feels.
“She wouldn’t freak out?”
You laugh quietly. “That’s really up to the girl. I hope she doesn’t.”
It was quiet between the two of you for a while before he spoke.
“I hope you don’t freak out too.”
Hearing this words made everything stop. Your heart started to beat faster, your hands were getting clammy, and your cheeks were tinting red. You were sure Mike wouldn’t say this just for the heck of it. He wasn’t cruel, he wasn’t going to give you false hope.
“A-Are you saying that I am-”
Mike chuckled at how flustered you looked. “That is what I’m saying. It’s you and it always has been you.”
You stared at him, opening your mouth then quickly closing them when you realized you didn’t know what to say. You were speechless. You were in complete shock.
But overall, you were pretty damn ecstatic to hear those words from him. It was unexpected but you were glad it happened anyways.
The subway stopped to a halt, the sudden stop making you bump into Mike. 
He sighed as he realized you’ve finally reached your destination. So much for his grand confession. The two of you stood up, waiting for other people to leave.
“Okay, that freaked you out. Maybe we should wait until you finish your-”
“No,” You say, moving closer to him. He looked at you questioningly. 
“I want to hear it. Never would I have thought that the guy I liked would confess in a subway to Queens.” You say as you lightened up the tension between you two, subtly reciprocating his feelings. You slipped your hand in his as you left the vehicle.
Mike swore he saw stars on that moment. He thanked every deity, in every universe, in everything he knew because this was something he only dreamed.
He squeezed your fingers as tugged you through the busy crowd of Queens. 
“I’m going to need a little more time to tell you everything,” He started as he navigated your way to the stairs. “Besides, you shouldn’t be too flustered before going to that interview of yours.” He said jokingly.
“I won’t be flustered!” You say defensively. 
Mike stared at you for a few seconds before you rolled your eyes playfully. “Okay, maybe a little.”
He smirked. “See? I wouldn’t want to mess up your game.”
“Heck, I don’t care if I don’t get this job. Nothing is ruining this day.” You tell him as you reached the stairs, placing your other hand on the rail.
“Hey, don’t say that. If you get this job, that would be a plus to your day.” He said as the two of you jogged up.
“But if I don’t get it, it’s going to be fine.” You reply as you reached the end of the stairs. You could already spot the building from where you were standing. It was three feet away from you.
“Okay, I do hope I get this job,” You said with all seriousness. You might lose your head if you had to apply at another agency for the ninth time. faced Mike and you saw him smiling down at you. “You’ll be there when everything goes to shit?” You asked him as you started walking towards the door.
He chuckled, giving your fingers a squeeze as he continued rubbing soft circles on the back of your hand. “You bet I would.”
“You mean that?”
“Do you really think I’m still going to kid around? Right now? After what just happened?”
You giggled. “True that.”
You and Mike finally reached the building. You got your phone out of your pocket to check the time. 
2:28 PM
You sighed in relief when you realized you weren’t late. You shoved the phone back into your pocket before looking up at Mike, who was staring at you lovingly.
This. This very moment was something you knew you would never dare to forget.
You smiled at him before wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him down for a tight hug. Mike snaked his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him.
You felt Mike snuggle his face into your neck, making you giggle. 
“We’re going to have a long talk when I get back.” You whispered into his ear, trying to sound tough and menacing. 
He laughed as you felt the vibrations against you. He placed a gentle kiss on your temple before speaking.
“I’ve waited for five years. An hour or two is nothing.”
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mikedfaist · 4 months
hi lovely!!! i was wondering if i could request a mike x singer/actress and they met on set of west side story and during the press tour fans suspect them because of their flirty remarks towards one another? love your work by the way <33
I’m actually swooning.
They’re always sat next to each other on the press tours, and when someone else is answering a question, she and Mike are sometimes whispering things to the other, or poking each other in the arm, or hitting the others foot with their own. Always just trying to get the others attention. You can guess there are YouTube compilation videos titled: “Mike Faist and reader flirting for 8 minutes”.
On the red carpet, he’s always caught staring at her, biting his lip to hold back a fucking cheesy ass grin. (He can’t help it, she just looks so pretty). She’ll be talking to one of the interviewers, and Mike will just casually walk behind her – definitely not checking out her ass – and maybe she spots him and just smiles. “There’s my Riff.”
Remember the video of Mike kissing Ariana DeBose’s shoulder at the BAFTA’s? He would do something like that to her. A quick drive by kiss to her shoulder as she’s mid-sentence.
Other cast members begin posting BTS photos and videos they took during filming in honor of the release, and of course in the background of some, you can spot Mike giving reader a piggyback ride, Mike and reader slow dancing in the gym – the cameras were definitely not rolling, they just did that for fun – and the one that really got people talking, her sitting on Mike’s lap in the hair and makeup trailer. It wouldn’t have been such a big deal but his hand was placed pretty close to her butt, and her arm was around his neck, and his lips were getting pretty close to hers.
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mikedfaist · 4 months
When Mike goes to famous!reader’s shows, does he film her? Does he sing along? Does he just watch with his jaw on the floor the entire time?
I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS QUESTION, also featuring in this ask are the songs tejano blue by cigarettes after sex; sex by the 1975; wake me by bleachers
Here are a few fan testimonies from previous shows:
Tell me how the fuck did I just see Mike Faist backstage at her DC show tonight? Babe is getting the groupie treatment.
Mike being at her show tonight isn’t helping the dating rumors and quite frankly knowing all of the words to Tejano Blue isn’t helping either.
Homegirl is really dodging all of the dating rumors but then brings the man in question on tour with her and expects me to act normal about it?
Nobody seems to be talking about Mike Faist backstage at [reader’s] show and recording the entirety of Sex on his little red iPhone. DROP THE FOOTAGE, MICHAEL.
Mike singing the lyrics to Tejano Blue so proudly like, “Yes, we have fucked. This song is about me. Thank you for wondering.”
On most occasions, he will be backstage watching, but if it’s a Columbus show, he’ll probably be in the audience with his family. (She puts them in VIP). He knows all the words to all her songs; his camera roll is full of pictures and videos he’s taken at her shows. He even brings his Nikon to take photos of her. He’s always smiling and laughing at her crowd banter. And of course he always looked the most concerned when she takes a fall – whether that be from spilled water or purely her clumsiness. The most notable moment happened at a Columbus show, of all places, and her foot got tangled in her microphone wire and she fell hard.
“Just leave me here… Don’t worry about me—I’ll finish the rest of the show down here… Anyone who recorded that, I will sue you if you post it anywhere, I fucking swear. Don’t test me.”
And it’s quite funny when she performs the more sexual songs at the Columbus shows, because she gets so shy and embarrassed and will skip over entire lyrics because there is no way she is about to sing about fucking her man in her car, with his mother in attendance. She’ll pass. She even mouths “I’m sorry” into the camera at the more explicit lyrics.
And if you’re one of the few lucky ones who have stood near Mike at the Columbus shows, you’re always in for a treat.
Me @ Mike Faist after every song: honey do you know this song is about you?
[reader] trying to be on her best behavior tonight because her mother-in-law is here
Does Mike know he’s dating [reader] or should I tell him?
[reader] really said “that is my man” and let us go ballistic
[reader] singing the words “I can’t believe I captured your heart” and staring directly at Mike Faist wasn’t on my BINGO card but
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mikedfaist · 3 months
please write more about what fans say about mike and famous or non famous reader !! like sightings etc, if u know what i mean lol
Why have one when you can have both?
When you’re casually at the Challengers premiere in London and accidentally bump into Mike’s (alleged) girlfriend as she’s trying to sneak into the theater… Sorry, babe. Cute dress though.
Eye spy Mike’s girlfriend at Brokeback matinee today, and later sneaking out the stage doors during the meet and greet, only to return with Starbucks. She has her priorities set. Good for her.
Met Mike’s girlfriend today in line for the bathroom… I wanted to hate her so bad, but she lent me a tampon.
I don’t mean to alarm anyone but I just saw Mike Faist and his girlfriend at the grocery store, and they were having a heated conversation about mangos. Apparently, she eats the skin and he thinks that’s weird.
Saw this cute ass couple on the subway platform only to realize as my train took off that it was Mike Faist and his rumored (definitely confirmed after what I saw) girlfriend.
Anybody else notice Mike walk briefly into the frame during [reader’s] IG live today?
What’s better than [reader] and Mike Faist having lunch at my restaurant today? Her tipping me $1000. I haven’t stopped crying.
I need Mike to make an Instagram account solely for all of the pictures and videos he takes at [reader’s] shows. Can’t let them go to waste.
The look of fucking horror on Mike’s face when that fan stormed the stage at [reader’s] show tonight. Somebody please go check up on him.
Did anybody else catch Mike nearly lose his shit when [reader] got hit in the face with a water bottle tonight, or was it just me?
Wait wait wait what do you mean [reader] is dating a Newsie?
I can definitely do more if you are interested -- just feeling exceptionally tired tonight and was forcing myself to answer at least one thing.
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mikedfaist · 4 months
so invested in famous!reader and her lore… does she have close friends in the industry besides Mike? What does the media/general public think of her? Does she have a crazy fan base?
I love her and want to give her a hug. 🥹 thank you!!! 🫶🏻
Just call me the Drake Passage because you’re crossing dangerous waters, my friend.
She does have many close friends in the industry. To name one, Kathryn Gallagher, who was on Broadway for Jagged Little Pill. Lauren Patten was also in that production, and she worked with Mike in Days of Rage, so everything is connected in some way it seems. Victoria Pedretti, Lili Reinhart, and Florence Pugh are just another few. She also has ongoing beef with Kendall Jenner that seems to resurface once a year.
In her younger years, the media pinned her as a big party girl, and it was common for her to make headlines when she was seen having dinner with a guy or leaving a bar with friends. As she’s gotten older, and she’s retreated from the media, it seems they’ve changed their attitude toward her, but they’ve always been supportive of her, but not always the most respectful…but that’s Hollywood, baby.
As for fans, she’s blessed to have fans that aren’t too much. They don’t crowd her and overwhelm her – though, I will say they were guilty of that in the past, but people grow. Fans who spot her in Ohio are very reluctant to approach her, but if they do, it’s a very polite and quiet exchange, and she’ll sign whatever they want signed, maybe even take a photo, and then she’s on her way.
Here’s a story: She, Mike, and their friends are all at a bar one night, and a couple fans are sitting at the bar top when they notice her sitting in a booth. She’s sitting in the inner part of the booth, and Mike has his arm strung over her shoulders, so she’s hidden well, but she’s nevertheless seen. They don’t want to bother her; she looks so happy and carefree; they figure they’ll just watch her from afar for a while and then talk about their encounter on Twitter.
Mike ends up going up to the bar to get more drinks, and this is when the girls see their shot. They had quickly written little notes for her, how much she means to them, and the songs and albums she’s done that have resonated with them deeply over the years. They hesitantly ask Mike if he can give them to her, because they don’t want to bother her, but he’s insistent they come to the table to meet her. If she wasn’t in the mood to meet fans, he would know.
The girls are shaking as they follow Mike back to their table, and they swear they black out during the encounter. She signs the inside of an Agatha Christie book one of the girls had in their purse, and the back of a Dollar General receipt. They also take pictures, thanks to Mike’s immaculate photography skills, and the only request was to post anything after midnight to guarantee she’s left the establishment.
Just met [reader] and Mike at a bar in Columbus… I haven’t stopped shaking. She signed my Dollar General receipt and became visibly upset when she noticed I paid $3 for my sunglasses. “What’s the fucking point being called Dollar General if you’re going to extort your customers?” She smelled so good, and complimented my Pedro Pascal shirt. Mike looked so good and he was so nice. It makes perfect sense why she likes him. Literally saw him kiss with my own two eyes so anyone who says it’s a stunt can suck my fat dick. Homeboy isn’t down bad with bedroom eyes for you to be saying they aren’t in love. Eat it.
Our famous would later like this post.
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mikedfaist · 2 months
hiii love ur stuff !! can u pls do mike and famous!reader being pulled from the street to do those tik tok interviews like how they first met iykyk.. or just anything really !!
who do i call if i'm worried about mindreaders? the cia? my therapist? a priest?
They would be walking back home having just left a café nearby; she’d holding her iced coffee in one hand, and his in the other. When they’re initially approached, she internally sinks. She wore a mask in hopes of remaining incognito, but it doesn’t always work out that way, especially if you recognize the boy beside her.
“Excuse me, can I ask you two a question?” Fuck. “Are you a couple?”
She wants to roll her eyes; she’s quite literally holding his hand. She even looks down at where they are conjoined just to point emphasis. “Yeah, we are.”
“May I ask how you two met?”
And then it clicks.
She’s seen the videos on her FYP; she knows exactly what’s happening. Does this guy even recognize them, or were they just the unlucky pair picked from the sidewalk?
She looks up at Mike, who is already biting back a smile.
“We, uh…” She turns back to the man. “We met through work.”
“What kind of work?”
Okay. “Film set. It was a little indie thing we did some years back.”
“So, you two are actors?”
“Yeah.” Mike replies instead, squeezing her hand.
“What’s the film if you don’t mind me asking?”
He says the name, and she realizes then that once this video is posted, everyone will realize that that it is her behind the mask. She laughs at the thought of the upheaval.
“What was your first thought when you saw her for the first time?”
Mike looks down at her with a blush. “That she was the most beautiful person I’d ever seen in my life.” He laughs, clearing his throat. “It was love at first sight, easily.”
“What is your favorite thing about him?”
“His heart,” she says instinctively. “He makes loving easy. You don’t ever have to doubt it. I remember falling in love with him, it was like my life turned technicolor. Everything just felt better.”
“How long have you two been together?”
“Five and a half years,” he says with a smirk. Not long enough, he thinks.
“And last question,” the man says. “If you could relive one day with each other, what would it be?”
“We went on a roadtrip in 2020 – from LA to New York, and somewhere in Utah, I think it was Utah, we camped for the night. There was this meteor shower, and I swear it was most insane thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”
“Mine would have to be… surprising you in Nashville…a couple years ago.”
“Oh, yes!” She beams, turning to look at him. “I loved that.”
What he really wanted to say was how he surprised her in Nashville at one of her shows when they weren’t planning on seeing each other for a couple more weeks. The look on her face when she saw him made everything worth it.
“And what are your names?”
They say their names, and walk off.
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mikedfaist · 3 months
after reader invites him over and they have their night together how does that go? do they talk in the morning and get back together or do they say some more dumb stuff?
first, i want to apologize for switching back and forth with the povs. i have been awake since 5 am, and its 10 pm and my brain is liquid soup. also, this isn't my best -- hence liquid soup brain -- so bear with me, i am only a person
She texted him out of the blue – 10 AM on a Wednesday. She had woken up, taken a shower, and returned to bed with her cuppa. As she sat there, bundled up in her blankets on her side of the bed, she couldn’t help but feel entrapped by the loneliness. Engulfed and suffocated. If he were here, he’d be right there by her side, either a hand on her thigh or his head resting in her lap. Now, he’s somewhere else.
Can you come over sometime today to talk? I’ll be home all day.
Rotting in bed, but she doesn’t add that.
He responds ten minutes later as you were doom scrolling on Instagram.
Of course. I’m leaving brunch right now, I can be at yours in 20.
Yours. That stung. It was ours.
30 minutes later there’s a knock on the door; he’s apologizing for running late, the train stalled underground. You also notice he didn’t use his key. His hands are dug deep in his pockets, and you watch him meander in the entryway waiting for your cue.
“Would you like some tea? I put the kettle on a bit ago…”
So fucking formal for the same guy whose balls have been in your mouth. You bite the inside of your cheek as you revel in the sight of the man who without a doubt is thinking the same thing.
He shakes his head politely. “No thanks.”
You two sit on the sofa, a space separating you two that feels unnatural. He’s playing with his hands in his lap, staring blankly ahead at a magazine on the table. Numéro Netherlands. You were on the cover this month.
You have to be the first to talk – you invited him over – but you don’t know where to start. The last time you two spoke didn’t end well, and you aren’t sure whether to blame it on the fact you weren’t entirely sober, or that the anger carried with you was still prevalent and scorching beneath the surface.
“Thanks for coming…” He looked up at you with a surprisingly horrified expression. He really did come here thinking you were officially ending things. Cutting ties. Taking his key. “I’m sorry for how things went last time—”
“Stop, you had every right—”
“Michael, I fucking swear, just…” You pinch the bridge of your nose. “This is already hard for me, just let me talk.”
He felt his stomach fucking drop. This really was it. He hung onto the mere idea of a chance you would take him back, but now all hope was evaporating before him. His hands were clammy. He could feel his heartbeat in his head. He started to break out in a sweat.
“I miss you…and I hate what happened, and how it happened, and I wish I could just go back and redo the whole thing… It fucking kills me waking up and you’re not there, and going to bed and you’re not there, getting off stage and the one person I want to see isn’t there.”
He couldn’t figure out where to focus his attention. Her fingers picking at the skin by her nails, the magazine cover, the lone dog toy left absent by the coffee table.
“I just want to go back to how it was before… I don’t know if that’s possible, but I think about it a lot.”
“I want to try.” He bites his lip at the shakiness of his voice. He’s treading lightly, too worried to overstep and break apart everything they’re building up right now. “If you’re willing, I… That’s all I want, really.”
“I guess it’ll take time to find our footing again.” She forces a smile, but her eyes hold deep sadness. “I still love you. That never changed.”
Eventually, he agrees to a cuppa, but it becomes long forgotten when she sits on the counter waiting for the kettle to boil, and Mike strides in between her legs to hold her. The first time they’ve touched each other since before the fight a month ago. One kiss – hungry and passionate – leads to his fingers in her hair, and her knuckles white holding a grip to his shirt. Her hand falls beneath his top, cascading along his hip, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake.
He suddenly remembers the morning he fucked her against this very counter, a mere months ago, and how now they’re coming full circle.
“Bed?” You’re breathless, separating for only a moment but Mike is chasing back after your lips. You can feel him nod, but he doesn’t make a movement to separate from you. “Babe?” It falls so naturally from your mouth that it doesn’t register immediately, until Mike parts from you and lets his head fall to the nape of your neck. You run your fingers through his hair, letting him have his moment.
“I love you,” you feel his words pressed against your skin. He places a soft kiss to your neck, before lifting his head back up to face yours. Without a word, he mindlessly moves the kettle from burner and turns it off. “C’mon.”
He follows you up the stairs, and instinctively shuts the door behind you both. He undresses you like it’s a sin, taking his time feeling over every inch of exposed skin he could find. He really couldn’t believe his luck. He came here thinking he was losing you forever, and now he’s in your bed. He’s scrambling out of his clothes, watching you intently as you pull your shirt over your head to reveal your bare chest.
He doesn’t remember the last time he truly made love to you. Things have felt different since the new year, and things slowly began to break apart. Sex devoid of passion. It was no wonder things fell apart as they did.
He holds you taut against him as he ruts into you, a feeling you missed deeply. You don’t even feel embarrassed for how quick you feel that knot tighten in your stomach; you happily welcome it. You’re cumming hard around him, digging harsh red lines on his back as he chases his own high not far from yours.
Two more rounds, and by now it’s late afternoon. You two lay in an entanglement of exhausted limbs and bedsheets. He’s in the same spot you were daydreaming about only hours ago. His eyes are closing, but he’s reaching out blindly for your arm, tugging you close to him.
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mikedfaist · 3 months
How did the fans react when reader and Mike got back together? Was the separation a big topic? IM DYINF TO KNOWW
Okay so, writing this on my phone so bear with me. There is definitely some relief on her side of the fans because they don’t like to see her upset, but they’re also like, “What did Mike do to make her this way?” So then they’re like… Do we even want them back together? But they trust her. And there’s probably some back and forth between their fan bases on “who broke up with who”. (They don’t find middle ground and just agree to disagree).
But the separation was a big topic, and it really had to do with her being so visibly upset at Glasto. It just wasn’t something that had ever happened before.
Maybe she goes on like a podcast or something and talks about it after her performance at Glasto for brought up.
“I was a little fucked. I wasn’t in a good headspace.” She begins. “My partner and I,” she pauses and turns to the camera with the expression that says I know you’ve been dying to hear this shit. “We briefly split for a little bit. It sucked. Horrible experience. Do not recommend.”
“How long?”
“Like a month or something? I spent most of that month in London with my friends. Lovely people. Anyway, when I eventually came back, we talked, worked through some shit, and alas…” She claps her hands in a mini explosion. “It was over something so dumb too. Like, no cheating—I know what those fucking tabloids say. It was literally something stupid that blew up to be something big. We just needed some time apart to sort ourselves out.”
“What do you say about the fans picking sides?”
“Maybe don’t do that?” She forces a laugh. “I won’t go back with someone who is a complete dickhead. I’m not wasting my time. He’s a good person. I don’t waste my time with bad people.”
And thus, it all came to an end.
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mikedfaist · 3 months
how long does it take mike and reader to get back together? and how does it happen?
It’s definitely not a quick thing. She stays in London after Glasto, spending time in the studio and hanging out with her friends. I imagine he reaches out to her regarding her performance — really just wondering if she’s okay — but he does praise her to no end. She doesn’t reply; she just needs her space right now.
It’s probably a couple weeks before she goes back to New York, and she doesn’t tell him she’s back. He finds out through a friend who saw her mentioned on Deux Moi.
“Saw [reader] leaving Carbone last night and getting into a car with some friends.”
He still has a key to their apartment, and he probably shows up one night when she’s out. She’s not exactly thrilled to see him; it takes several minutes to get her heart rate back to a natural rhythm, but he’s desperate to talk to her. Work something out.
“You didn’t say you were back.”
“Figured you didn’t care.”
“Didn’t care that I left.” The silence that fills the space between them stings. “You still have your key?”
“Leave it on the counter.”
He says her name dripping with pain. This isn’t how he wanted it to go. He watches her walk into the kitchen and fill up a glass of water.
“I’m trying to be civil, I really am, Mike, but pardon me if I’m a little fucking bitter right now. I’m not in the mood to talk. I just wanted to come home, take a bubble bath and go to bed.”
He nods, and tightens his grip on the key. “I don’t want it to end like this.”
“Do you know how fucking hard it is to go up there, in front of 100,000 people, and just pretend you didn’t get your fucking heart ripped from your chest—“
“I couldn’t keep myself together. It’s what the whole world’s talking about right now. Every fucking outlet. Not how good I did, but that.” He doesn’t say anything. “So excuse me, if I don’t want to see you right now.”
He ends up leaving, key tucked away in his pocket. You don’t speak for another week, and this time you invite him over.
It begins with a two-hour conversation on the couch, that leads to the kitchen, which leads to you sat atop the counters with him nestled between your legs, his lips sucking away at the skin of your neck. It ends with him in your bed.
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