#mikeko fan club
unhingedsquash · 6 months
I love the idea of Mikeko having the "tricolor menace" nickname given to her by Phoenix, but in reality Mikeko is the most loving kitty cat out there and loves ro be pampered. It's just that, for some reason (maybe the reason is hearing how her owner complains nonstop about him), Mikeko doesn't like Phoenix at all, and the first time they had to babysit her in the waa Phoenix became her personal scratching post.
It’s Apollo’s first time going away since he got Mikeko and he’s like FREAKING out about it bc that’s his baby and he can’t abandon her (and at this point, Clay isn’t there and cannot be the one to take care of her, and the trip is with Klavier so he can’t ask him).
So Phoenix sees him stressing and is like “relax, kiddo, we’ll watch her for you while you’re gone for the weekend.”
So Apollo drops Mikeko off with the Wrights for 2 days (Saturday -> Sunday, that is IT) and as he’s unloading all her stuff in her little duffel bag he packed, he’s saying “she can be a little prissy, but she’s a lover, and all she wants is to be told she’s perfect. So pamper her and everything will be fine! And call me if there’s any issues, I will be back as soon as possible”
And Mikeko is just staring at Phoenix the whole time and he’s trying not to stress about it.
And at first it’s fine. But then Apollo leaves officially, shuts the door, and Mikeko looks the father of the house in the eyes and immediately coughs a hairball into his dress shoes that were left by the front door.
In the span of 48 hours, in between getting treats from Trucy and snuggling on Miles’ lap while he reads a book, she manages to scratch Phoenix’s side of the couch, scratch Phoenix’s leg, sleep with all her weight on Phoenix’s throat, and coat his work suit pant leg, which had been freshly washed and laid out, with fur.
So when Apollo comes back, Phoenix immediately holds her out and is like “please take your tri-color menace home”
Now Mr. Wright is made fun of at the office for beefing with a cat.
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unhingedsquash · 6 months
I personally hc that Vongole and Mikeko actually get along quiet well, they just pretend to be beefing and fighting each other when both their humans start to ignore them bc they're too focused on one another and not giving them attention and cuddles.
SOBS and you know it was Mikeko’s idea bc Von is a big softie and she was so heavily trained by Kristoph before Klavier took her in that she’s still not used to being “bad” or doing anything wrong at all.
But Mikeko definitely makes a show of it. She will crouch down, do a little wiggle to show she’s ready to pounce, and then launch herself off the bed and land on Vongole’s back.
And honestly, Von doesn’t care, she’s just more confused than anything, but Apollo immediately stops whatever he and Klavier are doing and assumes Mikeko is attacking.
Works every time.
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unhingedsquash · 6 months
Klavier is half disney princess half allergic to most animals, so I find hilarious that the"tricolor menace" that is Mikeko would instantly latch onto him, much to Klavier's love/detriment and Apollo's amusement at his bf's situation.
oh my god imagine the first time he comes over after Apollo gets Mikeko and he’s just stuck for a minute trying to decide if it’s a blessing or a curse
And then Mikeko eventually crawls into his lap later and makes herself comfy, and as time passes, Klavier starts to sneeze a bit more, and his eyes get watery, and after staying for a bit too long his hands are red and itchy and finally Apollo is like “are you dying????” and this smart ass goes “of cuteness”
And there’s a pause and then he goes “no I’m not dying but I am allergic to frau mikeko”
I do want to expand on this and say, miraculously, his allergies are minute with Vongole, maybe even well adjusted at this point—he only has to pop a Benadryl every now and then since taking her in officially—but for some reason, Mikeko is the bane of his existence (it definitely has something to do with her fur and how fluffy she is in comparison to Von)
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unhingedsquash · 6 months
Mikeko with Klavier, who's allergic to her and cannot cuddle and pamper her as she deserves: Baby, baby boy.
Mikeko with Phoenix, who treats her like the princess she is and only wants to get along with her: Evil.
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unhingedsquash · 6 months
my hc is that mikeko is usually very unfriendly and reserved so the people she opens up to and is cuddly with are the people Apollo makes sure to keep around :3
sobs this is so real
I would like to add onto this and say Mikeko does not like the mailman and hisses at him thru the tiny window from Apollo’s apartment.
Mikeko also does not like the paparazzi, and the first time they showed up outside his apartment complex bc Klavier made the mistake of parking his bike somewhere visible, she was growling and her tail was all fluffed up
Alternatively, she LOVES Klavier, and Apollo partially thinks it has something to do with the fact that she’s definitely attempting to overpower his cologne/perfume and cover it with her own musk (bc she adores him)
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