#mikies like hold on that's my emotional support abusive parental figure who I hate and plan to kill one day
femboyhunting · 1 year
The more I think sort of offhandedly about the dynamic Bailey and my pc have the more weirdly attached I get to it. Like Mikie is very adamant of proving himself to be an asset to Bailey in a way that still cements his independence and competence. He started off hating Bailey, thinking of him as the ultimate antagonist in his life. The human embodiment of everything Mikie hates about this whole putrid world and his whole pathetic life.
He's incredibly goal driven, he needs to have something to work towards or else he falls apart. So he pinned up a picture of Bailey to the dart board in his room and declared that one day he's going to beat the absolute bloody shit out of him, empty his safe, and run away with Robin in tow. But then the world started opening up to him like carrion cracking and expanding from bloat as it rots and Mikie learned two things at once. Firstly, that there are a lot more threats out there than just Bailey, things more ancient and powerful than he could really comprehend, as well as those more mundane threats that somehow managed to rival Bailey in sinister intent. And secondly, that Bailey is far far more powerful and with influence much father reaching than he'd thought. In fact, Bailey must be one of the kingpins of Doltown's criminal underbelly. Mikie had been naive to think he could take him down that easy.
So. Change of plan. Mikie's going to have to be smart about this. Bailey's a piece of money hungry orphan farming shit but he also represents a degree of protection that Mikie knows he needs to survive. It's not lost on him how people react to the B word. How many times has he seen someone tremble at the mention of Bailey's name? How many times now has Bailey removed him from a new fresh hell he was sure was inescapable? Being on Bailey's side? That's safety Mikie can't secure on his own. What does his own name evoke? An image of the towns unwilling bicycle? The fact of the matter is that he needs Bailey. And he wants Bailey to know that he needs him right back.
Mikie doesn't fawn and beg for Bailey to need him. Even if he thought that would actually work, he doesn't think he'd even physically be capable of it. No he tries to prove he's strong. A valuable asset not just as pretty body or an object you can pawn off. But because he's smart, driven, and capable. And irreplaceable. He doesn't stop rebelling. He makes calculated moves to get under Baileys skin. He rallies the orphans. Bailey fetches him from yet another misadventure and later Mikie showes up in his office with a stack of bills that he drops on his desk. Mikie answers his incredulous scowl with the explanation that he wanted to show he was grateful to him for the rescue, the money is a thank you. But his tone doesn't really sound "grateful" and his eyes are intense. He wants to say "I'm valuable, you want to keep me safe". He wants to say "You want me as an ally because I'm enough of a fucking problem that you don't want me as an enemy".
He needs Bailey to trust him, to need him. Because that's when he'll be most vulnerable. That's the only possible way Mikie could even dream of taking him down.
So they do their little power play dance. Mikie tries to prove himself both useful (and low-key a threat) to Bailey. He doesn't think of him as The big bad of his life, he's met a lot of bigger eviler bads. In fact, he's almost a protective force. Their back and forth and banter almost feels playful sometimes. Bailey tears down posters of his caricature that say "why are you Breathing when you could be making me money" off the walls of the orphanage and he immediately knows that somehow someway this is Mikie's doing. Mikie calls him an orphan farmer Bailey calls him a parasite. Mike tells him he should think about getting a pet dog for the kids. Bailey says Mikie's already the pet dog and Mikie says he's really more of a cat. Something has changed. Not drastically. But Mikie thinks of Bailey a bit differently, and he hasn't even realized it himself.
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aislesalmon · 6 years
In honor of season 4 being announced, have some Eight Precepts of Death headcanons that are probably dead wrong lmao
Deidoro: -He's actually insanely fucking smart. He was originally going to become a doctor; the stress of med school was what led him to start drinking. He became addicted, and it completely destroyed his life. He failed out of med school, his parents (whose high expectations of him didn't help his stress any) cut ties with him, and he couldn't hold down a steady job (having low-paying jobs when he could have been a doctor worsened his mental state, leading him to drink even more in a vicious cycle) and he ended up on the streets, stealing to survive and keep drinking. One day he stole from Toya, who stole back, but Deidoro was bale to use his quirk to steal again and get away. Toya reported back to Overhaul, who, impressed, tracked down and recruited Deidoro. -He joined Overhaul because he was swayed by his words of "curing the sick" - he views it as his last chance of fulfilling his dream of being a doctor who helps people. -He very quickly saw that what Overhaul was doing was wrong and far from helping or curing anyone, but he just drank more to forget it and kept working under him. -He isolated himself from the other Expendables, because he believes he is worse than them. While they were harmed by other people, which ruined their lives, he blames himself for not being able to handle the stress and becoming addicted to alcohol. He believes that they aren't worthless, but he is. -His quirk isn't just making people feel drunk - it's projecting his feelings onto those around him. He hoped to use it in his medical career, to relieve pain, induce calmness in patients and, if possible, project some of his health onto them, at least temporarily, if only just to keep people alive long enough to try and save them. We see it as him making everyone feel drunk because, well, he's always drunk when we see him. -His relationship with Shin is... complicated, to say the least. -He used to get mad when people thought him stupid, saying that his drunkenness didn't make him less intelligent, arguing that he used to be in med school. One day Overhaul overheard and asked, "Used to?" and that was the end of that. Now he's just internalized it, believing himself to be stupid after all. (Just imagine him doing Sayaka Miki's "I was stupid... so stupid" thing and that's how self-loathing and tragic this character is)
Tabe: -Is his first name Tabe or Soramitsu? I have no idea. This isn't a headcanon, I genuinely have no idea. -His mother was young and he was her first kid, while his father was much older and had a few kids from a previous marriage - all adults and moved out. These siblings don't know about him; his parents were always careful to hide him away whenever company came over due to how ashamed they were of him. -Holy shit child abuse. I hate to harken back to PMMM again, but I honestly picture a Sana Futaba situation with him, where his parents genuinely despised him and at first verbally abused him, then straight up ignored him and only left meals at his door. Finally, they kicked him out of the house and then abruptly moved away, and he has no idea where they are now. -Immune to diabetes, and probably a lot of other food-related conditions. Not that anyone ever cared to check. -Someone please give this man a hug and a lot of cookies
Toya: -I like @latrociniium's idea that he cut ties with his parents after his awful girlfriend cost him everything, because he felt guilty that he ignored their warnings and thought they must hate him. -They don't. They still love him and know about his arrest, and have tried to get in contact with him numerous times since then. He always turns them down out of shame, but they think he's mad at them for perceived failing as parents. They're worried sick and miss him terribly. -Jesus Christ you emo twink bird please talk to your fucking parents
Hari: -In love with Overhorse. 100%. Like that's absolutely why he follows him with such fanatic, unfailing loyalty. -If there's anyone in this world that Kai "Overhaul" Chewbacca truly cares for, it's him. -That being said, Kai isn't emotionally capable of returning Hari's feelings, at least to the same extent that Hari feels them. -Hates attention; perfectly content working in Kai's shadow. -I love the idea that after all the bullshit goes down, Hari and Shin overcome their jealousy of each other getting Kai's attention, and dump Kai "Uhaul" Chisaki to run off with each other instead. What's that image series of the two girls fighting over a guy while he tries to decide which one he wants, and then while he's deciding they ditch him and get together instead? Like that.
Shin: -Walking disaster holy fuck -I don't have many headcanons about his past; I kind of like it as a mystery. -"Emotions aren't required for an efficient mission", my ass. He's an emotional mess. That line is probably something Kai "Overhaul" El Chupacabra told him after one of his many emotional breakdowns. He's almost as bad as Toya with dumping his emotions on people without any prompting. Whiny as hell. -Honestly, I think of Shiapouf from HxH with regards to Shin. Guy with an overinflated sense of self-importance who tries to present himself as (and may honestly believe himself to be) the most rational of his group, but is actually super unstable and controlled by his emotions (also the whole yknow obsessive loyalty to an authority figure thing). -Kai, Hari, Toya and Shin make the Twink Squad.
Hekiji: -LOVELY MAN -Honestly I can't think of anything not included in @shaheii's portrayal. Just. Everything about that blog is absolutely perfect.
Kendou: -Again, can't think of anything else but @berserker-buzzard. A+, spot-on, flawless portrayal.
Joi: -JOI MY BELOVED. He might actually be my favorite out of the birds, which is saying something, because I love ALL the birds (except maybe Overrated - I mean Overhaul, oops). -Yet again, a specific rp blog dominates my headcanons - this time it's @carrionfeigned. Stay awesome.
Hojo: -I don't know much about this dude, but I love him and I want to know more! -I'm torn between thinking of him as a super quiet, aloof guy who fits his appearance, or a really unexpectedly goofy and/or sensitive dude who defies expectations. -Help him too. He needs it.
Rikiya: -Chaotic horny -That being said, sometimes he genuinely doesn't realize how creepy his words can be. Be patient with him. He's dumb. -What's with the Mexican wrestler mask. What's with his tiny head. Does his head even exist? How? That mask is so tiny. What the fuck
Kai: -Sociopath. That's it. He's an abusive sociopath and there's not much more to say. He grew up, after whatever the hell put him on the streets as a kid, with unending love and support from his adopted father, and still has no empathy, and desires to use others for his own purposes. -He doesn't actually love his adopted father. He thinks he does, but in reality, he feels that he owes his adopted father for taking him in, and wants to be even so he doesn't have to feel inferior to him anymore. I... don't really think Kai has the emotional capacity to truly love anyone, to be totally honest.
Old mafia boss: -I don't know if this contradicts canon, but he's alive, albeit in critical condition due to Kai putting him in a coma. That being said, the hospital he was taken to managed to undo Kai's work, and he eventually woke up. He's got a lot to say to Kai about deliberately disobeying his orders, disrespecting his wishes, and completely and utterly ruining his mafia, all while pretending it was in his name/what he would have wanted.
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