#mikosaura → spiritual
mikosaura · 6 years
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The Scorpio New Moon on November 7-8th has a warm, fuzzy feeling to it. While it may stir sensitivities, it is here to help us tune into our hearts, and to remember the power that comes when we choose to act from a place of love.
Since the Taurus Full Moon back in October, we have been dealing with some tense energies and perhaps we may have found ourselves holding on to anger, resentment, shame, or guilt.
But now, under the energy of the Scorpio New Moon, it is the perfect time to release any of these negative attachments and to focus on healing wounds of the heart.
In this ritual, you are going to be guided to connect with your heart and release any blockages that may be causing you to hold onto painful attachments. You are also going to be guided to set a new intention, so you can focus on moving through life with an open heart.
This ritual can be done anytime, but is best done November 7-19, 2018.
Smudging tool of choice
2 candles (preferably white)
2 pieces of paper
1. Light your candles and place them in a straight line a few inches apart in front of you. Now begin smudging your aura and surroundings. Start with your aura first and then move to your surroundings. For specific information on how to smudge, please read this. As you smudge your aura recite the following:
“I cleanse and release myself of the heavy burdens of the past. I let go of all that prevents me from being me. I release all that has clouded my mind and made my heart heavy. I am now free. I am now free. I am now free to be me.”
As you smudge your surroundings, repeat the following mantra:
“I cleanse my space with light and loving energy. I invite prosperity, calmness, joy, creativity, and abundance into my home. I fill my home with love and laughter. I clear the energy so my home may radiate on the highest of levels. My home is cleansed. My home is cleansed.”
2. Sit facing your candles and have your pieces of paper handy. Close your eyes and take 10 deep breaths in and out to settle yourself. Next, place your hand over your heart center and breathe here for another 10 breaths. As you do this, see if you can tap into the stillness within your heart.
3. Take your pen and one sheet of paper and write down something that you would like to release or heal within your heart. You can release an attachment to a relationship or person, you can release attachment to a painful story, you can release an old belief that is blocking you from love. Just go with whatever feels most important for where you are right now. There is no right or wrong, so just do whatever you feel you want to release.
4. Once you have written down what you would like to release, fold up the piece of paper and hold it in your hands. Take a deep breath and then blow onto the paper like you are releasing whatever you wrote down through your breath. Keep blowing into the paper until you feel that you have released it all. This may take up to 20 breaths.
5. Once you feel a release, place the folded paper in front of the candle on the left. Now, take your next sheet of paper and write down one thing you are going to do for yourself to help open and connect with your heart. You can write down a self-love practice, a reminder to invite joy into your life, a goal, a mantra—anything you wish. If you are unsure of what to write, place your hand over your heart, close your eyes and imagine you are having a conversation with your heart. Ask your heart what it needs from you, ask your heart for guidance. You may just be surprised what answer you hear back.
6. Once you have your answer written on the second piece of paper, fold it up and blow into it again. This time instead of imagining you are releasing something, imagine you are blowing your wish into the heavens. You don’t need to blow repeatedly here, one strong breath is enough—just make it count!
7. Place that folded piece of paper in front of the candle on the right. Now, gently place both of your hands over each piece of paper. Your left hand should be over the “release” paper and the right hand should be over the “intention” paper. With your hands resting over each piece of paper, recite the following mantra:
“Out with the old and in with the new. I release the past so I can be new. I release the past so my heart can open. I release the attachments that hold me back. I release and let go so I can be on track. I welcome in the new. I welcome in my heart. My heart now opens and this is my fresh new start.”
8. Take the paper in your left hand and scrunch or rip it up as a symbol that you have released it. You can discard this paper in the recycling. Take the paper in your right hand and leave it in between both candles overnight. Please be sure to snuff out your candles before going to bed.
9. In the morning, take the piece of paper and either leave it somewhere you can remind yourself of your intention, or bury it in the ground like you are planting the seed of intention.
Happy Scorpio New Moon!
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mikosaura · 6 years
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2019 is a number 3 year in numerology, making it a year for creativity, self-expression, and alignment.
Three has long been considered a sacred number. We are the third planet from the Sun, we live in a 3D reality, every story has a beginning, middle, and end, and we are also comprised of a mind, body, and soul.
Three is also used in many rituals and in spell-casting in order to manifest things into this reality. Many people also believe that good or bad things come in threes.
Under this number 3 energy, we are going to be guided to align our mind, body, and soul, and express our true self and true desires out into the world.
We may also feel guided to wrap up and complete something or to find more balance and structure in our everyday life.
Three is a powerful number with great significance and we will collectively be working with this vibration throughout the year.
Even though these number three themes will be with us all in some way or another, we also have our own personal life path number for the year as well.
This can be calculated using the formula below:
Add your birth date, birth month and the number 3 together
Reduce the digits by adding them together until you have a single number
3+16+3 (birth month + birth date + 3) = 22
Reduce down to a single digit number by adding the digits together (you may have to do this more than once) 2+2= 4
4 is the Life Path Number for 2019
This is a year of new beginnings for you. You have been doing a lot of inner growth and inner work. Things may have fallen by the wayside, or perhaps you have made some drastic changes in your life. Now you are going to be encouraged to express your new self out into the world. You are going to be encouraged to put yourself out there and show the world this new you. Starting new projects, doing things differently, and giving yourself a fresh new start are all going to be strong focuses for you this year.
This is a year for you to keep building and moving forward. You are on the right path, and you are heading in the right direction, but now you need to ask others for help and look to others for guidance. You are going to need support this year to help achieve your goals and go after your wishes. Learning to create trustworthy and solid partnerships is going to be a theme for you this year. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it, and make building new friendships and alliances a priority this year.
This is a very profound and special year for you! You have a lot of creative potential on your side, and you are really going to be able to make leaps and bounds. Whatever you desire you can have! You just need to believe in yourself and take the steps needed to create. There is nothing you can’t achieve and you have so much luck and support on your side this year. Go big and go after your highest dreams and wishes for yourself. Be sure to also pay attention to your mind, body, and soul, and ensure you are allowing all of these facets to work as a team.
There is a lot of spiritual growth and learning for you this year, especially when it comes to your family and loved ones. You may find that family karma comes up to be cleared, or you may feel drawn to reconnect with your roots in some way. Your family holds important clues as to what you have come to heal and release in this life, and where you can really grow and prosper. This year it is also important for you to create a sense of family and community around you so you feel safe and secure. This is also a year of spiritual advancement for you, so spending time meditating, and tuning into your inner voice will also be beneficial.
This is a very creative year for you, and you are really being supported to take your visions and turn them into realities. If you work in a creative field, this year may be one of your best and you may find new doors and opportunities opening for you. This is also a wonderful year to tap into your creative side, and to make time to stretch and flex your creative muscles. This year may also bring a need to transform or you may find that through your newfound creativity, you are able to shift and change areas of your life that need to be updated. Learning or studying something new and exciting may also be a good fit for you this year, in fact, anything that helps to expand the dimensions of your mind would be beneficial.
This is a powerful healing year for you and a chance to mend wounds on a physical and emotional level. Pay particular attention to the needs of your body and be sure to make self-care a priority. Self-care is not just about taking a relaxing bath, but more so it is about setting boundaries and being disciplined enough to put yourself first. Starting a new healthy eating program or an exercise routine would be a great step this year as you are likely to make a lot of progress. Investigating energy healing practices and learning some yourself may also be beneficial too. 2019 is really a year for you to focus on yourself and your health, whatever that may look like for you.
You are going to feel guided this year and you may find yourself walking a new path or reaching new heights when it comes to your spiritual growth and development. By listening to the calling of your heart, and learning to tame your ego, you may find that new doors and opportunities open up for you. You have a lot of potential this year to make progress in all areas of your life, so think about what you want and then follow your heart to making it happen. Your intuition will be strong this year also, so be sure to pay attention and trust any intuitive hunches. This is also a fantastic year for creating long-term partnerships whether in your personal life or in business.
Transformation is a key word for you this year. 2019 is really going to guide you to shift and changes areas of your life that need renewal or an update. There will also be a need for you to release and let go of the past in order to welcome in these new changes and opportunities. By releasing and letting go of the past, you will find it easier to manifest your dreams and to go after what it is that you really want. In fact, if things feel dark or heavy at any point, know that this is a sign that you need to do some releasing. Let the dead things go, and you will be rewarded with brighter new beginnings. Your intuition will also be strong this year, so be sure to trust yourself and any guidance you receive.
This year is all about completion and wrapping things up. You may be feeling this on an emotional and spiritual level but also on a physical level as well. You may find that a big project of some kind comes to an end, or you may find that a particular belief or set of patterns are finally released and transcended once and for all. 2019 will see you reach the end of a cycle in some way, and you are going to be feeling a sense of triumph and pride for all you have achieved. This is also a great year to travel to a new destination in order to open and expand your mind. If you have ever wanted to write a book or tell your story, this would also be a good year for that as well.
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mikosaura · 6 years
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Lately, I have been beginning to understand crystals in a whole new way. While I always knew they were powerful healers and carried a pure energy, it seems that crystals are so much more than just this.
In fact, it almost seems like each crystal carries its own personality and perhaps even its own consciousness. Could it be possible that a crystal has a mind of its own?
If you had asked me this question a few months ago, I probably would have struggled to wrap my head around it, but now I really wouldn’t be surprised if crystals did carry their own sort of consciousness.
As I have been grieving the loss of my sister, crystals have become a good ally to me, and working with them during this period of grief has helped me to understand them on a whole new level.
Here are 5 magical abilities of crystals that I have come to observe:
Many believe that crystals hold their own type of consciousness. While this level of consciousness is nowhere near that of the average human, it is believed that crystals, just like everything else in this Universe, has a “mind of its own”.
We may not be able to understand or comprehend the “mind” that each thing in this Universe possesses, but it is very likely that everything in this Universe, including crystals have some form of consciousness.
According to Nikola Tesla: “In crystal we have the clear evidence of the existence of a formative life-principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal it is none the less a living being.”
While you don’t have to treat your crystals like a pet, when you care for them and treat them with respect they do work better and more efficiently- try it.
Crystals are well known for their ability to heal, but they can actually also communicate messages.
Crystals are like storage devices and hold information that can be downloaded to the user. After working with a particular crystal, you may find that you gain new insights or receive new information.
One way that people have been using crystals for communication is through the use of a pendulum.
The crystal goes at the end of a chain or string and can be dangled over the body to locate areas of tension, pain and stagnant energy. Wherever the pendulum is drawn to, that is where the most healing is needed.
Crystal pendulums can also be dangled over a map to locate things/people, or to even find the perfect destination to travel to. You can also ask crystal pendulums yes and no questions for guidance.
I once received a crystal that was used by a psychic medium. She felt that she was done with the crystal and had passed it on to me. I put the crystal by my bedside that night and had the strangest dreams! I was travelling through different dimensions meeting all of these Divine beings and sitting in on meetings about all things relating to Spirit, it was an amazing experience!
When I woke up in the morning I realized that I had forgotten to cleanse the crystal and it probably still had her energy on it. I contacted her and discovered that she used the crystal as a portal to access higher dimensions.
That night I decided to test my fate again and slept with the crystal by my bed. I traveled again through different dimensions in my dreams and met all sorts of light beings.
It was an awesome experience, but after the second night, I knew however that it was time for me to cleanse the crystal and make it my own. After cleaning the crystal, the dreams went away, but from that moment on I realized just how powerful crystals can be!
I have heard countless stories of people losing crystals only to have them turn up months or years later out of the blue!
I also once sent a crystal to a friend in Australia, but when she opened the envelope, the crystal was missing! To this day, I still have no clue where that crystal is, but I guess wherever it went is probably where it needs to be.
Crystals are attracted to particular places and people and it’s almost like they have the ability to will themselves to get where they want to go. You may have experienced this for yourself and have felt drawn to either buy a crystal or give a crystal away to someone.
Parting with or losing a crystal can be hard, but when its time for the crystal to go, it really seems that it has a mind of its own.
After my brother passed away I bought myself a beautiful piece of apophyllite. It was perfectly clear and I just felt really drawn to it. I cleansed the crystal and then started sleeping with it next to my pillow.
After a few nights, I noticed that the crystal started to develop all of these brown spots. At first I thought the crystal had gotten dirty, but then I realized that the brown spots were appearing on the inside.
After doing some research, I discovered that crystals can change color depending on the energy of the person that is using it.
Brown spots represent dense energy that is being transferred into the crystal as part of the healing process. The crystal was helping to heal and cleanse my grieving and the brown spots felt like proof of that.
Crystals can also get brighter, darker or develop rainbows depending on the energy of the person using the crystal.
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mikosaura · 6 years
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When you find the right crystal working with it can be like magic. When you don’t find the right crystal, working with it can be like working with a cold, hard rock.
Crystals are vibrational and in order for them to be most effective for your healing, spiritual development or whatever else you are using them for, you have to vibe and jive with them.
If you have been struggling to get into crystals it may simply be that you just have not met the right one yet. If that is the case, keep looking, because you are bound to find the perfect one eventually!
Here are some tips to help you find the right crystal:
Before you walk into a crystal store, set your intention and then use your “gut instinct” to direct you to the perfect crystal.
Research what crystals may be good for your needs and then purchase those.
Choose your crystal color in accordance to the chakra that you want to work on.
Ask a friend or a shop assistant to pick a crystal for you.
Walk into the crystal shop and purchase the first thing that you see or that catches your attention.
Pick a crystal, hold it in your hand and see how you feel when as you hold it. If you feel something, you could have met your match.
As you can see, there is no real science to choosing the perfect crystal, however there are some universal crystals that you can use that are good for almost anyone. These crystals will vibe with most people and will help to deliver positive energy to your surroundings.
These three crystals are an excellent place to start if you are building your collection or if you are struggling to find that crystal that will change your life.
These three crystals are:
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is a must have for anyone interested in working with crystals because it works as a great overall cleanser and amplifier of energy.
Clear Quartz is a “Universal Healer” as it can be used for almost any type of healing, on any chakra, for spiritual advancement or for cleansing your aura or surroundings.
Just like its color, Clear Quartz is pure and does not require a lot of cleansing or charging on a regular basis. It can also be used to charge and cleanse other crystals.
By gazing into the purity of the Clear Quartz you may also be able to access the inner dimension of your mind and receive information on the future. Clear Quartz is also believed to strengthen the connection between Earth and the heavens, which is why Clear Quartz is often used to make crystal balls.
Clear Quartz can also be used to enhance your dreams, help you to channel psychic energy and can reduce radiation exposure from technology. It can also help aid creating harmonious relationships and environments and can bring you clarity.
To use Clear Quartz, either keep a piece near your bed, work desk or TV/Computer. You can also wear Clear Quartz as a pendant or carry a stone in your pocket.
Amethyst is a powerful stone of protection that can also be used to enhance psychic awareness and promote balance and peace.
Amethyst is an excellent all purpose stone when it comes to spiritual advancement and can help you to enhance your intuition and psychic awareness, protect against negative energy or psychic attacks and you take your meditation practice to a deeper level.
Amethyst can also be used to help promote abundance, ease of money issues, for lucid dreaming, for enhancing telepathy, for protection while travelling, for past life regression work and for healing grief and sadness.
Amethyst is a very easy stone to charge but does require cleansing is used for psychic protection.
To use Amethyst, keep a piece near your bed or under your pillow or wear it in a piece of jewelry.
Selenite is a beautiful and gentle stone that is perfect for almost anyone. It helps to promote mental clarity, can help to cleanse your surroundings and can enhance the connection between you and your angels or spirit guides.
Selenite is also said to help promote good business practices and honesty in all types of relationships. In fact, keeping Selenite around during business negotiations can help to ensure a fair deal for everyone.
Selenite is associated with the Moon and can be a very powerful stone to use in manifestation rituals when the Moon is either full or new. When charged up by the power of the Moon, Selenite can help to clear energy blocks from your aura, your home and also from other crystals.
Selenite is also the perfect stone to use when channeling your Spirit Guides or Guardian Angels. You can also use it to help evoke protection from your guides and angels.
Selenite also helps you to strengthen your intuition, psychic abilities and mediation practices. It is closely connected with the Crown, Third Eye and Sacral Chakras.
Because Selenite is so pure and powerful, it rarely needs to be cleansed.
To use Selenite, make it part of your crystal grid or keep it close to other crystals, place a piece by your bedside, at work or carry it in your pocket.
There are many crystals out there all with amazing properties and magical abilities, however Clear Quartz, Amethyst and Selenite are all easy to work with and vibrate with most people’s energy.
Other crystals to consider include, fluorite, moonstone, rose quartz, lapis lazuli, citrine, calcite, blue celestine, hematite and black tourmaline.
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mikosaura · 6 years
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Chiron is leaving Pisces. On February 18, 2019, it arrives at the first degree of Aries, commencing the start of a new 51-year cycle. We can track its Sabian journey to discover what Chiron is trying to teach us.
Chiron, known as the ‘wounded healer’ is a symbol of awakening. It brings a shift in perception – we change how we see things – and this perceptual shift is an aspect of our awakening, the key that unlocks secrets about the nature of reality. Its discovery on 1 November 1977 heralded a new era of human consciousness.
The period when it was last going through Aries in 1968 – 1976. We had already been shocked to see what had become possible in the world, which was at last, starting to get over our history of poverty and grinding repression.
We had assimilated the shuddering impact of rock ‘n’ roll, The Beatles, The Doors, and Dylan and were dressing colorfully, rebelling against conventionality, and claiming unprecedented clout as teenage spenders – the fashion and music industries had reached economic maturity.
All of this was huge; yet the spark that could light up this potential fireball had not yet been lit. Not until Chiron entered Aries. During its passage through Aries some major initiatives occurred that have subsequently grown into era-defining movements. Here are some:
First Jumbo jet
Moon landing
Microsoft and Apple started
Woodstock Festival, and the electronic music revolution of Pink Floyd and others
Political agitation, with Vietnam protests, Luther King assassination, votes for 18 year olds, and riots in the Soviet Union.
If you look beneath the surface of these events we can tease out a common thread, one associated with Chiron’s meaning. We see the acceleration of awakening consciousness.
People traveled abroad on Jumbos, and had epiphanies to see that previously-feared foreigners were actually very much like them. The space program brought to us a picture of our planet appearing as a vulnerable little ball suspended in the vastness of space, which triggered greater ecological awareness. Technology began – today’s lifestyle in the making – with computers, internet, social media and mobile phones which had been all but inconceivable to the ordinary person.
Also, with music, dance, drugs, and sexual liberation reworking our collective mind-set, somehow we became a little more enlightened, responsible, and accepting towards minorities.
Chiron is called the ‘Rainbow Bridge’ because its non-judgemental approach allows all the colors of the rainbow, and its ability to shift awareness bridges the separation between people of different viewpoints.
An aspect of Chiron’s teaching is equivalent to what many people are waking up to today – we need to get along better – and this will happen only when we see things from another point of view. Looking for and finding another viewpoint is a shared path for all of us who are now awakening.
The Sabian Symbol for the degree of Aries 1 is described by Marc Edmund Jones as ‘A woman rises out of the water, a seal rises and embraces her’.
The ocean represents the unconscious, instinctual knowledge and behavior of our species, from which uncounted initiatives are thrown up, as many as the waves of the sea.
Similarly, every word spoken could theoretically stimulate a knock-on effect creating tangible changes in the world. But most initiatives fall by the wayside, seeds spent without any lasting effect. Only one in a million thought-seeds can survive and we cannot know until later which will endure and have any outcome.
Yet not all are lost. There are creative initiatives, many of which are not well-formed or clearly stated as ideas, perhaps they are vague feelings just ready to become thoughts, and not even yet put into words.
In order to help this process we might want to improve our listening – not only to the poorly-expressed feelings of a friend but also to our own inner voice. We can also encourage new perceptions and ideas, especially in children who are less judgmental and stuck in old patterns.
It is intuitively clear that by 2070, when Chiron returns to Aries again, we will have either solved our issues to do with overpopulation, climate change, and other serious problems, or we will have paid the heavy price of collectively failing to do so.
Chiron offers us a way to build a bridge to that distant year and astrology historians may well be pointing to 2019 as the time that we found the seeding of our way out of the fog of confusion and distortion that currently clouds our thoughts.
From February 18, something can take place that is so very subtle that you may not easily notice or understand its long-term implications. Perhaps you have felt you were waiting for a special person or horizon-expanding opportunity; now is the time to be optimistic and expect this to occur.
Indeed we can all approach each new situation hopefully, and widen our sense of what might be possible – not excluding miracles and unicorns.
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mikosaura · 6 years
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2018 has been a year of inner growth, and now that we reach the last lunar cycle for the year, we may be feeling reflective about where we have been and where we are heading.
The Sagittarius New Moon on December 6-7th encourages us to celebrate all that we have done and all that we have achieved. It beckons us to recognize the inner growth we have completed and to honor ourselves for where we stand today.
It also encourages us to enjoy the holiday season and to not worry too much about what is ahead. The Universe has a plan, and it is unfolding in perfect timing.
This ritual is here to help you step into a more relaxed and positive state of mind. It is going to use the vibes of the New Moon to help you honor where you are, and all the hard work you have achieved throughout the year.
Inner growth was a huge part of 2018, so even if you feel like you haven’t done much, know on the inside you have been blossoming.
This ritual is best done December 4-17, 2018
Smudging tools of choice
Candle (white preferably)
Your favorite crystal*
Self-care/Joy activity (go to step 7 to understand more!)
*Rose quartz called to me for use in this ritual, however, it’s important to choose whatever crystal feels right to you and your soul. Ask your crystals which one would be perfect for this ritual and then see which one calls to you.
1.Begin by smudging your aura and surroundings. Start by smudging your aura first and then move onto your space. You can also smudge your crystal if you wish as well. Here are some suggested mantras to recite as you smudge:
While smudging your aura:
“I cleanse my light body, I cleanse my soul, I cleanse all that keeps me from being whole. I cleanse my heart, my mind, and my hands. I cleanse the base of my feet, and the back of my neck, I cleanse myself all over so I feel at rest. I am light. I am one. I am free. I am restored to perfect harmony.”
While smudging your surroundings and crystal:
“I cleanse my space with light and loving energy. My space is secure and protected. Only the light can shine in. All other energies are now removed. I am cleansed, this space is cleansed. I am light, this space is light. I am whole, this space is whole. I fill it now with joy and love. I fill this space with all that brings me peace. This space is protected. This space has been cleansed. This space is protected. This space has been cleansed.”
2. Light your candle and place it directly in front of you. Take your crystal, hold it in both your hands and press it against your heart center. Take 10 deep breaths here. As you breathe, imagine syncing your body with the energy of the crystal. Imagine inhaling and exhaling its energy.
3. Now move the crystal so it’s pressed against your forehead and third eye. Take another 10 deep breaths here.
4. Now move the crystal so it’s pressed against your belly, just under your bellybutton. Repeat the process and take another 10 deep breaths.
5. Bring the crystal back to your heart center and recite the following mantra or feel free to write your own:
“I honor where I am and trust that everything is unfolding for me in Divine timing. I honor where I am at and know that I am on the perfect path for me and my spiritual journey. I honor where I am at and accept all that has come my way. I know that it has made me stronger, wiser, kinder, and helped me to tune into more of my true essence.”
6. Now, with the crystal still in both hands, lift your arms up so the crystal is resting above your head where your crown chakra area would be (about an inch or two from the top of your head is great). Recite the following mantra or write your own:
“I open myself to the signs and messages of the Universe/God. I open myself to the signs and messages of my highest guides and angels. I open myself to the guidance of the Moon, the Sun, and the stars. I open myself so I may see the path to my highest destiny. With my gift of openness, I offer joy. I will fill my life with joy, love, and laughter. I will fill my life with joy, love, and laughter. And so it will be.”
7. Take your crystal and place it on your lap or nearby. Now you are going to do your joy/ self-care activity as an offering of high vibration energy to yourself and to the Universe. This can be anything that brings you joy and fills you up. There are no limits and it can be something simple. Here are a few suggestions:
Relaxing bath
Creative activity (painting, journaling etc.)
Singing/playing music
Please don’t leave your candle unattended while you do your activity, it is fine to snuff it out and re-light it.
8. Conduct your activity with your crystal nearby. Once completed come back to your candle, light it again if needed, and sit in front of it with your crystal in both hands near your heart center and thank the Universe/God, your guides, angels, and yourself. Kiss your crystal to seal in the joy and keep it by your bedside for the next few days so you can continue to soak up all that joy energy!
9. Snuff the candle to close the ritual.
Happy New Moon!
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mikosaura · 6 years
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I tend to see number patterns fairly frequently like 11:11, 4:44 and so on. But lately, I have also started seeing 12:12, which is definitely a new one for me so it caught my attention.
Number patterns carry their own unique meaning and while there are some classic interpretations, I also think that number patterns can be unique to the person and their own journey.
So, when I started seeing 12:12 I tried to tap into my own intuition to see what this may mean for me. Perhaps it was a sign of something new coming into my life? While this resonated with me, I also wanted to investigate further.
“According to Merkabah mysticism, 12:12 is a code portal that, when you enter in resonance with it, activates your Merkabic field. When this happens, you are in alignment with the human heart connecting to the Unity Consciousness.”
Now, this really caught my attention, so I did some further research.
Merkaba (also spelled Merkabah) is our “light spirit body” and is an energetic field that surrounds us when we are tapped in to a higher state of consciousness. This energetic field forms the shape of a star tetrahedron and it is believed that this formation of energy allows our light body to travel to higher dimensions.
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The star tetrahedron is made from two pyramids, one pointing up and one pointing down. The pyramid pointing up helps to connect you to the heavens, whereas the pyramid pointing down helps you to stay grounded in the physical. These pyramid shapes also vibrate and move in opposite directions.
When this spinning Merkaba force field is observed around a person, it is believed that they have activated the ability to travel across different dimensions. This is why the shape of the Merkaba has been referred to as a chariot or mode of transport for our light body.
1212 is believed to be the code that can help to activate this energy, so if you are seeing 1212 it could very well be a sign that your light body is developing and you are raising your level of consciousness to a point where you can perceive outside of the physical reality.
Even though 1212 has come into my consciousness I can’t say that I feel any different! Maybe not yet anyway. But seeing this number pattern has unlocked a lot of new insights.
Even though it appears we live in a 3D world, when we awaken, we actually begin to see that life is simply a reflection of the thought energy of every conscious being on the planet.
Collectively, all of our thoughts shape the world and reality that we live in. But, we each have a responsibility over our own thoughts, for it is our own thoughts that will shape our experience of what reality is.
If our thoughts are shaping our experience of reality, it also means that we can use our thoughts to access other realities and unlock other states of being.
It’s almost similar to dreaming. Every night when we are in a deep state of sleep, part of us “travels” and visits certain people and places and experiences certain things. While we are dreaming, everything feels real.
In the same way that we travel in our dreams, our light bodies can also travel to higher states of consciousness in order to see the world differently and to experience a different type of reality.
The fact that our thoughts create reality is nothing new, however there seems to be a lot of ego mixed up in this idea, which is why this idea has lost some of its power.
It is not about wishing for a car and then seeing it manifest. Instead, it is about aligning our thoughts with our inner self, our higher self, our true self.
When we can align our thoughts with our own personal truth, that is when we can raise our level of consciousness and feel on track with the destiny of our soul.
This state of being can be accessed by those who have awakened, but it can be tricky to stay in this state all the time. This is why the Merkaba is made of up two pyramids pointing in opposite directions. Part of our duty here on earth is to say grounded and connected, but of course, we don’t want to get stuck here.
Because 1212 is believed to be the code that activates the Merkaba, on 12/12 every year, it is believed that a portal opens to help accelerate the formation of this energy field.
Once this energy field exists around you, it is able to lift your light body to higher levels of consciousness, so you can align with unity and oneness, and see that we are all connected.
I am sure there is a lot more to the Merkaba, and I am looking forward to exploring and feeling into it a little more. If you have found this article, there is a good chance your Merkaba is forming too.
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mikosaura · 6 years
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There is so much ritual and history associated with the December Solstice.
This time of year has been celebrated for centuries in many different ways and across many different cultures, and there is no denying that even today, there is a magic that ensues this time of year.
You can feel it in the air, see it in the people, hear it in the music. This time of year evokes strong feelings for many and these feelings likely go all the way back in time.
There are two Solstices every year, one in June and one in December. Both of these represent a critical turning point in the cycle of the year.
The word Solstice means Sun standing still, as on this day we have the longest or shortest hours of light depending on whether we are in the Southern or Northern Hemisphere.
This year, on December 21st, as the Sun shifts into the tenth zodiac sign of Capricorn, we experience the “sun standing still”, a critical point on the Sun’s cycle through the cosmos.
It is at this point that we enter into a new direction of energy and start moving towards a phase of completion.
It is at this time that we begin wrapping up the year. It is at this point that we start reflecting on the lessons that the cycle of the year has brought us. It is at this time that we begin shifting.
Even though we may experience a different expression of this energy depending which end of the earth we live in, the message is the same.
The December Solstice is about honoring both light and dark, celebrating the life-giving Sun, and celebrating the full expression of who we really are.
The way in which we celebrate it however, will be different depending on the signs and clues that Mother Nature brings us.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the December Solstice is a time to go within and reflect. It is a time to honor the darkness and to know that light will rise once again.
It is a time to allow the Sun, the very essence of who we are to sleep, to rest, to recharge, and to restore. It is about honoring that for the light to shine brightest, we have to venture into the dark and make peace with what we find there.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the December Solstice is very much the dark night of the soul and we experience the longest night of the year.
In the Southern Hemisphere, the December Solstice brings the longest day of the year, and is a time to let yourself shine. It is a time to express your full potential and allow your inner light to light up the world around you.
It is a time to celebrate and find joy. It is a time to use the full power of the Sun to achieve your dreams and go after your wishes. It is a time to light yourself up, and to see the world light up in turn.
Even though these two expressions may be different, they are all helping to achieve the same purpose.
The December Solstice is about honoring that although we may experience the longest day, the darkness will come again, and although we may experience the longest night, the light will come again.
Although we see duality, everything is one and the same. We cannot perceive light unless we have seen the darkness, we cannot understand summer unless we have seen the winter. Both of these concepts need one another to be real.
There is really only one state, all else is an illusion. We are one. Light and dark are one. We are everything and nothing all at the same time.
On this 2018 December Solstice, we are reminded that no matter how dark the night, the light will always return. And no matter how light the day, the darkness will always return.
We live in a world where we can be happy one moment and sad the next. In an instant, your life can change. In an instant, you can be faced with death and pain or birth and pleasure.
We live in a world where all of these shades exists. The highs. The lows. The struggles and the victories.
And although they may appear to be separate states of being, they are part of something bigger. They are a part of wholeness.
For we come into this human state to experience all shades, all colors, and all expressions of our emotional rainbow.
We come into this human life to suffer, to thrive, to find joy, and to find pain. We come to experience it all because we know it is what makes us whole.
Honor the cycles. And know that it is not about how often you venture into the darkness or into the light, but how you allow these states to move you, to change you, to soften you, and to awaken you to wholeness, to the love, that resides within and all around.
On this Solstice find your wholeness, and know that the light and the dark are one and the same. Don’t regret the moments spent in darkness, and don’t hold on too tightly to the light. There is no dark or light, there just is. It is just one. It is just a whole. Don’t fight the darkness. Don’t fight the light. Just make peace with both these states and see them as part of something bigger and more infinite. See them as simply labels that our mind uses to make sense of the world. They are nothing more. No labels. Just be. Just be as you are and accept whatever comes your way. Use it to make you whole. Use it to make you love. Use it to raise yourself to greater states of wholeness. There is only one. And we are all in this together. One cannot rise if it means the other falls. We must all join hands and work as one. We must look past the dualities of the eyes and see with our hearts. Only love is real.
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mikosaura · 6 years
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A Total Lunar Eclipse happens when the Earth’s shadow falls directly over the Full Moon. For a brief period, the Moon disappears and the night turns dark.
In ancient times, it was believed that this darkness was a sign of great change and a bad omen for what was to come. It was believed that a Lunar Eclipse would bring a rise of darkness and that evil would flourish.
These beliefs have created superstitions around Lunar Eclipses, some of which are still observed today.
Many cultures believe that pregnant women should not go outside on an Eclipse for fear of miscarriage. Some people also believe that eating during an Eclipse brings ill health and bad luck.
There are many superstitions and beliefs surrounding Eclipses, and most of them seem to stem from the fact that the dark night and shadow on the Moon brings an ominous feeling.
The Moon has long been associated with the feminine and if we look at the Moon as a symbol for femininity- an energy that goes beyond gender, having this moment of shadow is almost like a rebirth.
A rebirth of feminine energy.
This feminine energy is about connecting with your emotions, connecting with your body, and connecting with your intuition.
It is about going within and allowing yourself to reflect in the dark, shadowy waters of your own heart, mind, and soul. It is about going to the darkest depths of the ocean, and clearing through all that no longer serves you, so you can be reborn.
In that short moment of the Eclipse, all of us on a deeper, energetic level are being asked to delve into the pit of our own selves in order to see what is true.
What is our truth that allows us to step up, rise up, and become the best version of ourselves?
Although we have Lunar Eclipses every year, their energies affect all of us in different ways, depending on where we are at in our lives and where we are heading.
One thing is for sure however, Eclipses are not bad omens. Instead, they are a gift from the cosmos and always help us to get where we need to be.
Although each Lunar Eclipse can have its own energetic effects and astrological meaning, they also have the ability to stir things up on a physical, emotional, and soul level as well.
Lunar Eclipses tend to zap our energy, making us feel drained or lethargic. They can also mess with our sleep cycle and hormones, making us feel irritable, tired, moody, and just out of balance in general.
The cycles of the Moon also coincide with the menstrual cycle, and it is very common for women to be bleeding, ovulating or experiencing PMS during an Eclipse.
Lunar Eclipses have the power to pull and draw a lot of emotional energy out of the depths and onto the surface. For this reason, we may find ourselves feeling extra sensitive, or more aware of our thoughts and feelings.
Emotional healing is extremely powerful during Eclipse time, so if you do notice old feelings rising to the surface, know that there is cosmic support to help clear and release them.
Having heightened emotions can also make us feel anxious or withdrawn, but channeling into a creative project or healing work can help with this.
Whenever there is strong lunar activity, it always creates the right vibration and environment for working and strengthening our intuitive and psychic gifts.
Lunar Eclipses also have the ability to reveal to us part of our soul contract or soul path as they often unlock events that align with our destiny.
Eclipses are really a guiding hand from the Universe and reveal to us the next chapter of growth that is getting ready to unfold for us.
To counteract these symptoms, it’s important to understand what signs the cosmos is trying to show you during an Eclipse.
Tuning in and expressing your creativity, doing some releasing work, exercising, and getting plenty of rest can also help to bring balance to your body.
Practicing lots of self-love, self-care, and visualizing a healing white light around you can also help too.
Working with crystals is also a great way to help temper any sensitive or frustrated energy the Eclipse may bring.
Any white, blue, pink or purple crystals tend to work really well for lunar energy, however trust and follow your intuition when picking the perfect crystal to work with.
Everyone is going to feel the effects differently, and everyone will be called to walk in slightly different directions under this energy.
Lunar Eclipses are turning points. They are points of rebirth, they are points of highly concentrated feminine energy, and all of this allows us to go within and work out our highest truth.
Lunar Eclipses always put you where you need to be. They always guide you in the right direction and they always reveal to you exactly what you need to know for where you are heading.
Embrace the energy of the Lunar Eclipse, use its power to clear, to release, and to reflect in the waters of your own heart and soul.
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mikosaura · 6 years
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On the 12th day of the 12th month of the year, a powerful numerology code is activated helping to raise the frequency of our light body, access high realms of consciousness, and bring a sense of completion to a greater cycle.
12 is a powerful number in numerology that represents wholeness and completion. We have 12 months in the year, and 12 signs in the zodiac, and it is only once we have experienced all twelve of these states, that we can gain a bigger picture perspective and understanding as to where we have been.
Sometimes, it is only when we reach the end of a cycle, that we can really begin to understand the journey.
The awareness of the bigger picture and this sense of completion is the energy that number 12 holds, but on the 12th day of the 12th month, this energy magnifies.
While we can understand things from our vantage point on this earthly realm, the numerology code of 1212 gives us the opportunity to see things from an even greater perspective and level of consciousness.
To do this, the numerology code of 1212 helps to activate and raise the frequency of our light body or energy field.
We all have a light body or a field of energy that exists around us. Our light body has many different layers to it, but once activated, our light body allows us to travel across dimensions and into higher realms of consciousness and awareness.
Our light body is also believed to be the vehicle that helps us return back to our true home and to Source energy.
This light body vehicle is also known as a Merkaba and is seen as two inverted pyramids that spin in opposite directions.
On 12/12, we can activate our own personal Merkaba with more ease, and we can use this energy to view the events of our lives from a higher state of awareness.
This higher state of awareness is essentially the ability to see all things through the eyes of love. Pure unconditional love. Big magic love.
When we break down every pain and struggle, it can always be linked back to a lack of love. When we see this, we know that the answer to all our problems and struggles is just more love. Love for others, love for self. The answer can always be traced back to more love.
We can hear this and understand that love surrounds us and flows within us and seeps through everything and everyone, but to actually feel it helps to make it real and helps us to know the truth of what lives within.
Feeling this level of love is something that can only be achieved in fleeting moments, as it is not always part of the earthly experience.
We can achieve this state momentarily through meditation, finding our joy, surrounding ourselves with those we love, being in nature, and practicing gratitude.
It is in these moments that we can tap into the river of unconditional love that flows through us all, and makes up the entire energetic framework of the Universe around us.
On 12/12, it is easier for us to access and reach this space, so on this day, spend time meditating,  journaling, tuning into your heart, and practicing self-love.
Visualize your energy field around you, and see if you can expand it, tap into it, and use it to travel to higher dimensions.
Pay attention to your dreams on 12/12 as well, as they are likely to be more prophetic or contain information from the deeper parts of your soul.
To help with this, perhaps say a little prayer or set an intention as you sleep, and see if that helps you to travel across time and space in your dreams to gain knowledge, wisdom, and feel into the love.
1212 unlocks an incredibly potent energy, so tune in and use the day to your advantage. Feel in to what is right for you, and stay open to any signs and messages you may receive.
Lay down flat on the floor or sit upright in lotus position.
Close your eyes and take 12 deep breaths to settle your mind.
Visualize the top half of your body (from your knees up) surrounded in the light of a beautiful pyramid. See that pyramid reaching up into the heavens and connecting your body with the higher realms.
Once that visual is strong in your mind, visualize another pyramid on the lower half of your body pointing down towards mother earth. Visualize the light of this pyramid surrounding the lower half of your body and connecting you to the planet.
Once this pyramid visual is strong, sit with it for 12 breaths.
When ready, imagine the top pyramid slowing starting to spin in a clockwise direction and the bottom pyramid slowly starting to spin in a counter-clockwise direction.
Keep this visual going and just observe any feelings or sensations that arise in your body. Stay here for 21 breaths or for as long as you feel is necessary.
When ready to close the meditation, stop the pyramids from spinning and see the light of the pyramids getting smaller and moving closer into your body until your body completely absorbs the light.
Take 12 deep breaths here and begin gently wiggling your toes and fingers.
Once you are ready, stand up and shake out your body. Drink a glass of water to help cleanse and balance your energy out.
Happy 12/12!
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mikosaura · 6 years
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We are continuing to receive messages and signs from the Universe. The Hierophant card is here for another week to let us know that we are still gaining information on where to go to next.
Last week we pulled the Fortune and The Hierophant. This week The Hierophant has stuck around to let us know we should still be on the lookout for clues on where to turn our wheel.
We are in a time of transition. We are ready to go to the next level but we are not sure what direction to go in. With The Hierophant in our corner, movies, songs, teachings, and mentors will pop up to give us sage advice.
Open your eyes and heart to the knowledge of the Universe. See the messages that will lead you where you need to go. Hear the sounds calling you to your path.
We are in Sagittarius season and there is a New Moon on the 7th. These vibrations are all about planting seeds and growing new adventures. Mercury will also go direct this week, so we will be able to hear the messages of the cosmos and those around us more clearly.
We are in a time of taking off on exciting journeys and creating fresh ideas. Keep your eyes peeled for specific signs meant give you a push in the right direction. Be ready to take in all that is around you. The call of The Hierophant will be amplified.
The Strength card accompanies The Hierophant this week. It is a powerful card that depicts a beautiful lion with a rose in its mouth. The sun is shining above its head and there is light radiating in all directions.
This card speaks of strength not as brute force or intense power, but instead as quiet strength that is built on patience. This strength is stronger than being aggressive or physically powerful. It is all about intuition and self-awareness.
The lion on the card has the power to devour the rose, but instead holds the flower still. There is restraint being displayed. There are strategies and plans being made. It is all about the big picture instead of the instant gratification.
My best friend has a personal mantra: discipline is freedom. This helps her to think long term and make decisions that set her up to have more choices in the long run.
It is far too tempting to give in to the easier path now. It is natural to eat the rose, especially if you have big sharp teeth like the lion.
But if we listen to our intuition and have a moment of self-awareness, we will hear the messages that point us to the healthier choice. If we are driven by fear, anger, lust or jealously, we will make decisions that are short sided and often unhealthy.
Strength is all about patience. It is about slowing down long enough to hear what we need rather than what we want. It is about building a solid path ahead.
This card is connected to The Heirophant because they both call us to be still. They want us to tap into the power of listening before we make any decisions.
When on the path to find a new direction it can be tempting to make quick choices, but remember that timing is so important if we want things to go well.
If we are rushing things or forcing things to happen they will not be turn out the way we want.
Openness and patience will be your friends this week. We can set ourselves up for success by planning, listening, and staying aware. There is so much goodness on the horizon.
Mantra for the week: The Universe has a glorious path for me. I am both open and patient when receiving signs on where to go.
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mikosaura · 6 years
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Every home has a story, a history that makes it the way it is today. In many cases, you can see that history, and that personality, in the small cracks in the walls, and the faded markings on doorways.
More than its history, according to Numerology, every house also has an innate personality that you can unlock by understanding your home’s number.
At its most basic level, Numerology is the study of the numbers that make up the Universe.
Numerology has a long history, dating back at least 3,000 years to Ancient Mesopotamia, and is practiced by different cultures across the world including the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Chinese, Indians, and Japanese.
Modern Western Numerology is largely based on Greek Numerology, otherwise known as Pythagorean Numerology, as the mathematician, philosopher and teacher was one of its most famous followers.
Pythagoras and his followers believed that the Universe was constructed according to a divine geometric plan, which is why the same geometric patterns recur repeatedly throughout nature.
Following on from this, they believed that numbers are the building blocks of the Universe and that, like human DNA, they carry information about the Universe that can be read and deciphered.
Numerologists believe that everything in the Universe has a number, or a series of numbers, that define its innate character. For example, a Life Path Number, which is determined by a person’s date of birth, reveals in general how their life will play out, the opportunities they will have, and the lessons they will learn.
Like people, places also have numbers, which reflect the energy of the location. It is possible for people to be compatible or incompatible with a location, feeling comfortable, or decidedly uncomfortable, in that space. This can explain why some people fall in love with a place the moment that they arrive, while others just don’t feel right in a certain location, despite there being no obvious reason for their discomfort.
To determine the number of your home, you first need to select which part of your address has the most resonance for your home.
For example, perhaps you live at 1704 8th Avenue. In this case, it is your house number that is the most important number for your home, so you will use your house number to determine the number of your home.
To do this, you need to reduce your house number to a single digit number from 1-9, or one of the three Master Numbers (11, 22, 33), which are special numbers within numerology.
0 is also a significant number within numerology, but as it means infinite possibility, and all things that can possibly be existing, you will never encounter a person or a place that is characterized by the number 0.
To reduce your house number to a single digit or Master Number, you simply need to add the digits together.
For example, 1+7+0+4=12, and then this is to be reduced further 1+2=3, revealing that the number of this home is 3.
If you live in an apartment, for example, apartment 31C at 1704 8th Avenue, then your apartment number supersedes your street address.
In this case, you determine the number in the same way, but don’t ignore the C. In numerology all letters have a corresponding number, so you need to determine the number of the letter C (see the list below) and add this to your equation.
So, in the case of apartment 31C you would add 3+1+3=9, making your home a number 9.
1 – A, J, S
2 – B, K, T
3 – C, L, U
4 – D, M, V
5 – E, N, W
6 – F, O, X
7 – G, P, Y
8 – H, Q, Z
9 – I, R
Perhaps you live at a named address, for example, Rose Cottage, in this case, the name of the address is more significant than any other part of the address. To calculate the number of this address, assign each letter a number, and add these together until you get a single digit or Master Number.
So, for Rose Cottage we would determine the number for Rose 9+6+1+5=21, which reduces to 2+1=3. We would then determine the number for Cottage 3+6+2+2+1+7+5=21, which reduces to 2+1=3.
Here, in theory, you would add 3+3 to give you a number of 6 for your home, but as 33 is a Master Number, you would keep 33.
This represents independence, innovation, and ambition, and is a great place to live if you are self-employed or an entrepreneur. It is also a space that can help people living together retain their autonomy and freedom. The space can sometimes breed a lack of cooperation as everyone pursues their own agendas.
This represents a loving and friendly atmosphere where guests will always feel welcome. It is an excellent number for a family home, promoting harmony and close relationships. The space can easily become highly emotionally charged, so it’s important to cleanse it regularly to maintain harmony.
This represents a location with a cheerful and upbeat energy, and perhaps a place that sees a lot of social gatherings. It also resonates with a lot of creative energy so is a great space for artistic endeavors. The space can tend to a feeling of being disorganized and unfocused, but clearing the clutter can help to curb this.
This represents a solid and secure environment which a lot of discipline and structure. It can lack excitement and feel stifling for some people, however it is also a great energy for setting realistic goals and bringing in wealth. Creating a work-life balance is important for people who live in this space.
This represents a gregarious space which always throws up unexpected surprises and adventures. It favors progressive ideas and is a great place to live if you love your freedom. It can be difficult to create a quiet space in this type of home, but creating a tranquil garden or bringing plants indoors can help to balance this energy.
This inspires beauty, love, and harmony and vibrates with a balanced energy. It is a space that nurtures and is great for couples. There is a wonderful healing quality to this number, making it a great fit for those who work in a caregiving setting. The space can make some people feel overwhelmed by responsibility and can also turn them into homebodies. To help balance this energy, it is important to make time for social or creative activities outside the home.
This represents secrets and the desire for privacy. Those seeking a quiet space to reflect and grow, thrive in this kind of environment. This space can leave some people feeling isolated and alone, however it is also great for those seeking spiritual development. This space is also a good fit for writers, artists, and those who need alone time in order to get their ideas out into the world.
This represents prosperity and abundance, and so is a lucky space for many endeavors. It can be a place that gives people physical energy and can also help boost ambition and the motivation of those living there. The abundance of this space can leave some people with the feeling of always wanting more, and never reaching satisfaction.
This represents universal love and compassion and is a space where all people typically feel welcomed and accepted. If you live in a 9 home you will probably find that guests often drop in unexpectedly. This makes it a good space for older couples and for young families. The sharing energy of the space can be a struggle for people who need to take time to work on themselves, but this can be balanced by creating a sacred space in an area of the home.
The Master Number 11 represents intuition and illumination, and 11 homes are inspiring and creative places. Living in this space can help to promote innovative ideas and new creations. 11 is a number of light, that lends itself to airy spaces that make the most of natural light. Because 11 has such as strong vibration, this kind of space can often bring spiritual tests.
The Master Number 22 represents the master builder and the creative energy of the Universe. This is an excellent space to feel grounded, and in control of shaping your world. People who spend a lot of time in this kind of space may feel excessive pressure to create and succeed.
The Master Number 33 combines the characteristics of 11 and 22 and represents the altruistic side of life. Locations with the number 33 are often spiritual places, or places where people work to support others, rather than for personal gain. People who live in a 33 space can sometimes feel overwhelmed by responsibility for others.
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mikosaura · 6 years
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The Capricorn Solar Eclipse on January 5-6th is going to be opening up a new pathway for us all. This pathway is going to offer us a different course and will open our eyes to new possibilities.
This is a very pivotal time in the year where we are being guided to begin making changes in our lives. These changes are ones that we will be working with over the coming months, so while we may not understand exactly where they are leading us just yet, we can trust that they are opening us up to a new potential.
This ritual is designed to help you welcome in this new energy and this new pathway that is opening up for you. This ritual will also help you to manifest your own dreams and aspirations for the year ahead.
This ritual is best done from January 4th - 17th, 2019
Smudging tool of choice
1 Candle (preferably white)
3 pennies or other small coins
3 leaves (you can use garden leaves, bay leaves, or mint leaves)
3 pieces of small paper
Pen or pencil
1. Begin by smudging your aura and surroundings. For more specific information on how to do this, please read this.
As you smudge your aura recite the following mantra or feel free to write your own:
“I cleanse myself front and back, I cleanse myself front and back. I release the energy of the year gone by. I release the energy of the year gone by. I open myself to receive. I open myself to receive. Many blessings are now coming my way. Many blessings are now coming my way. I am one with myself. I am one with the Universe. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
As you smudge your surroundings, recite the following mantra, or feel free to write your own:
“I cleanse this space. I cleanse my home. I fill it with lots of love, joy, and happiness. My home is safe. My home is protected. My home is cleansed. Light fills the room. Light fills this space. Only love resides here.”
2. Set up your ritual by lighting the candle and placing the coins, paper, and leaves in front of it in rows. Keep your pen off to the side.
3. Close your eyes and take 10 deep belly breaths in and out. As you inhale feel your stomach expanding. As you exhale, feel your stomach contracting.
4. Once relaxed, take your pen and write down one thing you would like to manifest for yourself for the year ahead. There are no limits as to what you can write- go big! Fold up the paper and place it on top of one of the leaves.
5. Now take your next piece of paper and write down how you want to feel for the year ahead. You can choose any emotion or state of being that you wish, like relaxed, joyful, energized, and so on. Once you have written that down, fold up the paper and place it on top of the second leaf.
6. With your third piece of paper, write down a wish or something you desire for the future. It can also be something bigger than just for yourself such as peace for all beings, or good health for your loved ones. There are no limits on what you can write here. Fold this paper and up and place it on top of the final leaf.
7. Take the first leaf with the piece of paper of what you want to manifest and place a coin on top. You should have a little stack with your leaf at the bottom, the paper in the middle, and the coin resting on top. Fold the leaf over so it covers as much of the paper and coin as possible. Hold it in both your hands and recite the following:
“I have the power to manifest, I have the power to bring only the best. My request to manifest (insert here) has been heard and I am ready to accept. I open to receive. What’s mine is already here, I am just moving closer and closer towards it. Thank you to the Moon, thank you to the Sun, I know my request has already begun.”
After reciting this mantra, take a deep breath and exhale into the leaf bundle. Imagine you are charging up your leaf bundle with energy so what you have asked for can manifest in your life. Once done, place the bundle off to the side.
8. Now take your next leaf bundle that you wrote the feeling on. Repeat the same process by folding the leaf over as much as possible. Holding the bundle in your hands, repeat the following-
“I have the power to choose how I feel. I have the power to feel (insert here). I invite only (insert here) into my life. I invite it in now. May my life in 2019 be a reflection of (insert here), may the Universe conspire to bring me only which evokes this feeling. And in times of need, may the feeling of (insert here) come to me with ease. May feeling (insert here) be easy for me no matter what I am going through. Thank you.”
After reciting this mantra, take a deep breath and exhale into the leaf bundle once again. Place it off to the side.
9. Take the final leaf bundle and repeat the process:
“As the Sun and Moon align, I make the wish for (insert here). Hear my wish, receive it well, for I know only time will tell. I have all I need, I have all I asked, and I know this wish will soon come to pass. Thank you. Thank you.”
Blow into the leaf bundle once again and place it off to the side.
10. Take 3 deep breaths here to still your mind and to re-center yourself. Place your hands together in prayer position and give thanks for all the blessings you received this year and to the Universe for hearing and granting your requests. Once done, snuff out the candle.
11. Take your leaf bundles and bury them in the earth. Try to do this within 48 hours of completing the above steps.
Happy Eclipse and Happy 2019!
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mikosaura · 6 years
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Happy New Year babes! As you are reflecting on the last 12 months make sure you congratulate yourself on all your hard work. You made it through the year, growing stronger and wiser. I am so very proud of you.
We are setting our sights on 2019 and making plans for how to be better. But I want you to know that you are perfect in this moment. You are more than enough and anything you improve on is just icing on the cake.
Let yourself take a minute now to feel the fullness of your strength. You are a beautiful and perseverant human being and you will carry that strength into the new year.
The cards for this first week of 2019 are full of power. The first card we’ve got is the 2 of Wands, it is all about our ability to make our desires our reality. The card focuses on our ‘will’ and our choices.
Our willpower is our superpower, we can use this to accomplish great things. If we close our eyes, what do we want to see for next year? How can we take deliberate steps to make this happen?
Use this week to write down the specific actions you need to take for your goals. Don’t visualize general ideas but instead, be as detailed as possible. Think about what little things you can do now to start your path to your bigger dreams.
The 2 of Wands gives us the power to take those steps. It motivates us and helps light a fire under our ass. It aids us to stop making compromises and stop letting self-doubt get in the way. It is the most perfect card to start off the year.
The energy of this card helps us to feel responsible for our future. And this makes us feel powerful and not afraid. We know we create our reality, therefore we are in the driver seat. So where will you go in 2o19?
If the 2 of Wands was not enough of a perfect card for the new year, the 3 of Disks comes to support this vibration even further.
The 3 of Disks is all about concentrated and deliberate effort. It is about laser focus and the ability to work hard for what we want. It gives us the power to stay aware of our desires and not swerve from the path.
Sometimes we can be a bit scattered and feel pulled in many directions. But this week we will narrow in on what we want for the year. We will let go of the of those voices that say “what about this?” and “you are forgetting this!”
Inspiration will be your friend as you start to create a clearer picture of what the future will look like. This card usually indicates a high level of professional ambition. So use this time to focus on your career and make concrete goals for 2019.
If your career is an area that holds some negativity or doubt for you, use the energy of the 3 of Wands to push through that this week. You will need to work through those feelings in order to manifest the abundance that is waiting for you.
Let the motivating energy of the 2 of Wands and the laser focus of the 3 of Disks support you. Tap into their vibrations and set your path for the year. I can’t wait to see all that you accomplish.
Mantra for the week: I use my willpower and focus to make my dreams a reality. I consciously unleash my infinite potential.
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mikosaura · 6 years
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Two of Swords and 6 of Wands
Is there something you have been putting off? Is there something you know you have to do but have been too scared?
I know for me I have been avoiding taking action in certain areas of my life. However, lately I feel I need to act sooner rather than later.
The cards this week tell us now is the time to dig into those issues you have been ignoring. It is time to make some decision so you can level up!
The 2 of Swords is about obstruction and avoidance. The two swords on the card make an X, while an eclipsed sun is trying to let light through.
We are obstructing energy from coming through. Perhaps we have been engaging in a lot of distractions or feel too confused to make a decision.
Take time to listen to your thoughts and emotions this week. Parts of you need to feel heard. When you listen to your emotions you can let them flow out, and you can make some sense as to what you need.
This card also points to overthinking, so be careful not to overthink this process. When a thought comes up, listen and take it in. Whatever we resist, persists. So pushing down our emotions does not help alleviate them.
It is time to make a plan and face the truth that you have been blocking. The 2 of Swords calls for you to make a decision and get out of your head.
It is time to step out of our mental standstill. You will not progress without action.
The 6 of Wands is here to tell us that there is light at the end of our tunnel. We will make it through our time of indecisiveness.
The 6 of Wands depicts a green-blue butterfly flying above a entangled mess of branches. She has made it out of the darkness and is soaring high above it all.
She is confident because she knows her strength. She is strong, not because she has had an easy life, but because she was tested and made it through victoriously.
This card is letting us know we will make it out of our own darkness with flying colors. The card wants us to let go of any doubts and trust that we will succeed.
This doesn’t mean we can stop our hard work and no longer examine our choices, quite the opposite. We need to continue our efforts but with the knowledge that we will prevail.
We can let go of wondering whether or not we will succeed. We know we will. And with this knowledge, we can fearlessly make the best decisions for ourselves.
If failure wasn’t on the table, what would you do? How would you act differently?
The cards want you to clear the distractions and fear and act in accordance to your passions and soul.
Mantra for the week: I let go of confusion and listen to myself. I know what I need to do to move forward. I will be victorious.
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mikosaura · 6 years
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We may appear to have only entered this physical world for the first time, but deep down are we harboring memories and pains from previous life times?
The concept of reincarnation has existed for over 3,000 years and be traced back to both Western and Eastern philosophies.
The theory is that the soul will return or reincarnate into numerous physical bodies, in numerous physical dimensions, in order to gain some understanding or reach a certain level of consciousness.
This goes back to Einstein’s theory of energy- it cannot be created or destroyed, it merely shifts into another form. If the energy of our soul cannot be created or destroyed then reincarnation could make sense. Perhaps the energy of our being simply shifts into another physical form after death…?
Do you feel like an old soul? Do you feel that you have walked this earth many times before? 
Here are 6 common signs associated with reincarnation and past lives:
Most of us have experienced Déjà Vu at some point. While many scientists and psychologists believe that there is a neurological explanation for it, some are not convinced and believe that déjà vu is a sign from a past life.
When you feel a sense of familiarity, whether it is with a person or in a particular place, you could be experiencing some memory deep within your subconscious that perhaps stems from a past life.
Dr. Brian Weiss, one of the most well known past life regression healers, has stated that numerous patients have felt unexplainable emotions while visiting certain countries or seeing certain people. Not only do they feel a sense of ‘having been there before’ they also feel very familiar with the surroundings. More often than not, Weiss has been able to trace back to their past lives using hypnotherapy and has found some connection to their feeling of déjà vu.
Recurring dreams or nightmares have also commonly been linked back to past lives, especially if the dreams are vivid.
Dreams can be symbolic, so it is likely that they don’t fully represent a past life but perhaps they hold clues or messages for you to interpret.
One example of this would be a woman who kept having a dream about finding bones in her closet. When she saw the bones she would feel a sense of guilt and sadness. She kept having this dream again and again until she decided to do a past life regression. Through the regression she discovered that she had drowned her baby in the bathtub and her dream about the bones was a manifestation of her guilt and pain from her past life experience.
Children or even adults who appear to have amazing talents without even learning or studying them can also be a clue to a past life. Some children have even been able to speak other languages fluently without ever have being exposed to it.
While certain talents can be genetic and ‘run in the family’, there have been cases of people displaying extraordinary talents that are not linked to their current lives in any way.
This may also manifest as having a strong interest in certain topics or an affinity or distaste for certain periods in history.
Most phobias appear to be completely irrational, however perhaps they make sense when you trace them back to a past life?
Whether it is a fear of spiders, heights or small spaces, phobias are built into the human psyche as part of our survival instinct. But how do we explain a fear of something that has never really actually threatened us?
Past life regression therapist are often able to trace phobias back to certain events in past lives. For example, if you had a fear of water you could of been drowned in a past life.
Many believe that birthmarks are evidence of reincarnation. There is one particular story of a young boy who was able to recount memories of a particular man. The parents decided to research the man that their child spoke of and found that he had been shot in the chest numerous times. When they looked at their son, they noticed that he had birthmarks on his chest in the exact same configuration as the man that had been shot.
It is commonly believed that birthmarks appear as a reminder to heal and release certain past life emotions or traumas. Many also find that their birthmarks change in color or shape depending on their thoughts and emotions.
Many of us feel certain connections to people in our lives and this could be evidence of having met and known each other in past lives.
Edgar Cayce, the famous American mystic stated that souls like to travel in groups and these groupings are known as soul mates or soul families. Cayce believed that each group learn their karmic souls or lessons together. He stated that while the relationships may change from life to life, the souls are always the same. This means that your grandmother in one life may return as your best friend in another life and so on.
This theory may support why we feel certain bonds and connections with people almost instantly.
Understanding your past lives can sometimes help bring clarity and understanding to your current life, especially if you feel a certain pull or memory to something that you can’t really explain.
Releasing past life pains and habits can also bring about healing and can help you crush phobias, pains and negative patterns in your life.
In order to tap into your past lives, try hypnosis or speaking to past life regression therapist. Alternatively you can try this meditation at home:
Retreat to a comfortable and dark place where you can absolutely not be disturbed. Turn off all electronics and cell phones. You can have some light, relaxing background music if you wish.
Sit or lie down in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Begin to inhale and exhale deeply in order to relax and quiet your mind. As you inhale, imagine a beautiful white light surrounding your body. This white light is going to help protect and heal you on your journey. As you exhale, imagine all your negative thought patterns, expectations and doubts releasing. Continue to do this until you can feel your white light radiating and your mind is free from doubts or repetitive thoughts.
Then in your minds eye, imagine a staircase in front of you. As you make your way to the top of the stair case you are going to come face to face with the past life that is most relevant to you at this particular time of your life. Use your intuition to determine how many steps you need to climb. As you climb each step, count them and imagine yourself going deeper and deeper with each step.
When you reach the top of the staircase, notice the door at the top. How detailed is it? What era is it from? When you are ready, open the door.
Try to allow your mind to explore and wander without judgments and expectations. Accept whatever you see at the top of the staircase and try to relax into the process.
When you are finished exploring your past life, close the same door that you entered in and then climb back down the staircase. With each step, try to return to the present moment more and more. At the bottom of the staircase, open your eyes.
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