#mile phakphum's fruity twitter likes
discluded · 10 months
Mile waking up and immediately choosing violence
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(fyi about this one - at the August D7 event last year where fans thought MA may have been holding hands back stage, Mile liked a tweeting correcting that assumption where the tweet said Mile was handing Apo his phone. Since he'll like tweets that are corrections... what are supposed to think about this one Mile 😭)
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mile once again confirming mile for lesbians4mile 🥺🥺🥺 mile 🤝 lesbian solidarity (congrats @lorddio 🥰)
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discluded · 1 year
because homophobes already got me in a bad mood on the first day of pride, fuck it.
if you think I'm talking out my ass about the Proud of Mile post, hot tip: Mile follows worldofboysss on IG. if you're curious which posts he liked, pro tip: there's only like 244 posts 🥰
enjoy hot gay men 🌈
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discluded · 11 months
Happy Jealous Bitch!Apo and Line is Stopped at the First Person in the Queue with Khun Nattawin Day if you celebrate it 🤗
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No context. If you know you know 🤭 if you don't then 😝
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discluded · 1 year
mileapo real
so true bestie 💅
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discluded · 2 years
video / frankensteining translation 1 and translation 2:
I think Apo's personality is a lot like a horse, very strong. When a horse is not familiar with a person, it'll kick you, but after you get to know it and earn its trust, the horse can take you to so many great places. Apo is a very bright and cheerful person with high energy, similar to horse.
Mile (again) confirming the 🐎 is about Apo.
How do we feel fam about the fact Mile says Apo is like a horse and he also said his favorite LGBTQ movie is Brokeback Mountain, the gay cowboys movie? 😉
Mile originally liked this tweet to confirm fans' theory on Aug 22 (about a week ago).
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(lmfao at Mile agreeing we're all clowns. that's valid. we do clown ourselves)
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discluded · 1 year
Mile also follows befitguys (fit & hot guys appreciation 🤟) on IG 🙂
I see. scientific research time. Will revert back with results eventually.
(some of these men's abs kind of scare me 😭 drink water fellas)
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discluded · 1 year
one of my gay friends clocked me as a bisexual when he saw who I follow on ig and the posts that I like so mile's ig likes and following is giving me immense flashback lol
don't worry they give mile immense flashbacks too 🤭🤭🤭
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discluded · 2 years
Can I just say I love how Mile has left up all of his insta posts over the years, scrolling thru his account is like going on a time machine 🤣
Mile owns who he is! He's had plenty of chance to scrub his Insta, and it feels very honoring he trusts his fans enough that he's left it in tact for us to see how he's developed as a person.
Time capsule is definitely right... from annoying little brother Mile (20-22) to trust fund rich kid style (23) to emo girlie (24-26) and the soft vintage period right before (26-28) and the more curated vintage / professional actor style right after (28-30, now) he met Apo again...
You can tell how much he grew as a person, even through the sexy filter of showing your best side to the world on your social media feed.
People often accuse Mile of cringe or fan service in his Twitter interactions and all I can say is, just because your social media presence doesn't reflect who you are in real life (because some people are massive bullies online and are cowards IRL) doesn't mean that's true of Mile.
Unlike people with "finstas" (I'm literally so old I don't even know if I'm using that right or if people still use that term) Mile doesn't hesitate to show his silly and more realistic side on his Instagram. Not scrubbing who he is and owning it, including the cringe and sometimes bad memories, is what makes the account more precious, even if it's not necessarily the most #aesthetic
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discluded · 2 years
I need help bc my brain is all over the place and I don’t know if I’m misinterpreting this or not. Please help !
I have no words 😶
He really said, im going to drive you all crazy, since you guys didn’t leave Po alone with the Bro thing 😭
haha okay. I'll post it with a QRT for my own sanity because it took *me* forever to figure out what the tl was...possibly implying?
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I was like math lady meme.gif 5 minutes after you sent this to me because I didn't understand what was going on.
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Basically, as happening with today's fruity tweet fest, it seems like Mile was teasing fandom for overreacting about the "cool bro" comment.
Apo likes teasing, but he doesn't like being teased by Mile... Mile also likes teasing, so someone has to take the brunt of it, right?!
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no more anons about the bro era 🤣 i'm also done with it
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discluded · 1 year
crying at mile liking that tweet of apo in green. truly #1 apocolleague.
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hrum this one right? mile didn't say goodnight to fans on the 6th (he did after the black pink concert tonight)... mile really said good night to Apo and Apo only 😭 wth
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discluded · 1 year
Mileapo real for Mile last twitter likes... Mile honoring his Phaksus name lol
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discluded · 1 year
@ mile's igs story anon
I saw your ask but then when I went back, it was gone... I'm so sorry I literally don't know what happened to it. I might have fat fingers it ...
but he's so romantic isn't he? 🥺
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discluded · 2 years
Lol Mile unliked the Mr. Mile marry Apo comment.
according to other folks it's still there 🤷🏻‍♀️ refresh your cache
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discluded · 2 years
Mile unliking that comment may be an app error. Please can still see his like when it's opened in a web browser.
thank you!
just adding I will not be publishing any more updates about these kinds of things from other anons w/o things like screenshots. not trying to censor the truth but I also don't have the time to verify everything sent my way so. figure it out yourselves.
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