fumble-art · 9 months
I just found you on yt shorts and I followed. Your art is a big inspiration, and I adore the designs.
Can I ask about your white haired, black horned guy? What are they about :0
Hiya and thanks so much for finding me over here as well! The character in question is Keeva, a birch obsessed tiefling with a hard shell and arrogant personality who is having a hard time trying to find acceptance in their life. They started as a joke character between my friend @bunnyomega
and I in minecraft in a 7+ year long war of the opposing tree cults--The Mega-Tree vs the Nega-Tree which were Oak and birch respectively. Over time, Keeva gained their own personality and story, so now a lot of their setting is filled with Minecraft/D&D like elements! Without going into too much detail, the versions of Keeva seen in that particular YT short was between a younger Keeva who was just starting to get the hang of socializing and was being indoctrinated into their cult vs a Keeva 20 years from now who was excommunicated. I haven't gotten everything written out yet but I have little snippets here and there on my toyhou.se of them and other characters involved with that universe! I'm hoping to express more of their story and relationships through my future youtube uploads and art here ^^
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fumble-art · 8 months
(Im the dood who asked about Keevah)
I love how he was a joke that became real, and the fact that he can be silly goofy AND a serious character at the same time makes me gleeful.
I wanted to share that I also have a Tiefling/Demon character named Marco!!
He wasn't made as a joke, but he kinda went through similar circumstances as Keevah. Marco was basically a big meme between me and my friends because he's like the smooth, handsome, romantic type who will sweep you off your feet and take you to lobster or smthin... and whenever I would bring him out would simp over him LMAO
But there was some DRAMA in our rp so now he's in charge of his family clan, and is much more grim and serious.
Hehehwaywhsu lil guys
Marco sounds fun! I'm sure Keeva wouldn't know how to deal with someone like that, but wouldn't keep them from trying to understand.
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