It’s Coming
   Now more than ever the stress is high. we have less than a month before our move out date and our house is still a mess. I’m trying to juggle cleaning, keeping my mom calm, keeping my sisters out of trouble, keeping my boyfriend calm while trying to plan meetups with friends before I move. In less then a week I’ll be in New Jersey saying goodbye to family for 3 years. and a week later I’ll be back down here trying to continue getting ready for this move. I feel trapped and scared, I have to open this door not knowing what nightmare hides behind, but it’s a risk for family everyone must make. 
Until next time,
Militaryteen signing off! 
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boots4youth-blog · 8 years
They are Kids
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I try...
Sup, time to creep slowly more into my selfhatered post that is my life. I have “friends ” well had. I don’t know. I don’t know who’s real and who’s not. Lemme tell you why. I had a friend, she was my best friend. Let’s call her Sarah. Sarah became friends with you in late 6th grade/7th grade. Y'all were best friends. But y All were both polar oppisites. She liked country shit, and you were am emo. Sarah’s life was fucked up, and you tried to make it better because you just had so much heart to give you didn’t know when to stop. Sarah was a big girl. Always got picked on. You were cubby, and bad at makeup, and a poor soldiers daughter. So did you. But you were mentally stronger than those you stood for, and you became more of a target…. any way. Time passes, and slowly Sarah gets rid of all her country stuff. Sells her bow, ditched the boots, and starts being emo. You don’t care at first. Being the nieve 7th grader you are. You move away for a year, come back and end up dating her bother for a month not even. And there’s drama. And you almost get raped, but that’s not the story here. The story is about you and Sarah. Now once you move back you and Sarah are right back where y all left off. And you feel She s different. She s more insecure, and just wierder, but it’s Sarah so it’s ok, Sarah’s always been a bit weird. More time goes by, and Sarah begins to take advantage of you and your family. Using your house as am escape. You shake it off knowing her family is fucking stupid, and continue on with life. But then she tries to commit suicide. She tries to say that her mom was drunk and almost killed the family by driving drunk. She says that she was kicked out because your family called the police because she was scared for her life balling over the phone. And that’s when it happens. All of the lies and manipulation come out. And you have no idea who she was or is. Now Sarah doesn’t talk to you, and you’re happy. But extremely guilty about basically stepping out of her life. But now you have extreme trust issues, and you don’t trust anyone at school. And you constantly feel lonely, even when you talk to “friends” that’s my life. Militaryteen Signing off Kms
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