#milk cookie lines
undeadvinyls · 4 months
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i was saying.... big freaky teeth shadow milk.....
this is the last thing im posting!! now i'll be off cleaning my ask box with a few oc doodles <3
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burnt-cookii · 8 months
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cookierunauprompts · 8 months
how about just-
giant flustered jester
idk i think that'd be cute have a good day/night whoever decides to write this vague prompt -Anon #368
You don't realize what power you have given me anon #368.
Request Prompt #14 - 💓♪
The beast stood tall, looming over you and the rest of your friends. The seal White Lily Cookie had laced upon the great tree had broken, allowing the beasts to escape... Or well, at least one of them for now. Either way White Lily Cookie was down for the count(almost immediately flicked into a tree by a shadow hand), and Pure Vanilla was tending to her leaving you as the only adult between Shadow Milk Cookie and GingerBrave and friends. There was almost literally no way this could get worse. However, you are very reckless and stupid. " Hey!" You called out to the beast, what you're about to do is rather nerve racking, but since when have you cared about your nerves? Never, that's when. This could get you crumbled, but that's a risk you are willing to take. You almost shudder as you feel the plethora of eyes from the shadows and Shadow Milk Cookie's own two eyes stare at you, brimming with curiosity. " Oh? Does another audience member want to try their hand at beating me?" He chuckled, his grin wide and manic as he gestured to the other fallen cookies around them. " I wouldn't advise that unless you want your dough to crack." " No, I've just got a question." You begin, you can see his brow raise with curiosity. " ... Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see." Silence. " Oh my god we're going to die." You can hear Wizard Cookie mumble under his breath, with GingerBrave responding with a " No no, let them cook.-" It, it actually looks like you threw him off his rhythm. It looks like he's questioning what the fuck a Tennessee is, good, you don't know either. Shadow Milk Cookie is just staring at you, almost dumbfoundedly with a light blue fluster on his cheeks. It takes him a moment before he realizes just what you're doing. He crouches onto the floor, picking you up with a confused, and maybe a bit flustered, grin. " Are you flirting with me right now?" He asks, barely concealing a chuckle under his breath. You lean forwards in his grasp, resting your chin on your hand and fluttering whatever cookie eyelashes you have at him. " Maybe I am." You begin, " Is it working?" " ... Maybe." He mumbled out, looking off to the side.
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scarapanna · 3 months
[WIP] Decided to give another try at ref sheets after a while for intertwined opposites
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Hey y'all!!!
I figured I should make some proper references for the au yesterday (mostly because I need to make proper character sheets, the old ones are old and it would have been pretty fun!!)
Plus I'm posting doodles from left to right on discord but have been relatively quiet over here. I genuinely love interacting with y'all internet people inside my phone and wanted to give some more updates
Puttng all of that aside, here's a completely unrelated PV playing animal crossing/silly
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crumbs-of-the-machine · 6 months
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A cold touch on a warm face..
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thegreatcrowdragon · 8 months
I typically don’t play with volume on and I just heard Shadow milk for the first time… How did Pure vanilla keep his sanity while there was a gay little clown in his head for so long
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lilacthebooklover · 22 days
i LOVE how rhythmic shadow milk's voice is in the "screams of countless creatures" line. he's a poet, and an actor, and it's so so obvious in the way he speaks. you can tell how much fun both he and his va are having with his lines. he makes me ill <3
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pinkvaquita · 7 months
concept that we should adopt more AND I WILL: shadow milk having the power to break the forth wall and make references to pop culture
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soundcrusher · 7 months
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Okay, I can see why people like this chester.
This guy just popped out of the tree, tormented Pure Vanilla, turned everything into a circus, and then proceeded to be the most dramatic guy in the whole game.
I love him.
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midnightsilverchelly · 5 months
Shadow Milk Cookie: BWWAAAAAAAAAA! Oh, you hear that? That's the wrong opinion alarm. Wizard Cookie: That is not something you actually have installed. Shadow Milk Cookie: Sorry, say again? I couldn't hear you over my alarm that YOU SET OFF with your WRONG OPINION.
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makerofmadness · 1 year
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chuckletons · 2 years
suzy: yay! wahooo! let's go! c'mon
carl: yayyy yummy yum ^_^ milk and cookies make everything right
johnny: hoo! yeah! hip! Huh! huh! Huh!
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Wanted to do a lil' portfolio of some recent pixel art I made for a friend’s Twitch channel!! 
I'm gonna open up to doing a small amount of Pixel Art Commissions if anyone is interested– Reach out via DM 💕✨ 🌸 ✨💕✨ 🌸 ✨
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plush-rabbit · 6 months
part 6 to the pouts and spots series when pls😔 i miss my jonathan lol
soon!! i started looking at it again and im like damn, i gotta get to the part!!
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glossopetrae · 7 months
I love when a girl finds an excuse to invite herself to my house. Yeah come over and pick up some propagated plants I'll wear my silliest slutty little cut off tee.
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bibiana112 · 11 months
I LOVE peanut butter reese cups. Where I live they sell them in packs of 3. They are achingly sweet but I love them so much. Not sure if you'd have access but the Reese Thins are a little better. But maybe they're just an acquired taste.
Have a good day!
I swear it felt more salty than sweet though like you don't understand the level of sweetness I enjoy is beyond aching there's something fundamentally different about the way you guys make these and I felt it when I had jolly ranchers too and my roommate And her ex agreed the artificial flavoring was super freaking different I do not understand it enough to articulate it well but there is A Big Fundamental Difference in how we think about taste going on here I am being driven into insanity by this discovery
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