#milliesfishes billy
milliesfishes · 1 day
billy blurb mystery box (1)
fem reader x billy the kid (just little imagines too short to make into one shots, but I feel the urge to share)
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billy takes you dancing:
When there were little get togethers in town, Billy enjoyed taking you out, seeing you all dolled up in a pretty dress. He'd get cleaned up too, putting on a fresh shirt and cleaning his boots.
During the dances where there weren't steps to follow, he swayed slightly with you, admiring how pretty you looked under the light of the lanterns. Toward the end of the night, he twirled you, then picked you up around the waist, holding your joined hands to his chest, and spun a few times, delighting in your laughter and responding in kind.
"Ain't nothin' better than this," he said so only you could hear, still holding you up so your feet weren't touching the ground. "Got m' pretty baby between my arms. 'S how I know everythin's right.'
When he set you down, the both of you dizzy and breathlessly giggling, he leaned in and kissed you, right in the middle of the crowd. You leaned into it, and he dipped you, still keeping his lips pressed against yours.
The gesture made you smile, and you pulled back after a bit, looking up into his eyes. The blue of them was plainly visible even as the sky grew darker. You wrapped your arms around his neck, loving how plainly and brightly he loved you.
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(modern) billy sees you cut yourself shaving:
Often, you'd take a shower right before bed, coinciding perfectly with Billy, who preferred to shower in the morning. You had just finished blow drying your hair tonight, running your fingers through the silky smoothness of it.
You put on your little sleep top with thin straps and a simple pair of panties: white cotton with a little bow in the middle. Now that it was summer, and the AC barely worked, you were wearing something similar to sleep every night.
Entering the bedroom, you saw that Billy was sprawled out, waiting for you shirtless in his boxers. He lazily reached out an arm to you, beckoning you to come lie down.
You gave in, of course, lying on your back next to him. He quickly shifted down, burying his face in your stomach with one hand in your hair. He'd always liked the softness of it after you blow dried.
Billy shifted down so his head was resting on your hip bone, turned slightly to the side, on the hem of your panties. Then, he turned so his chin was propped up. "What's this?"
You had been lying back, absentmindedly stroking his hair, so you leaned up a bit, looking where he was. He was looking at your panties, where two tiny dots of blood were blooming in the white a little below the seam. Billy frowned, one of his fingers coming to touch the spot.
"Ugh, I must've cut myself when I was shaving down there," you sighed, propping yourself up a little on your elbows.
Billy studied it a little more, then leaned over to kiss the spot. Then, he looked up at you with a grin. "You need me to teach ya how to shave, baby?"
"At least I do shave," you teased, eyeing the scruff on his jaw.
His mouth fell open in mock disbelief, and he buried his face in your stomach again, giving you ticklish little kisses that had you giggling at the feel of his stubble against you.
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billy showing you off:
He thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world so naturally he was a proud man, having you on his arm. Sometimes he'd sneak you out late through your window and take you to the saloon, where all his boys were hanging out. They were well familiar with you, but they reacted excitedly every time.
"Brought my girl this time boys, ain't she pretty?" he'd call to a cacophony of whistles and teasing remarks. He'd set his hat on your head and send you off to get the two of you drinks, giving your bottom a light tap as you left.
When you returned, you'd find him engrossed in a poker game. But he'd still look up and shift his cards to one hand, holding out his arm so you could come sit on his thigh and keep him company. Of course, you'd oblige, setting your drinks on the table and settling comfortably on his leg. He'd wrap that arm around your middle and hold you right against him.
Since you were back in the safety of his company, you'd take his hat off your head and plunk it back on his head. Keeping your hands on the brim, you used it to pull him into a kiss, turning his head away from his cards. He'd chuckle into it at first but then bite your bottom lip gently, teasingly. Lips locked against his, one of your hands falls from the brim of his hat to the side of his face as his lips moved tantalizingly against yours, his fingers splaying out over where he was holding you on your waist.
Then one of Billy's men yelled something and he broke away, setting down his cards with a triumphant smirk. You looked down at them. He'd won the game.
Some of them groaned good-naturedly, and you kissed his cheek. He bounced his leg playfully, jostling you a bit. "Gotta real pretty good luck charm sittin' right on m' knee."
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goosita · 11 hours
hozier on the btk playlist is so real (specifically work song like that is so him)
no grave!!! can hold his body down!!!
literally tho bc apparently his actual irl body washed away in a rainstorm oop not to be morbid
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milliesfishes · 7 days
Hope you are having a GREAT DAY. Re read your fics multiple times omg. My ideas for requests would be either your take on a verbal fight happening with Billy and then the groveling and making up that comes after
Or reader witnessing Billy getting having to be violent and him worried that they’ll be scared of him now 😭😭😭😭
thank you so much bb love u you and billy have a fight fem reader x billy the kid
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Your breathing was heavy, your hair tangled and skin sweaty as the waves of euphoria crashed over you. Tilting your head back, your arm fell over your head, breasts heaving. Billy, who'd been holding himself above you with his forearms, let himself collapse into you, his head resting on your chest.
He was sweaty too, and when he lifted his head, you saw some of his curls were stuck to his forehead. Billy smiled tiredly, taking your free hand and kissing the fingers. Then he rolled off of you, still lying on his side and facing you. Your eyes were fixed on the ceiling, but you could feel his on you.
Billy's arm found its way over you, thumb running up and down a little patch of skin. It was soothing, and you closed your eyes briefly, your heart still pounding.
His eyebrow quirked. Usually, you were so cuddly after sex. But today you were quiet, pulling the sheet up to cover your chest, one arm still flung above your head.
Settling in beside you, he kissed your shoulder, nudging his chin there. "You okay baby?"
Nodding, your eyes didn't leave the ceiling.
Billy sat up on his side, leaning on one arm and looking down at you, frowning. "Are ya sure?"
"I'm fine," you insisted, your hand fisting the sheet over your chest.
He reluctantly relented, despite knowing you weren't being truthful. Billy laid back down beside you, sliding his arm under your body and pulling you closer. Your position remained, keeping your arm where it was and your hand holding the sheet. He propped his chin up on your shoulder, exhaling softly, seeming to decide on telling you something.
"I've gotta leave again in the mornin'," he mumbled, looking over your face to gage a reaction. Your expression was unchanging, but you closed your eyes for a second, nodding.
Then, unexpectedly, you sat up fully, his arm remaining on the bed behind you. The sheet was abandoned, and you drew your knees to your chest, aware that your body was still bare. Your chin rested there, your hair falling over your shoulders and brushing your calves.
Billy watched you do all this before he sat up next to you. He'd known this would upset you. His hand came to your back, rubbing it in slow circles. "I know, I know I just got back, but I...I can't stay 'round for too long. These jobs Murphy's got us doin', they're takin' us all over the county."
You were numb to his explanation, and you turned to him, your legs falling flat on the bed, hands in your lap. "How long this time?"
He hummed, thinking about it, using his fingers to brush your hair behind your shoulder absentmindedly. "A week. Maybe two."
Looking down again, your fingers flexed. "And then what, you'll be back for another day and gone the next morning?" You'd known he was going to leave again soon. It had been on your mind all night. "You weren't even back for half of one this time."
He was surprised at you. Leaving as often and for as long as he did bothered you, he knew, but he hadn't known it bothered you this much. "Sweetheart...y'know this is what I hafta do. I gotta work, so we can really be together someday-"
"And what happens when we are together?" you asked, turning to look at him. "We'll always need money. Are you gonna keep leaving then too?"
Billy's hand fell from your back. "Where's this comin' from baby? Ya never had a problem with my work before."
"I'm tired of it!" the desperate words fell from your lips before you could think about it. "You leave for weeks then come into town for a few hours. It's the same every time. You ride in, send me a message, sleep with me, and then you're gone again."
Astonished at your outburst, he ran a hand over his face tiredly. "Dunno what ya want me to do baby, I can't control when Murphy wants me to go out."
Your knees bent again, and your elbows were propped up on them, your fingers curled into your palms and resting on your forehead. Eyes falling to the tangled bedsheets, your whisper was pathetic. "What am I doing?"
"Baby-" he shook his head, putting one hand on the side of your knee. One of his legs was bent, his other arm resting on it. "I'm trying, you gotta believe me. This is the best I can do. Murphy's payin' the best money I can get for my work-"
"That's not true," your hands fell from your face. "You told me about Tunstall."
"We've been over this." Billy sounded exasperated. "Can't leave the gang."
"You could though," you insisted, sitting on your knees now and facing him. "You could, and you'd be doing honest work for more, and you wouldn't be away so much-"
"Stop." His voice was firm, final, and you were taken aback. He'd never used a tone with you before. "Ya know the boys've done a lot for me. I ain't leavin' 'em."
"But you'll leave me?" your words were small.
Billy sucked in a breath frustratedly, shaking his head once, keeping it turned to the side. He closed his eyes and raised a hand to his forehead, rubbing it as he tried to compose himself. "Baby...I ain't expectin' ya to understand. You're too innocent, ya don't know the things I've seen-"
"Innocent?" The usage of the term was a barb. You looked up at him, your doll eyes worried. "But I'm not...I'm not innocent."
He turned his head back to face you, a confused frown gracing his features. "What're ya on about baby... 'course you're innocent."
"But we've..." you gestured down to the scene, to your bare bodies and messy sheets. His eyes followed your hand, and his face clouded with understanding, moving closer to you as he realized.
"Baby," he started, putting his hand on your thigh. The weight of it was warm. "Makin' love don't take your innocence away. You're mixin' up innocence 'n virginity."
"But..." you shook your head, crossing your arms over your breasts, feeling shy suddenly. "It isn't...it's not..."
"It ain't a sinful thing if ya do it for the right reasons," he said gently, rubbing your thigh soothingly. "It's a natural act honey...not a bad thing when it's with someone ya love. Like when we do it."
You felt stupid, looking down as it washed over you. It couldn't...it was so confusing. Everyone had always acted like it was some dangerous thing that would make you horrible if you did it. What kind of cruel secret was this? Making you feel foolish, making you feel like you should've somehow already known.
Billy could see your internal battle, and he tilted your head up with his palm on your cheek, his eyes reassuring. "Baby...the kinda innocence I'm talkin' about is in your soul. You're a good girl. Ain't ever done anythin' bad to no one. That's what makes ya innocent. And I love that about ya, okay? There's nothin' to be ashamed of. Not with me."
How he was saying it made sense, but you still felt embarrassed for not knowing. Your eyes fell from his face. He exhaled softly, seeming to know you were beating yourself up. "It ain't your fault you didn't know. Don't do that."
"I'm innocent," you repeated. "I'm too innocent to understand you?"
Billy winced as you recalled his words from earlier. "That was a poor choice 'f words. You just...you're...you're..."
"What?" you searched his eyes, worried over what he was going to say next.
Billy opened his mouth, then closed it, sighing. His shoulders slumped. He raised both his hands to your face, thumbs stroking the sides of your face, a half-smile turning his lips up slightly. "Beautiful. And kind. And good. You're my angel."
Your eyes pleaded with him. "Billy."
"You really felt like this the whole time?" he asked, concernedly tracing a finger down your cheek. "Musta been eatin' ya up inside..."
"It's fine," you shook your head, wanting to rid yourself of embarrassment. "It's...I..."
Billy sighed, clicking his tongue. The backs of his fingers pressed against your fingers, and he pushed your hair from your face. "All this time...you coulda..."
Could have told him. You couldn't have. Not with him slipping in and out of your life like a needle running out of thread, dipping over and under fabric. He stopped himself before he could say the rest, realizing his mistake.
"I don't wanna leave ya baby," he promised in a whisper, looking down into your eyes. "I hate it, ya know. Always feel like I'm usin' ya, sleepin' with ya and then hittin' the road again."
Tears pricked your eyes at his words. Because that was how you felt sometimes too, though you felt guilty for it. It obviously wasn't true. But that didn't erase the feeling.
Billy could see all this on your face, and his expression saddened. He leaned in, kissing your forehead. "'M sorry." He kissed your cheek. "'M so sorry baby." Then your other cheek. "'M sorry." Your nose. Then your lips, capturing them and leaning against you. "Don't deserve ya...I know that."
You sniffled, feeling overwhelmed. Billy noticed, pressing his mouth to yours again, his kiss gentle. He pulled you into his arms, his big hand pressing your head into his chest. It was then that your tears fell, everything swirling inside you like a never-ending storm. His lips dropped to the top of your head. "Kinda man am I, huh? M' sweet baby's cryin' causa' me."
A little sob escaped you, and he tensed slightly, rubbing your side. Now that your tears were falling, it seemed they wouldn't stop. Billy arm remained around you protectively as your body shook. "I know...I know pretty, I know."
"It's been so hard Billy," you choked in a broken whisper. "All those nights in between...some of them we didn't even talk, just..."
Crashing through the door. Kissing, touching. Waking up alone.
He nodded, squeezing you tighter and kissing your head again. "'M sorry sweetheart. 'M so sorry." Billy pulled you away slightly so he could look into your eyes, holding the sides of your face. "'M gonna do better for ya. This ain't worth it if it's hurtin' ya." He thought for a moment, resting his chin on your forehead as he did. "Maybe I can sit this next job out. Figure out what to do next."
Billy didn't make promises he didn't keep, and this whispered one against your hair lit a candle in your heart. "You will?"
"Yeah," he whispered comfortingly. "Maybe I can..." he exhaled, then nodded. "I'm gonna go talk to Tunstall."
You searched his eyes in disbelief. "Really?"
He smiled fondly, rubbing your cheeks with his thumbs. "Yeah baby. I shoulda done that awhile ago. The boys'll do just fine without me."
"It's a big change Billy," you murmured. Even though this was what you wanted him to do, you were worried about the repercussions. "Murphy-"
He shook his head. "Doesn't matter. He's gotta understand. I got my girl to think of." Billy nudged his nose against your forehead, then kissed it. "I needa keep the girl I got to think of. 'N doin' the long jobs he gives the gang ain't gonna help with that."
You smiled softly, throwing your arms around his neck, holding him close. "You'd do all that for me?"
"Yeah," he breathed, rubbing your back. "I was supposedly doin' these jobs for ya to begin with. But we're gonna change things up. Make it all better."
Billy kissed your forehead as the last of your tears dried. "It's all gonna be better."
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milliesfishes · 16 days
I’m obsessed with your Billy writing omg. Can you do a hurt/comfort where reader was kidnapped by rivals or something and he absolutely loses it until Reader is safe and then is just so doting and protective afterwards?
you get kidnapped and billy comes to rescue you
billy the kid x fem reader (been waiting for an excuse to do this one, thank you love!)
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For some reason, it had never occurred to you that being romantically connected to an outlaw could be dangerous. But here you were, tied up and blindfolded in an unknown location. The men who'd taken you had cornered you in an alleyway, shoving a gun against your side and telling you not to scream.
From what you could make out, it was some of a rival gang Billy had told you about. He was always extremely vague in what he told you about his work, not wanting you to worry or do something rash that you might think was helpful. But you supposed it didn't matter their identities.
You had no idea if Billy knew, if anyone knew you'd been taken. The hours were long, and you lost track of how much time passed.
You'd been taunted by the men who'd taken you, and there were scratches and bruises all over you to prove it. The longer you were there, the more you worried about what they'd do next. What was stopping them from untying you and doing the worst? How far would they go to anger Billy?
You heard shouting outside, then gunshots. They were probably doing more target practice. The sound of footsteps approaching the room you were in became evident, and your body curled in on itself the best it could, prepared for the worst.
The door creaked open, and you could hear boots on the ground. There were still gunshots outside, and you figured whoever had come in was using the noisy distraction to have his way with you.
What you were not expecting was to feel a hand on your face, calloused but soft. You knew that hand. It'd held every part of your body.
That hand tore the blindfold off you, and there he was, kneeling in front of where you'd been tossed to the ground. Billy had both hands on your cheeks now, his thumbs rubbing up and down. "Baby...baby, 're you hurt? What'd they do to ya, my girl..."
You were too exhausted and overwhelmed to respond, but he didn't bat an eye as his hands fell from your face, making quick work of untying your restraints. The second the ropes fell away he gathered you into his arms and you broke down, clinging to him. "Oh baby, oh I know..." he rubbed your back, trying to make you feel safe between his arms. "I gotcha, 'm not lettin' go."
He traced his fingers over your face, his eyes soft. You knew you were a sight right now. There was blood on your face, and your arms were bruised from where they'd pulled and grabbed at you. Billy pressed his lips to your hairline, a comforting gesture. "My girl...where do they get off, hurtin' my sweet girl?"
Billy held you for a while, and it was only until the gunshots stopped that you knew he was shielding you from whatever had been going on outside. He stood, scooping you up and nudging your head into his shoulder, cradling you close. "M gonna take you home now, yeah? We're gonna go home."
You nodded feebly, his heartbeat thumping against your body. The feeling helped calm you down, and you breathed easier as he carried you through the halls. Just before he started outside though, he hesitated, looking down. "Why dontcha close your eyes f' me honey?"
Trying to look up, your brow furrowed. "Why?"
"Just do it m'kay?" Billy's hand came to the back of your head, pressing you into his shoulder again.
You dutifully closed your eyes, burying your face in his neck as he stepped outside. The metallic smell of blood hit you, and you dug your nose into his shoulder, trying not to panic. Billy was gentle, always gentle with you. But to the rest of the world he was dangerous. He was Billy the Kid. And when he was protective, he hurt. You could only imagine the scene that surrounded you.
His footsteps were steady, and you could hear voices directed at him. You whimpered, scared that they were going to attack him.
"Shh, shh," he soothed, pressing his hand back to your hair. "You're safe baby. Nobody's gonna hurt you again."
Nodding into his chest, you tried to lift your head, but he kept his hand on your head. "Not yet, sweetheart. You stay put."
You kept your eyes shut tight as he carried you to his horse and lifted you up onto it before hoisting himself up behind you. He took the reins with one hand, his other hand resting on your tummy to keep you steady. The horse started to move forward, and you rode for awhile before he rubbed his hand over your midsection. "You can open your eyes now, honey."
The prairie you were riding across was open, the sky growing darker. You leaned back against Billy, your breaths shuddering. He sensed your discomfort, his fingers spreading out on your tummy, rubbing lightly. "Hey, remember when we had our first kiss? When we were in the woods and it was sunset?"
A tiny smile twitched your lips. He was trying to distract you, and you welcomed it. "Mhm. You brought me flowers that day."
"That's right," Billy whispered, leaning his cheek against your head. "Lilacs, right? And that was when you told me how much you love lilacs."
You smiled a little more. "And you took me for a walk down by the river."
"And then it started to rain," he said softly, pushing a kiss into your hair. "The sky was dark. And I was worried you'd get cold. But then you laughed and told me that rain meant luck." He laughed a little. "My sweet girl."
"We got soaked," you said, leaning against him. "But I love the rain."
"That you do, baby," he kissed your hair again. "That you do."
Billy could see that you were slipping back into your head, so he brought up another memory. "What about that one day I came over and you were baking a cake? And you burned yourself, but you laughed it off like it was nothing. I remember thinking that's how you live your life- the world could throw anything at ya, but you'd just laugh. Never met anyone like you baby. You're a special girl."
You smiled softly at his sweet words. "I remember how sweet you were afterwards. How you kissed it all better."
"Course I did," he murmured. "Always gonna take care of my baby."
You adjusted yourself a little on the saddle, but whimpered a bit. Some of your bruises were beginning to hurt. Billy rubbed his hand over your side, looking down at you. The horse suddenly stumbled on a patch of rough ground, causing you to jerk forward. You gasped, and Billy caught you, arms tightening around your body.
The suddenness of it caused your trembling to start up again, and Billy stopped the horse, holding you close to his chest. "Shh, shh, you're safe. You're okay, I've gotcha. I'm here, okay? I ain't goin' anywhere."
You breathed softly as Billy held you, your panic still palpable. He rocked you back and forth. "Ohhh, baby." He kissed your temple. "It's okay, it's alll okay now."
Stable in his arms, he tried to think of something else to distract you. "'Member that time we watched the sun set behind the mountain?" he murmured against your cheek. "Ya sat on my lap, wrapped in my coat 'n my arms. We watched the sky turn pink and orange and purple." He nuzzled against your head. "Never seen anything like it. But you were the prettiest thing out there." He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
You nodded, remembering with him. He could see you were calming down so he continued. "I wanted to stop time so we could sit there forever, and we could watch the sky change over 'n over. Ya were such an angel... it was like you were made for me to watch ya against the sky."
His sweet words helped your heart slow down, and you breathed easy. He pulled on the horse's reins, and you started to move again. "Ya brighten up my life honey. Everything is so much better cause of you. I gotta whole head o' these memories with you, and they're all special, all good."
He kept you calm all the way to his little cabin in the woods, and once you were there, he got off, lifting you into his arms. The comfort of his chest was your haven all the way inside.
Billy didn't leave you alone for a second, getting a bath ready for you and undressing you, easing you in. The hot water stung a little against your cuts, but you gritted your teeth, reaching out for him. "Billy."
"Yeah baby?" he murmured, thumb on your cheek.
"Will you...will you...come in with me?" you asked softly.
He half smiled, nodding and standing up to strip his clothes off. Billy got in behind you, wrapping one arm around your middle. The other hand rested on top of your head, thumb smoothing your hair. "Better sweet girl?"
"Uh huh," you snuggled into his chest.
Billy kissed your head, his face somber. "'M sorry baby. 'M so sorry this happened," he whispered. "I shoulda protected you better-"
"No, no Billy don't say that," you breathed, turning in his arms. "It's not your fault."
"I put you in danger sweetheart," he traced your cheekbone. "Was supposed to keep you safe."
"Don't," you rested your head on his chest. "You rescued me."
He sighed softly, looking down at you. He had his girl back in his arms, lying on his chest. And he didn't want to make things tense by fighting with you, even though he still felt guilty. "Yeah. Yeah, baby I guess I did."
You hummed contentedly; your cheek pressed against his skin. The warm bath was soothing you, the ache in your body eased.
Billy held you close to him, hardly letting go long after you got out of the bath. You spent the night swaddled in his arms, his voice whispering promises that you'd never be taken again.
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milliesfishes · 4 days
Hi!!! I love ur writing! I was wondering if u could write when for some reason reader and billy break up but maybe its a misunderstanding or he did something but they break up but end up getting back together? No rush!!
you and billy break up (then get back together) fem reader x billy the kid warning: reader has loss of appetite/has a hard time eating for a period of time
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Billy knew that it was hard to be with him.
He knew that being the sweetheart of an outlaw had more than its fair share of difficulties. People talked about such a sweet girl being with such a hardened man, and it took a toll on you. You weren't ashamed to be seen with him in public, but he was always keeping an eye out, wary of the judgmental stares and not so subtle whispers.
Because he knew he didn't deserve you. You were such an angel to him, a sweetheart in every sense of the word. So, he doted on you, spoiled you the best he could. With kisses, cuddles, sweet words, little gifts he'd bring you from the places he came and went. Because he loved you, more than anything. And he was overly concerned with what he thought you needed to have.
Which is why he'd come to the conclusion he was at now, standing in front of you in a dimly lit barn, hat literally in hand.
You were crying, your eyes hopeless as you looked up at him. He felt awful seeing you like this, felt awful that he'd made you cry when you hadn't even done anything wrong.
"I’m sorry baby,” he whispered, his expression somber.
“Why?” you asked quietly, tears pouring down your cheeks. “What happened…what did I do-“
“Nothing.” He cut you off, dropping his hat and going to you. His hands came to your cheeks. “You didn’t do a damn thing wrong. You’re perfect, angel.”
“Then why?” Your words were pathetic in tone, desperate.
He sighed, looking down at you sadly. “I ain’t no good for ya darlin’.”
“I don’t care,” you pleaded, holding his wrists. “I love you. I don’t wanna live without you.”
“Baby…” he tilted his head, eyes somber. “I love ya too. Love ya more than my guns. But I can’t do this to ya…’s hard on ya.”
“No it’s not,” you insisted.
“Ya don’t know what you’re sayin’ darlin’,” he shook his head, the weight of all he’d seen in his voice. “One ‘o these days they’re gonna find me ‘n string me up by the neck from the nearest tree. Your heart’s too pure. Can’t put ya through that.”
“There’s no guarantee of that,” you pleaded, tugging on his shirt. “Billy.”
“Sweetheart…” he shook his head firmly and you could see he wasn’t budging.
And so you dissolved into tears.
“‘M sorry baby…’m so sorry,” he brought you to his chest, pressing your face to his chest. “Baby.”
You shook your head, pulling away from his arms, not wanting him to comfort you, not wanting him to see you like this. “Do-on’t.” Your voice broke in the middle of the word, collapsing in a sob.
Billy looked helpless. “Sweetheart?”
You shook your head, turning your back, folding your arms around yourself and whispering, “Just go.”
He felt a little stab in his chest. Unable to do anything else, he nodded, picking up his hat. Before he shut the door behind him, he said, “I’m sorry. I love you.”
And then he was gone.
You pined for him. The only thing you could think of was Billy. Your mood was noticed by your father, who was confused at it. You were usually so happy and vibrant. He didn’t know you’d been seeing Billy of course, or anything that had transpired between you two.
After about three weeks of this, your father sent you out with a few of your friends. He gave you a little money, telling you to get something nice. You knew he was trying to make you smile, so you did, albeit a little sadly.
Your friends were lively, chattering eagerly as they walked arm in arm with you. They were trying to cheer you up, you knew, but you remained solemn, forcing smiles to make them feel better.
They went inside a shop, and you lingered outside, hoping they wouldn’t notice. Luckily for you, they didn’t, and you breathed a sigh of relief.
You leaned against the wall, your head resting against the wood as you looked out at the square. It was bustling as usual, with people coming and going all over the place. You were numb to the energy of it all, a cloudy haze coming over you as you simply watched.
In the three weeks since he'd ended things you hadn't heard a wink from him. You'd avoided town as not to see him, and all but barricaded yourself in your bedroom. You figured the distance would make it easier, but in truth it only made you miss him more.
You didn't sleep. You were hardly eating. It was a miserable existence, missing him.
Looking back at the shop door, you wondered what on earth was taking your friends so long. Or maybe they'd only been in a few minutes. Time was irrelevant to you these days.
Your head turned, and there he was. Tall dark and handsome. Gun at his hip. He looked concerned, but you'd grown so used to that look on people's faces that you hardly batted an eye.
"Billy." You offered him a tired smile.
He looked just short of stunned. You knew you didn't look well, but by the look on his face you would have guessed you were close to death. "Ya doin' okay?"
Shrugging unhelpfully, you said, "Fine."
Billy raised an eyebrow. "Ya look a long way from fine, pretty."
You pursed your lips and shook your head tiredly. "I don't know what you want me to say." Reaching your hand up, your fingers found the end of your hair, pulled into a loose braid. "It's been hard."
"'S been hard f'me too," he said softly, looking as though he wanted to reach for you. "Sweetheart...I'm gonna ask ya 'gain 'n this time you're gonna be straight with me. Are ya doin' okay?"
It was no feat to see that you weren't, but you felt as though he could see the extent of it. He'd always been able to see you so clearly. Billy had only said a few words to you for the first time in weeks, and yet his presence disarmed you. You bit your bottom lip, not wanting to cry in front of him. You'd already done so much crying. So instead of speaking, you simply shook your head.
"Thought so," he said gruffly, moving closer to you. He lifted your chin to look into your eyes, studying your face. "You been eatin' at all honey? Sleepin'?"
Your silence told him everything he needed to know. Instead of waiting for a verbal answer, he nodded and held out his other hand. "C'mon, we're gonna go get ya somethin' to eat."
"No," you shook your head, drawing back from him. "It's okay Billy. I don't..." You didn't want to be a burden. For some reason it embarrassed you, having to be taken care of like a child. Having to be coaxed to eat. It all made you feel unexplainably guilty.
Billy knew his girl, knew you well enough to understand you didn't want to be coddled. At least, not right now. So instead, he kept his hand held out for you. "Why don't we go for a walk, hm? Just you and me."
You hesitated, looking at his hand. It was tempting. You'd missed him so much. On the other hand, he was the one who'd hurt you. Besides, "I can't leave my friends."
"I'll have ya back soon. It'll be alright," he reassured you.
When you looked up at him, his eyes were so earnest, so caring. He nodded, giving you a small smile of encouragement and flexing his hand.
So, you took his hand, and let him guide you. He kissed your fingers, and the two of you walked side by side outside of town. You knew where he was taking you- your special place for when you were feeling overwhelmed or upset. It was the top of a hill, where a tree growing peaches sprouted tall and wide.
Billy sat you down, and set himself beside you, leaning against the trunk. His hand was still holding yours. He looked over at you, just watching you for a moment. Then he ventured to speak. "How've ya been?"
You knew you couldn't lie to him. "It's been really hard," you whispered, looking at the ground.
His brows were knitted, eyes soft as he looked at you like you were disappearing. "You haven't been eatin', have ya?"
Shaking your head, you refused to look at him. Though your appetite had disappeared not of your own volition, you still felt ashamed.
"We gotta get ya somethin'," he squeezed your hand. "Can't have ya wastin' away."
"I can't," you nearly choked out. "I haven't been hungry for so long."
Billy exhaled softly, nodding. Then he looked up at the tree, at the heavy fruit hanging from the branches. "Could ya eat one of these, honey?"
You shrugged hopelessly. He stood up briefly, picking a peach from a low branch. Sitting down beside you, he held it out. "Try it."
The peach was perfect; plump and round and rosy. Any other time it would have tempted you, but you could only stare at it now, willing yourself to want it.
Seeing that you weren't going to just eat it on your own, Billy took a bite himself. "We'll share it. Just try a bite f' me, yeah? It's good."
You looked from him to the peach, your mind running. Maybe just a bite wouldn't hurt? So hesitantly, you took the peach and held it up, looking at him again.
He nodded, giving you a smile. "Go on pretty."
Your teeth sunk into the peach; the juice sweet on your tongue. The fuzzy skin was a comforting texture, and you swallowed your bite. Almost as soon as you did, your stomach growled lightly, accepting the bite and wanting more. Your eyes filled with tears, and one slipped down your cheek.
Immediately, Billy gathered you in his arms, hugging you close and kissing your hair. "Atta girl...ya did so good...know that was hard...'m so proud of ya..."
You turned in his arms, burrowing into his chest, where you knew it was safe. You'd missed everything about this, missed everything about him.
He rocked you back and forth. "Ya think ya can do another for me? Just a little bite?" Billy took the peach from you and took his own bite.
Nodding, you sat up and did as he asked. The two of you passed the peach back and forth, until there was nothing, but a pit left. You stayed in his arms long after you were done, just savoring the feeling of his arms around you.
He kissed your forehead, arms around your collarbone holding you against his chest. You whispered, "I missed you so bad."
"I know," he breathed, his cheek on the top of your head. "Missed ya too."
The truth of that statement hung in the air. You were both miserable without each other. And you knew he wanted you back, but his thoughts about himself were holding him back.
"I don't care if you think you're going to hurt me," you turned a little to look at him. "You're not a bad man."
He shook his head, exasperated. "Baby-"
"Would a bad man be holding me?" you asked, cutting him off before he could say what you knew he was going to say. "Would a bad man have cared that I haven't eaten or slept very much?"
Billy was quiet, just looking down at you. Finally, he said, "Guess not."
"No. A bad man wouldn't," you said quietly.
He sighed, shaking his head, but a tiny smile found its way to his lips. "You're a stubborn girl."
"I wish you wouldn't make me be," you countered, and he laughed lightly. Then your face turned serious. "Don't you ever do what you did again. I missed you so bad...it was like I couldn't breathe."
"I'm sorry angel," he said softly, his hand finding its way to your hair. "Second I left I knew I shouldn'ta done it. Been hurtin' too. Need my baby."
You nodded, turning in his arms so your stomachs were pressed together, your arms wrapping around him. He cuddled you close, holding you late into the afternoon. Right then he knew leaving you would hurt you worse than anything he thought he'd bring your way. So right then he vowed to focus on what he had control over. He couldn't manage whether or not a bounty was on his head, but he could choose to keep you close.
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milliesfishes · 15 days
billy rescues you from rivals but you were drugged
billy the kid x fem reader
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*I couldn't resist going back for more I had another idea
On a cold, dreadfully rainy day when Billy was supposed to be enjoying a hard-earned whiskey after a long day of work, one of his gang informed him that you'd been kidnapped by a rival gang.
The news filled Billy's lungs with the smoke of anger. He'd fallen prey to this before, letting the adrenaline of his fury cancel out anything logical.
This was one of those times.
His men were put into action. They followed every trail, searched every nook of the county, preyed on every whisper they heard of you. They were familiar with this gang, their hideouts and haunts. But this was different. they'd obviously taken strategic measures to make sure you weren't found. Billy worked and worried in the meantime, hardly able to concentrate on any task he was given. His sweet girl wasn't safe in her bed, and that killed him.
But his men didn't disappoint. They never did.
They hadn't found you physically, but through word of mouth, they'd heard of an abandoned mining town in the mountains, and a group of rowdy men seen with a girl that matched your description. Since they weren't having any luck actually finding you, the lead was better than nothing.
Billy didn't waste any time riding with his men, tracking the whim of what a stranger had told them. When they reached the town, he felt in his gut that this was it.
The mine shaft was their first guess for a hiding spot, and they hit it right on the head. Men charged at them from every direction, but the Regulators were quick, the violence fleeting but the effects still the same. Blood and bodies littered the floor of the mine, the stench of death heavy in the air.
Immune to all this, Billy only had one goal. You. He spotted you quickly, slumped against the wall, your dress torn, looking like you'd seen hell.
He sheathed his gun, not wanting to frighten you. Then he knelt beside you, carefully taking your face in his hands and looking over you. "Baby...baby are ya hurt?"
Your eyes were glassy, and you looked up at him in a hazy way, tilting your head. "'M I dreaming?" you slurred.
Billy moved his hands to your shoulders to steady your slightly swaying body. "Dreamin' girl? Feels like a nightmare." He lifted your chin, peering into your eyes. "What'd they give ya? You got some poison in ya..."
You nearly toppled over. "Poysonn."
"Easy," Billy kept you sitting up, holding your shoulders again. "Here-" he took out his canteen, opening it and holding it out to you. They'd probably given you opium, based on your symptoms. "Drink this. You gotta stay awake for me."
You pushed it away. "They already gave me water."
"That was more poison than water sweetheart," his eyes narrowed. "A little water from me won't do ya any harm. Hell, it might even help." He lifted the canteen up again. "Drink."
Wrinkling your nose, you shook your head. "No."
Billy knew your drug-addled state would cause you to be distrusting, downright paranoid in some cases. But he knew drinking water would help you come down from whatever they'd given you. "You're a stubborn little thing," he said, bringing the canteen to his own lips and taking a swig. His voice held a trace of amusement, but he still looked worried. "This is straight from the river, no funny business."
He held the canteen up to her lips, nodding encouragingly at you. "C'mon."
You hesitated, looking from him to the canteen. Then, slowly, you nodded.
Billy smiled, a little pride coming to his eyes. "That's a girl." He tipped the canteen up, water spilling into her mouth. She swallowed, and looked up at him, blinking sleepily.
He smiled, his hand coming back to her cheek and brushing his thumb over her cheek. "There we go," Billy murmured. "How we doin'?"
You mumbled something incoherent, and he looked into your eyes, trying to understand. "Baby-?"
"What happened?" you slurred, trying to sit up a little.
"Shh, stay down," Billy said softly, his thumb roving down your cheek. "Rustlers took ya. Drugged you to keep ya quiet." He didn't expand on the details.
"Drugged?" you panicked, eyes widening.
"Easy, easy sweet girl," he soothed, his hand stroking your hair. "It's just gonna make ya sleepy, might make your mind a lil' hazy. You're fightin' it like hell though."
You breathed in and out, relaxing against him. "That's it?"
He hummed in affirmation. "That's it. You're gonna be okay, you're gonna-"
Billy was interrupted by a man stumbling through another door in the mineshaft. He stared at the sight before him: Billy and you on the ground, him cradling her to his chest.
The man's expression twisted, and without wasting a moment, he leaned in and wrenched you from Billy's arms, holding a gun to your head.
Billy's gun was drawn before the man could make another move. "If you know what's good for you you'll let her go," he growled.
The man ignored him, pulling a bottle out of his pocket and forcing the contents down your throat. You whimpered and struggled a bit, but quickly grew weaker, barely pawing at him.
More than livid now, Billy's heart pounded, his breath sharp. "You're a coward, hiding behind a woman. Drop her."
"You killed a great deal o' my men," the man shot back, gun pressed to your head. You were feebly stirring, the hazy look in your eyes back. However much he'd pulled you out of your drugged mindset, it was all back tenfold.
"You've signed your own death warrant," Billy spat. "You're gonna regret touchin' my girl."
"Take a step toward me and she dies," the man held you tight to him. Then, to Billy's horror, he smirked. His hand crept up toward your breasts.
Something snapped inside Billy. A tornado of fury raged with in him, his heart beating a wound into his chest. The protective streak was now a wall dripping with it. He acted before he could think about it, lunging at the man, shoving you to the ground.
His fists flew of their own accord. He hit him again and again, numb to the feeling in his knuckles as they pounded the man's face. Billy's blood was boiling, and he didn't stop even after the man was unconscious. His men had to step in, grabbing him by the elbows and hauling him off his unfortunate victim.
"Woah, Billy!" Charlie yelled, holding him back. "That's enough."
"He touched her, he touched her-!" Billy hollered, trying to get to the man again.
"You're scarin' your girl," Charlie hissed, nodding at you. That sentence finally made Billy stop. He looked over at you, a few feet away and tossed to the side. He'd been so preoccupied with avenging you that he hadn't even thought...about you.
Billy's muscles were tense from the fight. He looked back at the unconscious man, beat bloody, expecting to feel satisfied, but instead he felt disgusted with himself.
Looking back at you, still under the potent effects of the drug, he steadied himself, gearing up to help you. Stepping over the man's body, he knelt beside you, lifting you to sit up, cradling you against his chest, his heartbeat thumping its steady pattern. "Baby..."
"Who're you?" you murmured, head lolling to the side.
A fist clenched around his heart, and his brow knitted. "It's me, sweetheart. Your Billy."
"Billy," you smiled fondly, no recognition behind your eyes. But still, your body folded into him, instinctively knowing he was someone you trusted.
"That's right," he tucked your hair behind your ear. "I'm your Billy. And I'm gonna get you outta here, alright?"
He shifted you, preparing to lift you up into a bridal carry, but in doing so, you accidentally caught sight of the carnage behind him. The empty, shot bodies, blood stained across the scene, sprawled across the mine.
Your eyes widened, your chest heaving, the effects of the drug making things worse. Mouth open, ready to scream-
Billy reacted instantly, turning his body back to shield her from the gruesome sight, hands on the sides of your face. He nursed your little body, pressing his forehead to yours. "Hey now, heyy, it's okay. Don't look at 'em, they ain't worth a dime. Just look at me, keep those pretty eyes straight ahead f' me."
You still panicked, although doing as he asked.
"Breathe in and out, just like me," he whispered. "In and out."
Billy pulled your body against his chest so you could feel his breathing. The feeling helped you match it, and he nodded, keeping you steady. "You can do it, my girl. You're doin' it."
The coppery smell of blood wasn't helping matters. Even though you weren't hysterical anymore, your body was still tense and panicked. He needed to get you out of there, and fast.
Overwhelmed and exhausted, you started to cry, and his heart broke. His baby, his poor, sweet girl had been through so much. Billy held you tight to him, rocking you back and forth. "I know." You let out a sob. "Oh sweet girl I know. It's been a hell of a night. Just let it out, I've got ya."
He whispered soothing things to you, getting your breathing to a steady place before lifting you up. Billy made sure your face was pressed into his chest before he started walking,
Carrying you out of the mineshaft felt like carrying an angel. He carefully set you against a tree, kneeling in front of you. The sun was setting, painting the sky a blurry orange.
"Hey sweetheart," he cooed, keeping himself close. "How you doin'?"
"'M good," you slurred, smiling lazily. "How're you?"
Your sweet response brought a little smile to his face. Even drugged up you were still his sweetheart, that inherent kindness your natural state. "Don't worry ‘bout me baby. Let's focus on you waitin' out this drug."
He needed you to stay awake as long as you could, so he sat next to you, an arm around your shoulders. "Alright sweet girl, we're gonna play a game."
"A game?" you smiled, the drug's effects rendering your mind more innocent than usual.
"You're gonna tell me three things you can see right now," he nodded, his voice filled with warmth. "Go on, tell me one you you can see."
"Umm," you frowned, thinking. Then, your eyes lit up, and you moved your hand to the ground, letting a ladybug crawl onto your hand. You held it up to show him.
A smile curved his lips, his heart softening. "Look at that. You got a little ladybug. Ain't she pretty?"
You nodded, studying the bug and turning your hand over as it crawled. He admired your delight in something so little, something he'd always admired about you, but seemed to be enhanced now.
"What else do you see, sweetheart?" he prompted, his voice gentle.
You frowned in thought like you'd done before. Then your eyes caught on the ladybug on your hand again, and you held it up to show him...again.
Billy couldn't help his chuckle, but he kept it light, not wanting it to seem like he was making fun. "That's the same ladybug darlin'. Can you tell me something else you see?"
You held up your hand to show him the ladybug again.
His heart squeezed tight at the gesture, and he stifled a laugh. Your innocent gestures were more endearing than you knew. "That's right sweetheart. Ya found the same ladybug again. You think you can find somethin' we haven't seen before?”
As you looked around, he discreetly covered the hand holding the ladybug with his own, so you wouldn't show him again. He was careful not to harm the ladybug between your palms. You found a daisy nearby, picking it and giving it to him.
"For me?" he smiled, twisting the flower between his fingers. "Nice of ya, sweetheart."
You rested your head against his shoulder, moving his hand so you could watch the ladybug again. He found your fixation with it adorable, your drugged mind finding solace in its simplicity. "You like that ladybug, huh?"
Nodding, you let the ladybug crawl onto his hand. "They're good luck. Make a wish."
Your request made him smile. There was such a sweet pureness to your world right now, the very bones of what made you you. He closed his eyes, humoring you. I wish I could keep you safe forever.
He opened his eyes just in time to see the ladybug fly away. Billy couldn't remember the last time he'd made a wish, but the fact that it was because of you made the moment all the more sweet.
You picked another flower, pressing it into his hand with the other one. Billy looked down at his two flowers, a fond expression taking over his face. "You're givin' me all your flowers, huh?"
"You need 'em more than I do," you murmured, closing your eyes and resting your head against his shoulder.
He rubbed your shoulder. "Gotta stay awake baby. Look up."
You opened your eyes, looking up at the stars. Billy squeezed your shoulder. "How d'ya reckon they all got up there?"
"My mama always told me that each one's a person," you mumbled. "When people die, God puts 'em up there so they can shine forever."
The story was sweet, and Billy pressed a kiss to your temple. "Your mama knew what she was talkin' about."
"I hope so," you said, looking up at him. Looking into your eyes in that moment, he knew you knew who he was, knew you were safe with him. Your mind was coming back, and he could breathe easy now.
"We gonna go home?" Your little words tugged at his heartstrings.
Billy looked down at you and kissed your forehead.
"'F course baby. We're gonna go home now."
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milliesfishes · 7 days
(requested)(@kayleigh--23) [fem reader] contains: slow burn, angst, death, depression, fire, mentions of sexual assault, non-consensual touch, abandonment, jealousy, mentions of violence, childhood friends to lovers, reader's nickname is 'Daisy'. pairing: billy the kid x fem reader author’s note: I switched up the timeline to work a little better with the story and the ages/stats may not be quite show-accurate but oh such is life. There's a little bit of Spanish in here that is not google translated, but I am not a native speaker so be warned.
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For as long as you could remember, you'd been counted as one of the boys.
Your older brother, Joe, was the only sibling you had, and in the town the two of you grew up there weren't many options for friends your age. Most of the girls around those parts were socialites in training that were far older than you and the boys teased you too much, so you usually wound up going wherever your brother did.
Joe had an easygoing nature, so naturally he got on well with an abundance of the boys his age, both as a child and a young man. But his best friend by far was Billy, a dark-haired Irish immigrant who you'd known ever since his family moved to town. He and you had bonded at first over your respective brothers having the same name, then over riding and horses.
When you were younger you often tagged along when Billy and Joe would go off to play their games, and neither of them minded you. You usually kept to yourself anyways, playing games of silent make believe with pretty rocks you'd find along the trails. Sometimes they'd rope you into whatever they were doing, and you obliged, just happy to be a part of the fun.
As you all got older, Billy and Joe's games turned into handling guns, so naturally you learned too, since your circles were so limited. You'd spend hours in the sun, shooting cans off fence posts. It was a freeing thing- to be out there in the wilderness and not worry about what you should or shouldn't be doing.
The girls in town would poke fun at you for hanging out with boys, but you paid them no mind for the most part. You'd take your worries over theirs any day.
The years were spent climbing trees and hopping fences to steal apples, always laughing, always content. You felt that you wanted for nothing. You had a father and brother who loved you, and a friend in Billy. What more could you possibly need?
Billy was over at your house for dinner a few times a week, laughing and joking with you and Joe like he'd been born into it. Your father was fond of him as well, treating him like one of his own. And you always thought of him like that too, like another brother, just as good as Joe.
But when you were sixteen and Billy was seventeen, something switched.
Joe was off doing something for your father, so it was just you and Billy that evening. He'd suggested riding since it was sunny out for the first time in a while, the rain having taken up a great deal of the springtime. You'd agreed, and off the two of you went, exploring the prairie with the vigor only the young possess.
"Think you can race me to that tree?" you asked, nodding at it on a hill in the distance.
"You bet, but don't cry when ya lose Daisy." He called you by your nickname, grinning as he did. As a child you'd been obsessed with the little white flowers, picking them and putting them everywhere. He'd started calling you by that name and hadn't stopped.
"You wish!" You tugged on your horse's reins, and you were off, the wind in your hair, a rush of adrenaline shooting through you as you kept your eyes on the horizon. Billy was fast, but you liked to think you were faster. You'd been riding this horse since you were young.
Easily you reached the tree before he did, and he groaned good naturedly, hopping off his horse and tying the reins to a low branch. You were about to do the same when he suddenly reached up, grabbing you around the waist, hauling you off the horse and spinning you around. You squealed in surprise, and he stumbled, sending the two of you rolling down the hill. You tumbled together, shrieking with laughter as you reached the bottom.
He did the gentlemanly thing and made sure you landed on top of him, your face buried in his chest as you laughed.
"Well, I know you won but I damn sure didn't lose," he laughed, one of his arms landing on your back.
And in that moment, when you looked up, your hair in your face, and saw Billy's bright blue eyes piercing yours, it hit you.
You loved him.
He reached over to tuck some of your hair behind your ear and your heart fluttered, a little smile coming to your face. "I dunno, I think seeing your face when you tripped was the best prize of all."
He laughed and sat up, giving you a nudge with his shoulder. "I guess we're both winners then."
Then he stood up, offering you a hand. You took it, the feeling of his warm fingers making your stomach flip. He held your hand as you walked back up the hill, and you tied your horse on a branch so the two of you could sit in the shade of a tree. You let him talk aimlessly, distracted by your new discovery.
Suddenly you were noticing how handsome he was, how his hair fell in little curls on his forehead, how his skin was slightly tanned with a freckle here and there, how his smile was endearingly just a little crooked. And his eyes, the color of a clear sky. You were wholly enamored by him, and he had no idea.
He chattered with you for a while as you mused over it all. As the two of you watched the sunset, he reached over and picked a wildflower, placing it in your hand.
"For you," he said, his charming smile directed at you.
You treasured that memory every night after that.
From that point on, you were unsure how to act around him. He would joke around with you like usual and you responded in the like, but now with subconscious battles waging. Did he like you too? Were you just a little sister to him? What would Joe think?
All the things you normally did with him and Joe were now overthought on your part. You felt self-conscious now about going swimming with them in the lake, because you'd be wearing your white chemise, and they were shirtless in their underwear. The chemise stuck to your body when you swam, clinging to your newly grown breasts and your wet skin. Joe didn't pay any mind to it of course, but you could see that Billy noticed. Does that mean something?
Shooting was still fun, but one time when you missed and he stepped in to correct your form, you felt your breath hitch at his body being so close to yours.
You nursed the crush on him for a year, trying desperately to act normal around him so he wouldn't notice.
When your father died suddenly, you didn't have time for such things anymore. Joe stepped up to take over the ranch, and you did too, balancing books and managing the workers. You lost several nights of sleep trying to learn how to run everything properly. Your mother was long gone and your brother was taking care of the more physical aspects, so the responsibility fell on you.
Billy still came around to help out, but you were so busy you barely noticed. A part of you mourned it, the lost time. Because even tragedy couldn't squash feelings.
One day, he came over with a bunch of wildflowers, smiling as he gave them to you. He twisted his hat in his hands. "I just...I thought you could use somethin' pretty," he said, his blue eyes earnest.
You'd nearly burst into tears at the gesture, throwing your arms around his neck. He wrapped one arm around your waist, careful not to squash the flowers. "Thank you," you murmured, pulling back and kissing his cheek. "They're beautiful."
There was that charming smile again, melting your heart. "Thought of you when I saw 'em, you know cause they're-" he cut himself off, looking down and shaking his head. "Anyway, I'm glad you like 'em Daisy."
"How's your mama doing?" you inquired softly. His mother was sick, last you'd heard, with the same illness that had taken his brother.
Billy sighed, his emotion making him seem a hundred instead of eighteen. "She's hangin' in there."
"Good," you said, giving him a half smile. "Give her a kiss for me. She's the sweetest lady around these parts."
"Yes'm," he nodded. Then, he reached one of his hands up to cup your cheek, looking into your eyes with all the sincerity you'd ever seen from him. His palm was rough, and you liked the feeling, unable to help leaning into it as you gazed up at him. He hesitated, then leaned in and kissed your cheek, the little bit of stubble he had scratching against your soft skin.
Your smile was pure. "Was that from your mama?"
"No," he said, his thumb rubbing your cheekbone. "That was from me."
Billy leaned in and kissed your forehead, holding your head close to his shoulder for a moment before pulling back. As he left, his fingers trailed down your cheek, chucking you under your chin. "I'll see ya 'round, Daisy."
And then he trudged down the stairs, off to his horse to leave. You stood there on the porch, leaning against the railing for a moment and watching him get on his horse. Lifting your fingers in a wave, you watched him tip his hat before riding away.
You were distracted all night, frequently looking over at the wildflowers you'd put in a vase on your desk. His kisses played over and over again in your head like they were the only thing in it. When Joe came home, he asked what had your head in the clouds and you just said you had a good day. No need for him to know his best friend was kissing you, even innocently.
Billy's mother passed away one lonely night, and your heart ached for him like it hadn't for anyone else. Whenever you saw him after that, he carried a subtle melancholy that one had to know him to notice.
Joe noticed, you knew, and so he distracted Billy, frequently meeting up with him and another friend of theirs, Jesse. The man was an outrageous flirt, but good with a gun, and the other two boys liked his company well. You didn't know if what they got up to was legal, but you kept your thoughts to yourself, staying home and managing things there.
You'd catch a glimpse of Billy every now and then and remember that night on the porch, wondering if that was what he thought of when he saw you too. The nights were lonely when Joe was out with them, which was almost every night, and you longed for simpler times before anyone died. You yearned for the luxury of your young love for Billy because everything was different now. Childhood was over.
It seemed everywhere you looked a memory burst from your fingertips, the surfaces you touched more than senses. You mourned the loss of Joe, Billy and you. Those carefree wonderful children. It was all gone now.
On a rainy night in August, you were still in this haze, trapped in the past you could never reclaim. It was unusually chilly for this time of year, so you were sitting near the fireplace, trying to warm both your body and your heart. It was late. You'd been hoping Joe would come home soon but as the clock ticked, you realized it'd be another late night for him. You felt yourself growing tired, so you stood up, intending to go to bed.
Just as you started for the stairs, there was a heavy but frantic knock on the door, and you frowned. Who could be here this late?
You went to the door, opening it hesitantly, taken aback when you saw Billy on the other side. He was shivering, dripping water onto the porch. His eyes almost seemed like they were frozen in time, stuck on something he'd seen that'd change him forever.
"Billy?" you breathed, taking him by the hand and pulling him inside.
"'M sorry Daisy, 'm sorry for comin' here," he muttered, his teeth chattering.
You shushed him, bringing him to sit by the fire, spreading a blanket out for the two of you. He kicked off his boots before sitting beside you, his arms tight around himself to try and keep warm. The heat from the fire helped him loosen up after a moment, his shoulders relaxing, but only a little.
Your face shrouded with worry; you leaned closer to him. "Billy? What happened?"
He shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut and looking like he was trying not to cry. You'd never seen him like this. Not when he'd fallen out of a tree when he was ten, not when he'd stepped on a bee the same year, hell, not when his brother and mother died within such short time of each other. But now, now he was broken. He was falling apart just as you'd been for the past few months.
Wordlessly, you wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him tight, and he buried his face in your shoulder. His arms wound around your waist, holding you snug to him. The front of your dress was getting wet because he was still soaked, but you didn't care, your body falling perfectly into his as you did your best to comfort him.
After a while of silence, he pulled back, just looking at you. There were tears clinging to his eyelashes, and his eyes looked bluer than you'd ever seen them. His lips parted, and his gaze was intense. Apparently tonight was the night for firsts, because this was another way you'd never seen him. His hands came up to your face, touching your cheeks hesitantly like he was afraid you'd disappear. One of his hands fell back to your waist, and you shivered slightly at the touch, unable to help yourself.
Billy's other hand slid to the back of your head, in your hair, his fingers tangling in the soft strands. He was looking at you like he'd never seen you before. You felt a pull in your heart, an urge to be closer, to be with him. It was impossible to remember what was lost now when he was right in front of you.
"Daisy." He pressed his forehead against yours, breathing softly, saying your name so quietly it felt like a prayer, a plea.
"Billy," you breathed, searching his eyes. You thought you knew every part of him, but you didn't know what he was going to do next.
So, when he kissed you, it was a supernova.
His lips crashed into yours, hot despite his trembling, needy in light of whatever the hell he'd been through that night. You'd never been kissed before, not like this. He was starving, desperate, and you had never wanted him more.
The hand in your hair pressed you closer to him, and you saw it all in his eyes when he pulled back slightly, the burning within him. Your hands framed his face, you leaned in for another kiss, and this time it didn't stop.
Before you knew it you were on your back, tearing at his shirt buttons. He shouldn't be wearing his wet clothes anyway. You did not think about Joe coming home, you did not think about the past for the first time in so long. His hands were on you too.
He caressed your body like he'd created it. Billy must have smoothed you out with his fingers, because you had never seen yourself the way you were reflected in his eyes. You had imagined doing this with him, of course, but here the line between fact and fiction became blurred. Is this real?
When he fastened his lips to the pulse point on your neck you gathered it was.
His fingers nimbly tugged at the top buttons of your dress, pushing open the folds to reveal your chest, which seemed to spur him on. Within minutes the garment was tossed elsewhere, his clothes were somewhere else, and his body was weighing on top of you in ways you never knew could be erotic. Skin against skin. Lips locked in a hungry dance. Limbs so tangled you didn't know whose was whose.
The windows fogged up from the rain, or your combined heavy breathing, you weren't sure when you were done. You were still knotted with him, his skin warmed from the fire. Billy traced shapes on your face with his calloused fingers, watching you tiredly with a fascination you'd never imagined could have related to you.
His gaze was very nearly adoring. You had dreamed of him looking at you like that. And now here the two of you were, side by side facing each other after doing the most intimate thing anyone could do. He was perfect in this light, the warmth from the fire making him glow.
"You're so beautiful," he murmured, his finger trailing lightly down your cheekbone. "I never thought anyone could be this beautiful."
"How do you know?" you whispered, not really knowing what you were asking.
He seemed to understand anyways, leaning forward to capture your lips with his again, his kiss tender and sweet.
You looked up at him with stars in your eyes. "What does this mean?"
Billy was quiet, holding your face in his hand. He pressed his lips to your forehead, then your nose, then your lips again and you knew. He loved you too.
He pulled you close against him, so your head was resting on his collarbone, tucked beneath his chin. His hand rubbed up and down your arm, soothing you into sleep. You felt more comfortable, more loved than you had in a long time. In the morning you'd ask him more, you decided as you drifted off. You didn't want to ruin the quiet peace you finally held in your hands, his underneath, supporting it.
Sometime in the night, your peace shattered, and when you woke up he was gone.
The fire was burnt out. It had stopped raining. You were still lying on the blanket in front of the fireplace, but someone had taken the other half and folded it over you. Billy.
You held the edge of the blanket to your nose. It still smelled like him. Confused and dazed, you sat up and looked around. Obviously, Joe hadn't returned home because he would have thrown a fit over you sleeping naked in front of the fire. Your dress was folded messily by your side. There were dried boot prints on the wooden floor, the only shred of evidence that someone else had been there.
If you hadn't been naked, you would have thought you made the whole thing up. Billy, whom you'd loved for years, had stumbled upon your doorstep and cried in your arms, then made love to you? The notion was impossible, and yet you remembered every second of it.
You sat awhile there, the blanket around your legs, just reliving the night, before you decided you had better get up before your brother came home.
You waited anxiously for Joe, jumping to your feet when he walked through the door, hanging his hat. It was almost dark. He greeted you, looking tired.
"Joe?" you asked, standing subtly near him as he sat down, running a hand over his face.
"Hm?" he mumbled.
"Have you seen Billy at all today?" you asked casually, fidgeting with your fingers.
He looked somber as he met your eyes. "Billy left town."
It felt like you'd been knocked off your feet. Your heart pounded in your ears, your face going pale. "What do you mean he left?" There was a hint of desperation in your voice, but you didn't care.
"He's gone, little," Joe said drily, looking up at you. He looked so defeated, and it broke your heart.
Still, your breath shuddered as the gravity of the situation hit you. Billy was gone. Really gone. You didn't ask Joe how he knew, just sank into a chair and blinked back the hot tears that stung your eyes. He'd kissed you, performed an act of love upon you and then left.
Joe took pity on you, putting his arms around you and hugging you tightly, despite the fact you knew he was hurting too. "I know," he said quietly. "I know."
He knew you missed him. You wanted him to come back. He didn't know what you and Billy had shared the night before, didn't know how truly his best friend had hurt you.
You clutched at Joe and let a tear slip down your cheek, coming to terms with it all. It was likely you'd never see him again.
And in that moment, you felt the last threads of the childhood you'd been grasping at slip into the darkness. It was quiet, which was somehow worse than screaming.
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You gathered the papers on the desk, stacking them neatly in a pile and putting your pen down. Being hunched over a desk all day was certainly draining, and you knew some fresh air would be just the thing. It was a springy June day, and you'd been yearning to escape the confines of your work as long as you'd been awake.
The house was quiet, as it'd been for months. Joe, as a way to make a little more money, had joined Jesse's gang, assuring you it was temporary. You'd let him go; confident you could handle things at the ranch by yourself. And you were right. Things were smooth, the banality of it all welcome after the tumultuous few years you'd had.
Jesse's gang was stationed at a hideaway not terribly far from the ranch, but far enough that you didn't go often, preferring that Joe come to you. You always felt like you were walking into the lion's den when you visited, the stares of men who hadn't had women for a long while fixed on you.
So, you stayed. And everything was fine.
You mused to yourself as you left the house, saddling your horse and meandering aimlessly into the trees. The sun was hitting your skin just right, and you tilted your head back, enjoying the warmth. You stopped in a little grove you were fond of, tying your horse and wandering around as you were wont to do.
Coming across a wildflower, you bent and picked it, tucking it behind your ear. There was nobody to see how the blue looked against your hair, but you did it anyway, liking how the gesture felt.
As your eyes caught the other flowers scattered in the grass, your mind wandered to the day on the hill. When he'd picked and given you a flower that looked just like the one behind your ear. You thought of Billy often, sometimes in anger, sometimes in sadness. But today he was only a memory, something nice you got to hold for a little while but was forced to let go of.
You hoped he was well. You always would.
It was unclear how long you'd stayed out when you decided to go back, but that was the beauty of living on your own. You were on your time.
Maybe you'd be able to do some reading tonight, you pondered as you rode back, your horse trotting contently. Fun reading, not ranch reading. You looked forward to the quiet evening in store, happy at the thought of having some time for yourself.
You reached the threshold of the ranch and saw instantly that your plans had been set aflame. Literally.
Flames licked at the walls of your childhood house, consuming the only home you'd ever known. You watched in horror, hands gripping the reins, as a group of bandanaed men, hats pulled low over their faces, rounded up horses and cattle, effectively stealing your livelihood.
You were frozen, eyes wide with fear. Nonononononononono.
One of the men, wearing a blue bandanna, spotted you, and your mind realized it before your body did, so your actions were too slow. You tried to tug at the reins of your horse, but the man was already running toward you, grabbing the saddle and dragging you off.
You screamed, hoping against hope that someone nearby would hear. it was a shot in the dark. Nobody lived less than twenty miles away. The man clapped a hand over your mouth, silencing you and pulling you a little way from your horse. One of his companions, whose bandanna was red, came over to investigate, looking you over with something in his eyes you did not appreciate.
"What do we have here, eh?" he grinned, and you struggled, whimpering in protest, the other man holding your hands behind your back.
"We could probably do somethin' with her too," Blue said, leaning over to study your face. "Pretty little thing ain't she?"
"Don't suppose we could take a turn with her first?" Red wondered.
"They won't know the difference," Blue shrugged.
Red's grin grew terrifyingly wider, and he reached out, hands running over your sides, stopping at your breasts. "Yeahh, she'll work great."
Your breath quickened as you realized what they wanted to do with you, and you acted before you could think about it. You kicked the Red between his legs, sending him sprawling backwards, and used that distraction to bend your knee, lifting your leg backwards and doing the same to the Blue. He groaned in pain, letting go of your hands, and you stumbled to your horse, mounting her and kicking her into a run.
Your horse galloped across the prairie, the wind blowing your hair back, hot tears running in rivers down your cheeks as you charged to the only place you knew you could go.
You had to stop to sleep at one point, and it was a restless night hidden in the trees. For food you stole berries from the bushes, thankful for your childhood that'd taught you which ones were good. You used your hands to scoop water from the creek.
Mercifully, you made it through the night without being kidnapped, and continued on to Jesse's hideaway, making it there about mid- afternoon. Your legs were sore from being atop a horse for hours, but you were afraid to stop longer than you had to.
At last, you could see the hideaway over the hill, and you rode desperately, stealing through the entrance. You could see a man standing at the water pump, and you prayed it was Joe, or even Jesse, someone. You jumped from your horse, tying her up on a fence post and running to him.
As you got closer, you could see it wasn't Joe or Jesse, but you kept moving toward him. Even if it was a new recruit, he could tell you when your brother would be back. You could pick out his features the closer you got, his dark hair, his tall build. The man heard you approaching and turned to face you, his eyes widening when he saw who you were.
You halted in your tracks, a few yards away from him, your heart beating a steady rhythm against your breast, both from the ride and the shock.
"You're so beautiful", you remembered, the words echoing through the hallowed halls of your memory. "I never thought anyone could be this beautiful."
He took a careful step toward you. "Daisy?"
The name only he'd ever called you on his lips after forever of not seeing him was the breaking point, and you burst into tears, running into his arms.
Billy held you against his chest, his arms secure around your shaking body. He whispered soothing things to you as you cried and clung to him like a lifeline. He dug his nose into your hair, kissing the top of your head. As he did, you wondered if it was a way of comforting you, or a gesture because he'd missed you. Maybe it was both.
"Shh, Daisy," he soothed, one arm around your waist, rubbing your back, the other at the back of your head, holding you to him. "You're gonna make yourself faint. Deep breaths now, c'mon."
He demonstrated for you, breathing in deep through his chest, the motion moving your body with him. You copied him, feeling your heart rate slow down and your mind clear a little, giving you refuge from the utter panic that'd been raging for the past twenty-four hours.
"That's it, just like that," he muttered, running his hand through your hair. "Everything's alright, you're safe. I've gotcha."
You let yourself relax into him, breathing softly for a moment and savoring him. You'd missed Billy, you knew that. But being in his arms again reminded you just how much. The envelope you thought you'd thrown away was torn open.
"You wanna tell me what's got ya so upset now?" Billy murmured against you, rocking you back and forth slightly, still holding you tight to him.
Taking in a shuddering breath, you pulled back slightly, looking up at him. He lifted a hand and caught a tear that had trembled its way down your cheek. "It's alright Daisy. You can tell me."
"Another gang," you choked, remembering everything. "They set the house on fire. Took all the horses 'n cattle. There's nothing left..." At that last part, your voice went high and trailed off as a fresh wave of tears cascaded down your face. Billy paled, his eyes widening.
"Oh Daisy." He squeezed you tight to him, letting you cry. "Daisy, Daisy...'m so sorry. Musta been awful..." Billy pressed his lips to your hair again. "'S okay. You're safe now."
You stood there with him, realizing his arms were the only thing in the world that could comfort you. You never wanted to leave the safety of them. Oh, how you'd missed them, missed him.
"You left me Billy," you breathed, unable to help it.
"I know sweetheart," he said, the term of endearment slipping from his lips as if he'd always said it. It warmed your heart.
"You left Joe too."
"I did."
"We needed you."
"I needed you too," was his quiet response. You looked up from his chest, searching his eyes when suddenly you heard a voice behind you.
"Who's this?" When you turned to see who it was, through teary eyes you saw a woman with brown hair holding a pot standing a few feet away. You found her rather pretty, but still furrowed your brow, confused. Joe had never mentioned a woman around, and you'd certainly never seen her before.
Billy told the woman your name, and maybe it was your imagination, but his arms seemed to stiffen a bit around you, holding you in closer. "Her brother's Joe."
"Ah, I see," the woman said, eyeing you. You gave her a little smile, not really in any position to meet new people. Still, you wanted to be friendly. It wasn't her fault you were homeless.
"Daisy this is Barbara," Billy said, nodding at the woman, who was still studying you. Her eyes lingered on the way you clung to Billy, seeming to pick up on the familiarity between the two of you.
"Hello," you said shyly, still wary of letting go of Billy. He didn't seem to mind, running his hand soothingly through your hair.
She didn't say hello back.
Billy looked up into the distance, and you heard the distinct sound of several hooves on the earth. The gang was back.
You let go of Billy and turned to watch them ride down the hill, spotting Joe instantly among them. Jesse was at the head, whooping and hollering as was usual. Billy kept a protective hand on your shoulder as the gang dismounted, seeming to know without you telling that you didn't exactly feel safe around most of them.
Joe ran up as soon as he saw you, pulling his bandana down. "What're you doin' here little?" Then he saw the tear tracks on your face. "What happened?"
He held out his arms and you fell into him. Joe hugged you tightly, albeit confusedly. "You shouldn't be here, you oughtta head back home-"
"Ain't no home to head back to Joe," Billy cut him off, folding his arms, his eyes on you.
Joe looked down at you, frowning. "What's he mean?"
You told him what happened, and his face fell. Even if he'd been absent lately, he'd grown up in the same house, held the same memories you did. He hugged you again. "I'm sorry you had to see that, little."
You sniffled, shaking your head. "I'm just glad I got away in time."
"Me too," Joe said, concernedly looking over you for injuries. "Ride over was alright? Didn't hit any trouble?"
"No," you shook your head again. "I had to stop and sleep, but when I rode in Billy was right there and-"
You'd looked over at Billy as you said it, but you cut yourself off when you saw his face. He wasn't watching you anymore. His eyes were on Barbara, who was in the middle of a nice long kiss with Jesse.
That look. You knew it not only because you'd spent half your life reading him, but because you'd felt it before, when you'd seen him flirt harmlessly with girls in the town you grew up. Jealousy. And a tinge of heartbreak. Mixed with that, hidden slightly beneath that was something else. Another thing you'd seen before. That slight, subtle look of possession.
You'd only seen it one time, and that time happened to be a certain night by the fireplace, right after something you'd only dreamed of sharing with him before.
And that's when it hit you.
He'd slept with her.
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Billy had offered you his room, but you'd refused, opting to wait in Joe's for him. You didn't want to look at Billy right now.
When your brother finally came in, you sat up straight, looking at him expectantly. He held up a dress. "Took a bit of convincing, but this is one of Barbara's. You can wash the one you're wearing." He scratched his neck. "Me 'n some of the boys'll go back to the house 'n see if there's anything to salvage in a bit. Just in case."
You took it from him, holding it in your lap. It was blue, not the most flattering but you didn't care.
"Any news?" you asked softly, looking up at him.
"We sent a letter," Joe said, sitting down next to you. "All there's to do now is wait. But don't hold your breath. The law ain't fast around here."
"Thank goodness for you," you muttered, and he half-grinned, nudging your shoulder.
"Yeah, that's the way we like it," he said, looking down at his hands.
You were quiet for a moment before you asked, "When did Billy get here?"
Joe hesitated. "'Bout a week ago. Jesse found him passed out in the desert. Left him here with Barbara to get him healthy again while we rode out." He looked up at you. "I was gonna tell you."
"It's okay," you said, meaning it. "There wasn't any time to tell me between you leaving and...this." A familiar wave of grief passed over you as you thought about everything again. "When did Barbara join the gang? I've never seen her before."
"Jesse found her two months back," Joe explained. "Took a real liking to her. She was runnin' away from her folks. Seems they ain't nice people."
"And Barbara and Jesse're...?" you let your question trail off.
Joe laughed. "Yeah. If what I hear through the walls is any indication."
"Ah." You didn't tell Joe what you knew about her and Billy, even though hearing this confused you. Billy must have slept with her while the rest of the gang was gone. Joe wouldn't know why it had any significance to you.
Joe nodded, putting his hand on your shoulder. "You can stay here for a while, little, until we get things figured out. I'm sure Barbara'd be happy to have some help 'round here."
You weren't too sure Barbara would be happy to have anything to do with you at all, but you didn't tell Joe this, instead forcing a smile and nodding. "Okay."
"Good," Joe said, standing up from the bed, the loss of his weight making the springs creak. "I'll leave ya to get changed." He shut the door behind him.
You peeled your short-sleeved dress from your body, also in a light blue color. It'd been one of your favorites, and you were thankful it'd been spared from the fire.
Barbara's dress fit you well. It wasn't as stylish as yours, but that was the furthest thing from your mind. At least it was clean.
You took your dress outside to wash, scrubbing it of dirt and sweat and whatever else you'd encountered on the way over. When it was hanging out to dry, you wandered to a nearby tree, leaning against it and looking out at the plains for a moment. It was a sunny day, and you enjoyed it the best you could despite the circumstances.
The tree's branches were low enough for climbing, so you hauled yourself up, legs swinging as you sat on a branch midway from the top, leaning against the trunk. The bark was scratchy against your skin, but you paid the sensation no mind, just staring at the clear sky.
Footsteps crunched through the grass below you. You didn't turn your head to see who it was. Call it a sixth sense but you always knew when he was near.
Billy scaled the tree to sit on the same branch, leaning back on another one just a little higher than yours. Of course he'd want to talk to you.
"Joe 'n the others left for the house," he said, but you didn't turn your head, still watching the clouds.
"I didn't stay to see how far the fire got," you said quietly. "I don't know if there's anything worth saving."
"Still." Billy shifted. "They'll be back tomorrow mornin'."
You turned your body to face his, so your back was fully against the trunk. In your frenzy earlier, you hadn't gotten a good look at him. He'd grown in his time away from you. He seemed sturdier, surer of himself. His hair was a little bit longer, his skin a little more weathered. And he was handsomer than ever. "You didn't go with 'em?"
"They figured I'd best not show my face 'round those parts just in case," he said, half smiling. "Y'know, cause of last time I was there."
You were quiet, still looking at him, and his smile dropped. "You don't know."
"Last time I saw you was when we..." you trailed off, biting your lip. "You didn't tell me anything, just-"
"I'm sorry for that, Daisy," he mumbled, looking at his feet.
"Sorry for sleeping with me?" you asked, your voice's tone heightening pathetically.
"No," Billy shook his head instantly. "Not that...never that. I'm sorry for takin' advantage of you. For not tellin' you what was goin' on."
"What happened?" you asked, your voice desperate. You looked at him with all the hurt that had festered in your being for months. "You slept with me and then left. I was so worried..." your breath hitched, and you looked away.
"Daisy," he murmured, reaching for your hand, but you moved it to your face, running a hand over it. Billy sighed, and you could feel it, the weight of whatever he'd done, wherever he'd been. "The night before...Jesse'd-" he cut himself off for a moment. "Jesse'd talked me into doin' somethin' real stupid. Somethin' that got me arrested. I'd escaped from jail the night I came to see you."
You turned to look at him, your eyes wide. Given the ranch had been a little way from town, you didn't often hear of news like that, mostly keeping to yourself. Of course you wouldn't have known. "Billy..."
"I'm a wanted man, Daisy," Billy breathed, his blue eyes piercing yours. "I've been in another county for a while, and then I got into some more trouble and left. Got robbed somewhere in the desert and Jesse found me 'n brought me here. That's all there is to it." He brought his hand to your face, then through your hair so he was holding you there. The feeling of his big hand there was familiar, comforting.
You sniffled a bit, closing your eyes for a moment to feel it. Everything made sense now. The way he'd come to you, the reason he'd left. But it'd still hurt you.
"That night," you said softly, your eyes still glued to his. You couldn't have pulled away if you tried. "What we did...did it...mean anything to you?"
"Yeah," he whispered, his eyes earnest. "Of course it did Daisy...I'd never..." he swallowed. "You've been on my mind a whole lot since I left."
His words made your heart soar with hope, but then you remembered Barbara, and it plummeted back to earth. The realization lowered your voice. "I've thought about you too Billy."
"Yeah?" he asked, eyes hopeful.
"Yeah." You looked down. "I missed you."
Billy wordlessly moved closer to you on the branch, drawing you into his arms. He kept his hand in your hair, his favorite place it seemed. He held you to him for a bit, and you relaxed for the first time in a day.
Holding you against him still, he asked, "What exactly happened at the ranch Daisy?"
"I already told you." Your words were muffled against his chest.
"Yeah, but I know that ain't all that happened," Billy said, pulling you back a little so he could look at you. "I know you. There's somethin' else."
You thought with a tiny shudder of the men who'd grabbed you, and what they would have done to you if you hadn't gotten away. "No. I told you everything."
"Daisy." His voice was firm, and you knew he meant it.
"Billy," you said back, leaning into his chest again. "I don't want to talk about it."
He was quiet for a moment, then he nodded. "Okay." You were thankful he didn't ask any more questions.
You spent the night in Joe's room since he was absent, and all the while you thought about Billy. And Barbara. Was she in his bed right now, or was he in hers? Would you wake up to the sounds of them doing something you didn't even want to think about? Eventually you fell asleep, tortured by what you'd make up.
When you woke in the morning, you donned your dress that had dried out over the porch yesterday and went outside, looking for anyone. You spotted Barbara at the water pump and made your way over, standing shyly in front of her. "Hello."
She looked at you, giving you a once over that seemed to be her habit. "Hello."
"Is there anything I can help you with?" you asked, fidgeting with your hands behind your back. She intimidated you, and it wasn't just because you knew about her and Billy. There was a certain element about her that caused you to retreat into your shyer tendencies.
Barbara paused for a moment, thinking. "You can fry the eggs in the kitchen for the three of us. And wake Billy. He's a deep sleeper."
You knew that, and for some reason it hurt that she did. Nodding, you turned around and went right back to the house, slightly bothered by your interaction with her.
When you got to the kitchen you decided to make the eggs first, hoping the smell would rouse Billy from sleep. When the food was plated and he still hadn't appeared, you sighed and went to his bedroom, the only door that was closed.
He was shirtless as he slept, lying on his stomach with his head turned to the side. The sheets were pulled to his waist, revealing the messy outline of his legs. Billy looked pretty when he was asleep, but you always thought him pretty.
You sat on the bed, contemplating lying down with him. in your experience shaking him rarely, if ever worked. Still, you tried, and unsurprisingly it was not successful.
So, you went with your other idea lying down facing him. Your hand reached out to trace your fingers down his arm. He took in a sharp breath, and instantly you knew he was awake. Billy's arms reached out, wrapping around your waist and pulling you into his chest. "Daisy," he murmured without opening his eyes.
"You gotta wake up Billy," you said softly, putting a hand on his warm chest. He opened his eyes, almost seeming surprised that you were there.
"'M I dreamin'?" he mumbled sleepily, and you smiled, shaking your head.
"Don't think so." You ran your fingers up and down his arm again. He'd filled out, his muscles were tauter.
He shook his head, seeming to remember something. "Right." Billy loosened his hold on you, but still didn't let go.
His hair was a mess, little dark curls matting his forehead. Your eyes roved over him, catching all the familiar details you'd picked up on from your years together. The way his hair curled by his ears. The tiny birthmark under his jaw. His thick, dark eyelashes.
You ached to touch him, but you didn't, letting him hold you a little longer before you heard the front door open. Barbara was back. Sitting up, you rubbed his shoulder. "C'mon, get up. We've got eggs."
Billy grumbled a bit, pawing at you. "Couple more minutes?"
"Uh uh, get up," you said, getting off the bed and leaving, shutting the door behind you.
Barbara was in the kitchen when you came back, eating already. She nodded at you. "Thanks."
You gave her a tiny smile. "You're welcome. Least I can do for you lettin' me stay."
She half smiled dryly at you. "It'd be a sorry sight if I kicked Joe's sister out."
You didn't know what to say to that, so you were thankful when Billy walked in, wearing a blue striped shirt. It was one of your old favorites, and you wondered if he'd known that. Likely not.
"Thanks Daisy," he said, grabbing his portion. You all lingered in the kitchen, eating quietly, the only sound being forks scraping against plates.
Barbara put her clean plate on the counter first. "I'm gonna go finish chores. Billy? You comin'?"
He paused. "I was gonna take Daisy for a ride. That okay or do ya need help?"
She looked from him to you, and you looked down at your plate, not knowing if you should say something. "No. That's alright, I'll manage."
And with that she left the kitchen. You looked over at Billy. "Are you sure she doesn't need help?"
"Nah, all this week by the time I got up she usually had everything mostly done," Billy said, putting the last forkful of eggs in his mouth.
"Are you sure?" you asked nervously, looking at the door she'd gone out of. "I'd feel bad if-"
"Daisy, it's alright," Billy assured you, seeing your empty plate and taking it, stacking it on Barbara's. "After what you've been through, you're allowed to have a day, alright? 'Specially if your work habits haven't changed since I last saw you."
You smiled at that. "I do kinda get carried away."
"I know," he said, taking your hand. "C'mon, let's go. I miss ridin' with you."
You let him pull you to the horses, unable to say no to him, but also because you'd missed it too.
Mounting your beloved horse, you petted her mane softly. She must've been tired after the long ride here, but now after a good night's sleep she nickered softly at your touch, and you smiled fondly.
You guided your horse to follow Billy's, riding through the open hills and into a forest-like area, with trees and wildflowers blooming from the earth. It was beautiful, and you enjoyed your surroundings as you followed him. It was funny to think that just a day ago you'd been doing this exact thing, with no hope of seeing him again. But now here you were.
Keeping to the routine the two of you had always followed, you tied up your horses and went to walk through the trees together.
"You still ride like this often or did I jump the gun and assume you did?" Billy asked, striding alongside you through the grass.
"I do, pretty often now that I-" you cut yourself off. "When I lived alone."
"You were really livin' by yourself?" Billy asked, peering down at you as you walked.
"Yeah," you said. "Since Joe joined the gang."
"I see," Billy said, keeping his tone even. But you knew he objected to the principle of it. A woman living alone with no male protection.
"I've been fine," you said, trying to convince both of you. "I keep to myself, y'know? I've always liked that."
"Yeah," he said. His eyes looked sad. "But I imagine it still got lonely."
You were quiet for a moment before responding. "In a way."
He half smiled, looking down as you reached a hill, steadying his motions so he wouldn't fall. "Is that what you've been up to the past little bit? Ridin' and bookkeepin'?"
"Pretty much," you said. "I keep a quiet life. Not like you at all, I'm sure."
He chuckled lightly. "It ain't at all like you're imagining, I'm sure."
"Not from what I've heard," you smiled. "Joe filled me in a bit. Billy the Kid, huh?"
"Hey now," he grinned. "It's William H. Bonney now for all intents and purposes."
"What's the H stand for?" you asked, raising your eyebrows teasingly.
"That's enough outta you," he pushed your arm lightly, and you laughed. The two of you stopped under a tree, sitting down in the shade for a bit. Billy settled in next to you, bending down and resting his chin on your shoulder.
You picked a blue wildflower, twirling the stem between your fingers. It was the same color as the dress you'd been loaned, lighter than the one you had on now, lighter than Billy's shirt. "Barbara..."
"What about her?" he asked, looking at you, his chin remaining on your shoulder.
"I like her," you said, and to your surprise, as you said it you found it was true. Despite her stiffness you appreciated what she'd been through, how she'd been able to find her place here.
"You like everyone Daisy," Billy half-smiled, leaning back against the tree.
"I mean it," you said, mirroring his actions and turning on your side to face him. "She's lovely. I can see why you...like her."
"Why'd you say it like that?" Billy asked, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
You were quiet for a moment, contemplating whether or not you should go there. "I know you slept with her."
He turned his head fully to face you and you looked down at your flower again. Billy used his finger to tilt your chin up. "Daisy how'd you-?"
"The way you looked when she kissed Jesse yesterday," you said softly. "I know you Billy. And that's just how you looked at me after..." You trailed off and looked away.
Billy's arm around you stiffened, but he didn't take it away. "You're right. It did happen once. But...I dunno Daisy," he said tiredly. "I was alone with her after I almost died. The heat of the moment got to me. I didn't know she was with Jesse. And now that you're here-" he paused. "It don't mean what you think it does."
You shook your head. "You're not one to even kiss someone for no reason Billy. I know you care about her."
"She saved my life, of course I care about her," he breathed, meeting your eyes. "But not like you, Daisy. Never like you."
You looked down, feeling emotional. "But you left me."
"Daisy, I had to," he pleaded. "I was wanted, hell I'm still wanted-"
"But you could have told me something, anything instead of making me feel like a warm body," you said, drawing back from him. His arm fell from around you, and he looked at you for a moment, seeming surprised.
But then he nodded somberly. "You're right. You're completely right Daisy. I'm sorry."
Your smile was barely there. "I understand Billy."
Then with that you stood up, going to find your horse.
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Joe returned with more than you thought he would have, telling you the fire had consumed a lot of the first floor but not the second. With no structure to stand up on, it had collapsed of course, but he was still able to salvage a few of your dresses, and some of your books.
You'd been thrilled at that, relieved to be able to give Barbara her dress back, thanking her profusely. She'd only smiled tightly and taken it away to wash.
Joe had been right about the law being slow. A week from the fire and you had yet to hear back from them concerning the damage to the property. So, in the meantime, you waited.
In the weeks that followed, you insisted on helping Barbara with the chores and she reluctantly let you. You took your horse out for a ride every day, sometimes without Billy, but more often with.
He started leaving with the gang to help out on jobs. You were surprised to find yourself missing him in the time he was gone. Since Joe was back, he offered you his bed, but you didn't take him up on it, still wary of whatever was happening with Barbara. No matter how casual it may or may not have been, you didn't want to upset her. Even though you could steadily feel old feelings gnawing at you, growing stronger.
You tried to keep a little distance, but it was impossible, his allure drawing you to him naturally. He'd accompany you everywhere; to the well, on your rides. Wherever you were, Billy could usually be found. You knew the rest of the gang noticed, though nobody commented on it. The weeks passed peacefully.
Until one night, when you awoke in a fit of adrenaline and sweat, a dream that felt more like a memory dancing in front of your eyes.
The men...the way they grabbed you...what they would have done to you...
You hugged your arms around yourself, shivering with tears. Even though you now knew it was just a dream, the weight of what had happened was collapsing you. You hadn't told anyone about it, even though you knew Billy was onto you.
Your head whipped to Joe, asleep in his bed. He'd offered it to you of course, but you'd declined just as you had with Billy, not wanting to upheave the house any more than you had.
Joe was the best of brothers to you. Still, you didn't want to tell him about the other events of that day. So, you stood up and went to the hallway, hoping the movement would calm your pounding heart. It didn't, which made you panic even more. You ran your hands over your arms, your breathing not slowing down. The house was quiet, so you did your best to keep it that way.
It became evident quickly that you wouldn't be able to calm yourself on your own. You needed someone near you.
Your feet carried you to the room before you knew it, opening the door and shutting it quietly behind you. When you turned, you were surprised to see Billy sitting up in his bed, the lantern by his bed lit. He frowned in surprise when he saw you. "Daisy, what-" he caught your fearful expression, your heaving chest. Then he opened his arms, recognizing the situation. "C'mere."
Giving a little whimper, you rushed to him, collapsing into his arms. Billy held you tight to him, and when his hand found its usual place behind your head you nearly sobbed with relief. He opened his knees so you could lie between them, against his bare chest as you cried softly.
"Shh Daisy, easy, easy," he murmured, smoothing his hand over your back. "Alright sweetheart, you're safe. You're safe. I've gotcha."
It was the second time he'd used that specific term of endearment, and you clung to him tighter because of it. Billy rubbed your back and rested his cheek against the top of your head. When your crying slowed down, he whispered, "Atta girl, keep it steady f'me? That's it, sweetheart, that's it."
You laid in the comfort of his arms in a haze afterwards, making sure your tizz was well and truly passed. Billy turned you on your side, facing him as he turned on his. He held you in his gaze, one of his arms wrapped loosely under you, the other on your arm, fingers going up and down in a soothing manner.
He reached out that hand, tentatively, and traced your face ever so gently. His roughened finger trailed over your cheek, your hairline, then down your nose. His eyes like the sky followed the path. His palm ended up on your cheek, and you leaned into it, your eyes locked with his.
"Daisy..." he murmured, his thumb rubbing your cheek. You knew he wanted you to tell him what had happened, why you had stumbled in crying.
"Bad dream," you whispered pathetically, closing your eyes.
Billy said nothing for a moment, and when you opened your eyes, he touched his forehead to yours briefly, a gesture of comfort that worked. "What about?"
You hesitated, sniffling lightly. Telling him sounded dreadful, but it was weighing on you so much that you felt you had no choice. "The day of the fire."
"Ah," Billy nodded respectfully, tucking your hair behind your ear. The more he touched you the better you felt.
"Not about the fire itself though," you said softly.
"Hm?" he prompted, and you wanted to kiss him right then for letting you tell what you wanted.
You closed your eyes briefly before continuing. "The day of the fire...the men who started it..." your voice was becoming higher and more hysterical as you continued, your words pushed together as you tried to get them out as quickly as possible. "They grabbed me...tried to take me somewhere. And one of them touched me-" your voice hitched as more tears fell down your cheeks.
"Oh baby," Billy murmured, and he brought you closer to him, his lips meeting your forehead. Him calling you baby only made you feel safer, more loved. He gathered you closer, so you were pressed right up against him, your hand on his chest. If his hand hadn't already found its place on the back of your head, you would have guided it there. You loved the weight of it, the way it held your face to his chest.
Your hand slid around his chest, under his arm and onto his back so you could hold onto him as well. He nudged his nose against your head, planting another kiss there. Then another. Then another.
"I'm so sorry sweetheart," he muttered, and you relished the feeling of his big hands on your body with the sole purpose to comfort you. "I'm sorry nobody was there. I'm sorry I wasn't there-"
"It's not your fault Billy," you said, tears still adorning your voice. "You couldn't have known-"
"No, Daisy," he said slightly more firmly. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you all this time. I'm sorry I left, I'm sorry we shared something so special and then I hurt you because of it. I'm not sorry we did it, but I am sorry for how I was."
You removed your hand from his back, settling it on his own cheek. Your other hand was wedged between your chests, resting against the sheets. "It's okay Billy. It's all okay now."
He took your hand off his cheek and pressed his lips to your fingers. A wisp of a smile made its way onto your face, and you cuddled close to him. Billy held you tightly in his arms. In that moment, you felt as if he could keep the bad dreams away with only that.
From that night on, you slept in his bed.
You'd start out in your usual place on the floor in Joe's room. Then after you fell asleep, you'd slip from the spot and quietly sneak down the hall to Billy's bed and Billy's arms. There were no more nightmares after that.
It was all very innocent. You'd lay side by side, facing each other, limbs tangling tightly. He'd nudge a few kisses against your forehead soothingly. You'd take his hand in yours and guide it to the back of your head if it wasn't there already. And then the you both would fall asleep, nothing bad to report in the morning.
Billy had never been an early riser. He was always the last one to wake up, always finding some kind of excuse to sleep in. It was something you and Joe had teased him for.
But almost every morning you woke to him watching you, his oceans of eyes sleepy, his hair was a mess. He was so pretty in the morning, with the sunlight spilling through his window onto his skin. The first day this happened you realized that this was how you'd imagined you'd wake up on that night you'd spent together.
Those thoughts had been little bits of gold you'd stored in your heart, secrets you thought would die with you. But now they were real.
And even though most mornings he awoke first, some mornings you did.
On that rare occasion, you'd snuggle deeper into his arms, and he'd stir slightly, his arms tightening around you. But most of the time it was him, and you wondered if his habits had changed when he was away. But thinking back to your first morning here, you knew they hadn't.
On a Tuesday about two months into your stay, it was one of those usual mornings, and you were sprawled on your side, facing away from him. Your hair was spread out on the pillow, your legs tangled with his. You awoke to a shuffling on the bed, and then an arm twined around you and pulled you closer to Billy's warm chest.
"You're too far away," he mumbled sleepily. You turned in his arms to lie on your side and face him. Billy was on his back, looking down at you with a fond smile. He blinked sleepily, and you moved closer to him to rest your head on his shoulder, nuzzling your cheek onto him.
"Better?" you propped your chin up on his arm.
"Better," he grinned.
You were just about to settle back into him when the door opened suddenly to reveal Joe on the other side. His eyes widened in shock when he saw you cuddled in Billy's arms, in Billy's bed.
"The hell?" Joe looked utterly confused. A little betrayed, maybe.
Sitting up, you attempted to explain. "I know what this looks like-"
"Billy why're you in bed with my sister?" Joe folded his arms, eyebrows raised, tone sharp.
You looked from Joe to Billy, worried something violent would happen. But finally, Billy responded. "Daisy's been havin' nightmares. I was only makin' sure she slept."
"You have?" Joe frowned. "You ain't ever had many nightmares before little."
It was true. Before the incidents surrounding the fire, you hadn't even dreamed often. You didn't want to tell Joe what happened, but you couldn't lie to him. So, you merely nodded.
Joe's face softened. "'M sorry little. You coulda told me, y'know?"
You bit your lip and nodded again.
"But I understand," your brother affirmed, nodding at Billy. "So long as there's no funny business, yeah?"
"None," Billy nodded back. Despite all this, you knew Joe trusted Billy with you, which was saying a lot. Your brother had a habit of being overprotective.
Joe looked between the two of you again and nodded once more, leaving with that and shutting the door behind him. From that point on you went straight into Billy's room every night.
He became a symbol of comfort to you. You knew his arms were open when you needed them. Things fell back into the way they were before, only this time there was something else between you two.
You felt it in every facet of your being with him. When you'd go for walks in the hills together. When you'd wake up in his arms. When he'd shake a little pepper over your eggs before giving you your plate because he knew you liked them that way. When he'd join you under the shade of a tree and rest his head in your lap. Billy was filling in the cracks that had formed over the months. He was patching you whole.
It was unclear if anyone else noticed, but you knew they didn't not notice. The two of you were drawn together. When Billy would come home from jobs with the gang you'd run to him first. Joe would make a little quip about it before hugging you, a cheeky, knowing smile gracing his lips.
Barbara seemed immune to all of this. She continued as she always did, but you still felt bad, like you'd taken something from her. Even though the first person she'd run to was always Jesse.
You tried to let this information soothe you.
The ranch was finally attended to, and you and Joe made the decision to sell the land. It made you a pretty penny despite all the damage from the fire. That night you'd laid silently beside Billy, too sad to say anything. You'd grown up there, hell, Billy had practically grown up there too. But as you thought of the last somber months you'd spent there; you knew it hadn't been the land that made that time special.
You still had what had made it special.
Jesse became anxious about the location of the gang, so he determined it was time to leave the hideaway behind and set out for another town. You welcomed the change, packing away what little you had and following them.
If you were being honest, as long as you had Billy and Joe you knew you'd be fine. So, you left in good spirits. Barbara parted ways with the gang then, taking a job as a schoolteacher in another town. You knew the two of you would never be close, but you still parted with a smile, and a sincere thank you for all she'd done. Maybe it was your imagination, but her smile seemed a little more genuine as you said goodbye.
"People can't help but like ya Daisy," Billy said when you told him about it. He was riding alongside you behind everyone, the hideaway in the distance behind you. "You're sweet. Not likin' ya feels like hurtin' a butterfly."
The analogy made you smile, a little blush gracing your cheeks. The way he looked at you and talked to you made you feel rare.
Once you got to town, Joe came to a conclusion. While the rest of the gang kept rented rooms at a nearby inn, the two of you used the money from the ranch to buy a nice little piece of land nearby, with an old house already on it. You wouldn't have minded staying at the inn, but Joe insisted, saying he wanted something permanent for his sister. Especially now that they all had steady work. And unlike in the past, it was honest.
Billy seemed especially happy about that, chattering eagerly about how good it'd be now that they were working with the law, not against it. It was endearing how excited he was. Despite the picture wanted posters painted of him, he had a gentle heart, and he never wanted to do any wrong.
The only thing you didn't like about this new setting was that you no longer slept beside him, but your nightmares had disappeared into memories, and you determined you'd be fine. Even though you missed his warmth as the fall bled into winter.
He was still a fixture in your life. His presence was still constant. The gang was all at Joe's and your house often, but Billy was there individually even more.
It was a funny thing, what being around him so often did for you. Previously, you had remembered the childhood love you'd had for him, and it had been painted blue. But in the love you felt for him now, you could feel what you'd had before at the roots. It was a flower that you'd thought had shriveled up and died, but now you realized it was simply dormant, waiting to bloom.
And the more you thought about it, the more you realized you wanted it to.
It was on your mind one night when Joe and the gang were in the kitchen. You and Billy had ventured out to the fireplace, kneeling close to it and talking. It was eerily similar to that night, the one you'd thought of lately more often than you wanted to admit.
"Do ya think you'll stay here?" Billy wondered, bending his knees to rest his arms on them.
"I don't see why not," you said thoughtfully, his blue eyes drawing yours to them like they always did. "Joe's here, you're here...I can see myself being happy here."
"I think ya are happy here Daisy," Billy said, a little smile coming to his face as he said it. "I ain't seen you this happy in a while."
He was right. You hadn't been this content since your father died. "it's the same for you Billy," you commented, shifting closer to him for warmth. "You're not as restless as you used to be."
"Well, no," he said, grinning as he looked into the fire. "There's lotsa reasons for that."
"Like...?" you prompted, tilting your head playfully.
"Well for starters, I ain't breakin' the law to make money no more," Billy said, and you nodded. "There ain't no pressure to move around so much. But also..." he turned his head to look at you. "Havin' you around. Havin' Joe around. It's made all the difference."
You were quiet for a moment, the sentiment warming you more than the fire ever could. "Having me around?"
"'Course," he said, reaching out and tugging on your arm to bring you closer to him. One of his arms slid around your waist and you rested your head on his shoulder. "Ya mean a lot to me Daisy. Ya know that, right?"
"It's still nice to hear it," you smiled, settling into his side. "You...you mean a lot to me too. Always have."
"Yeah?" he looked pleasantly surprised. "Well, you're a sweetheart anyways. My sweetheart."
The way he said it implied something else, but you didn't correct him, only lifting your head from his shoulder and looking into his eyes again. The fire was reflecting off his face, making him look softer. You looked from his eyes to his lips. There was that magnetic draw again. "And are you mine?"
He paused, looking like he'd been caught doing something, but then he slowly nodded, searching your eyes. "I've always wanted to be yours."
Your heart fluttered and you thought for a moment you were in a dream. But when he brought his hand to your cheek, you knew you weren't.
Billy acted before you could, leaning forward and gently pressing his lips to yours. His hand slid to its spot in your hair. You melted.
His kiss was brief, but it imprinted itself on your being. You leaned into it, your hand resting on his chest as your lips moved against his. It was so impossible, all of it, and yet.
When he pulled back, you stayed in your haven between his arms. He pressed one, then two light kisses against your soft smile and you saw stars.
Then Joe shouted something from the other room and Billy looked up, sighing and shaking his head. He stood up, bringing you with him. His lips found your brow lightly, a silent promise that you'd talk about this later. Then he took your hand and lead you into where everyone else was. It was good he had a hold on you, because you weren't sure you could have found your way there on your own. The kiss had left you engrossed in a dreamy haze.
He sat at the table with everyone else, and when he saw there weren't any open chairs, pulled you down to sit on his thigh. Joe raised an eyebrow, but that was all. You were content to lean against Billy for the rest of the night.
It was hard to sleep when you tried after everyone left. Billy hadn't kissed you goodbye, but he'd held you close for a bit and said he'd see you tomorrow.
All these months, all this time, you hadn't been sure if he'd held onto the feelings of the past. But you supposed it didn't matter now, because he felt this way right now. He wanted you close to him as you did.
The next day you woke early. You decided to get a few errands done as a way to divert yourself. You'd see Billy later.
It was a pleasant ride into town. The winter sun was warm on your bundled up frame, and you enjoyed it. The snowstorms of late had often kept you indoors, so it was nice to have this pocket of time.
You tied up your horse and went into the general store, a list prominent in your head. Grain, candles, matches-
You halted in your tracks when you opened the door.
There were already customers inside. But you recognized them.
"Don't suppose we could take a turn with her first?" Red wondered.
"They won't know the difference," Blue shrugged.
Red's grin grew terrifyingly wider, and he reached out, hands running over your sides, stopping at your breasts. "Yeahh, she'll work great."
Before one of them could turn around and see you, you stepped out, heart pounding a hole into your chest. Your ears were ringing with the memory. The world seemed to spin. Why are they here? How did they get here?
Putting a hand to your heart to try and calm it, you looked around, spotting the inn the gang was staying at. Billy, you needed Billy.
You ran across the street, opening the door and realizing you didn't know which room he was staying in. As you wandered in frantically you found it didn't matter. He was sitting at a table with Charlie, talking about something, his back to you.
Charlie saw you though, and must have noticed your distress, because he nudged Billy, nodding at you. Billy turned around, and instantly stood, meeting you halfway and gathering you into his arms. "Daisy, Daisy, what happened? What's the matter?"
He sounded concerned, and you thanked the heavens for him. Your ear was against his heart, the steady thumping soothing you almost immediately. "They're...they're here," you mumbled weakly
"Who's here Daisy?" His hand. His hand on your head. It felt like it could shield you from everything.
You lifted your head, but his hand stayed there. Your breathing was still frantic. "The men...from the fire..."
His eyes darkened. "Where?"
"The general store," you breathed, and he gritted his teeth, looking up at the window. You tugged at his shirt. It was the striped one, the one you'd confessed to him you loved.
He looked back at you, his eyes softening. Then he moved, setting you on the chair he'd been sitting in previously, kneeling in front of you. "I need you to stay here, alright? I don't want you to ride back without me." Billy looked up, at someone behind you and summoned them. "Mrs. Peña?"
An older Mexican woman bristled over, and Billy said something to her in Spanish. She looked at you, looking confused as she responded. He nodded, squeezing your hand and saying something back.
Over the years of knowing him, you'd only picked up on a little Spanish, jealous of his ability to learn the language so easily. As Billy and Mrs. Peña conversed; you only caught a few words. Scared, safe, needs, help.
The older woman gave Billy a fond smile and nodded. He returned it, then turned his attention back to you. He kissed the fingers of the hand he was still holding. "You're gonna stay here, okay? Mrs. Peña and her husband own the inn. They're gonna keep an eye out for you."
"What are you going to do?" you whispered, your eyes wide in horror as you sifted through possibilities.
"Don't pay any mind to it," he said, squeezing your hand from where he was kneeling still. "I won't be long."
And with that, he stood up, kissed your forehead, and beckoned to Charlie, who followed him out the door. Your breaths were still fast as you watched him leave, and then you turned to Mrs. Peña. She gave you a warm smile and took your hand. You accepted it, stood up, and followed her to the kitchen, to a chair close to the sink. She gestured at it. "Sit."
You did as she asked, watching her flit around, preparing and sorting. Trying to remember the right words, you asked her in very broken Spanish if there was anything you could do to help.
She smiled and shook her head, motioning for you to stay. But you insisted. "¿Por favor?"
Mrs. Peña seemed to understand that you needed a distraction, so she took pity on you, waving you over to where she was sorting vegetables.
Billy didn't return for several hours, and so you accompanied Mrs. Peña, helping her with anything she'd let you. She spoke a little English, and you a little Spanish, so you managed. She was a very warm lady, and you felt bad for burdening her, telling her so as you helped her fold sheets in the empty front room that evening. But she shook her head, patting your hand fondly. "Eres una chica dulce."
That made you smile.
It was dark when they came back. You were surprised to see it wasn't just Billy and Charlie, but the entirety of the gang, including Joe. Mrs. Peña gave your hand another pat, and took the folded sheets away, leaving you with everyone. Billy stopped her and whispered something to her that she nodded and smiled at.
You stood up, and Joe came over, putting his arms around you and hugging you for a long time. He smiled sadly when he pulled back. "It's all okay now, little." He looked over at Billy, nodding. "Reckon you'll wanna stay here tonight. I'll bring your horse back." Joe kissed your forehead and left.
The interaction was confusing but touching. You watched your brother leave, questions swirling through your mind like a flurry. Then you turned and looked at Billy, who reached a hand out for you. "C'mere Daisy."
Of course you went to him, his fingers intertwining with yours as he pulled you upstairs to his room. He shut the door behind you and locked it. It was only then that you noticed his knuckles were stained with dry blood.
Gasping in horror, you took the other one in your free hand, holding them up to examine them. "Billy...Billy what did you do?"
He shook his head, trying to reassure you. "It's not all my blood."
That only worried you further. "What on earth were you doing?"
Billy sighed, looking down for a second, reluctant to tell you. "We took care of the men who started the fire. You ain't gotta worry 'bout them anymore Daisy."
"What do you mean you took care of them?" you asked desperately.
He shook his head again, more firmly this time. "That's not for you to know. But it's all okay. You're safe now. That's all that matters."
You wanted to push the issue, but you realized there was probably a reason he wasn't telling you. So, you gave up. "Okay."
Billy pulled you to sit on his bed, your knees touching, and just watched you, checking for any hint of distress. "How're ya doing Daisy?"
Surprisingly, you found your token answer to be correct. "I'm okay."
He smiled briefly in acknowledgement. "Good. I want ya to be okay."
There was a comfortable quiet for a moment between you two. You didn't want to look at anything but him, didn't want to be anywhere else but here. Right now, he was your center, the very thing keeping you from floating into the sky.
Billy's hand moved to your hips, pulling you in closer. His eyes found yours as he said, "I want you to know I'm always gonna protect ya. You have Joe but ya also have me. You've always had me."
"Always," you repeated softly, and he smiled. His other hand reached up to tuck some of your hair back.
"Daisy..." he started, and you felt it. That fluttering, that warmth in your chest that he only seemed to be the cause of. "Did ya know I've always loved you?"
You tilted your head, waiting for him to explain, ignoring the butterflies sprouting in your heart.
He smiled in a nostalgic way. "You were a friend. A good friend. But I woke up one day and ya just...weren't that anymore."
"How long?" you whispered.
"Years, Daisy," he brought both his hands to your cheeks. "Years 'n years. Dunno if you remember awhile back, but me 'n Joe were comin' back from doin' somethin' in town, trouble probably." He paused to smile, shaking his head. "You were up in the branches of a tree, readin'. Looked real pretty. Think ya had a flower in your hair." Billy breathed a laugh, looking down for a second. "Mighta been a daisy. 'N ya looked up, smiled at me. And I knew I'd love ya forever."
Your lips parted slightly at the confession, and you felt a sweet smile spreading over your face. A light laugh of disbelief escaped you, and you pulled him in, kissing him softly. He made a noise of surprise but indulged, his hands falling from your face to your waist, wrapping his arms around you and hugging you close.
"I remember that day," you said honestly, looking up at him when your lips parted. "Because a few hours later you asked me to go for a ride and you pulled me off my horse and not only did we fall down the hill, but I fell in love with you."
His smile was radiant, and you didn't need to ask if he remembered. Billy pulled you back in, kissing you fervently. He loved you. You could feel it. No need to wonder anymore. His kisses felt like a promise. I will always love you.
For hours after, there was nothing else but him.
Nothing but him as he kissed you like you were disappearing.
Nothing but him as he lowered you down onto his bed and slid the sleeves of your dress down your arms.
Nothing but him as he took his time, holding you so gently it made your head spin.
Nothing but him as he dipped his head briefly between your thighs, making your back arch and your hand squeeze around his. He'd given it to you to hold because he loved you.
Nothing but him as you and him did something you'd only done once before, but this time he wasn't going to leave.
Nothing but him as you did something you'd done many times before, nestling between his arms as you fell asleep.
When the morning came you knew it was far from the last one you'd have like this, but you savored it anyways, burrowing into his chest and hiding from the world. He peppered sweet kisses over your face, asking how you'd slept, asking for five more minutes before you both had to get up. And so you gave them to him. And five more minutes. And then another five minutes.
Because you were finally his. And he was finally yours.
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milliesfishes · 19 days
billy loves your body billy the kid x fem reader
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Billy knows your body in the same way he knows the trails through the woods, the way he knows how to hold a gun, the way he knows how to calm a horse: through experience.
He worships you like you’re a temple. His rough fingers trace the arch of your collarbone, circle the peaks of your breasts and caress the valley between them. Never had a man seen a woman this way, he’s convinced. Your body is a river, with dips and curves and all the softness of one. Whenever he has the time to take his time with you he lets you know it.
Billy always presses the softest kisses to your skin, spending lots of time on your tummy, making sure no patch of skin isn’t covered by his lips. He grasps your hips like one would an alter. His calloused hands are rough everywhere except the length of you. He is especially fascinated by the creases of your body, where your thighs meet your belly, where your neck meets your jaw. His stubble scratches against these places as he kisses you like he never will again. 
And when he’s got his head buried between your legs? Forget it, it’s an explosion of devotion.
“All of this f’ me baby?” he murmurs one night, having just gotten you undressed, a look of astonishment on his face. “Look so pretty. Can’t believe you’re all mine.”
Even after you’ve been intimate, lovemaking he calls it, he’s still got his hands on you, making you feel valued long after his pleasure has passed. He peppers kisses all over your face. Your cheeks, your nose, your forehead, your eyelids; anywhere he can reach. You’re his baby, and he’ll always take care of you.
Bathed in the afterglow of lovemaking (you’ve decided you like that term) you look so lovely, like a daydream come to life. Seeing your bare body swaddled in his sheets, skin glowing, that tired but loving look on your face as you watched him watch you was a vision. A vision he could touch and love on.
So he always did exactly that. 
And the way he loved you was magical. “‘M beautiful girl,” he’d murmur against your cheek as he pressed his lips to it, his hair messy from what you’d just done, snuggling up to you. His warm body cradled yours like it was made to do so. It was incredible how gentle he was with you, this man who’d been the cause of murders and shootouts.
And yet here he was, telling you how good you’d done for him, whispering how pretty you’d looked when he’d made you feel so good. Billy was a lover at his core, and at times like this you could see it. You held his cracked, burnt heart in your soft little hands.
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milliesfishes · 28 days
Sweet Girl
[fem reader] contains: pregnancy, stillbirth, mentions of weight gain, problems during pregnancy, reader is mentioned as being petite. pairing: billy the kid x reader (au) summary: you want a baby, but billy's hesitant. author’s note: this one's angsty and I'm unsure if it's good, but I wanted to put it out there in case anyone likes it :)
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An outlaw’s life kept Billy away from home often, for long, long days until he’d come home to you all tired and missing you so bad it drove him insane. You’d be swaddled in his sheets, wearing one of his shirts and nothing else, your hair spread across the pillow as you slept, the covers in your fist clenched to your chest.
This was the sight that greeted him on a Friday night that wasn’t particularly special for any reason, but seeing you this way made it perfect instantly. His girl, his pretty girl fast asleep in his bed, looking so deliciously his.
Billy pulled off his work clothes, replacing them with his pajamas. He pulled back the covers just slightly on the side you were sleeping, his side, nudging you over like he did every night. He slid an arm under your side and held you close, pressing a light kiss to your shoulder. 
You stirred, humming as you woke, and he breathed out softly, half annoyed he’d woken you and half happy for the same reason. “You awake baby? ‘M sorry,” he murmured, his big hands creeping under the hem of his shirt you were wearing so he could splay his fingers out over your skin.
“You’re back.” You turned in his arms, smiling sleepily and opening your eyes.
“Go back to sleep baby.” His lips landed on your forehead, holding them there for a moment.
Shaking your head, you said, “Uh uh, I wanted to wait up for you. I fell asleep though.”
Billy couldn’t help his smile, and he brushed his thumb back and forth across your cheek. “My girl waitin’ up f’ me? How’d I get so lucky?”
“I missed you today,” you said, tilting your head up toward him. “Missed you lots.”
“Me too baby, me too,” he said, nudging another kiss onto your forehead. “I was wantin’ to come home all day, just leave the boys behind and come hold my pretty girl.”
Giggling, you looked up into his eyes. “I’m lucky you spoil me at the end of every day or else I’d be a real unhappy girl.”
He took you in, all cozy nestled against his cotton sheets that you made look like satin, settled against his covers. “‘Course I spoil my sweet baby, who wouldn’t?” Billy pulled your chin up, pressing a little kiss to your lips, nibbling gently on your bottom lip before pulling away. You pushed the blankets back so you could cuddle him closer, and he sighed. “Look atcha’, so damn cute in my shirt.”
“I like wearing them,” you murmured. “Especially when you’re gone.”
“Ya miss me that much, huh baby?” Billy smiled.
“Miss you, miss your kisses.” You smiled as he pressed his lips anywhere on your face he could reach, his stubble rubbing against your skin. “Even if they’re all scratchy.”
“Don’t like a little scruff?” he ran his fingers over his chin, feeling it. “Guess I could use a shave…”
“No don’t,” You put your hands on his cheeks, feeling it. “I love it.”
He smirked and pressed more kisses to your cheeks, stubble prickling your soft skin. “Knew ya liked a man’s kiss, yeah sweetheart? All rough on your pretty face?”
You giggled as he caught your lips again, kissing him back softly. “They feel nice.”
“Ahhh I missed this today,” Billy murmured, shifting you in his arms so your back was against his chest. He pressed his cheek to yours, leaning his head on you. “Snugglin’ ya, kissin’ ya…” One of his hands came up to your collarbone, tracing shapes there. “Lovin’ on ya…”
“You spoil me,” you repeated, feeling like a princess all cuddled into his arms. 
“Hmm, I dunno,” he rested his chin on top of your head for a second, looking down at you, eyes roving over the way his shirt had ridden up your thighs. “Pretty woman…in my bed…yeah I’m spoiled too.”
You nuzzled yourself against him. “I’m just loving on you, like you’re doing.”
“Are you lovin’ on me or lovin’ me on you?” he teased, and you squealed lightly, burying your face in his chest, much to his delight.
“C’mon baby,” he cooed at you. “Lemme see that pretty face again. Please? Wanna get a better look at my girl.”
“You look at me all the time,” you said against his chest, and he chuckled.
“Doesn’t matter. Lemme look at ya all nice ‘n slow ‘kay?” He tilted your head up, and you reluctantly looked at him
“Atta girl,” he breathed, looking over you. “There’s my girl…there’s my baby. Won’t ya turn a little?”
You moved away from him, settling on your side so he could look at you fully as he requested. You gave him a look of mock annoyance after a few seconds. “Done yet? I wanna cuddle.”
He grinned. “C’mon…I have ya in my bed and that’s all I get?” Billy stretched his arms back out for you. “Why don’t you c’mere and gimme a kiss?”
You snuggled back up to him happily, pressing a light dutiful kiss to his nose. He chuckled. “Not that kinda kiss, honey. Gimme a real one now, like a good girl.”
Rolling your eyes playfully, you leaned in, hovering your lips over his. He smiled, hands going to your hips and pulling you closer. “Quit teasing me, you…” Billy laughed and brought his lips to yours, kissing you softly, lingeringly. You kissed him back with equal fervor.
“Better?” you asked, pulling back a little. 
“Much better darlin’, much better,” Billy brought his hands around, hugging you to him, with a playful grip on your bottom.
“Mm!” you moved his hands away from there, snuggling back into him. 
“Aw c’mon baby,” he grazed his lips over your hairline, his hands moving back. “Just tryna love on my pretty girl reaall good…”
You couldn’t help your smile, and you shook your head, too comfortable in the cradle of his arms to care anymore. “You keep me too cozy to really complain if you get a little handsy.”
Billy laughed, holding her close. “What can I say? I gotta pretty little thing all snug in my bed…’s hard not to be.”
Smiling contentedly, you pressed your face into his chest. “I love you,” you murmured, smiling softly. “This is everything I’ve dreamed of.”
“Bein’ in an outlaw’s bed is everything ya dreamed of?” Billy smirked lovingly.
“I have a handsome man who loved me enough to marry me,” you corrected. “And I love him back.”
“I’m terribly grateful to love ya too, baby,” Billy kissed the top of your head. “Never thought I’d have me a wife but the one I found…oh boy is she a treasure.”
You smiled softly, looking at his hands as they shifted at your midsection, over your stomach. As your thoughts wandered, images of rounded bellies and babies with rosy cheeks and Billy’s blue eyes danced in front of your eyes. It was a vision that had haunted you for months now.
“Whatcha thinkin’ about?” your husband murmured, lips nudging against your neck. “Ya look happy darlin’.”
“Having babies,” you said dreamily, looking up at him. 
Billy smiled. “Havin’ babies, huh? My little one havin’ another little thing?”
“Mhmm,” you murmured, playing with his hand on your tummy.
“Ya wanna make babies with me,” he whispered against your temple. “Hmm…we could y’know. Maybe not right now, but soon.”
You frowned adorably, a little panic rising inside you. “Not right now?”
Billy shook his head, brushing a strand of hair away from your face. “We wanna wait…wait ‘till you’re a little bit bigger sweet thing. Then we’ll put a baby in your belly.”
“Bigger?” your cute frown grew deeper. What did that have to do with anything?
“You’re just so little, darlin’,” he said, brushing a hand over your face. “Don’t want the baby to hurt ya. But once ya get a little bigger, then we can put a baby riiight here…” he rubbed your tummy. “Cause you’re gonna be a good little mama…”
“But I want your baby now,” you pouted, and he chuckled. 
“I know sweetheart, I know. But we gotta wait so it won’t hurt ya.” He smirked. “And then after that, we’re gonna put lots and lots of babies in your belly…” Billy kissed her cheeks teasingly. “Over ‘n over…”
You giggled, shifting comfortably on his bed, looking cozy and sweet wrapped in his arms. He held you close, like a teddy bear. “You’re gonna be real good at makin’ babies…real good…”
“I wanna make babies now,” you reached up, kissing his cheek.
“My girl wants to play house with me, huh?” Billy ran his fingers through your hair. “You wanna baby ‘n everything.”
“I want a baby that looks just like you,” you studied his features, smiling sweetly.
“Do ya?” Billy pondered this for a minute, one hand squeezing your hip. “Well the baby’s comin’ outta you, ain’t it? So it’s gonna be pretty ‘n cute like you.”
“Uh uh, I want it to look like you,” you insisted, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Gonna be a cute little thing either way, all my genes comin’ outta you,” Billy pressed kisses to your temple. “Can’t wait for you to have a belly fulla’ my baby.”
“So give me a baby now,” you whined as he kissed across your face gently.
“We gotta wait, little one,” he squeezed you against him. “If I make a baby in ya too soon it’ll hurt ya. I heard too many things about little women like you havin’ problems, baby.”
“It won’t hurt me,” you said earnestly. “I’m…I’m scared what’ll happen if we wait. What’ll happen if we don’t do it right now.”
Billy frowned, holding your head against his chest. You’d never told him anything like this before. “What’re ya scared of sweet girl?”
“My mama…” you started, your voice growing soft. “My mama had trouble getting a baby in her belly. And she waited too long and she died having me.”
The reason you wanted to do it now washed over him, and he held you a little tighter. “Oh baby,” he mumbled. “Just cause it happened to your mama don’t mean it’ll happen to you.”
“I don’t wanna risk it,” you said softly. “I want to give you a baby more than anything in the whole world. And we might lose our chance.”
“Your body’s not ready yet, my love,” Billy said softly. “Just a few more pounds and a little patience is all I ask.” He was being sweet, and you were grateful for that. But your want to give him a baby triumphed that.
“That could take years to make it stick,” you sat up in bed, looking down at him. He sat up with you, looking concerned. You were making a compelling argument.
“Baby…” he was close to being swayed. He wanted to give you whatever you wanted, after all. “The baby might have trouble comin’ outta ya…” he stroked the side of your face. “You’re just so little…”
“It’s a risk I’m willing to take,” you moved closer to him, looking into his eyes earnestly. Now Billy could see that this was more than just talking and teasing about having babies. You wanted this, you’d wanted this a long time.
His other hand came up to your face, and you moved into his lap, straddling him. “Please Billy,” you pleaded quietly. “Please…” You took his face in your hands and kissed each cheek. “I want to give you a baby. I don’t care what it takes.”
Your earnesty moved him, and his hands came to your thighs, holding you there. You were determined, brave and reckless to want his baby this badly. So he would give in. You were his girl, his angel, and you always got what you wanted.
“Damn it sweet girl,” he murmured, kissing you softly. You wrapped yourself around him, and he held you by the hips, his lips traveling down your neck and fixing themselves to your collarbone, breathing in your sweet scent.
The two of you made love twice that night, and continued to do it every morning and evening after that. About two months or so into your endeavors, you eagerly awaited to see if your monthly would come, hoping and praying it wouldn’t. Billy hurried home every day for a week to see if you’d gotten it or not, both of your excitement growing every day you didn’t.
Until one day when he came home to you in tears, sitting on the floor of the bedroom. Immediately he rushed over, taking you in his arms. “What’s the matter darlin’?”
“I got it today,” you sniffled, as you burrowed into him, shifting uncomfortably, feeling the rag you’d stuffed into your panties soak with your womanly blood.
“Oh, baby,” Billy murmured, kissing the top of your head. “’m sorry, sweetie.”
A full two months of lovemaking turned out to be fruitless…no baby yet in your little belly.
“We’ll try ‘gain next month, sweetheart,” he promised, cradling you in his arms. “It’ll happen, just gotta be patient.”
But it didn’t happen the next month. Or the month after that. It began to take a toll on the both of them, the waiting and disappointment. You tried not to get discouraged, but it was so hard. Billy was an angel, always holding you as you cried, promising it’d happen soon, the two of you just had to wait. 
One time after you’d made love for the night, Billy came back from the washroom to find you with your back on the mattress, feet propped up against the wall. He couldn’t help his laugh. “Baby…whatcha doin’?”
“Making it take in me,” you responded, tapping your heels against the wall as if that’d make his spend glue to your insides.
“Oh really?” Billy sat on the bed with you, resting his chin on your tummy. “I dunno darlin’, that don’t seem right.”
You shushed him. “It’s gonna work.”
He pressed a gentle kiss to your tummy. “Darlin’.” Another kiss. “That ain’t gonna do a thing for gettin’ a baby in ya.”
“Just lemme try,” you insisted.
Billy chuckled, shaking his head at his girl’s antics. “Alright, alright.” Another kiss to her tummy. “You give it your best shot.”
When you continued to do that every night after that, Billy would always smile and give you a kiss, lying down beside you and putting his hand over your tummy, willing a baby to grow.
But your efforts continued to wield no results.
Until one day, when you heard the familiar sound of Billy’s boots against the wooden floor, and you sprang up, running out to him and jumping into his arms, legs around his waist, arms around his neck.
“Woah there!” Billy stumbled backwards, catching you easily even though you surprised him. “Easy, easy girl. Where’s the fire?”
You said nothing, just took one of his hands off you and pressed it to your tummy, your smile radiant. His eyes widened, fingers spreading out over your midsection. “Baby…?”
Pressing yourself close to him, your face buried in his neck, you murmured, “You’re gonna be a daddy.”
He laughed joyfully and spun you around once, grabbing your jaw between his fingers and kissing you softly, sweetly. “I’m gonna be a daddy.”
You hugged him tightly, and he nosed little kisses into your hair, tucking you into him and marveling at his girl, his beautiful girl carrying his child.
As the weeks passed and your belly grew, Billy grew more clingy toward you, which you hadn’t even thought was possible. He’d come home at earlier times from riding with the gang, claiming “They can survive without me, they know my girl’s growin’ our baby at home.”
Your figure, although remaining petite, filled out a little as your body made accommodations for the little life inside you, and Billy loved it. Your breasts were bigger, your waist curvier. You were nearly goddess-like in his opinion. You, on the other hand, grew more insecure as your body changed.
“I’ve gained so much weight,” you pouted as you stood at the mirror, smoothing your dress over your belly. 
Billy came over, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind, holding your baby-filled tummy. “Whatcha mean, darlin’?”
“Look at me,” you sighed frustratedly, hands coming up to your chest. “My breasts are bigger now.”
“Mm, don’t I know it,” he murmured, pressing little kisses along your shoulder and up your neck.
“Billy,” you pouted, trying to be serious. “They’re so heavy now. Hurts.”
“Ohhh my poor baby,” he said against your neck, pulling you backwards to sit on the bed, on his lap. You folded your arms over yourself, frowning adorably. “If it helps, I think you’re beautiful right now.”
You smiled just slightly, but he noticed, keeping his arms around you and whispering sweet things into your skin. “Just knew you’d be pretty as a peach carryin’ my child.”
A little laugh escaped you at that, and you leaned back into him briefly, before sitting up again. “I can’t sit on your lap, I’m too heavy now.”
Billy gave you a look, tugging you back so you were fully against him. “Baby…you got nothin’ to worry about, yeah? You’re still a cute little thing.”
“I’ve gained so much weight,” you whined, shifting in his lap.
“Well…” Billy trailed off, looking at you, his hands moving over your belly. “Cuteness adds a couple pounds I s’pose.” He kissed your cheek and with his lips still against you, said, “Your body’s growin’ a baby, honey. It’s bound to happen.”
“I just wanna be pretty for you still,” you turned sideways in his lap to look at him. 
Billy chuckled, his hand on the side of your face, thumb running over your cheekbone. “That ain’t nothin’ to worry about little one. You’re prettier now ‘n the day I met you, swear on m’ life.”
That coaxed a real smile out of you, and you nuzzled against him, content with how sweet he was being to you.
Unfortunately, the little weight you’d gained seemed to be the last of it.
As you got closer to delivery, your body began to change more, and not for the better. You started to lose weight, and your skin grew pale. Every day you became weaker, and it worried Billy beyond belief. 
But despite all this, you were happy. You were always smiling for him, always commenting on how the baby was doing, whether it was kicking or not. He played along with you, pretending that you weren’t getting worse because he knew it’d upset you if he commented on it.
As you got into your eighth month, you were practically bedridden, weaker than Billy had ever seen you. He fretted lightly, not wanting to worry you too much, but the concern was building up inside him. 
On a rainy evening, you were resting beside him, his head by your chest, close to your belly. One of your hands was resting there, the other in his hair, playing with it a little. You’d been having cramps all day, which you’d been told were common in the last little bit, so Billy had insisted you rest. He was silent, nuzzled into your side. You looked down at him. “You alright?”
Billy breathed in softly, sitting up and moving so that he was against the headboard, gently nudging you so your body was nestled against his. He looked down at you, face serious. “I’m worried about you.”
Your brow furrowed, and you tilted your head to look at him. “Why?”
“Why?” Billy asked in disbelief. “Baby. Look atcha. You’re losing weight, you’re so weak…”
“I’m fine,” you insisted, trying to sit up, but your belly made it hard. 
“You’re not though,” he rubbed his thumb over your shoulder. “You’re so pale…’n weak…” Billy trailed off, looking pained. He shook his head as he looked at you, his eyes sad. “My girl…my beautiful girl…” he mumbled, his fear growing by the minute. “You’re not okay at all.”
“I’m happy,” you said softly, touching his hand and squeezing it. “I’m so happy. I’ve got your baby inside me and that’s all I ever wanted.”
“But you’re not well sweetheart,” he murmured. Billy pressed his lips to your hair, his hand running up and down your arm. “Baby’s takin’ a lot outta you, ain’t she?”
“Don’t blame her,” you whispered, your eyes wide, hand resting protectively over your swollen belly.
“I ain’t blaming her honey,” he murmured, shaking his head, his hand coming to cover yours. “She’s a baby, she’s doin’ what babies do and she’s takin’ everything she needs to grow…but that still means you’re sufferin’ for it.” Billy brought a hand to her face, thumb running down her cheek. “She’s takin’ too much outta ya.”
“Billy it’s fine,” you tried to insist, shifting so you could sit up a little.
“Stay down sweetheart,” he murmured, keeping his hand over hers. “And no, it ain’t fine. My girl…my girl’s fadin’ away…” He looked emotional, looking down and squeezing your hand.
“I’m not going anywhere,” you squeezed his hand back. “It’s just…this is just what happens in the last months.”
“Not like this,” Billy murmured, shaking his head and bringing his hand to your face, his thumb running over your cheek, eyes searching yours as if he were going to lose you. “Even I know this ain’t regular…”
“No, I have to be fine,” you insisted, looking at him. “I have to be fine for the other babies we have.”
“Other babies?” Billy frowned, thumb still brushing the side of your face. “Sweetheart, ya can’t honestly be thinkin’ about other babies?”
“Why not?” you asked, eyes growing wide as you tried to make out if he was serious. 
His other hand came to your other cheek, and he held your face between his hands, looking earnest. “My love…at this rate, the way things are goin’...we’re not gonna be havin’ any more babies.” He was reluctant to tell her, she could tell.
Your face dropped, and your hand fell into your lap, out of his. “You can’t mean that.”
“Sweetheart,” he started, picking your hand up again. “Look at yourself. Look how weak ya are…how thin…we can’t have you gettin’ worse with each baby. This…” Billy took a deep breath. “This is the last one.”
Your heart beat faster at his words, and you looked down, shaking your head. “No, no.”
“No more babies after this one,” he said softly, lifting your chin with his hand. “I can’t let this happen again, gotta protect you. Shouldn’t have gotten ya pregnant so early anyways.”
Eyes filling with tears, you sniffled. “I wanted you to get me pregnant, I-”
“I know,” he murmured, thumb over your cheek once again. “I know. But I should have known better, should have known your body wasn’t ready.”
“That’s not for you to decide,” you whispered. 
“It’s for me to know,” he said, his eyes intense but loving as he looked into yours. “And I should have known.”
“Don’t-” you cut yourself off as a cramp overtook you, pain shooting through your body. You closed your eyes, trying to breathe and smoothing your hand over your belly. 
Billy was alert immediately, looking at you worriedly. “Sweetheart? What’s the matter?”
You gritted your teeth, the pain subsiding slightly and then coming back. This felt different from the cramps, it felt…
“Billy, you gotta get the midwife,” you got out, trying to breathe. “Something’s wrong…something’s-”
A new wave of hurt cut you off again and a little noise wrenched itself from your throat.
“Please, go!” you said urgently, hands over your belly as your body was wracked with pain.
Billy didn’t waste any time, getting up and looking for his boots. He tugged them on, finding his hat and then coming back to you, taking your face in his hands. “You gotta breathe for me angel, yeah?” He kissed your forehead softly, then your nose, giving you a little smile, trying to reassure you, even though he looked concerned. “I’ll be back real soon, promise. Everything’s gonna be alright.” He pressed one more kiss to the top of your head and then he was gone, leaving you to suffer alone.
You didn’t know how much time passed, the pain being your only way of measuring it. It was searing, a biting flower blooming from your core. Praying endlessly that the baby was okay, your body twisted on the bed, trying to find relief from the limitless agony.
Finally, you heard footsteps, and then Billy was in the doorway like a saint after a storm. You cried from relief, and he hurried to you, sitting beside you and brushing hair off your sweaty face, promising it was going to be okay.
The midwife, younger than you’d expected but a source of comfort nonetheless, got to work immediately, pushing your nightdress up and examining you. She looked up after a moment. “How far along?”
“Eight months,” you managed, another bolt of pain hitting you. Billy let you squeeze his hand as hard as you wanted, not wincing once. 
After a little more inspection, the midwife nodded, looking at Billy, then you again. She carefully moved your legs so they were bent and spread. “Alright sweet girl, brace yourself. This baby’s comin’ out real soon.” 
You whimpered, and Billy squeezed your hand. “You’re gonna be okay, sweetheart. Promise, alright. ‘M right here.”
The labor was long, and you suffered through it, pushing the best you could. But your body only grew weaker as time went on, and you knew it wasn’t working, what you were doing. Everything was blurred- every one of your senses except the pain.
You heard the midwife say something to Billy, and he nodded, squeezing your hand once before letting go. Immediately, you made a noise of protest, reaching for him.
He tried to soothe you as he sat up on the bed with you, his thumb running over your cheek comfortingly. “‘M not going anywhere baby, just movin’ so we can make things easier for ya.” Billy eased his arm under you, gently lifting you to sit up. You whimpered at how uncomfortable it was, but he kissed your temple. “I know, I know. But this is gonna make it better. Baby’s gonna come out easier like this.” He positioned himself so you were between his legs, leaning back against his chest. 
In this new position, your body’s instincts took over, working to get the baby out of you. Billy’s arms were wrapped around your collarbone, careful not to touch your belly, and one of your hands gripped around him, the other holding his forearm.
“C’mon sweetheart, you can do it,” he murmured against your skin. Your body was tired, making it harder and harder to push the baby out, but you tried, knowing you had no choice.
“Is she comin’ out? Can you see her?” you gasped, chest heaving as you tried pushing again.
“Almost baby, almost,” he muttered like a mantra. “You’re so close.”
And then suddenly it was over. You felt the pain lift just a little, and then you knew the baby was out. Weakened from exhaustion, you collapsed against Billy, who held you close, carefully, kissing your head and whispering things to you. “You did it sweetheart, ’s all over, you’re alright. You’re alright.”
You were too tired to respond, closing your eyes briefly and trying to forget the pain of the last hours. When Billy’s body stiffened, you didn’t notice, face buried in him as you tried to recover.
Then you remembered your baby, and you tried to sit up, using him as support. “Billy…I wanna hold her.”
His voice was so quiet it was almost far away. “Just stay here sweetheart, rest a little while.”
“No, I wanna see her,” you tried again, but he pushed your face into his shoulder.
“No baby, y’ don’t wanna see.” His voice had a protective edge to it, but you stubbornly pushed his hand away, turning to see the baby in the midwife’s arms.
She was perfect, so little…so pale. Not moving.
Your heart dropped, and your lips parted slightly as you realized what had happened. Billy was gently trying to get you to rest against him again, but you refused, unable to tear your eyes away.
The midwife’s face was somber, and she handed the baby over to Billy, who held her with one arm. “Hold her for a bit…I’m so sorry.” She left the room.
Billy held her gently, keeping his other arm around you. He looked from the baby’s face to yours, looking panicked. “Sweetheart, I-”
You shook your head, reaching out and touching your daughter’s face gently, tracing a hand down her cheek. The silence in the room was palpable.
“She’s so beautiful,”  you finally whispered, gaze drawn to her like a magnet. 
“She is,” Billy said softly, and you could hear the tears in his voice.
Staring down at your lifeless baby girl, you took her from Billy, holding her close, the dark curtain of mourning shutting around you. You imagined the life she could have had, how much you would have loved her, how much you did love her.
Finally, you kissed her tiny forehead, whispering, “I’m sorry sweetheart.” Then, seeing the midwife re-enter the room, you relinquished your daughter to be taken to the grave.
Billy watched all this with silent tears running down his cheeks, but you paid him no mind until the midwife had taken your daughter away, and that was when you broke.
You turned into him, fresh tears falling fast, and he sheltered you in his arms, his nose buried in your hair. “She…she…”
“I know,” he murmured tearfully. “I know.”
The two of you were back where you started, holding each other tightly, but this time shrouded in grief.
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milliesfishes · 18 days
(breaking billy out of jail) billy the kid x fem reader
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One night when the two of you are out at the saloon, an accident happens.
While at the bar getting two whiskies for Billy and you, an older man sidles up to you, calling you sweetheart and sliding his hand around your waist. Immediately Billy sees, and he abandons his poker game, appearing at your side and shoving the man off you. Unfortunately, the man is drunk, and he takes this as a threat, tackling Billy to the ground.
You yell in surprise, jumping aside as Billy fights to get the man off him. Somewhere in the struggle, a gun is pulled out; not Billy's but it didn't matter. When it goes off, you cry out, your eyes wide.
The drunk man, as it turned out, was a friend of the sheriff's, and when Billy had pushed the gun away as the man had fired it, sending the bullet into his shoulder, the night ended with your boyfriend in the local jail with charges of attempted murder against him. And with his criminal record, well, it didn't bode well for him.
You'd protested of course, clinging to Billy's arm as they took him away. "He didn't do anything wrong! He was protecting me!"
He'd tried to soothe you the best he could while being put into handcuffs. "Honey, honey, just sit tight alright? It's gonna be okay."
You'd watched helplessly as he was hauled off, tears stinging your eyes. His boys had to keep you from chasing him, and one of them escorted you home, back to your little cabin in the woods.
Tossing and turning, all you could think of was him all alone in that cold jail cell, after heaven knows what had been done to him. It cost you hours of sleep. Finally, after staring at the ceiling for awhile, you threw back the covers. you were gonna go see the one person who could make you feel better.
You hauled yourself out of bed, taking yourself to a particular drawer in your dresser. Within it was a spare pair of Billy's trousers, suspenders attached, and one of his shirts, the one you adored with blue stripes. He kept a few things at your place, in case he stayed the night and he didn't feel like wearing his sweaty work clothes from the day before.
Now, you pulled on his clothes, tightening the suspenders to fit you, tucking the too big shirt into the trousers. You shoved your feet into your riding boots and went to get a hat, shoving your hair up inside it.
It wasn't safe at all for a woman to be out this late at night, especially in the part of town the jail was at. If you wanted to see Billy, you at least needed to give the illusion that you weren't a woman.
The guard at the jail was fast asleep so you easily snuck past him and opened the door. There was nobody watching Billy on the inside.
He didn't recognize you at first due to the darkness and your diguise, but once you got closer, his eyes squinted in recognition. You took off your hat, letting your long hair spill over your shoulders.
Billy's eyes widened. "What're you doin' here sweetheart?"
You ignored the question and knelt on the ground next to him, clasping his hands through the bars. "Are you okay? What happened?"
He smiled, tugging on your (his) shirt collar. "These my clothes baby?"
"Couldn't come here lookin' like a girl," you breathed, smiling softly back at him.
"Think they look better on you than me doll," he grinned, pulling you closer by the collar.
You breathed a laugh, resting your forehead against the bars.
He squeezed your hands, bringing them to his lips. "Ya shouldn't be here baby, it's late. Ya gotta go home f' me okay? Get some sleep?"
You shook your head earnestly, not letting go of his hands. "I couldn't stand it. You being here all alone, especially when you didn't do anything wrong."
"Oh honey," he murmured, reaching his hand through the bars to cup your cheek, his big hand a comfort to you. "I'm gonna be okay. Can't have ya gettin' in trouble cause you're being a sweetheart for me."
"I'm not leaving here without you," you whispered, your hair framing your cheeks as you leaned forward.
"Ain't no way for ya to get me outta here baby," he said softly, tucking your hair behind your ear with the hand on your face. "We just gotta wait it out, see what they wanna do with me."
That could be a while, you knew that. And with his history, it was extremely likely that he'd be sent away to an unknown fate. You didn't care to think about what that would be.
All these thoughts were spinning through your head as you looked at Billy. It was clear he was trying to stay calm for you, but he was thinking the same thing. You shook your head again. "No. No. You're getting out of here right now."
"It ain't possible sweet," he said, his thumb running down your cheek.
"Yes it is," you said, standing up, your mind working quick. He stood up with you, looking confused.
"I'll be right back," you said, tucking your hair back inside your hat.
You were gone before he could ask any more questions.
Your footsteps quiet, you opened the door and peeked outside. The guard was still asleep. Eyeing the key ring on his belt, you crept toward him. He was snoring softly, and you hoped the noise of it would drown out any sound you might make.
Carefully, you unhooked the ring from his belt, relief washing over you when it didn't wake him. But when you turned to leave, you accidentally brushed his shoulder.
Dread filled your body as the man took in a sharp breath, signaling that he was awake. You turned as his eyes opened, and he looked confused as he spotted the key ring in your hands. The man stood up, his hand going to the gun in his holster. "Now what the hell're you-"
Your fist flew before you could think about it, hitting him straight in the nose and knocking him backwards, unconscious. The motion broke the skin on your knuckle, and you winced, looking down at the blood. A bruise was already forming, but you shrugged off the pain, taking the keys back to the cell.
Billy was leaning against the wall, and he smiled when he saw you again. You took your hat off, holding up the key ring.
"Well you're a regular little thief ain't you?" Billy laughed softly. "Think I'm startin' to rub off on you."
"Well, it's hard to say," you said, pushing your hair behind your shoulder and sifting through the keys, trying each one in the lock. "Maybe I've been a natural the whole time-aha!" You found the one that worked and opened the door as quietly as you could.
Billy walked right out, immediately lifting you in his arms and spinning around. He hugged you tightly to his chest. "M' best girl," he murmured into your hair. "Comin' to rescue me." When he set you down, he picked up your hand, then noticed the injury to your knuckles. He examined it, his brow furrowed. "Now what'd you do while you were out there pretty?"
You smiled coyly, tilting your head. "What kinda outlaw in training would I be if I divulged my secrets?"
He shook his head, grinning. "My baby's out throwin' punches and stealin' keys..." he kissed your hand. "Couldn't be prouder of 'er. My girl knows how to take care of herself."
"We'd better get outta here before the guard wakes up," you said, tugging on his hand. "Don't want the both of us to be put in the cell."
"I dunno, maybe it wouldn't be so bad," he murmured, his hands moving down to your hips. "You're a damn fine sight in my clothes baby."
You giggled, pulling his hand again. "You can love on me back home, let's get going."
"Yes ma'am," he chuckled, letting you drag him out.
Back in your little cabin, he picked you up and held you to him, your legs wrapped around his waist. The sight of you in his clothes, hair falling over your shoulders was one of the prettiest things he'd ever seen and he let you know it, peppering soft kisses over your face. "Missed out on a lot of lovin' on you while I was in there...atta girl, gonna let me make up for it..."
You both knew after breaking out you wouldn't be able to stay in this town much longer, and that you'd be on the run soon enough, but for now he was out of jail and safe and that was enough.
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milliesfishes · 17 days
billy when you're on your period
fem reader x billy
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I'm on my period right now and I need him
Billy always worries when his loved ones aren't feeling well. Even when it isn't life threatening, he worries. He's lost enough people to sickness that he worries.
So when he comes home to you curled up on your bed with cramps from your monthly, he immediately goes into protection mode, kicking off his boots and lying down next to you. He pulls you into him, pressing kisses into your hair. "That time again, huh baby?"
You could only whimper in response, the cramps in your lower stomach rendering you motionless. Billy knows the drill, and he rolls you onto your stomach, pushing your dress up so he can slide one of his big, warm hands under your belly, soothing the ache a little.
Letting out a little noise that indicates to him that it feels good, you feel yourself start to relax.
"What d'ya need, honey?" he asks softly, rubbing his hand a little over the spot. "Can I getcha anything?"
You shook your head. "Cuddles."
He chuckled softly, pushing a kiss into your hair. "You got it baby. Cuddles."
Billy laid on his side next to you, his arm wrapped around your back so his hand could stay on your tummy. "That better?"
"Mhm," you nodded, turning your head to face him. His lips turn up when he sees your face, and he kisses your nose gently.
"So pretty," he coos, his hand that's not on your tummy holding your cheek. "My baby."
You snuggled up to him the best you could while lying there, opening your eyes sleepily to look at him. "Least I know I'm not pregnant."
Billy breathed a laugh, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "That's a good way to look at it honey." He looked at you fondly. "That's my girl, always makin' things happier."
He grabbed the pillow from underneath his head, using his arm to lift your hips off the bed. When you made a little noise of protest he soothed you. "Shh, shh, just a second honey." Billy carefully situated the pillow under you, setting you back down with his hand still on your belly. The elevation lifted some of the pressure, and you sighed softly, feeling more comfortable by the minute.
"Atta girl, there ya go," he mumbled, kissing your head again. "Little bit better for ya."
He held you like that for the rest of the night, staying right where you needed him. Billy may not have been able to take away your pain completely, but he could ease it, and his ability to comfort you was the only thing he truly got right in his mind, the thing he was best at.
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milliesfishes · 5 days
Billy trying to make up for leaving for a couple days without telling you with flowers and notes and sweet stuff but you just aren’t having it and eventually he’s basically just groveling 😩
billy apologizes fem reader x billy the kid
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He wasn't supposed to be gone for this long.
Billy had waited to tell you he had another all-day job in the morning, until you were between his arms, hair spread on the pillow, and drunk off his kisses. Of course you hadn't been thrilled he had to go, but you went along with it, knowing his work took him near and far across the county. You always strived to be understanding for him.
But the next morning when you woke up, the spot next to you was cold.
Naturally you were confused. but you thought maybe the job had taken longer than he'd expected. Maybe he was on his way home to you right now. He'd probably stumble in later, apologies underfoot kisses.
Much to your surprise, he didn't appear in the doorway that night. Or the night after that. By the third night, you were achingly worried and he was consuming your thoughts. You could hardly focus on your chores, a thousand possibilities running through your head.
Is he stranded? Stuck? Or...
You weren't quite ready to think of the worst yet.
Biting your nails and pacing, you reluctantly went to bed that night. Instead of your usual nightdress, you pulled one of his shirts from his drawer, throwing it over your body and buttoning it in the middle. Lifting the collar to your nose, you found it still smelled like him. You got into bed, this time resting your head on his side. Curling your knees to your chest, you tried to ease your mind into sleep.
The next morning, you woke up to sunlight pouring from the windows. You blinked wearily, looking down at yourself. The covers were tucked neatly around you despite the groggy memory of having kicked them off the night before. And you were on your side of the bed now. When you looked over to Billy's, you could see that the covers were thrown back as if someone had slept in them. You touched the spot and discovered it was warm.
Then you realized how late you'd slept in, and scrambled out of bed, upset at yourself. You combed your fingers through your hair and went into the kitchen. The first thing you saw was his hat resting on the corner of one of the chairs at the table. Then, you stopped short in your tracks when you saw him, standing at the stove with his back to you.
The air smelled of breakfast, and your stomach growled a little. You'd hardly eaten last night due to your worry. Billy turned around, his eyes lighting up when he saw you.
"Hey pretty, sleep alright?"
You were frozen, shock paralyzing you. Were you hallucinating? You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, so you didn't think so. He smiled, nodding at the table. "Sit. I got some of those berries from town ya like." When you followed his eyes to the table you saw that there were fresh wildflowers sitting there in a vase.
Brow furrowing, you folded your arms. The shock in your body had turned to relief, which had then turned to anger. "Where the hell have you been?"
Billy winced a little at your tone. He obviously knew he'd messed up. "Honey, let me explain-"
You shook your head, your frustration seeping into your words. "You've been gone for four days. That's three days longer than you told me!"
He nodded, running a hand through his hair. "I know baby, and I'm so sorry. I shoulda sent a message, somethin'-"
"Yes, you should have." Your voice was firm. He sighed, checking the oven for a moment, then came over to you, bringing his hands to your folded arms.
"Baby," he started, looking into your eyes. "The job Tunstall sent us on ended up takin' a longer while than we thought it would. The people were more resistant than we'd predicted."
"Three days Billy!" you exclaimed, your arms falling to your sides. "I was so worried; I had no idea if you were dead or alive or-"
Your lower lip trembled, sending the rest of your sentence into tears. Billy's face fell, and he guided you to sit at the kitchen chair, kneeling in front of you. He took your hands in his, squeezing them softly. "Baby...I'm so sorry. I shouldn'ta been away for so long. I hate that I worried ya...hate that I'm makin' ya cry."
He looked into your eyes, his bright blue ones earnest and loving. He wanted to fix this. You could see it. "I'm sorry pretty, 'm so sorry."
You sniffled, looking down at your lap. It was all very vulnerable, sitting here at a kitchen chair clothed in only one of his shirts. "I was so worried," you repeated, looking down and letting another tear slip down your cheek.
Billy reached up to catch it, brushing it away. "I'm sorry for makin' ya worry darlin'. It was careless of me."
Looking back at him, you saw how truly apologetic he was. He kissed your hands, searching your eyes. Billy brushed his thumb over your cheek, and you sighed, leaning down to wrap your arms around his neck. You slid from the chair to the floor, to his arms, and pressed your ear against his heartbeat. He caressed your back gently, holding you close to him.
You leaned against him there for a while, just feeling him breathing, imprinting on yourself that he was okay. Then, finally you sat up, looking at him. "I'm still very, very upset with you."
He nodded, his lips pursed, but he didn't argue.
Then you wound your arms around him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "But I also love you very, very much and I'm happy you're safe."
Billy smiled at that, then helped you up, sitting you back in the chair and going to the oven. He pulled out a pan of bread, and your mouth nearly watered. His mama's old recipe. It was one of the few things he really knew how to make, and luckily for him, you loved it.
He cut you both hot slices and put them on plates along with the berries he'd apparently gotten earlier. As he passed you one, you saw that the bread was nearly falling apart because it hadn't cooled, but you hardly cared, lifting a piece to your mouth and savoring it.
The familiar taste brought a smile to your face, and you felt some of your anger dissipate. He hid his smile behind his own piece of bread.
Throughout the day, Billy was glued to your side. He assisted you with chores, sat with you while you read, and was all around clingy and sweet.
At the end of the day, you shed your dress, hesitating before donning the same shirt you'd worn the night before. Even though he was back, it was cozy. He watched you do this with a fond look on his face. "Look at you," he smiled sleepily from his place in bed, shirtless, leaning against the headboard. "Look so pretty."
You got in, lifting the covers and pulling them up to your waist before turning to the side to face him, leaning on your arm. Billy mirrored your position, looking a little nervous.
After looking into his eyes for a moment, admiring how handsome he looked right now, you said, "I love you."
He smiled softly. You continued, moving closer to him. "And I forgive you."
Billy's smile grew, and he turned on his back, opening his arms for you. You moved right into them, cuddling close to him. He kissed your forehead, nudging his nose against it first. "You're the best of women. I don't deserve ya."
You put your hand on his cheek, making sure he was looking at you. "Don't you ever do this again."
"I won't," he promised, sealing it with a gentle kiss to your mouth. "Never again. I love you."
"I love you," you said back, kissing him back once and snuggling into his arms like no time had passed.
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milliesfishes · 11 days
billy versus your cat
fem reader x billy the kid
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Sure as the sun would rise in the morning, you waited up for Billy every night, usually sitting in your shared bed in one of your little nightdresses he liked you in so much.
He strode in one night, taking his hat off and kicking off his boots, leaving his gun belt on the chair by the door, crawling onto the bed up your body immediately to kiss you deeply. You set your book on the nightstand and wrapped your arms around his neck, obliging him.
"Bless you for waitin' up darlin'," he murmured against your lips, his hands coming to your hips.
"How was today?" you asked, pulling back for a second.
His kisses moved down your neck, hot and needy. "Mm, I forgot baby."
You sat up, and he lifted you up under your arms to roll you over, so you were straddling him, your hair falling in a curtain around both your faces. "Yeah? Need some lovin'?"
"Oh ya bet I need some lovin'," Billy tucked some of your hair behind your ear and captured your lips again, hungry for you.
You moved your lips against his, and his hand came up to slide the strap of your nightdress off your shoulder. "Gettin' frisky cowboy?" you said against him.
"Frisky baby?" Billy repeated, one of his hands reaching down to squeeze your bottom. "I been dreamin' of this all day. Might get a little more than frisky."
Giggling a bit, you nosed another kiss against his lips, and his hand found a place in your hair as he kissed you contentedly. Suddenly there was a weight on the mattress as your cat, Fish, jumped on the bed. Apparently, Billy had left the door open.
You smiled, breaking the kiss with a pop and reaching over to pet the black cat. Billy raised an eyebrow, squeezing your bottom again. "Darlin'? We were in the middle of somethin'."
"Sorry," you said, kissing him again. He moved his lips against yours, nipping your bottom lip.
Fish was oblivious to what you were doing, and he nudged himself between the two of you again, meowing indignantly. Billy stopped kissing you and gave the cat a firm look.
You giggled, pulling him in for another kiss. "He can't help it, Billy. He just wants attention."
"You know who else wants attention baby?" Billy muttered, kissing your chin. "Your very needy man."
You reached over to pet Fish, and the cat purred at your touch. Billy watched with exasperated fondness gracing his face. "Darlin', let the cat be."
"Alright," you smiled, leaning in to kiss him again, but Fish butted his furry head against Billy's cheek.
"Ol' Fish," Billy muttered, giving the cat a scratch on the head between kisses. "Always gotta get in the way." Truly, the only thing keeping him from tossing Fish out the window was how much you loved the cat.
You slid your hands up Billy's chest, pressing another kiss to his lips. She smiled as Fish managed to find a way to interrupt again, walking on Billy's arm and headbutting you. You giggled, patting Fish's head again.
"Fish, you're a real good cat but you gotta get off," Billy muttered, picking the cat up with one hand and setting him on the ground.
"Poor kitty," you looked down at the floor where he was lying.
"He's alright darlin'," Billy said as Fish leapt back onto the bed, getting between the two of you again. Sighing exasperatedly, Billy lifted you off of him and got up, scooping Fish up under his arm and depositing him outside the door, shutting it firmly. He then returned to the bed, sweeping you up into his lap and kissing you hungrily. You kissed him back, deep and long. He breathed easy now, grinning into the kiss. Finally he could love on you uninterrupted-
You pulled away from the kiss when you heard Fish meowing and scratching at the door and Billy silently groaned. "Ignore him darlin', he's fine."
"But he..." you gestured at the door, frowning concernedly.
"Is fine," Billy finished for you. He pressed his lips against yours again, hands bunching up your nightdress and you were silenced, responding eagerly. "Yeah, c'mere sweetheart," he said against your lips, pulling you closer.
But Fish did not give up with his meowing. So much so that you turned and looked at the door, then back at Billy, who ran his hand up and down your back. "Sweetie, I'm beggin' ya, ignore the cat."
"But I feel so bad," you frowned.
"I know you do, I know," Billy sighed, rubbing your back. He adored how sympathetic you were toward the creature, but he really wanted you right now. "I promise ol' Fish is gonna be just fine sittin' out there. You're worryin' over nothin'. But I'm right here in bed with ya darlin'. Ain't I more important?"
"You're sure he'll be alright?" you looked back at him.
Billy exhaled through his nose, nodding. "I'm sure Fish is gonna be just fine." He kissed your nose. "If it'll make ya feel better, you can let him back in when we're done here."
Smiling softly at his compromise, you nodded. "Okay."
"There we go," Billy said, tilting your head up with his finger. "Now we can finally finish what Fish interrupted, huh?"
"Are you sure he's okay?" you looked worried as you asked.
Oh for the love of...
Billy sighed under his breath. "He'll be just fine to sit outside the door for a few minutes."
"Oh it'll only take a few minutes, you say?" you teased, tilting your head.
"We'll see where the night takes us," Billy wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you in once again.
You melted into his hands as he kissed you once more. "Mkay."
"Atta girl," he mumbled against your neck with a hum.
Indeed, you didn't think about your cat for the next ten minutes as Billy ravished you, his lips making you forget about anything except him. Afterward you laid wrapped in the sheets, one of his arms around your shoulders, gently tracing shapes into your skin. He placed a soft kiss to your hair, lingering there for a moment.
You shifted, tilting your head up for another kiss and he chuckled at the adorable look you gave him. "C'mere," he whispered, kissing you softly at first but quickly deepening it.
You pulled back, smiling sweetly at him. "Can we let Fish in now? He was meowing the whole time."
Billy smiled exasperatedly, rubbing his thumb over your cheek. "Go on baby, let the damn cat in."
You giggled in delight, standing up, your body still completely bare. Moving to the door, you opened it and Fish scurried in, jumping on the bed and settling against Billy.
Despite all his talk, he couldn't deny that he wasn't fond of the furry creature. He scratched Fish behind the ears, earning a contented purr. "Sorry to kick you out little fella, needed some one-on-one time with m' girl," he muttered.
You laid on your stomach on the bed, reaching over to pat Fish on the head. "Mm, you didn't want Fish around when I was sucking you-"
"That's enough outta ya," he grinned, shaking his head. "Darlin', if ya want to keep me from throwin' Fish right back outside, ya might wanna watch that pretty little mouth."
Smiling coyly, you crawled onto his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. "You're very needy tonight."
"I told ya," Billy said, kissing your collarbone, then burying his face in the space between your breasts. "I need some lovin'."
"We just had some lovin'," you said, holding him around the shoulders.
"Dunno if you know this baby, but a man could go more than once." His voice was muffled against your breasts, but he looked up at you with a devilish smirk.
"Not while Fish is here," you said, looking over at your beloved cat.
"Darlin', I'll do what I want whether or not Fish is here," he said, kissing your collarbone and giving your bottom a light spank.
"No you won't," you said, getting off his lap and reaching for Fish, holding him to your chest. "There you are, Fish," you cooed, kissing him on the head.
Billy slumped against the pillows, watching the two of you disapprovingly for a second. He reached out an arm for you silently, beckoning you to come back to him.
"Oh Billy," you smiled, letting Fish go and crawling back to him. "Is someone feeling jealous?" You kissed him softly, nudging your nose against him.
He wrapped an arm around your waist and held you close for a moment, pressing a kiss to your cheek before glancing over at Fish, huffing lightly. "Maybe a little. But only cause he was getting more attention from you than I was."
You leaned up and kissed him again. "Don't worry, I'll always give you more attention."
At that moment, Fish padded over and laid beside Billy, nuzzling against him for warmth. Billy sighed, scratching Fish behind the ears. "You're only cuddlin' me for warmth you little pest."
You laughed, resting your head on his chest and watching Billy with Fish.
Billy grumbled slightly under his breath, but when Fish started purring his expression softened. "Fine...you can stay an' get some scratches," he mumbled quietly.
"Look at you...my two favorite boys," you kissed Billy's cheek, pleased at the sight of them getting along.
"The cat gets equal status as me?" Billy muttered, raising his eyebrows. He leaned down to kiss the top of your head, squeezing his arm around your waist.
You giggled lightly, looking up at him. "Well Fish was here before you so I gotta give him some credit."
Billy smirked a bit at that, tilting his head and nuzzling his nose against your cheek. "Well does Fish know how to treat a woman like I do?"
Laughing a bit, you shook your head. "I suppose not."
"And does Fish know how to kiss you and touch you in all the right places...to make you feel loved and cry out for more?" he asked, his voice smooth. "Course he doesn't."
You pulled back and looked at him. "You're taking this a bit far aren't you?"
"My point," he said, peppering kisses across your cheeks. "Is that I can do lots of things Fish can't, so we shouldn't be on the same page."
"Fish is very good at cuddling and his fur is very soft," you countered, reaching over Billy to pet him.
He shook his head, squeezing your side again. "Bet I'm better at cuddlin'."
"Slow down cowboy, before you work yourself up over a cat," you laughed, pulling him down to lie flat on his back, snuggling against him. Fish climbed over Billy to lie between the two of you.
Billy frowned a bit. "He's in my spot."
"Oh, Fish didn't mean to take your spot, did you Fish?" you smiled fondly, scratching the cat's head.
Sighing a bit, Billy resolved to wind his arm under you so he could hold you. "The one day I come home with enough energy for two rounds and our cat's hoggin' all your attention."
"You poor baby," you teased as Fish got comfortable.
Billy let out a small laugh, shaking his head with a little smile on his face. "You know, all I want's some lovin' from my sweet girl. I might be able to forgive Fish if someone came over and kissed me..." he mused.
"In a minute," you said, petting the cat.
He groaned lightly. reaching over to pinch your bottom. "C'mon baby."
"Don't! You'll bother him," you said, looking over at Billy.
"Fish already got you for a spell. It's my turn," he insisted, tugging at you.
Apparently, Fish was disturbed by the movement, and he got up, stretching and walking away, stepping on your breast as he did. "Ow!" you put your hand over it as the cat moved.
Billy swatted the cat's side lightly as he moved away. "That ain't yours to mess with Fish."
"Does that make it yours then?" you smiled, rubbing your sore breast.
"Of course," Billy said, covering your hand with his own. He massaged gently. "Think all this intrusion might be ol' Fish's way of sayin' you're his girl, not mine."
"He does seem to think that, doesn't he?" you laughed a little.
"How are we gonna get some alone time then, huh?" Billy mumbled, carefully soothing your sore breast.
"I dunno," you tilted your head, thinking. "He seems to really like being in here at this time of day."
"Then why don't we go into the other room for a bit?" Billy smirked, kissing your forehead.
"Oh really?" you asked, smiling and raising your eyebrows.
"Mhmm," he murmured. "We could go into the living room...you could sit on my lap there a lil' bit..." he ran his hand down your thigh. "There's lots we could do."
You tilted your head, thinking about it. Already you were aching for him again...and he clearly wanted it too...and if you left Fish in here...
"Okay," you smiled, reaching for him and wrapping your arms around his neck. He excitedly swept you up, carrying you into the next room.
A very enthusiastic little bit later, you were straddling his lap on the couch, coming down from your high buried against his neck. His hands were on your bottom, chest heaving.
"That's much better baby," he breathed, kissing your head. "Felt so good."
You opened your mouth to say something back, but then Fish suddenly appeared in the hallway, meowing confusedly and seeming to wonder why you'd abandoned him.
Billy groaned into you when he heard the cat. "Little devil decided he wants attention after we were gettin' busy."
You shook your head, smiling. "You love him though."
"No, he's a pain in the ass," Billy muttered, but you saw him hold out a hand to let Fish rub up against his palm.
"Well then I hope you know it makes me very happy that you tolerate him," you kissed his cheek, smiling at the sight.
Billy grumbled, but softened a bit when he saw your smile, kissing your temple. "I'm only doin' this for you, y'know. Not him. Just so we're all clear darlin'."
"Oh I'm sure," you said, leaning into him with a yawn.
"You tired baby?" Billy rubbed your back. "We should go back to bed, huh?"
Nodding sleepily, you clung to him as he stood up, securing your legs around his waist. "C'mon then, bed seems much more comfy." He started to walk, but after a moment of hesitation, he turned to Fish, who had hopped onto the couch, and scooped the cat up with one arm, carrying the two of you back to the room carefully.
The cat was surprisingly cooperative, and Billy set him down at the end of the bed once he got there, laying you down gently and leaning over to kiss you gently on the mouth. You smiled and snuggled into his arms, lying on your side against his chest.
Naturally, Fish wanted in, and he came over to sit on Billy's chest, settling in comfortably. Billy let out a huff, but he didn't move him. "Damn cat doesn't understand that cuddles are just for my girl."
You smiled, resting on his shoulder instead of his chest since Fish was comfortable there. "He loves you."
"He just likes that I'm warm," Billy mumbled, casting a look at the cat on top of him. "Y'know, I bet when we have kids they won't like that little beast. We won't even be able to make them without him interrupting." He grumbled that last part.
You laughed, burying your head in his shoulder. "Oh Billy. I do love you."
He smiled at that, kissing your hair. "I love you so much baby. You and Fish, as bothersome as he is." Billy reached over and gently pet Fish with the hand that wasn't on you.
You smiled contentedly, happy to lie in his arms with your cat close. Eventually Billy's breathing began to even out, his hand on your hip going slack. Fish was sprawled out on his chest, fast asleep.
Committing the adorable image to memory, you cuddled against him, slipping into your dreams.
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milliesfishes · 6 days
Ok I love ur writing can u write smth abt camping with Billy!!🥰
(thank you <3) (little billy blurb to end the day) getaway with billy billy the kid x fem reader
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He'd decided to take you away for a night. Away from the leering gazes of the townspeople who had no business of disapproving but did anyways. You told your parents you were going to stay with your sister for a bit, and then you were free. Your sister herself knew about you and Billy, and she generously covered for you.
It was bliss, being away from everything, and finding your place in the secluded forest. You rode your horses side by side, surveying the surroundings with a smile. It was so peaceful, something you weren't used to.
Billy led you to a little meadow tucked into the trees, wildflowers sprouting all over the place. You let your horses graze while you spread out the bedroll and he found firewood. The sight of him carrying all that wood back to the camp made you weak at the knees, and you captured that picture in your mind, saving it for later.
He smirked, noticing you staring at him as he deposited the wood nearby. "See somethin' ya like?"
You kept your eyes on him, shrugging. "You're pretty."
Laughing and shaking his head, Billy knelt and grabbed you around the waist, rolling over so you were on top of his chest. Endlessly fascinated with your hair, he slid his hand into it, holding it back from the side of your face.
"I'm pretty...got the prettiest thing in the world on m' chest," he mumbled, nudging his nose against yours. "I'd die a happy man with you on top've me."
You found this romantic and rewarded him with a kiss on his nose, tugging at one of his suspenders. "Sweet talker."
He narrowed his eyes playfully. "You love it."
"Wasn't complaining," you sang, and he laughed, rolling you over so you were under him now, pinned against the soft grass and wildflowers. He thought the setting made you look ethereal.
"'S like you were made to sleep with the flowers," he shook his head in disbelief, sitting up a little to look at you. "Think ya might be a flower come to life."
You only smiled, settling back against the soft earth. Billy, recovering from his disbelief, leaned back over you and pressed his mouth softly to yours. You reached up, snatching his hat off his head so it wouldn't poke your forehead. Still holding it in your hand, you wrapped your arms around his neck as you kissed him back. His body's weight against you...pressing you into the ground...it was heaven.
Billy indulged you in everything you wanted to do. He let you rest your head in his lap while you wove picked flowers into a chain. When you were walking around, he crouched and held his arms out for you from behind so he could carry you on his back. You liked being carried that way, your arms around his shoulders, pressing kisses to his cheek from behind. Soon, it grew dark, and he started a fire, giving you his jacket as the night air became cooler.
You came over to him where he sat on the bedroll and he spread his legs, holding out a hand for you to sit. Happily, you settled against his chest, and his arms wrapped protectively around you as you both looked at the stars.
"North star," he breathed, pointing at it. You followed his finger, and he smiled, resting his chin on your shoulder. "'N over there, that's Orion's belt, see? The three lil' stars all close together?"
Nodding, you studied the sky, trying to see it through his eyes. "You know the name of every star, don't you?"
He chuckled, shaking his head. "Not every star darlin'. Just a few of the ones everyone knows."
"Will you show me another one?" you settled against his chest, knowing he liked talking about them. He beamed, and looked up, searching for another constellation.
You stayed like that for a while, just leaning into the safety of his arms. He noticed when you grew sleepy, smiling softly and shifting so you were lying against him, on his chest, your body still cradled between his legs.
Protesting lightly, you mumbled, "Not tired."
He smiled, adjusting his jacket around you. "'Course not. But lie down with me anyways, m'kay?"
You nodded, closing your eyes and fully relaxing against him. Billy's hand found its way to the back of your head, just holding you there. The weight of his big, warm palm soothed you right into sleep.
He kissed your forehead, watching the last embers of the fire die out. And for the first time in awhile he truly felt content. You were between his arms, and that was all that mattered.
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milliesfishes · 23 days
lake day with billy innocent fem reader x billy the kid
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Imagine you and Billy go down to a nearby lake one day, and he leaves his horse, wanting to walk with you instead. The two of you are hand in hand, and you stop every so often to pick wildflowers, giving them to Billy to hold. He finds this adorable of course, and he takes every last flower you give him until there's a messy bouquet in his left hand. He patiently waits while you pick each flower, loving the smile on your face as you hand them to him.
Eventually his hand gets full and as you press another flower into his fist, he says, "I think that's enough flowers darlin'. Can't fit anymore in m' hand."
You frown, picking another. "Just one more," you say, giving that to him too.
He smiles with fond exasperation. "Alright, this is the last one."
But then you see another one that you just have to have, and you drag Billy over to it. He follows, of course, he'd follow you anywhere.
"One more Billy," you say, reaching down to pick it.
"I said no more sweetheart," he teases. "I can't hold anymore in this hand and my other hand is full of you."
"So let go of my hand," you say, tilting your head.
"Now that's one thing I won't do." He leaned down, kissing your temple squeezing your hand. "This, I get to hold onto."
You looked from the flower in your hand to him, frowning as you tried to figure it out. Then it comes to you and you smile, tucking the flower into his buttonhole. "There."
He couldn't help his smile as he watched the adorable gesture, and he pressed another kiss to your head. "Thank you darlin'."
You continued your walk down to the lake and once you got to the shore, you reached around, untying the ribbon from your hair and having Billy hold the flowers in a bunch as you wound it around the stems. His eyes didn't leave you as you did, mesmerized by every motion you made.
When you were done you looked up at him, feeling his enchanted gaze upon you. Smiling sweetly, you leaned up to press a kiss to his lips. "Thank you."
"Ain't no burden," Billy nudged his nose against yours. "'Specially for my girl." He kissed you again, so sweet it made your knees weak.
That afternoon, Billy wound up sitting with his back against a tree, and he contently had you between his legs, snuggled up against him on your side as you wove some of your flowers into a chain. He traced circles on your back, occasionally peppering little kisses on your cheek or your brow, wherever he could reach.
Something you were thinking about made you stop weaving, and you sat up a little, looking at the horizon of the lake with thoughts weighing you down. He noticed immediately, brushing some hair behind your ear. "What's on your mind sweetheart?"
"Just..." you looked up at him. "Will you ever get tired of this?"
"Of what?" he questioned; lips pressed against your cheek.
"Of...this," you looked down at yourself. "Of holding my flowers. Doing unexciting things with me. Of...of being with someone whose life is so simple?"
Billy clicked his tongue, shaking his head and using his hand on your waist to pull you back up against his chest, your side against it. "Never. I can promise ya that. What you think of as simple things are beautiful because it's you."
"But..." you turned to face him. "Your life- it's so different than mine. there's just more in it. I keep picturing you meeting someone who-"
Billy cut you off, shaking his head again. "Ain't nobody else gonna be as perfect as you. You're my sweetheart." He traced a finger down your cheek. "No other woman could take your place. No other woman could make my world brighter just by being in it."
His words brought a sweet smile to your face. You leaned up to kiss his cheek before settling back against his chest, your worries quelled for now. He kissed the top of your head, keeping his big hand against the back of it. "I'd rather have this than whatever exciting thing you're imagining in that pretty little head. Any day, you over everything." His fingers ran up and down your back. "I didn't set out to be an outlaw, pretty. Wanted this." Another kiss. "Always wanted this."
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milliesfishes · 4 days
billy with a wife who loves flowers
fem reader x billy the kid
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You had always adored flowers.
Growing up, your mother had enlisted you and your sister to help her in the garden, even though your family was of significant wealth and could have hired help. You hadn’t loved it at first, your sister even less, but you loved your mama, so you reluctantly joined her every day.
Kneeling in the dirt, she taught you everything she knew- how to nurse plants to grow, proper care, the names of flowers- even some of their Latin names (your mother’s primary education had been very expensive).
Slowly you grew to love it as she did. When she got sick, you took over, coaxing the flowers to bloom so she could see them from her window where she was bedridden. After her death, it was solely your responsibility, your sister having moved away to marry long ago.
Billy met and fell in love with you shortly after. He’d understood the sentiment you had around flowers, his own mother having passed away awhile ago. So he surrounded you with them.
He brought you flowers once a week, gathering them from a nearby meadow, presenting them to you in a messy bouquet sheepishly. You’d smile in delight every time, throwing your arms around him and kissing his cheek.
After you were wed, you’d moved into a secluded little cottage, with plenty of growing space. Immediately you’d jumped into action, eagerly planting and watering everything.
He helped you diligently, following your lead and obeying your every command. You adored the sight of him helping you tend to your flowers, and he adored you.
Sometimes when you’d look up at him, his sleeves would be rolled up, and he’d be mopping his brow, his forehead shining with sweat. You’d promptly abandon whatever you were doing and go to him, dirt under your nails, catching him in a kiss.
“Mmph,” he muttered, grinning in surprise. “Everythin’ okay, honey?”
You nodded, tracing your finger on his face and then stopping. “Oh! Sorry, I got dirt on you.”
Billy smiled, shaking his head. “Don’t worry ‘bout it, darlin’.” Then he kissed you again, longer, slower, sweeter, pulling you closer by the waist.
The two of you would go on walks every evening through the forest, and he’d hold your hand, listening to you point out flowers and tell him their names.
“Oh the forget-me-nots are in bloom early this year, how lovely!” you exclaimed one day, kneeling to touch the petal reverently. “So pretty.”
“Pretty,” he agreed, looking at you, a tender smile on his face. “You’ve got such an eye baby.”
You stood up and took his hand again, squeezing it and bringing your other hand to the back of his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. He smiled. “Baby.”
“Hmm?” you hummed prettily.
“Love you.” He kissed you again, his lips warm against your mouth. “Prettiest girl knows the prettiest things. You’re so smart, baby.”
You blushed, looking down. “You’re sweet.”
He smiled in an teasingly exasperated way. “You amaze me.”
Sometimes he’d be in town, and he’d see a particularly pretty bouquet that he just had to get you, even though you preferred to grow your own. You’d react so sweetly every time, smothering him in kisses and setting them in the place of honor- at the kitchen table, where the sun would hit them just right.
“Thought of ya when I saw ‘em,” he grinned, watching you arrange them in the vase. “Think you’re prettier though.”
“You’re too good to me,” you smiled brightly, kissing his nose. Of course he countered the statement, showing you exactly what you deserved later, when you were bare between his arms.
Often you would embroider little flowers on your dresses, adding a pretty touch to them. You’d sit with a dress on your lap in front of the fireplace, humming to yourself while Billy sat next to you, cleaning his gun.
One night he looked up at what you were doing and said, “Will ya do that to one of my shirts?”
You stopped your needle, looking at him and tilting your head. “You want flowers on your shirt?”
“Not a ton of ‘em,” he corrected, setting his gun down. “Just a little one or two. Here.” Billy pointed to the cuff at his wrist.
The thought of him wearing one of your stitched flowers filled you with joy, and you smiled. “Really?”
“Wanna match with my wife,” he said, leaning in and chucking you under the chin before standing up and going to your bedroom. He returned with your favorite of his shirts- the one with blue stripes.
You eagerly took the shirt, abandoning your dress and immediately going to work. “I’ll make it blue to match.”
“Sure baby,” he smiled fondly, sitting beside you and raining his work with his gun. “Know it’ll look great ‘cause you did it.”
And of course, when it was done he fawned over it, giving you a hug and kiss on your forehead. “Thank ya baby. I love it. Gonna wear it tomorrow.”
And he did. He wore it proudly, relishing your smile when you saw it on him. Your flowers were important to you. They always had been. But they were infinitely more special when they were connected to him.
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