#mimida speaks
fantrollology · 1 year
Hey Mim, what's your earliest memory?
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He's seated in what you can only assume to be his room; it seems you've interrupted his reading again. He sighs and lets the book lull over his leg before deliberately closing and then opening his eyes. After a moment of flickering, a screen crackles together in front of him, facing you. The sound is a bit broken, reproduced by the same flickering psionics that create the image. It shakes like an old film.
The picture is empty, but then something juts forward, only just, from behind the camera and breaks through some surface, letting in light. It is bright and then it is slow, as the same something-- it must be a hand, barely within the memory-- peels back the penetrated material, thick, slimy, towards himself.
As the light settles you make out a recess of a cavern. Cocoons are plastered to the cool stone to the side, above and below. Colors paint the walls and floors. This is Mim's pupation.
Once he sees you've gotten the idea, he lets the screen drop and then raises his book once more.
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mimida21 · 1 month
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a home base and an arena battle against the Eye of Cthulhu, which i defeated way before the building the second building (on the left), rebuilding stuff in old terraria was kinda painful as the right building was originally made in wood, but it made it feel worth the effort.
i still love terraria since 1.3 version (2015), and i don't regret having it in my library, and playing the oldest version of the game made me appreciate terraria's grows even more.
and buddy, this version has many flaws that i couldn't help but point out such as:
tiles can't be replace by adding another tile to it, the said tiles must be removed firsthand in order to add the new tile to it, any item on the tiles or behind tile walls must also be removed in order to put said new tiles. (Building sucks)
most of items such as cactus, Ebonstone Blocks, Glowing Mushroom, Etc. can't be turned into a decorative tiles. (Decorative tiles Limited)
no Mannequin to store armors or clothings. (Can't store and showcase equipments, vanity or otherwise)
only 4 bosses and 1 raid event, with king slime doesn't spawn via slime crown, as the item isn't craftable in that version, and rarely encounter the stupid goblin scout to make said raid happen. (Only the beginning bosses)
most of the NPCs are nearly useless and don't offer huge helps in this version, there's 8 in total, 7 on the picture, and 1 (the old man) on the far right of the map. (NPCs mostly sucks)
speaking of map, this version don't have the iconic minimap, making navigation of the world difficult unless heavily marked by the player. (No Minimap)
biomes are less, but outside of plain forest biome, they're either difficult to navigate, or holding no interest or value for the player. (Biomes sucks)
can't make staircase with the hammer, and had to be made in a traditional sense like shown in the picture. (No useful Decoration)
no wings to fly, had to build all to way up or made a Gravitation Potion in order to reach the sky islands. (Can't fly around)
and it is aesthetically simple. (BORING)
and yet, i still enjoy it, even if i dies and loses my stuff in process, i feel like my fault for taking the risk than the game being stupidly unfair to me, i came out stronger, and defeated skeletron after i defeated Eye of Cthulhu and eater of worlds a few more times, am glad that i can't still thrive in the game and still feel as powerful as i was in the latest version, hope the next 1.5 be greater than the last, I Love terraria, sincerely ~ Mimida M. Abosa.
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Update: the king slime and the goblin army has been defeated, with the former serve my ass for the first time despite it's AI being stupidly simple.
the gun dealer wasn't kicked out, them goblin bastard force him out as i was fighting them.
and funnily enough, there was a sky island above my base when i used Gravitation Potion, and it has the one of the legendary swords, maybe i got a lucky seed.
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fantrollology · 1 year
hey mim what's your favorite perfume? do you also like scented candles?
A nicer question.
He's still down in the archives. Had he been in his room he could have just shown you the bottle, but…
It's a moment before he flashes the screen to you. It's cut a bit, but unlike many of the other scenes he shows the troll in it appears to be speaking towards the camera, as it were. It is all from the same scene, same conversation. It just skips forward at parts.
its honeysuckle and lilac. ths cashmere wood sisome pear leaves. the
The bottle the troll holds is small with a handwritten label. The screen collapses and he absently rubs the side of his desk, looking a bit away from you.
He nods. Candles are nice, too.
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fantrollology · 1 year
Mim do you have voidrot, or are the black eyes through some other means?
He takes his free hand and taps the tip of his nose twice. Seems you got it: voidrot. He's still not looking at you, though.
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fantrollology · 1 year
Hi Mim, silly question. Can you play Doom?
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You seem to have interupted his reading.
He doesn't know what you're talking about, but if he did, he'd probably flip you off.
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fantrollology · 6 months
she seems nice mim, did you spend more time with her? seems like she really did like you! Where is that one now?
Just like the rest of them!
He picks back up his book and flips to where he left off.
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fantrollology · 6 months
Oh? it's more difficult to tell about the one after? can you show us a memory of them?
He rolls his tongue around in his mouth.
He doesn't really want to do that.
Well, there was that one he showed before. He can probably do that again, to get you off his back.
He blinks. The screen flashes on and the familiar scene appears.
"--made it while you were busy in the archives yesterday! It's honeysuckle and lilac, hints of cashmere wood, some pear leaves and, uhm... there's a couple other things, too. Here, I wrote them all on the label."
The troll turns the bottle in her hand to show Mim the label, then passes it into his hand. He holds the label open and scans the rest of the ingredients, then brings it up to his face to smell. When he looks up, shes smiling at him warmly and excitedly.
"Do you li-"
The screen drops.
Mimida pinches the bridge of his nose.
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fantrollology · 6 months
What about the one after cygnus? did you interact with them?
He nods, not looking up from his book.
He knows you'd like him to answer like he did before.
That's a little harder, with this one.
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fantrollology · 6 months
who were they? the, one right before cygnus, were they nice to you? or you didn't interact with them?
"Tucana... ...Corvus."
"...they were all… …polite… …with me…"
"Corvus… …was… …quieter… Tucana… louder…"
A scene cuts into view. You look up at a large troll working away within some scaffolding. The structure around him wrecked, though not by age. The figure turns away from his work and waves. A small hand waves back.
It roughly cuts to a view of a woman laughing as she places a book back on a shelf. The audio is jittery. Mimida hands her another book from the cart in front of him. She looks at it then turns it in her hand.
You hear her voice.
"Thiiiiis one doesn't go here, actually. I know, it looks like it does, that's my bad, b-"
The screen drops. Mimida shrugs.
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fantrollology · 6 months
How were they? i mean they were trolls can you give us more information than just fingers?
He sighs and closes his book again.
Its arduous for him to assemble these sentences! Perfect memory aside. However, it is also his job.
"…what do… ...you want to know…"
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fantrollology · 6 months
Did you meet the other three mim?
He holds up two fingers.
He never met Aquila.
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fantrollology · 6 months
Was there others? Before cygnus? We know there were more after
His book is back open. Without looking up from it he nods, and holds up three fingers.
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fantrollology · 6 months
Was cygnus your brother mim?
Tythus, satisfied with the projection, left as swiftly as he arrived. Mim did not ask questions and simply returned to his seat.
He shakes his head.
"…i was not… …made by… Father Tythus…"
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fantrollology · 6 months
whatcha reading mim <3
As is custom, he turns up the cover to you. A book of poetry. It looks newer compared to most of the tomes around him.
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fantrollology · 6 months
mim how do you eat?
The screen flashes quickly.
"i dont."
He turns a page of his book.
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fantrollology · 6 months
Mim... what was the incident?
He scoffs, and gestures to the room around him, filled with records presumably chock-full of 'incidents.'
So many things have happened within the Church. He wouldn't immediately assume you'd be asking something so bold. That's between him and Tythus, after all.
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