#mina is the evil mind controlling demon mayor of romero and sam is one of her thralls for reference
subliminalbo · 1 year
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Don't say a word. I already know what you're thinking.
'How?' I thought I told you not to speak! You're not used to having a Master, are you? We'll have to work on that before you're ready for Him.
But I guess I can make an exception for you. I already know what you're thinking, Sam, because I am you. At least I'm a part of you.
You're really going to waste the little time we have together on a question like that? Maybe Master doesn't have to work too hard to make you dumb.
I'm the part of you who's already surrendered. I know, you hate dream sequences, but there's a part like me inside of everybody. And there's a lot of me inside of you.
Can you feel Him inside your mind? Reshaping your world? He's already making changes here. I don't remember this TV being here before. Master has a thing for nostalgia. He wants to put the world back the way it was, the way he remembers it. You know what I mean: when you could set your weekly schedule around network TV, when sugar didn't taste like chemicals, when all the lawns were freshly cut, when the women obeyed the men.
Don't ask me where He got that last one. It sounds kind of hot though doesn't it? So, let's see what's on TV tonight.
Ooohh I love this show! This is the episode where Master makes us his obedient slave. Look at you right now, sinking deeper into His power.
"Fuck, I...oh God, fuck! What are you doing to me?"
That's you right now, honey, you don't know it yet but you're just begging to be another one of his brainwashed neighbors. He usually likes a little more fight in his slaves, but I know you've been through this a few times already and Master is the strongest mind controller in town so why wouldn't you crumble before His power?
"So powerful...what are you...what's happening?"
I guess Mina thought she was being clever sending you to investigate the things happening around this neighborhood. She should have come here herself. Maybe she would have stood a chance against Master, but one of her brainless thralls? I promise, you'll find living under the Master to be far more rewarding.
"Stop...mmm...get out of my head..."
So why don't you surrender completely, honey? Why don't you accept your fate, and join His little community? Master's world is a perfect world where we can all serve His vision. Wouldn't you like that?
"...yes...obey you...completely..."
I don't even know why I bother asking. You lost this fight the minute you came here. I'm just here to get you ready.
"I'll do anything, Master. I exist for your vision, for your pleasure. Please use me, Master."
Welcome to Stoker, Sam. You're going to love it here.
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