mischiefandnightmares · 6 months
David (but only if you want. I know we got a million)
Stater Call
David leaned back in the bed. His arms crossed behind his head. Staring at the ceiling. Waiting. Her room was not as exciting as he had hoped. It was basic, bare bones. He had gathered from the landlord that she was renting short term. But most people by now would have put some decoration up. Family photos, knickknacks. Something.
Hearing the door open he glanced down at the entry. It was her. The vampire flashed a cheeky smile. "I was wondering if you wanted to out for take out."
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Gif set moodboard 1/3: Mina Murray Harker
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tradedforpower · 2 years
"King of shadows? You look pretty solid to me"
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" what? oh, well, that's not exactly ... what that means. "
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toseeanempirefall · 3 years
"Well, they let Hydra help operate SHIELD, it shouldn't surprise me the government lets a kingslayer out for a romp," The monster hunter said.
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With his drink in hand he makes a well like motion with his hand, smirking rather cockily as he responds to her words. “From what I understand the government isn’t exactly privy to my release.” 
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The Queen of Hunters just watched the god, "I'm not big on the kneeling thing. Prefer not to, really."
How else would you show you respect towards me?? Everyone kneels before a king, why should you be any different?? I’ll accept bowing though as well, I’m not too picky.”
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silentwcrds · 5 years
@minaharkerdailymirror >> wanted a Mara Wolff starter
Mara’s lips curled into a slow, knowing smirk at seeing the dark-haired woman. Oh she’d heard rumors of this one. This little hunter that had fought off so many monsters. Then again, Mara prided herself on not being like the others. 
“Well, well, if it isn’t the great Mina Harker.” She leaned back, form half-hidden in shadow, the side of her face partly illuminated in the moon’s light. Just enough for that smirk to be visible, for the shine in her eyes to be seen. Mara kept her true self hidden; no reason to lay every card on the table--yet. “I’ve heard tales of you.” 
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enixamyram · 6 years
Rumple died placing himself inside Killian. Golden Hook is now canon. At least we got that.
In the words of Dark Rumplestiltskin:
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captkillianjcnes · 6 years
@minaharkerdailymirror // continued from { x }
Oh he knew what he’d said, what he’d promised, but he was so thirsty, it was driving him mad, making him weaker than he’d been in a very long time. The ache at being so denied had only grown stronger as the days had turned to weeks now, and her blood had always been the sweetest of all. 
But seeing Mina go to her knees gave Killian pause; he stopped where he was, not taking another step towards her right then. Not yet, anyway, as his hand reached out against the wall, to steady himself, the room spinning for a moment as the lack of strength, the time that it’d been since he’d last fed, really got to him for a moment. 
He reached into his belt, pulling out a dagger and tossing it to her. “I need something, Mina,” said Killian, nodding towards the glass on the bedside table. “Just give me that much, that’s what I ask...” It wouldn’t be enough, and Killian knew it, but he also knew, deep down, that if he plunged his fangs right into her neck, he’d not be able to pull back--despite his saying so. 
“Please, Harker. I... Please...” 
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marvclsiums · 2 years
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@minaharkerdailymirror​ said: ❔ pick a muse MULTIMUSE ASK MEME | ACCEPTING
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Honestly your Marvel verse has a lot of possibility, so i’m open to pretty much anything ? Maybe a bit more with my assassins/former assassins - Bucky, Nat or Yelena - I’m sorry I’m slow with the starter for Bucky btw! And because of NWH my Spider-Man muses are really strong these days too! 
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mischiefandnightmares · 7 months
⚓ David
Send me "⚓" and I'll generate a random number to see how our muses will take a bath/shower together
6 - Our muses are camping and they will take a bath at the local waterfall
David rolled his dirt bike down the hill until he came to the river. Perhaps riding through a muddy forest was a bad idea. Well that was all a part of the fun. The risk. Crashing was half the thrill. Although Mina probably did not agree with him.
The sound of falling water could be heard coming from a little further down. "Well you said you wanted to get cleaned up" he said in an amused tone. "There is a waterfall just around the corner. I can keep watch" he said with a cheeky grin.
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icancorruptyou · 2 years
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Along with other gifts Loki collected all of issac's unplublished works and has them bound into the book.
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toseeanempirefall · 3 years
@minaharkerdailymirror​ continued from here
Even at the way she addresses him, at the handcuffs that she waves in the air be makes no movement to get up, instead he once again brings his drink to his lips and smirks before chuckling, it’s short and dark in nature before his eyes meet hers. “”And what is it that makes you believe I’d willingly cooperate?” 
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silentwcrds · 5 years
@minaharkerdailymirror asked  ⛓  Tie my muse up with chains against a wall from this meme [ for Mara ]
Mara looked on at her little prize with a smirk curling the demon knight’s lips. She hadn’t figured she’d get a gift; handing over those two knuckleheads was all in a day’s fun, for her, but a reward wasn’t something Mara had any intention of passing up, either. Her little prize was currently pretending to be unconscious, it seemed, for the demon knew she wasn’t really knocked out and limp as she seemed. Oh no. 
“Wake up, little birdie,” she teased, snapping her fingers right in front of Mina Harker’s face. Whenever she’d snap “awake,” Mara knew the sound of those chains would echo musically around the room. It was a sound the knight had always enjoyed, as it reminded her well of Hell itself. A symphony of screams and pain... of torment... 
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faithandfearcollide · 7 years
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@minaharkerdailymirror replied to your post “@minaharkerdailymirror replied to your photo ...”
Wow, you didn't remotely have to respond. The show whitewashing Regina's actions doesn't in any way detract from the argument. She was dethroned and was only mayor in name after S1. You have a nice day too.
“You didn’t remotely have to respond.” Says the person who posted an anti-Regina comment on a pro-Regina graphic. My property, my right to respond. YOU on the other hand can get off my lawn.
And again, Regina was mayor, a leader and queen as of the most recent episode, per the show AND the writers own statements (which inspired this piece):
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Don’t like it? Then you can not like it somewhere else. You not liking it doesn’t actually add to your argument or make it true.
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captkillianjcnes · 6 years
kiss of betrayal
@minaharkerdailymirror // continued from [ x ]
He could feel the way the silver was poisoning his blood; damn that unfortunate weakness, as his blood slipped past his fingers, despite his firm grip on the wound. The pain was intense, but he’d dealt with worse when he was human, before Dracula had turned him all those centuries ago. Or so he told himself now, to keep his mind focused on other things beside the way it hurt, the way it felt like there was a sharp burn right at the wound itself. 
Dark eyes lifted to Mina as she said that. Did she really think him such a monster, after all this time? And he’d thought she was coming around, after he’d killed his maker--for her! He’d slipped down the wall, the pain and poison working fast. He’d have to feed relatively soon to heal as quick as possible, otherwise it’d take ages (or so it would feel like). 
Ages--for her to get away. And he couldn’t have that. 
“What--What sort of monster do you think I am?” he said, voice low, Killian trying to stand and hissing as it pulled at his side, immediately bringing him right back against the wall, on his knees. “I said I’d-- I killed him for you, I-- I don’t take more than I need with you--” 
And did she really think he’d harm his own child? 
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""Is that My Shirt?" - whatever universe inspires
sentence meme sentences | @minaharkerdailymirror
Belle looked up at Mina as she heard her ask the question, and then glanced down at what she was wearing. “Oh. Huh.” She’d just pulled the first thing out of the closet without even paying attention that morning before rushing off to the library, her mind seemingly distracted. “I guess I didn’t notice. But you have to admit it does look on me, don’t you think?” 
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