#mind you this started for a b/e project and I'm just down in the rabbit hole
mnlssnight · 1 year
I started exploring Ashley Greene & Jackson Rathbone's filmography, and so many of them make me go "yep that's a modern jalice material right there"
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Matchup? I have golden eyes, dark brown hair and a slim body. I tend to be obsessive about projects and investigations, often getting myself into trouble. I have avoidance issues in relationships. I tend to be loyal, honest, independent, and never break a promise. I'm good at solving problems. I tend to be dominant in relationships. After getting attached to someone, I tend to be very gentle and kind. I can be a bit clumsy and act a lot like a cat. I tend to forget about taking care of myself (eating and sleeping). Relationships with me tend to have cuddles, compliments, and passionate conversations about philosophy, math, and whatever other rabbit hole I go down. I'm very energetic and can be a bit of a clean freak.
After thinking for a little bit, I decided to give you Pierre(Overswapfell Sans)! This wasn’t a hard choice at all, actually and he was the first one that came to my mind. The reason for that is because of how similar you both are. First of all, he too is obsessive about finishing his projects. Because of that, he would be understanding of your problems and would keep an eye out for you. He would remind you when to sleep and when to eat, sometimes making the food himself. Of course, you would need to do a similar thing for him too, seeing as he is a detective and his job keeps him busy a lot. The more passion you would show about something, the more Pierre would feel like you two are perfect for one another. Even if he wouldn’t agree with something you agree with, he would respect your opinion and would listen to your reasoning. Here are a few more specific headcanons for your relationship with him.
A . How would he show his love and affection? How intense would it get? - Because of his profession, he doesn’t have a lot of time, but it doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t do everything in his power to make you feel loved. He might not always initiate affection, but he will always accept it and be with you for as long as you have him. Something that he would really love to do with you would be making sure that you are well taken care of, as you sometimes forget to do that yourself, and he would want to be that important person for you that reminds you of that. 
B. What type of future is he planning with his lover? - The future is very bland for him. Because of his work, the chance of him dying is high, but he doesn’t care. He wants to live in the moment with you, savoring every second he gets with you. He lives like he could die tomorrow, appreciating you more than anyone else. 
C. What is the scariest moment with him? - Realizing how much power he has. Pierre has a lot of influence, and he knows everything about everyone. If you would ever try to leave him, then you would understand how far that influence goes. Before you could even leave the city, you would already be stopped by a few cop cars, and be brought back to Pierre, now with a forged crime on your record, and no chance of really getting a good job after this. 
D. How does he usually act with his lover? - He is very caring. His words might sound cruel, but his actions tell a different story. He will try his best to make sure you are taking care of your health, sometimes ignoring his own health to make sure that you are doing fine. He will probably wake up early in the morning to make you your lunch too before, leaving for work.
E. How would he court his lover before? - Well, it would be rough at the beginning. He wouldn’t know how to act or how to catch your eye, that’s why he would probably give up for the longest time, just happy to be able to see you every day. The only way to get a confession out of him would be to get him piss drunk.
F. What type of affection does he give? - As said before, his affection shows through his actions. And he will try his damn best for you to understand that he does like you. Sometimes words are just not right for him, so he uses his actions to prove you he loves you.
G. What sort of kinks would he ask to try out with you? - He doesn’t have a very high sex drive, that’s why he would probably not have any sex, at least, not on his own starting. If you would want to start something, he wouldn’t push you away, unless he’s very busy. 
1. Hybristophilia - Pierre is a detective, but he finds prisoners and criminals attractive. The idea of his lover being someone who has done something bad is very attractive to him. That’s why he would probably be much more sexual with you if you have some sort of problem with the police. 
2. Mixophilia - It might sound weird, but he loves watching himself having sex. He doesn’t like recording you both doing something, but he will probably have a mirror in front of you two so he could watch what is happening much better. We can say he is slight of a narcissist 
3. Narratophilia  - Pierre enjoys both talking about previous sexual experiences, saying dirty stories, or even dirty talk while having sex. All of that puts him into the mood, the same for listening to similar stories. 
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