theoinspi · 7 years
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La Estrella / open mind concept
everything is about light it's illuminated but you can not see it just feel it
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mindconception · 9 years
Darkest Moments
These moments teach us more than those happy moments. It’s in these moments where we realize we are stronger than we think. Without these moments, we can never really find true happiness. If we always have happy moments, we never get to fully enjoy life. There will always be something missing. We need these moments for us to realize who we are as people. These moments are what makes us human.
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mindconception · 9 years
The Golden Rule
You should always treat people as you want to be treated because you never know, that person may turn up to be your boss, a millionaire, the president or anything else you can think of. On the other hand, if you’re one of those people who enjoy pain, otherwise known as a “masochist”, you should treat others how you would not like to be treated.
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mindconception · 9 years
Found This Note on Facebook I wrote 5 years ago. Although, some of it may not be from the original since I edited it, but the majority is still the same.
This is to all the teens who are in high school or going to high school. I just wanted to say that whenever you have a problem, just remember that you are not alone, and you are not the only person in the world who has that problem. I bet there are others in this world who are facing the same problems as you. There is hope for you, and don't give up on yourself no matter how bad things get. I know you probably feel like there is no hope and your life will not get better but trust me it will. If you want proof, I will tell you my story and see if this changes your mind.
Okay so, when I was in grade 9, I was not the most popular guy in school. I was just an average high school student. I didn't really have many people who I could say that were actually my friends, but I knew that there was always this one friend that I can truly call my friend. But even though I had that friend, I still felt lonely because we did not talk that much for some reason. Even though we went to the same high school and I could see him everyday. So everyday I'd just sit alone in the “commons” area (the place in front of our school since we didn't have a cafeteria) or wherever I could and eat lunch by myself and watch all the other kids in school run up to their friends with a huge smile on their face because they missed each other. Even though it's only been a few hours since the last time they saw each other. At first, I was like, oh yeah, this isn't so bad, but as the days became months and the months became years (at least they felt like it) it gave me too much time to myself, and that led me to thinking about life too much. So I felt that my life was meaningless because I couldn't even make any friends. Because of that, everyday I felt like killing myself since I thought nobody cared about me. I thought, “I doubt anyone would care about me if I was gone, I mean, they sure don’t seem to care while I’m still alive”. But you know what kept me from killing myself? Well I shall tell you, it was God. I realized that I wasn't alone in this world and there was actually someone who cared about me. That "person" was God. I realized that all I needed was God and nothing else. I've been trying so hard to make friends that I never realized that all I needed was God. Even though, I went to church and I've been a Christian my whole life, that was the time when I finally realized that God was the answer to all my problems. He helped me get through all the pain that I was in because he would always remind me that someone does care. So if you ever feel like no one cares about you and that you don't deserve to live I just wanted to let you know that God created you for a reason and he wouldn't create someone who he didn't want to exist. He loves you, cares about you and wants to be your friend and have a relationship with you. Think about this before you say anything. Why wouldn't you want to be friends with someone who loves you and cares about you? Wouldn't you like a friend who is always there for you no matter what you do and always forgives you when you ask them to? Like come on who wouldn't like a friend like that? We're always looking for something more in life, but sometimes we just don't realize that the only thing we need is God and God alone. You can have no friends, no family, nothing and God will still be your friend. God is all you need, he will provide all your needs, and think about this. All you have to do is accept Jesus as your personal lord and saviour and believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and only through him you can have eternal life. That's all you have to do and you can be saved and you can be sure that you will be in a good place when you die. If you don't and keep sinning I'm sorry to say this but.. you will go to hell. I'm not saying this to try to scare you into accepting Jesus and I'm not saying that you have to since you read this, but I just want to let you know what the consequences of your sins are. If you don't accept Jesus you can guarantee that you will be in a place worse than this world. You can guarantee that your life will be worse when you die, and the sad thing is you won't be able to change that because you made the wrong decision. By not accepting Jesus as your personal lord and saviour you won't be in heaven, where there will be no pain (emotional or physical), sickness, disease, suffering and anything else that is bad that happens here on earth. There will be no jealous friends or people who treat you bad and you would never be lonely because everyone who goes to heaven are automatically part of Gods family. I know this may sound like a fantasy to make you feel like you have hope but it's not, it's true. It may be even better than how I described it. Think about this, don't you want to have a better life than the one you have on earth? Don't you want to have a perfect life when you die? Well you could. Although, I'm not saying by accepting Jesus as your personal lord and saviour that will automatically make your life better and there will be no pain or suffering. If I told you this, I'd be lying to you. But it's in those moments where your faith is tested and it's only in those moments where you can truly experience how much God loves you and cares about you. Just keep your faith strong, because you know that when you die, all your struggles and everything you've gone through will go away when you're in heaven. I'm not saying that killing yourself will get you there faster and solve all your problems either, because it wont! Okay! So don't do it please! I'm begging you please don't do it you'll just ruin peoples lives and you don't want to do that okay? So think about this. God is not just for teens, God is for everyone! I hope this helped you, and if it didn't, then I hope you find something that will before you make a mistake that you will regret.
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mindconception · 9 years
This is to all the people who are experiencing difficulties in there lives. I just wanted to give you some words of encouragement to help you out. If you feel like you're the only person in the world that is experiencing pain and hardship you are not. I bet there are a lot of people like you around world and you know what I think you guys need? I think you guys need some words of encouragement to get you back on your feet and just live life again. Don't dwell on the past, because if you do, that'll get you no where. Think about it, how long have you had that pain in your heart for? By thinking about that pain and not letting it go, did that make you happy? Or did it just make everything worse? Well if you said it just made it worse, then why think about it? It's not going to make anything better, and if you think drugs or alcohol is going to solve it guess again. Because you're wrong. Drugs and alcohol make you happy for a short period of time. They can't really give you true happiness. Drugs and alcohol are a short term way of coping with the pain you feel inside of you. If you want to find true happiness, you have to let go of your past and try to forgive yourself or the person who hurt you. I know this may be a very difficult thing to do because they've or you've done something really bad, but you know what? Everyone, including me, makes mistakes. It's all part of life. Good and bad things will happen, but just remember to always have hope, don't give up on yourself and learn to forgive others; otherwise, you will never be happy. Because trust me, you are definitely not the only person who is experiencing whatever you are experiencing. There is at least one person in this world who has gone through the same things you have and I hope that you will realize this so you can get through whatever you're going through and get you life back together. I hope these words of encouragement have helped you, but if they only made things worse for you then I am truly deeply sorry for causing you more pain. If you don't really believe what I say then I understand, but these words will always be here for you to read anytime you are feeling down and need some encouragement to get through your day.
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mindconception · 9 years
To get it, you first need to earn it.
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mindconception · 9 years
Life is all about exploring. Whether it be yourself, other people, or just the world around you. We are made to explore. Go out there and do it.
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