nitengale · 2 years
luke nightingale  ,  why did you bring me here?
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             ‘ why do you think? ’  reply is loud, heard over the crowd around them, though still, only luke can comprehend it. walking backwards in front of the boy, daniel spreads his arms out wide, as if he was showing luke everything the world had to offer him. that’s what this was all about, wasn’t it? getting luke out of his shell. perhaps there were underlying motives which daniel kept to himself. luke wasn’t quite privy to that information. all the other needed to worry about right now was enjoying a night out.  ‘ take a guess, ’  head tilts as daniel waits, hands falling to clasp behind his back, standing in the midst of the bar residents. he feeds off this chaos. as little as daniel may care for humanity, it was thrilling to watch the droplets of sweat fall from such fragile skin. shoulders move as if the entity is dancing, brow raising as daniel smirks at luke.  ‘ maybe i just wanted to see you put yourself out there, ’  shrug accompanies his words.  ‘ seeing you sit in your dorm room is starting to get boring, luke. and sad. this is good for you, ’  as if daniel had his best interest in mind.     @mindpossessed​.
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carvertwin-archive · 2 years
@mindpossessed​ send a question: sorry i’m late ,  i got caught up .
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“Oh no you’re fine” She adds with a smile. “ You only missed the trailer part , c’mon sit down” She pats on the seat next to her. “ I hope you like popcorn...or twizzlers.” She looks ahead at the movie before looking back at him. “ C’mon then, sit down~” 
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skinheadbeau · 3 years
General Levy & Joe Ariwa - In the Chamber of DubAsphyx - NecrocerosMESS - IntercityDirty Beaches - BadlandsSeatbelts - Cowboy BebopMamiffer - Statu NascendiPlague - Portraits of MindPossessed - The Eyes of HorrorBathory - The Return of the Darkness and EvilNik Bärtsch’s Ronin - AwaseStiff Meds - Exciting ViolenceFatal - Soul Burning Still: A Fatal RetrospectiveDeceased - Luck of the CorpseNecrophagia - Season of the DeadMeat Puppets - Too High to DieOverkill - HorrorscopeRix-Core: 84-86 (compilation)Sheep Look Up - s/t EP
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