#mindy and theo was my first options
aliengirl · 1 year
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i didnt plan they to have four kids but looks like i will have to accept it
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emmamayhews · 2 years
you know what they say about hyperfixations. They don't go extinct, they just lay dormant until there's content to revive them 😁
I have so many theories about season 3 daxton and how Des comes into play. I also have very little expectations because I don't want to be burned, so I needed to type out my predictions and explore all the possibilities. Remember, this is all spec based on the spoilers I know so I might’ve missed some that null my theories.
Let's start with the worst case scenario #tome
#1 Daxton break up early, for reasons: Devi's insecurities, Nalini, Paxton going to college, I don't know. I read there's a time jump. Then the show spends the rest of the season building up Devi/Des. The still from episode 8 "Never Have I Ever Hooked Up With My Boyfriend" could be a misdirect. Paxton surprises Devi with a friendly visit? He just wants a friendly platonic chat. It's a stretch but we're in the worst case scenario. Moral of the story, he’s not the boyfriend in question. Like I said, this would be everything I don’t want. I would hate it because they wouldn't have properly explored Daxton but the upside is Devi wouldn't have emotionally cheated on Paxton and there's a chance of them getting back together down the line. I think emotional cheating would be my actual worst case scenario, besides cheating period. This would effectively kill the love triangle because it should logically morph into a Ben/Devi/Des triangle in season 4. Yet I heard he’s not in season 4. For so many reasons listed above, I think this is the least likely scenario.
Now for the brighter more positive theories.
#2 Des is a misdirect. It starts as a flirtatious type of banter with Devi but neither of them are interested or he ends up falling for someone else. Maybe Aneesa because she will be dealing with B*nvi insecurities and jealousy. Trailers are misleading but it's interesting that the little b*nvi tease we got was from Aneesa's POV. Again, I don't think Devi will do anything with Ben and I don't think this will be much of a story for Devi or Daxton this year. It will be drama for Ben and Aneesa. I don't know if they survive this season and I would rather not because I think Aneesa deserves better. If I had my ideal scenario, she breaks up with Ben because she makes him realize that she's not a consolation prize. Ben second guessed his relationship with her the moment he realized she's not as anal about school as he is but that's not the first thing anyone should be looking for in a relationship, no matter how smart you are. I don't know if he's trying to turn her into Devi because he hasn't dealt with his feelings for her or if he's just a typical superficial teenage boy who doesn't know how to be in a relationship yet because he's a teenage boy. I would prefer the latter because Aneesa. deserves. better. There's also the gross, and borderline racist, element of Mindy confirming Ben only dated Aneesa because she was the new cooler indian girl aka the better Devi. Which brings me to my next theory....
#3 Des is the midgame love interest. He's the guy that comes in the 2nd installment of the trilogy in new age netflix rom coms. The seemingly "better" option but not the right option for the imperfectly perfect main character. It's very telling that the producers described him as a mix of Paxton and Ben because of his good looks and his academic achievements. (kind of like the writers had everyone call Aneesa the cooler Devi to kickstart her spiral). Smart and Hot are the most superficial traits that describe Ben and Paxton respectively, but with the advantage of Nalini's approval. Ben is more than his good grades just like Paxton is more than his good looks. We'll see how Des is written. Maybe his arrival is ultimately more about him encouraging Devi to embrace her indian culture. This would be my preferred scenario and lines up with the episode 9 title if it really says "Never Have I Ever had an Indian Boyfriend". Which brings me to my last theory, finally…
#4 Des is Devi's fake boyfriend. Daxton are together the entire season but when Nalini finds out, she ships the perfect future gender from India for Devi. Isn’t Nalini friends with Des’s mother? So daxton and des all decide to play the moms by sneaking around while Des is Devi’s arm candy in front of the fam. I don't know what's in it for Des. Maybe they could be strictly platonic (because of theory #2, he and Aneesa fall for each other or he has his eyes on someone else. Or he's just not interested). Or the writers use the fake dating trope to bring Devi and Des closer together. I can't see the latter happening because the writing made sex a big deal for Devi's character and daxton's development. Their hook up, that has been foreshadowed since the pilot, will be undermined if Devi moves on to another boyfriend in literally the following episode. Daxton have sex for the first time in episode 8 while her and Des make it official in episode 9? It doesn't add up unless... Devi/Des is all a charade. I don't know how I feel about this one because I'm a big advocate for Nalini and Paxton forming a relationship at least by the end of the season.
5 days to go! Start forming the prayer circle around Devi, Paxton, their relationship and especially their character development. Nervousness aside, I’m excited to see my messy babies again. Bring on season 3!!!
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