#mindy still has the video and will send it in the group chat at random
dreamersbcll · 10 months
uber specific headcanons !
(aka i have a lot of angst coming)
- sam prefers the middle seat on plans because it’s easier to be tara protector. tara just thinks she’s insane, but is happy to take the window seat
- tara loves consistency. patterns, routines, counting. sam loves spontaneous activity. they clash over plans all the time.
- sam hates grocery shopping, but it’s more bearable when tara pushes her around in the cart
- both sisters hate period pieces, but love films like ‘ten things i hate about you’
- sam’s a popcorn person, tara’s a pretzel person
- the sisters both had their ears pierced as babies, so when chad mentions wanting his pierced, they squabble over who gets to do it. (tara does the piercing while sam holds him down)
- they are a café bustelo household, and are very ant-keurig (even though mindy swears by it)
- tara loves youtube essays, and sam loves youtube commentaries
- as kids, sam learned tap, tara learned ballet
- tara loves the ‘orange cat/black cat’ relationship memes, and even though sam doesn’t get it, she knows deep down that she’s the black cat
- sam loves black beans and tara loves pinto. chipotle runs are a battle each time.
- kombucha is one of sam’s favorite drinks. tara gags dramatically each time she opens one.
- tara loves those ‘jars being pushed down stairs’ tiktoks. she begs sam to let her push their bottles of soda down the stairs, but sam refuses (she knows she will have to clean all the glass up)
- mindy and tara break all their jars of pickles and onions anyways, because sam doesn’t like pickled things so why should it matter
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