#minecraft di*ries tickles
jichuzip ยท 5 months
Hiii!! Can I request 30, 21 and 15 from the prompt list for either Garroth or Laurence? I really like how you write them
# Lost in the long run
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Minecraft Diaries // Lee! Laurance, Ler! Garroth // fanfic
"What did you just say to me?", "I know other ways to make you talk.", "It's been forever since i heard that laugh!"
Nonnie i'm shaking you. /pos
I'm terrible at starting fics HELP
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Laurance shoved his sword into it's stand, stretching his arms above his head with a yawn.
He rolled his shoulders back, satisfied with the small crack it produced. He could feel the loght pulsing pain in his back fading.
He couldn't keep another grin off his face when he heard the creaking of the ladder under the weight of someone climbing up it.
The old floor of the tower creaked and groaned as the new person made it to the top, a familiar grunt filled the air.
"That boy can fight." Another groan, earning a snicker from Laurance.
He didn't need to look behind him to know who it was.
"You don't just get the position of head guard for no reason, Garroth." Laurance muses before he adds. "You should know that."
Garroth grunts again, putting his own sword into a stand as well.
The blonde sighs. "Yeah, yeah i know. Still, aren't we supposed to be older than him?"
Laurance finally turns, looking at the other man's back. He pauses for a second before replying with a lopsided grin. "Not anymore."
Garroth slumps forward the tiniest bit, holding onto the grip of his sword. "Right."
Now, Laurance wasn't stupid. He could tell Garroth was still adjusting to coming back from the Irene Dimension almost 16 years into the future.
And he totally said the wrong thing, mentally he cursed himself.
"Well..." He started, but didn't finish.
He turned back to stare at his own sword, he didn't like the sight of the blonde upset, it was already bad enough he wasn't there when he returned.
Slowly, a grin stretched it's way into his lips.
"He really beat you back there, for a former head guard you seriously got your ass handed to you."
Silence followed.
Silently, Laurance cursed himself again, he was digging his grave deeper. Making this worse!
"...What did you just say to me?"
This was bad, he totally fucked this up, and now Garroth totally angry and also why did he say that like he was grinning?
Slowly, Laurance turned around. One eye squeezed shut and the other just barely opened to see Garroth's blurry reaction.
Only to come face to face with his grin. A grin he knew, and oh he was screwed. His eyes near popping out of his skull as he snapped them open and widened them.
"Hey..." He started, turning fully around and holding his hands up defensively. "We can talk about this."
Garroth simply raised a brow, a low hum coming from his throat. "I merely asked you to repeat what you said." He said rather simply.
Laurance was dead, double dead, was he dead? He was finished, done for. Whatever the correct wording was.
"It was just a joke!" He defended.
Garroth took a step forward, which prompted Laurance to take a step back. The blonde grinned.
"You aren't gonna repeat? It's fairly simple."
Laurance shook his head, taking another step back when Garroth took one forward.
He was done for.
Garroth started advancing rapidly. And it wasn't long before Laurance, who matched his speed in backing up, hit the wall. He squeaked a squeak he would never admit he did to anyone. Garroth's grin widened.
Garroth's pace slowed, almost teasing in the way he took deliberately calm steps towards the shaking guard.
He grinned as he stood before Laurance- a quivering mess with a shaky smile. "So we're not gonna talk?"
Once more, Laurance shook his head. He was stubborn, screw him.
"Oh well." Garroth shrugged. "I know other ways to make you talk."
"Wait-" Before Laurance could even think of what kind of excuse he wanted to use, Garroth had already latched his hands onto his poor, poor sides.
His knees buckled and he squealed. He slid down the wall while Garroth easily followed.
"You-" He interrupted himself with his own laughter, damn his thin shirt and damn Garroth too. "Dick!"
The cursing only seemed to add coal to the fire that was Garroth's desire to chase Laurance into his giggly and frankly embarrasing doom.
Garroth moved towards his ribs, digging into them with a grin playing at his own lips as Laurance's laughter turned up a notch.
"Irene, you are such an ass!" He yelled through his giggles. Pushing at Garroth's chest and hitting weakly.
Garroth chuckled lightly, vibrating his fingers along his bottom ribs. Which prompted a snort from the man he was so ruthlessly attacking, only adding to his delight.
"What? I'm doing what you deserve. Justice, really." He grinned when the reply was another weak hit to his chest.
"You are so mean to me!" Laurance squealed out, holding onto Garroth's wrists. Just holding on, not pushing. Garroth raised an amused brow.
"Whatever you say." Garroth shrugged with a smile. He moved to target Laurance's hips.
Laurance bucked and kicked his legs around, shaking his head. "That's so bad!" He squealed.
Garroth laughed, squeezing his hips with a purpose. He rubbed the bones gently with his thumb which got him more kicks. Laurance tapping his feet hysterically against the floor.
"Man, it's been forever since i heard that laugh." Garroth grinned, almost in a nostalgic manner as Laurance giggled frantically.
"I swear on the divine, shut uhuhuhup!" Laurance tilted his head back with laughter, a blush tinting his cheeks.
"I'm not hearing an apology." Garroth hummed softly, grinning as he raised a brow.
Laurance shook his head, his giggles preventing him from getting a full sentence out in a perfect go.
"You're nohot getting ahahany!"
Garroth looked the other's squirming form up and down. He let out a long sigh before a smirk made it's way onto his face. "You sure?"
Laurance's eyes widened. "Don't you-"
Laurance didn't get to finish his sentence. A loud squeal leaving him together with a whole new octave of laughter as Garroth squeezed at his stomach.
He squealed and trashed around. The intensity making Garroth burst into his own giggle fit from the sheer ridiculousness.
"OKAY!" Laurance yelled, pushing at Garroth's chest weakly, his muscles like jelly. "I get it! I'm sohohohorry! I'm sorry!"
Garroth finally stopped at the apology. Laurance instantly slumping against the wall and panting, residual giggles still spilling from his lips.
"You... are terrible." He tittered tiredly.
Garroth gently rubbed over Laurance's sides in comfort, his own chuckles leaving him. "Yeah, yeah."
Laurance took a deep breath, sitting up after what was quite possibly the most embarrasing ordeal of his entire life. Both undead and alive.
"...But you really did lose miserably."
And really, he did it to himself.
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