#mini and micro satellite dna
bisrsrch · 3 years
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The nanosatellite and microsatellite industry analysis by BIS Research projects the market to have a significant growth of CAGR 24.86% based on the values during the forecast period from 2020 to 2026. North America is expected to dominate the global nanosatellite and microsatellite market with an estimated share of 54.46% in 2019. North America, including the major countries such as the U.S., is the most prominent region for the nanosatellite and microsatellite market. The presence of major players and intense competition among them makes North America the most technologically advanced region. The companies in the region secure contracts from end users such as defense, commercial, and government agencies for manufacturing of their satellites.
For Sample Report, Click here: https://bisresearch.com/requestsample?id=1027&type=download
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ketchupcrisp · 4 years
#AskStrange Saturdays Returns!
Oh team, it was fun to dive into these asks. There are no major warnings I can think of. Sex work and asexuality are both brought up but solely in a supportive context, and the last Ask involves a reference to the potential intersections of religion, sexuality and orientaton in the D/s verse. These are slightly more informational replies than usual; the Doc may be adding a vision later this week depending on whether the scene makes it into the main story or is cut during editing, tbh.
I love y’all and hope you’re safe and well. In addition to more Asks/comments, feel free to just check in if you want to!
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For Dr. Strange- Do people in the original universe typically have the markers that the blood test is looking for? Is there anything that might be found in the average person from Tony's home universe if this test were to be ran on them?
Ah, an excellent question. Part of the reason that the testing will take such an extended period of time even with the advanced nature of Wakandan medical technologies is that no one is entirely certain what they will find, or what the differences between the two universes might be. The Wakandan contingent is aware that Stark is not of this universe, but have not been told that he is not oriented in the ways that govern their universe. They will therefore not necessarily be looking specifically for those markers, but rather performing a broad sweep for any and all markers that indicate a variation between the two version of Tony Stark.
This will of course include standardized mitochondrial DNA testing, which focuses on regions of DNA referred to as micro- or mini-satellites and compares repeating sequences within those regions. This process is commonly referred to as creating a ‘DNA fingerprint.’ While Wakanda still chooses to keep most of the details of the practice a secret, their identity-testing is considered second to none because they also utilize a procedure involving the exposure of human genetic materials to small quantities of vibranium. Each unique sample supposedly responds to this process in ways that are slightly but measurably distinct, allowing for a more precise analysis.
Beyond those tests, which are difficult to predict given by own regrettable ignorance of the intricacies of Wakandan medicine, the most likely variation between the two samples if the MCU version of Stark has not taken on any of the biochemical components of submission will be that his blood will lack the hormones related to orientation (those being subtonin and Dominin, as outlined by Dr. Banner in Chapter 6.) Because, as Banner notes in that chapter, those hormones have a so-called Domino effect on other hormones, their presence or absence in Stark’s blood could conceivably cause other irregularities.
Dr. Chimva has also reserved the right to request other material (including brain/body scans) depending on the results of the original workup.
Question for #AskStrange: How common are poly relationships in this world?
Another strong, fact-based question. The weeks where I am able to avoid inquiries about Stark’s emotional state remain by far my favourites.
Polyamorous relationships are more common in this world than in our own. There are many instances where a dynamic simply requires more than two people in order for it to function in a healthy and fulfilling way for all participants. As such, these relationships do enjoy more legal and social recognitions.
However, monogamous couple-forms still enjoy a great deal of societal privilege. At the heart of this, and especially of the celebration of ‘True’ identifications and relationships, is a veneration of the idea that two people could be precisely suited to one another in every way, fulfilling one another’s every need and desire without any other parties involved. It is possible, of course, just as it is possible in other universes, but the intensity of popular culture’s attachment and circulation of these relationships as the ideal still has negative effects (causing some two stay in monogamous relationships where orientational and/or other needs are not being met, or making those in poly relationships feel ‘lesser.’)
In the latest chapter Tony says something to the effect that he doesn't want to be a lot of trouble, and Phil replies that, yes, Domming is work, but he's glad to do it; and later Tony tells Bucky that he feels lazy by indulging in aftercare. The sub and dom system does seem to require a lot of work and time. How does anyone in this universe get anything but the bare essentials done? Also, how do people who are of a lower economic status and don't have partners handle their needs? What do you do if you can't afford a professional dom or sub, but can't find a suitable voluntary partner? In our universe there are lots of 'involuntary celibates' who have no outlet but what they can manage by themselves. What do the equivalents in the D/s universe do? And does the D/s universe have the equivalent of voluntary celibates? Does the pope have to whip a few cardinals once in a while, and/or do cockwarming for the Swiss Guard?
A series of excellent inquiries!
As to the first, this universe does have to make some concessions in terms of labour practice in order to accommodate orientational needs. (There’s a brief allusion to this in my Chapter Five responses.)  There are particular provisions set up for new submissive which (were Stark’s status not a secret) would cover the fact that the team is currently devoting extensive time and resources to his care. Settled Dominant/submissive dynamics, while still requiring time and energy, are not quite as demanding. That said, I would speculate that the tension between labour and orientational needs is a significant aspect of Stark Industries’ attempts to cover up the fact that the standard 8+ hour work day leaves many in states of borderline deprivation.
Your second is a complex but extremely important question. The first thing we need to do to answer it is tease apart sex and orientation. While they often go together, it is also very possible for orientational needs to be met in non-sexual ways, and vice-versa; indeed, just like in our own universe, some in the D/s universe prefer sex never enter into their interactions, orientational or otherwise. As to what those without the resources to hire professional does or subs do, most workplaces and government agencies have funding available for such instances; because orientational wellness is recognized as a fundamental component of health (and because, as noted above, sexuality and orientation are to some degree able to be treated separately), such practices do not carry the stigma often associated with sex work in the senses that are more familiar to us. (This is not of course to say that these stigmas an associated prejudicial violences are appropriate, of course!)
As you might be able to predict based on my last answer, yes there certainly members of the D/s universe who abstain from sex, either for religious reasons, or simply because they are asexual. Asexuality, while analogous in some ways, is distinct from those in the D/s universe who refer to themselves as un-oriented; for that population, it is their classification according to the Orientation Classification System that does not align with their own self-identification. They may or may not enjoy sex if it is removed from orientational practices.
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nairaalthani · 7 years
satellites-one person's junk can be..
The stretches of code called "satellites", are stuck between the sequences that actually contain instructions that must be endured during genome scans. For many kinds of studies, these elements are masked out and excised as no more than an afterthought, like having to take out the garbage after a family dinner. But an old adage tells us that one person's junk can be another's treasure. Well represented among junk DNA chromosomal refuse are literally millions of short, elements of the non-coding DNA: those satellites, and their junior relatives, mini- or micro-satellites. Minisatellites have longer repetitive sequences, and microsatellites have shorter repeats, but both can stretch for hundreds or even thousands of bases along a strand of DNA.
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New Post has been published on https://ramneetkaur.com/dna-fingerprinting/
DNA Fingerprinting
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DNA fingerprinting
DNA fingerprinting is a technique to identify an individual by looking at unique patterns in their DNA.
 In human’s 99.9%  of the base sequences of DNA are same & are referred as Bulk genomic DNA.
The difference lies in remaining 0.1%. It is these differences which make every individual unique in their phenotypic appearance. This DNA has small stretch of  repetitive sequences. They are referred as Repetitive DNA.
The only exception is monozygotic twins.
Repetitive DNA can be separated from bulk genomic DNA by density gradient centrifugation.
Bulk DNA forms a major peak while repetitive DNA form several small peaks and are referred as satellite DNA.
Satellite DNA contains short nucleotide sequences repeated thousands of time tandemly.
Satellite DNA is divided into different categories according to their size i.e., micro-satellites, mini-satellites etc.
Micro-satellite consists of 2 – 6 bp repeats.
Mini-satellite consists of 10 – 100 bp repeats, they are referred as VNTRs.
Every person’s DNA has coding and non-coding sequences, the coding sequences are exons and non-coding sequences are introns.
Introns consists of repetitive DNA which are referred as VNTRs i.e., variable number of tandem repeats.
The size of repeats and the number of repeats differ from person to person. They come from the genetic information donated by parents.
They form a large portion of the human genome and do not code for any proteins.
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These sequences show a high degree of polymorphism and form the basis for DNA fingerprinting.
Polymorphism is variation at genetic level which occurs due to mutation. These are single nucleotide changes.The probability of such variations is more in introns as they don’t have any immediate effect in an individual. Such polymorphism plays an important role in evolution and speciation.
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The technique of DNA fingerprinting:
Alec Jeffery developed the technique of DNA fingerprinting. Also known as DNA profiling.
Southern blotting is done to find out VNTR of a person.
Isolation of DNA: DNA is isolated from the nucleus of cells such as blood, hair-follicle, skin, bone, saliva, sperm etc.
Gene Amplification by Polymerase Chain Reaction.
 DNA is cut into fragments by using Restriction endonucleases.  
Gel electrophoresis is used to separate fragments according to their size.  
DNA is denatured by treating with alkaline chemicals or by heating.
The fragments are transferred to a nitrocellulose paper or a nylon membrane (this is Southern blotting).
Hybridization reaction: Denatured DNA is put into a plastic bag having saline solution along with a Radioactive DNA probe (single stranded repetitive DNA whose base sequence is known and one base is made radioactive). The probe binds to the DNA fragments wherever complementary sequences are present. This is hybridization reaction. Excess of probe/fragments is washed off.
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8. An X-ray film of the hybridization reaction is taken . The region where DNA probe binds to the denatured DNA fragments appear as dark bands (autoradiography). These bands give a characteristic pattern for an individual DNA.The pattern that results is the DNA fingerprint.
Applications of DNA fingerprinting:
Paternity/maternity disputes: helps in identifying the real genetic mother, father and the offspring.
Forensics: it is very useful in detecting criminals.
Help to identify genes connected with heredity diseases like thalassemia, sickle cell anemia etc.
It helps in determining population and genetic diversities. Helping to identify racial groups.
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  ALSO WATCH: DNA Fingerprinting
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