bops-fandom-wowie · 1 year
these typos on the character bios for Mr. Big and Sally Botsford on the wordgirl minisite on pbs kids website
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the fact it's only on them and no one else (from what I can tell) is funny to me
a with an accent and the euro (i think) money symbol
also they called Mr. Big liking to squeezing squishy things weird, literally no it isn't, your the only ones who think it's weird, website, don't project that on us
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xinrouska · 10 months
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Introducing: Donnie's worst nightmare
Leo's been off the grid for a few years by now, much to Donnie's frustration. He doesn't get how Leo is able to stay hidden so well.
As it turns out, Leo has recruited Kendra to help him, she's on the same level of technical genius as Donnie and has been Leo's guy in a chair so to speak.
Before now, Kendra and Donnie were rivals and to be honest, they both enjoyed it! They were a constant in each others lives, reliable in messing up each others plans.
Kendra has a love/hate relationship with D in her head. Yes, she's in the same playing field, but she wants what he has (family, friends, support). She helps Leo for the satisfaction of taking something away from D.
Donnie views the team up as the biggest personal betrayal against him. That his rival would go this far, and that his brother of all people, would team up with her.
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simcredibledesigns · 4 months
🎅 2023 SIMcredible Advent Calendar Goodies 🎅
By SIMcredible!designs | Available at TSR
After the Early Access time at our patreon, our 2023 Advent Calendar is now free for all and you can find all 60 goodies at our TSR minisite.
🎄 get all 60 gifts here 🎄
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asshuka · 2 years
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permanent commissions are back up! taking 2 slots at a time, waitlist open!
visit the minisite to read up on terms and for the order form! reblogs, shares, word of mouth, screaming into the abyss of night to give kas some income much much appreciated, thank you ; w ;
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baashirdayne · 7 months
| @dante-uller | | setting :: baashir meets with the second minisiter to discuss the expectations of their roles and ensure they were on the same page. | | banter length |
"I'm sure you see the honor in this position. The honor in this role. We serve Princess Allyrion and we serve the little princess, it's our duty to ensure when it is time for her to learn from her elders she is properly educated." Bash didn't just have an idea of what he wanted to do, he knew what they needed to do and what was required of them. The Princess was 3, the youngest and only legitimate child of the previous Prince, the bastards were another problem that needed solving that Myriam would take the head there for she didn't wish for Bash to do things his way.
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"I've asked your brother to look into the Crownlands. We should consider the Stormlands as well. The marcher lords have started doing something, the sentinels report as much. And while I'm sure there were other matters before hand it matters not now." They were moving ahead and moving away from the past. And if anything from the past mattered, then Myriam would point him in that direction.
"Have you heard any concerns from the smallfolk? Any words beyond their mourning for the late prince?" Bash sat at the edge of the desk, his expression hard to read, his deep purple eyes serious as always. "We've quite the journey before us, wouldn't you agree, my lord?" Tasked with reviving the most honorable land of Dorne.
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spinstadium · 2 years
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The Codename: Kids Next Door minisite on the Wizards of the Coast website, promoting the series' trading card game, circa 2006. The site contained downloadables, a matching Flash game, and an interactive Flash demo showing how to play the card game.
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Teorías Organizacionales
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Teorías organizacionales, solo por mencionar algunas son las siguientes:
Los dos factores de Herzberg
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La pirámide de Maslow
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McGrawHill. (2019, Spring 10). La pirámide de Maslow. Mheducation.es. https://www.mheducation.es/blog/la-piramide-de-maslow
Teoría de la autorregulación
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Arriet, M. A. R. (n.d.). Bases para la autorregulación de tu aprendizaje. Unidades de Apoyo para el Aprendizaje - CUAIEED - UNAM. Retrieved September 5, 2023, from https://uapa.cuaieed.unam.mx/sites/default/files/minisite/static/07e8d639-36ee-4d4c-8f9f-ce191c340b7c/bases%20autoregulacion/index.html
Teoría del cambio organizacional
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Fierro-Celis, F. A. (2020, April 5). Cambio organizacional: un modelo que dinamiza la transformación. Redalyc.org. https://doi.org/10.21158/01208160.n88.2020.2560
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alain-keler · 1 year
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Journal du lundi 9 janvier 2023.
Vents d’Est : avril 1993-Avril 1999.
Les minorités dans l’ex-monde communiste d’Europe de l’est  après la chute de l’empire soviétique. Je vais dans ce journal vous présenter dans le désordre des photos de ce travail initié en 1993 et terminé en 1999,  prix Eugene Smith à New York en 1997.
Leonid Shafir, aujourd'hui âgé de 70 ans (le texte est de 1997), montre son portrait lorsqu'il avait 19 ans. Soldat de l'armée rouge pendant 7 ans, il est l'un des derniers habitants d'origine juive de Bogoslav. Ukraine, septembre 1997 © Alain Keler / M.Y.O.P
Voici le texte écrit par Véronique Soulé paru dans Vents d’Est, août 2000 :
 Estimés aujourd’hui entre 100 000 et 500 000, les juifs d’Ukraine formèrent l’une des plus importantes communautés d’Europe. Mais ils furent décimés au fil des siècles par les pogroms des Cosaques et des paysans, par l’extermination nazi et par l’émigration. Depuis l’effondrement de l’URSS et la création de l’Ukraine indépendante en 1991, la communauté connaît un lent réveil. Mais face aux discriminations sous l’Union Soviétique, beaucoup de juifs avaient préféré se russifier et ont tout oublié de leurs traditions.
Le renouveau a donc été le fait de juifs venus de l’étranger, soucieux de faire revivre le hassidisme, ce courant du judaïsme dont l’Ukraine est le berceau.
Kiev compte la plus grande école juive de l’Europe de l’Est. Avec 640 élèves, l’école numéro 299, ouverte en 1990, propose outre le programme scolaire ukrainien, des cours d’hébreu, de yiddish et d’histoire du peuple juif, dispensés par des enseignants venus d’Israël et des Etats-Unis. « 95% des juifs d’Ukraine ont perdu leurs traditions. Nous voulons recréer une identité à partir des enfants afin que ceux-ci éduquent ensuite leurs parents », explique son directeur. Il existe aussi une université judaïque et 150 « écoles du dimanche ». Dans une vieille synagogue de Kiev, transformée en usine sous le communisme, on vend désormais de la viande casher et une cantine a été ouverte pour les pauvres.
Mais le renouveau a ses limites. Beaucoup de juifs, assimilés, se désintéressent de leurs origines ; d’autres restent tentés par l’émigration dans un pays marqué par l’antisémitisme. Dans le port d’Odessa, ville à demi juive au début du siècle qui vit naître le grans écrivain juif Isaac Babel, ils ne sont plus que 30 000 sur un million d’habitants. La communauté recolle les morceaux autour d’un petit centre culturel mais il n’y a plus de boucherie casher. Et la trentaine de juifs qui vit selon les tites doit faire venir sa viande de Kiev. Un certain esprit odessiste persiste toutefois : le nouveau maire,d’origine juive, a baptisé « rue des juifs » la rue qui bordait les locaux de l’ex-KGB.
  Je ne sais pas ou en est aujourd’hui la situation des juifs d’Ukraine après la guerre déclenchée par V.Poutine, mais ce qui semble acquis, c’est que justement rien n’est jamais acquis !
Plus d’infos sur Les Juifs en Ukraine : *http://www.memorialdelashoah.org/upload/minisites/ukraine/exposition/les-juifs-en-ukraine.htm
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vermanaward · 1 year
the 6.3 minisite is up with a few teases and other than a hearty -sigh- at the design of That Character (a boss i’m assuming?) i’m 👀 at. rpr lore. void lore. unsurprised the dungeon is in garlemald but it seemed pretty obvious. i wonder if this means we’re going to bump into the twins at some point. ‘hey kids. have you uh. heard from your dad lately? everything seemed good? wasnt posessed by any mad scientists? no? k. why? er. no reason.’
(i like the patch art, too)
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444names · 2 years
lorem ipsum pasted five times + the entire old noldorin dictionary
Adidat Adidatet Adidatur Adidenim Adident Adidese Adidunt Adipid Adipidunt Adipis Adipsum Adipsunt Aliquatat Aliquate Aliquatur Aliqui Aliquipid Aliquis Aliquisit Alitat Alitatat Alitatate Alitateu Alitation Amcommodo Amcon Amconse Ametur Ameture Ameturem Aniamcon Aniamet Aniat Anisi Autem Autempore Autet Autetur Auteu Auteure Ciamco Ciamet Ciate Ciation Cidation Ciderit Ciderur Cidid Cidipsum Ciduis Cilla Cillabor Cilliqua Cilliqui Cillit Cincint Citat Commod Commollit Commolore Commolum Conse Consecat Consectem Consectet Consecteu Consed Consequis Conseris Conserit Culla Cullabor Cullam Cullamco Cullamcon Cullamet Culliqua Culliquis Cullit Cullum Cullupteu Culpariat Culparis Culparisi Culparit Cupid Cupidat Cupidatet Cupidatur Cupidid Cupididui Cupiduis Cupidunt Cupis Cupiscit Cuptat Cupte Cuptet Cupteu Cupteur Dendent Dendest Deniam Deniamet Denim Denisit Derciat Dercillit Dercit Deria Deriamet Derisinim Derit Derud Derum Derunt Derur Derure Deserciat Deserisi Deserure Dessed Desserit Destrud Destrum Dolla Dollabor Dollabore Dollit Dollum Dolorem Dolorepte Dolorit Doloritat Dolorud Dolorunt Dolorure Dolum Dolupis Dolupte Doluptet Duipsum Duisinim Eiusmodo Eiusmolor Eiusmolum Eliqua Eliquat Eliquateu Eliqui Eliquis Eliquisi Elitat Elitatat Elitation Elitatur Endendent Endeniat Endenim Endent Endercin Enderud Endestrud Eniam Eniation Enisi Enisinim Esecteu Esequa Esequat Esequip Esequisi Esercit Eserum Eserur Essecat Essed Essequa Essequi Essequis Essercin Esserit Esserud Estrud Estrum Estrunt Estrur Eture Eureprem Excepre Exceproid Exceptat Excepte Exceptet Excepteu Exercia Exercinim Exercit Exercitat Exeria Exeriat Exeriatat Exeriatur Exeris Exerisi Exerit Exeritat Exerud Exerum Exerunt Exerur Exerure Fugia Fugiam Fugiamco Fugiamcon Fugiamet Fugiatat Fugiateu Fugiatur Idateur Idation Idenim Iderud Ididest Iduis Idunt Incia Incid Incident Incidunt Incin Incincin Incit Iniature Ipidat Ipidatet Ipiderum Ipidunt Ipisin Ipisit Ipsunt Irunt Labor Laborem Laborepte Laboriam Laboriat Laboriate Laborit Laborud Laborunt Laborur Lamco Lamcommod Lamcon Lamet Lametur Lorehenim Lorehent Lorepre Loreproid Loriamcon Lorud Lorum Lorunt Mincin Minia Miniam Miniat Minisit Modolore Modoloria Modolorit Mollupteu Molore Molum Molupis Niametur Niatur Niscidip Niscit Nisinciat Nising Nonse Nonsecat Nonsectem Nonsed Nonsequip Nonsequis Nonserur Nostrum Nostrunt Nostrur Nullabor Nullabore Nullam Nullamet Nulliqua Nulliquis Nullit Nullum Nullupis Nulluptet Nulpa Nulparis Nulparisi Occaecte Occaectem Occaectet Occat Occatat Occate Occateur Occatur Occature Officiat Officid Officidat Officilla Officin Officing Officinia Officinim Officit Officitat Pariat Pariatat Paris Pariscit Parisi Parit Prehenim Prempor Preptat Prepteur Proid Proidat Proidatur Proidid Proidip Proidunt Quatatat Quate Quatur Quipis Quipsum Quisciat Quiscit Quisi Quisinim Rehenia Rehenim Rehent Rempor Remporem Remporis Remporit Remporud Repre Repreptat Reproid Reptat Reptem Secaecte Secat Secatur Secte Sectet Sectetur Sequa Sequat Sequatat Sequate Sequi Sequipsum Sequiscia Sercidid Sercit Serit Serunt Sincia Sinciduis Sincit Sinim Sinis Sitat Tempore Temporiat Temporit Temporunt Tetur Teture Ullabor Ullaborur Ullam Ullamcon Ullamet Ullit Ullitat Ullum Ullupidip Ullupis Ulluptet Ulparia Ulpariat Ulparis Ulparisit Ulparit Utemporud Utetur Uteur Veliqua Veliquat Veliqui Veliquis Velitat Velitatem Vendenia Vendeniat Venderur Vendesed Vendest Venia Veniamet Veniat Veniatur Venim Venis Venisi Venisitat Volla Vollit Vollum Volor Volore Volorud Volorum Volorunt Volum Volupis Volupisi Voluptat Voluptem
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tomreview · 15 days
Yoga : Build Your Business, Help Others Heal
Unlock Wellness and Prosperity with Yoga for Gerd PLR!
For a limited time, seize the opportunity to acquire this transformative package for an unbeatable price of just $12.95.
At this exceptional rate, you gain access to a wealth of knowledge on yoga, wellness, and the potential for financial growth.
This is an investment in your well-being and financial future that delivers immense value without breaking the bank.
Act swiftly, as this incredible deal is on the verge of change. Secure this invaluable resource now before the price increase, ensuring you embark on this journey at an exceptional rate
Introducing the Yoga for Gerd Upsell Offer - Elevate Your Journey to Wellness for Only $37!
Immerse yourself in a treasure trove of premium resources, including:
Module #1: 15 High-Quality Training Videos Module #2: Upsell Minisites Module #3: Expert Sales Video Module #4: Professionally Written Follow-Up Email Swipes Module #5: Product Graphics Module #6: High Converting Upsell Sales Copy Module #7: Professionally Designed PPTs Module #8: Video Raw Files Module #9: Audio Files Module #10: 15 Social Post Images Module #11: 10 Unique Articles Bundled into One Module #12: Complete Lead Magnet System, including: - Sub Module #1: Squeeze Page Index File - Sub Module #2: Squeeze Page Copy - Sub Module #3: Squeeze Page Graphics - Sub Module #4: Squeeze Page Free Report - Sub Module #5: Squeeze Page Follow-Up Swipes
All loaded with Full Private Label Rights, empowering you to unlock the full potential of this transformative package. Elevate your journey to wellness and prosperity for just $37
Harness the Rising Demand
The burgeoning interest in yoga and mental wellness presents an exhilarating opportunity. By embracing this package, you can tap into a burgeoning market, potentially turning it into a lucrative endeavor.
As more individuals seek solace and equilibrium in their lives, providing them with valuable content and services related to yoga can lead to substantial financial gains.
The comprehensive content within the PLR package equips you with the knowledge and resources necessary to effectively teach yoga and wellness. Consider offering yoga classes, workshops, or personalized sessions. Each session you facilitate can translate into income, especially as you cultivate a dedicated clientele seeking your guidance and expertise.
Customize and Brand Your Content with PLR
This freedom empowers you to craft and sell e-books, online courses, or other informational products tailored to the yoga and wellness niche. These digital products can evolve into consistent revenue streams as they provide valuable insights and guidance to your audience.
Additionally, you can leverage the PLR content to endorse affiliate products and earn commissions. For example, recommend yoga mats, accessories, or wellness products to your audience, and earn a percentage of each sale made through your referral links. As your audience expands, so does your earning potential through affiliate marketing.
Furthermore, you can repurpose the Yoga for Gerd PLR content into diverse digital products such as video tutorials, audio recordings, or downloadable guides.
These can be marketed and sold on various online platforms, broadening your reach and potential customer base. The scalability of digital products means your earning potential can grow with each sale, paving the way for a prosperous future in the wellness industry
Rising Demand: The surge in interest surrounding yoga and mental wellness presents an exciting opportunity. By leveraging this package, you can cater to a growing market, potentially transforming it into a profitable venture.
Source: Customization and Branding: The PLR content allows you to create and sell e-books, online courses, or other informational products tailored to the yoga and wellness niche. This flexibility can lead to consistent revenue streams and the potential for affiliate marketing.
Source: Diverse Digital Products: The PLR content can be repurposed into various digital products such as video tutorials, audio recordings, or downloadable guides. These can be marketed and sold on various online platforms, expanding your reach and potential customer base.
Potential Side Effects: The package may not be suitable for individuals who experience strong side effects from yoga practices, such as nausea and headaches.
Source: Unrealistic Expectations: Without quality benchmarks in place, the product development process can create unrealistic future expectations for a brand and business. This could lead to challenges in meeting consumer value expectations.
Source: Market Fluctuations: Selling a single product may expose you to market fluctuations and consumer preferences, which can impact the stability of your business.
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vaginalyeastinfetion · 2 months
vaginal yeast infetion
This is a minisite aimed at people who suffer from yeast infection, it give some tips and advice on how to clear it up.
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xinrouska · 9 months
How it all started Pt 2
[CW/TW: Angst, blood, violence, mention of death]
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Another mistake, another weight. Raph is the trigger, but not the cause. __________________________________________________________
Minisite is now updated with arc names and is in chronological order, i'll try to make an update on tumblr with the new arc names too. Thank you @starrcrossrose with writing these with me <3 <3
Part 1 is on twitter by @lemellion !
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weightlossfoods1 · 2 months
weight loss foods
This is a minisite aimed at people who want to lose weight. It gives some tips and advice.
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buildyourmuscle · 2 months
building muscle
This is a minisite aimed at people who want to build muscle. It gives some tips and advice
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acnetreatment12 · 2 months
Acne Treatment
This is a minisite aimed at people who suffer from acne. It gives some tips and advice on how to clear up the condition
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