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If you don’t like the results, change the narrative. Classic corruption behavior. 
Let’s talk about the implications of these tweets:
These tweets highlight why people don’t want more Christians in elected office. People voted in their poll and the results were overwhelmingly one-sided. I know that this poll isn’t a statistically sound poll, but there are still readable results. To discount those results because they didn’t match your organizations values, is the problem with having elected officials legislate with religious beliefs instead of representing their constituents. If an elected official is more concerned about upholding their personal religious ideologies than being a voice for their constituents, then the republic process has failed. 
Discounting the 45,370 “No” votes in this poll because they came from “Satanists and Atheist” means that only votes that this organization wants to count are ones that agree with their views. That is not how voting works. 
If a majority of voters want something, that it just how it is. Living in a democracy means that you are free to have your own opinions and your opinions may be overruled.  
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