#minnieee my love 💕💕💕
musette22 · 1 year
What does it say about me that the thing that got me into Sebastian (and then, later on, Chris/Stucky—I’m a baby in this fandom) was his role in the movie Fresh 😭😭😭 I know it’s fucked up but I saw it in February last year and thought he was hot, so I looked into more of his work and fell down the rabbit hole after that. I’m not into cannibals or misogynists I swear! Steve Kemp is just sexy as hell on a surface level 🫠 Like I’m the hoodie at the beginning all soft and boyfriend-y, MINNIEEE I’m dying!
Sorry for the rant, but I hope you’re having a lovely Summer 🥰 anything exciting happen lately?
Hahahaa no but I love this! I don't think it says anything about you other than that you have great taste, because Seb in Fresh may have been insane but he's extremely pretty 💞💞 THE HOODIE indeed 😭 Such a pretty boyfriend baby cutie (never mind that he eats people). Of course you'd be captivated by him, pun sort of intended!
I really love that you fell down the Seb rabbit hole after that and even got into Chris and Stucky!! That's what we like to see 🥰 And a belated welcome to the fandom, lovely!! I hope you're enjoying it here so far <3
You can always rant in my inbox btw, I enjoy reading asks like this one immensely 🥰 My summer is a little boring seeing as I've already been on vacation and now I'm mostly working, but I've got some fun weekend plans (Barbie and a music festival in Amsterdam!) so I'm making the most of it 🫶 I hope you're having a great summer so far too? Sending lots of love your way! 💕 Oh, and this cutie
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
MAYAAAAAA, BABY BOO 💖🌟❤️🌟💋💞💫CONGRATULATIONS on 1k followers!!!!!!!!
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You are SUCH an incredible person, and your blog is one of my absolute faves to follow on here, and I am SO glad so many people agree with me!!! 🥰💖 Thank you for being to best and for all the incredible content you bless us with, and having such a big part in why this is a place worth being, where we can all yell and cry and jump up and down about our boys together 🙏🏻 It wouldn't be the same without you, and you deserve to be celebrated always, but especially when reaching such a lovely milestone 🙌🏻😘
I LOVE YOU ❤️ Here's to thousands more, honey!!! You deserve them (us) all 🥳🥳🥳🥳
MINNIEEE, my loveeee 🥺💛💛💛💛💛, thank you SO much!!!
YOU are an incredible person, and this is so damn sweet, thank you so much for being the best, for being so kind, and for being my friend 😭💕💕💕 YOU make being here so much fun, and such a wonderful experience, and everything you said about me holds twice as much for you!! I don’t deserve you really 🥺
You’re one of my favs too, and I wouldn’t know what to do without out your. Your support means SO much time, I love you so god damn much 🥺💕💕💕💕💕
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musette22 · 2 years
MINNIEEE *runs around in circles flailing*
Minnniieeee omgggg so much has happened I just went through the last month of your blog catching up on stuffff happy new year lovely! Pls give Lily New Years kisses for me too!
Big updates: I MOVED OUT OF MY CHILDHOOD HOUSE! I’ve been living at home while I get a new certification after graduating university. I just got my certification and I moved to the city of my dreams. I’ve been saying I’m gonna live here since I was in 5th grade and yesterday I moved. I also got a new job that I start training for in a week. I was able to get Taylor tickets so I’m going to see Taylor Swift for the first time in May AND!!!! I WROTE SOME NEW EVANSTAN + KIDDO TO SHARE V SOON! LOVE YOUUUU
Sophieeee oh my goodness, this all sounds AMAZING!! 💕💕
Congratulations on moving out and moving to the city of your dreams, that's so exciting! 😍😍 And you got Taylor tickets!!!!! YAY, I'm so excited for youuuuuu 🥰 And you graduated AND got a new job?! Whoaaa go you! 💪🏻 Love this for you, honey <333 And new Evanstan + kiddo coming too?? Love that for us 😍 I'm super happy for you, my darling, thanks for stopping by with an update! Love youuuu and HAPPY NEW YEAR from me and Lily to you too!! 😘😘
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
Mayaaaaaaaaa!! 💕💕💕 Better late than never, huh? 😅 Once again, massive congratulations on your follow milestone, you deserve all the love and support, in the fandom and outside of it! Firstly, can I just say: all the incredible fics you've written for your celebration so far have brought me endless amounts of joy and all the emotions, so thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts and talent with us, darling 💖💖 Your writing is delightful, as are you, and this fandom is SO lucky to have you, my sweetest, most talented and loveliest friend!!
So I realize I'm rather late with this, but if you're still up for it, would you consider writing something for the prompt leather jacket + Evanstan? 🥰
Thank you so much, lovely Maya!!! Sending all the hugs & snugs! 💕
Hi Minnie, my love 💖💖 I’m so happy you decided to still send me a prompt, you have no idea! Thank you so so much for your kind words, you really are too fucking sweet 😭😭😭 I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed my little fics, and thank you for being so supportive and leaving such wonderful comments, they really made my day every single time.
I feel SO lucky to have found you on here, and that I can call you a friend 🥰🥰 You’re like the backbone of this fandom, so sweet and open, so supportive and kind. Your writing is out of this world, and there’s nothing I’d rather do than scream about our boys with you all day every single day 💖💖💖 It’s honestly the best thing to happen to me, and it gives me SO much joy 🥰🥰
So it seems more than fitting to close off this little follower celebration with your prompt. As has happened with about half of these fics, it starts out with me having no idea where to start, only to be saved by the brilliant mind that is @forsureitslove. That was the case with this one too, so you have to thank/blame her for at least part of it, and especially the fact that it got so out of hand. Because it didn’t really end up being a little prompt fic, but a 10.2k outpouring of love for our boys, and for you 💕
The timing on that seems fitting too, because I’m pretty sure it’s your birthday tomorrow, so you can consider this my gift to you. I really hope you enjoy it 💖💖 Of course, I’ll shower you in love again tomorrow on the actual day, as you deserve. But for now, I just want to say: a little early happy birthday to you, may all your wildest dreams come true 😉 🎉🎉🥳 and I love you a whole lot 💕💕
Evanstan + Leather Jacket, 10.2k, M
Read You Make My Dreams Come True on Ao3
With a lot of thanks to the lovely Tej for brainstorming with me, screaming at me, encouraging me and betaing this fic💖
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
Maya, my beloved 💗 Hi hello, how are you? I hope your day has been amazing 💕💕
I just had a minor meltdown and I needed to share it with someone and I know that you will understand. Here I am, reading a Christmas fic in August, minding my own business, and suddenly I read these lines
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And I'm VIOLENTLY accosted by the memory of Chris saying that last line in the puppy interview and then I rewatched it AGAIN and now I'm just 😩😩😩😩😩 WEEEHHHH
You know what I mean? Yeah, you know what I mean 😭😭💫💖💘💫💖😭💘 Anyways, sorry for bothering you with my meltdown, I'm just gonna go to bed now I think 😩 I love you bunches and I hope you're having a good night!!
Hiii Minnie loveee 💕💕 I did have a nice day, although it was one of my office days so I’m really glad to be working from home today in my own little space 😂 Hope you had a wonderful day too? I went to bed super early lol so I’m sorry I couldn’t support you through your meltdown, but god do I get it 😭
Okay one, I remember loving that fic so I really should re-read it - absolutely nothing wrong with reading a Christmas fic in August 🥰🥰
But that line 😫😫 I think there are a couple of things Chris has said that I just, whenever I hear or see them anywhere else, I go a little crazy? Because I can just hear him say it, see him say it, but this one in particular is the worst, so I really can’t blame you for having a meltdown seeing that line, like that, in a fic 😭 Nothing could’ve prepared you for that honey, it’s only logical you reacted like this. I mean….
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(Credit @justconfettiandsomeddew)
I will N E V E R get over the puppy interview, I don’t think I can. Not only did he look gorgeous and do the moments when he looks at the camera with his stupid blue eyes make me want to cry, he was so so SWEET and CUTE and it’s TOO MUCH, even 2 months later 😫😫😫
The way he talks to them, from the baby voice with the puppies that will kill me every single time, to the soft, careful voice with the senior dogs & trying to gain their trust that makes me just want go curl up and sob, - or, like curl around him and sob - yeah that’s enough for a meltdown. I watched it just now and I need a moment 😭😭😭
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I’m just gonna have another day of saying “who cares” and “you’re all flexin’” to myself out loud, and then probably scream a little. It’s fine. I’ve totally accepted that I am so fucking far from normal when it comes to Chris, and especially when it comes to this interview. I sometimes cannot believe we got this. And then I rewatch it again and again and again, and I’m like, why did they give us this? Where are these people that can watch this and be fine???
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This really should come with some sort of disclaimer: this content will make you cry, scream, and fall further in love with one Christopher Robert Evans. Side effects may will include conflicting emotional responses such as violent urges, like wanting to smack said Christopher in the face, and then wanting to kiss him, cuddle him, and gift him a waterfall of puppies every single day of the rest of his life.
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(Credit @lilacevans)
I mean, who wouldn’t want to see THIS again and again? Look at his eyes and his pure excitement good goddd it’s beautiful he’s beautiful. Also, me, it’s me, I can’t do it again, can’t watch this again, it’s too much 😭 (proceeds to watch it 10 more times in a row and sobs)
Also, my love, you could never bother me with a meltdown. I’m all too likely to have a meltdown right there with you, because….this mannnn 😭 God I love him so much I kinda hate him. You, however, I just love love love love 💕💕💕💕 Thank you so much for dropping by honey, hope you have an amazing day 😘😘😘
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
Maya. I just read You Make My Dreams Come True and I -
I can't even-
I'm literally just
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...only I cried harder than this. I swear I started sobbing at the end of the first chapter and then cried my way through the next three. You should see my face right now because I am a M-E-S-S. It's a good thing that I'm alone right now because this was like full on ugly crying. I think I might start crying again now actually
UGH, I know this isn't a very good 'Hey I loved your fic!!' message and I'm sorry and I swear I'll leave a more coherent comment under the fic itself once I've composed myself but !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope that everyone who loves Evanstan reads this fic because it's a MUST read. It's rendered me a crying, blotchy mess and it's absolutely amazing, as are you, Maya. I know generally speaking crying on your birthday isn't considered a good thing, but in this case it absolutely is.
GOD. I love this so much? I can't believe you took my silly prompt and turned it into this incredible thing?????? It's instantly one of my Evanstan faves and I'll be rereading it until eternity. I love our boys so damn much, and I love you. 💘
Minnie, my love 😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖
I don’t even know where to begin, really. I sent you that DM because really, you’ve rendered me a little speechless, definitely NOT because you didn’t manage to get across how you felt about it 😭😭 And because it means SO SO SO damn much to me that you feel this way about this fic, so I’ll do my best to express it, even if that feels impossible right now🥺🥺💕
This literally everything I could ask or hope for. I had no idea your prompt would take me into this story either. To be honest, I was a little lost. Bless @forsureitslove 💛 for saying something about Seb leaving his jacket behind at Chris’s, and him being a sap about it - because as soon as she said that, I don’t think I could stop. The fact that it’s your prompt, from one of my favorite people, makes it even better that this whole story (and possibly universe) became what it did. I really should thank you for that 💛💛
I’m definitely proud of this one, but reading your wonderful comments makes it even more rewarding. And I get it, oh I get it honey. I made myself cry with this one a little bit, so the fact that it touched you so much it led to ugly crying… well, let’s say I agree that crying on your birthday isn’t normally a good thing, but this I’ll take with all the gratitude in the world 🥺🥺🥺
And I guess I write mostly for me, what I hope for and what I’d like to see. But it wasn’t just your prompt that got me to write it. I think half of the reasons I love them so much are because of you. And since I poured all my love for them into this fic, it’s kinda yours too. 💖💖💖
It’s really all I want for them, those beautiful idiot boys. They deserve everything, all the sappiness and sentimentality and romantic gestures, and I loved giving them some of that in this story 💖💖 And to share my love for them with you is the best thing to happen to me in a long long time. I love you to the moon and back, I really really do 💕💕💕
I really just hope I’ve managed to convey even a fraction of what this means to me, because I’m not always sure I know how to express it, and I probably forgot to tell you some of the things I want to say. But just in case, a gif of me right now:
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(Also bless @justconfettiandsomeddew for this gif it’s everything)
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
Sweetest Maya!!!! IT'S ALMOST TIME FOR YOUR TRIP WHOOOOOOOOOOOO 🥳🥳🥳🥳 Are you ready?? Are you excited???? Well, I know you are, but still 😂 I for one am SUPER excited for you, and I can't wait to hear all about your Stateside adventures, as well as your tales of lovely Canada! 🥰🥰 Have the most splendid time, my darling. Enjoy it to the fullest, and tell New York that I'll be there soon 😘 LOVE YOU BUNCHES!! Wishing you safe travels and sending the biggest hugs!!!!!!!! ✨💖✨💖✨
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MINNIEEEE my love!! 💕💕💕 It is almost time for my trip!! By now I’m all packed, only 8h to go until I have to leave for the airport!!
So I’m definitely ready, and SO SO EXCITED!!!! 🥳🥳 It’s still feeling like it’s not real, because I’ve been thinking about going back to NYC & TO for so long, but yeah, I think once I’m on that plane, it will be (or at least when I land 😂😂) I’m sure I’m gonna have lots of fun, and I will definitely tell NYC that they’ll be blessed with your arrival not too long after I leave, which I’m sure it’ll be happy to hear!!🥰🥰🥰
Thank you so much for your ask honey, you’re so damn sweeeet!! Sending you smooches and hugs right back, I love you a whole lot 💕💕💕😘😘😘
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