#minus maybe the magic-specific stuff? that's more worldbuilding on my part
dragimalsdaydreams · 5 years
basically a rewrite of some old olddd worldbuilding. I’ll be weaving together ideas from different sources and various religions (Vine Deloria’s writing in particular has been a huge inspiration), so bear w/ me
I also like to write these notes from the perspective of a researcher in that world-setting lmao
the simple explanation is that Self is what we colloquially refer to as soul/spirit/energy/magic
Self is the energy that results from the goings-on of the physical world-- from large-scale geologic movements, to the micro-reactions occurring in our bodies at a cellular level. This energy has many other titles depending on the field of research, but within realms such as metaphysical study, philosophy, and sociology, most refer to it as Self. This reaffirms of the intimacy of the energy and the role our self-- as a concept-- plays in the overall web of existence. Though many have taken to colloquially calling Self “magic”.
Self is present throughout all matter, as every atom reacts with the space and matter around it. The energy release from these interactions results in intent-- a kind of consciousness that can further lead to thought, memory, and emotion, depending on the circumstances. Thus, all that exists automatically produces some degree/kind of consciousness.
The kind and arrangement of atoms result in unique interactions, thus unique configurations of resulting Self. Areas of high energy transfer and accumulation produce highly-active Self configurations, where Self can itself become a factor of change and influence. Such areas are found around ley-lines, living cells (especially neurons), and modern electrical designs. 
However, this is not necessarily a hard and fast rule, as many MANY factors affect how Self manifests, as discussed in the following section.
~Manifestation as Souls~
When Self gathers into a cohesive being, it is generally considered a soul. This doesn’t mean the soul is disconnected from the rest of the Self around it, but that it is merely identifiable as a unique configuration with active intent.
There are many ways Self can organize into souls, but they usually follow one of four main courses. Though these courses usually combine and affect one other such that it can be difficult to point to one specific cause:
- Physical Space/Matter: The Physical organization of atoms naturally produces and organizes the Self around it. Individual organisms most readily produce Self due to their cellular activity, and especially as distinct neurological structures develop and increase in complexity. Groups of organisms may also lead to ecosystem-wide souls, which some ecologists refer to as the Self-equivalent of a superorganism. Ley lines also produce highly-active Self which often coalesces into cohesive beings with personalities, especially as ecosystems develop and further mold the soul of the place. Electronics also interact with Self in fascinating ways, though the specifics of these interactions are poorly understood due to their relative novelty in the course of human history.
- Events/Time: While physical matter is obviously a huge factor in Self interaction, time also plays a distinct role. Geologic/ecological time, for example, helps configure a location’s soul as tectonic plates shift and ecosystems are birthed. Memories of these various shifts in ecology and space are stored in the Self of the place and can be accessed by various means. Some events (catastrophic weather events, wars, etc.) may release a great amount of energy in one particular location, which could coalesce into a soul of sorts. Sometimes this manifests as a particularly strong imprint on the location’s memory, leading to a strong emotion or particular action at the event that develops an intent beyond the event.
- Refusal to Return: Ghosts, basically. Most organisms’ souls break down and return to the surrounding mass of energy and the cycle of creation at the same rate as the physical bodies that hold them. The timing of this breakdown can vary depending on the state of the physical body, the Physical/Self environment, the emotional stability of the soul, etc. but this is generally the case. Some of these souls, however, persist after death. Without a material body to contain and organize this Self, these souls usually warp over time into an unhealthy echo of what they once were. Though not always-- ley lines in particular are common safe havens for wayward souls. These souls will still shift into new forms over time, but in this circumstance they don’t necessarily shift into an unhealthy/unstable configuration.
- Intent: The power of belief is not to be underestimated. The intent of a being (or several beings) can be powerful enough to produce/gather Self into a soul that matches whatever entity or power the beings in question believe to exist. Over time, this soul may even gain enough energy to persist on its own and further affect the beliefs of other beings. Though a soul usually isn’t created just through intent-- even with this power, creation of a soul from scratch is fairly difficult. Typically a soul already existed (sometimes a ghost, other times the soul of a place, etc.), and the power of belief bolsters the soul over time.
The definition of soul can be very subjective, so some folks may not consider many of these configurations proper “souls”. It’s all about perspective-- the soul of a place, for example, can be hard to get a grasp on when it stretches for miles and millennia beyond human perception.
~Communication and Connection~
Communication is the crux of any and all Self manipulations. To use Self is to have a mutual conversation with that energy-- both sides must be able to properly communicate, or the connection can’t initiate and project properly. For example, places and non-’sentient’ energies will respond most readily to the species/communities which naturally developed and flourished there, simply because these energies evolved and developed right alongside those communities. In turn, those species/communities will more instinctually/subconsciously connect to the energies of their homes, whereas they will have to actively search out connections to Self in foreign lands.
While there is wiggle room in terms of communication gradients/overlap (though there may still be hiccups via miscommunication), usually any foreigner will have to train in the Native techniques of the area in order to manipulate any of the Self there. Of course, the non-sentient energies of a place can learn new Self languages just like any other more cohesive soul. However, it’s much harder for one single foreigner to force their language on an entire ecosystem of Self, rather than that foreigner simply learning the language of that area’s Self. Cases where areas are able to learn significantly different Self languages generally involve the influence of entire communities over several generations, to put this into perspective.
These Self language barriers are why the most renowned human magical practitioners are multicultural in either dance, language, or artistic technique-- they are “jacks of all magics”, so to speak. Some areas that are naturally more open to multicultural approaches include ley lines and (interestingly enough) flowing water sources such as rivers and coastal areas. 
While there are many ways to conceptualize the process of Self manipulation, a common concept is that of the Contract. This concept typically follows four steps:
- Focus: The individual in question must locate the subject of their manipulation in the cacophony of Self around them. (Many magical practitioners call this step the “Search”)
- Contact: The individual must recognize/interpret the language their subject’s Self uses, and project their own presence to their subject via their own soul’s Self. If the subject replies in kind, the contact was successful. (Many magical practitioners call this step the “Greeting”)
- Intent: The individual must communicate the intent of their contract to their subject. The subject will then reply with the conditions required for such intent. This back-and-forth may continue further, depending on the conditions and willingness of the subject. (Many magical practitioners call this step “Bargaining”)
- Application: If both sides agree to the conditions at hand, the results that the individual communicated to their subject will be performed by both sides. (Many magical practitioners call this step the “Alliance”)
The complexity and time needed to complete a contract varies heavily depending on the ‘sentience’ of the subject in question. Non-sentient energies are very easy to connect to (given you know their language), and their contracts can be completed within a fraction of a second as the intent from both sides is communicated through quick/accessible mental imagery. More sentient souls may require a more complex discussion of terms before an exchange of their Self/services, as discussed in the next section.
~Equality and Context~
Equal exchange is vital on a purely physics/metaphysics level, as manipulation/matter cannot simply be pulled out of the void (barring some exceptions, which the messy web of life is always prone to). Thus, the bare-bones of a contract must meet these terms of equal exchange at the very least, or else a contract cannot be performed. 
However, the ‘equality’ of exchange beyond this point can depend heavily on the situation and Self in question. While non-sentient Self usually only requires a simple equal exchange of matter/energy, sentient beings with active intent may require something more elaborate before gifting you their power/material. Common examples of their requests may include: the recitation of elaborate poetry, services owed, personal body parts, etc. What is asked of you may mean nothing to you, but everything to the entity you’re entering into contract with-- or vis-versa. Thus the ‘equality’ of many contracts must be decided case-by-case, between the individuals/entities in question.
In addition, young practitioners often forget that they are subject to being propositioned for contracts as well-- contracts are not a one-way street! In these cases, the focus step is obviously not necessary, as the other side of the contract has already searched and found you. I only note this because young practitioners don’t yet have the experience to recognize a greeting when they themselves aren’t the ones to first initiate, especially when the greeting is from non-sentient Self. Be mindful of the world around you, and know that you do not step through it alone, for all the good and bad that brings.
Young practitioners should also be aware that they are allowed draw terms when loaning their own Self as well. Do not be timid in these exchanges! You are allowed to draw bounds and terms for the protection of something as intimate as your Self, just as any other being has the same right.
All beings have unique sensory connections to Self based on their species, community, individual personalities, etc. This affects both the language used for connection, and the unique abilities these beings may perform.
Human Self language is based largely on the:
- Physical: movement/position, direct touch
- Visual: art, written language, display
- Audio: vocal language, instruments
Some argue that physical connection is the most important component for humans, and I’m inclined to agree. Our psychological states and social structures are so heavily touch/body-based, I wouldn’t doubt that our Self is similarly grounded in touch.
Either way, most cultures utilize different combinations of all these approaches. This often results in the use of dance, song, prose, and props/fashion to form connections-- performance at its finest. From the powerful beats of a drum, to the elaborate patterns embroidered on a cloak, the intimate rhythms reflected between body, mind, and environment are embraced in countless, stunning ways.
Human manipulation of Self is usually focused on the manipulation of physical matter. This can be applied in many different ways, such as the construction of tools/objects, terraforming, the healing of the body, etc. While humans are certainly not limited to physical manipulation, there’s little doubt that our grounding in touch as a language manifests in a similarly physical result in manipulation, in most cases.
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