#mios galar adventure
flos-virent · 4 years
Journal - Entry 2
“I must admit, it is quite nice to have Colby here now. It’s been far too long since the two of us were travelling together in the same region. While yes, we have been seeing each other quite a lot, there’s something refreshing and exciting about starting and sharing an experience with another person.
Speaking of which, I think I have a rival here in Galar? Apparently, this region places battling and rivals in high importance, so it’s very common place to go on a gym challenge with another person as your rival. His name is Juan, and he’s quite nice. We still need to go see the regional professor and find a way to not only receive a starter pokemon but to also be allowed to enter thy gym challenge. I don’t think I have ever been to a region where a trainer must be endorsed to enter a gym challenge before. It makes me a little worried that I won’t be able to compete here, but Colby is as reassuring as ever that we will figure it out. And if I can’t compete, at the very least I can enjoy the scenery of a new region with friends by my side.”
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flos-virent · 5 years
Journal - Day 1
“I know I’m not the type to keep a journal, but my brother and Colby talked me into starting one. They say when I’m older I’ll be glad I did this, but I guess I’ll have to see about that when I get there. I feel a little old to be doing this though; the last diary or journal I had was when I was 12. At least it’s a cute journal, the cover has Charmanders!
A lot has changed since the last time I decided to take a  gym challenge in a new region, and yet it feels no different than the moment I knocked on Professor Oak’s door. That same excitement is still there. Honestly, I thought it had faded by now. I think now that things at home have finally settled down, I can see it was there all along. The things that have changed for me though might seem small to others, but when I look at myself in the mirror I finally feel proud with myself, like I used to when I was a kid. I feel confident again. I only wish my old friends could be here with me during this time.
That’s what I missed the most throughout the years honestly, my friends. That time was a bit chaotic, and people grew apart whether we wanted to or not... It still makes me sad at times, but I can’t dwell on my sadness anymore. I hope they’re happy where they are, and maybe one day soon I can see them again. Until then, I’ll wish them the best, and try to be a better friend to those I have and I’ll meet.
... All of this to say that I feel quite nostalgic in a place I’ve never been. I’ve just arrived in Galar, and I’m looking for the Regional Professor to find a new partner for my team. I hope things go well here. Oh, I ran into a few new trainers today! They both seem quite kind and honest in character, and I’ve enjoyed spending my morning with them. Whatever path they choose, I’ll be rooting for them. Now, it’s off to start this adventure. Until tomorrow, I suppose!”
- Mio
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