A Random Mirio Blurb Er- Thing?
Listen, I feel like Mirio would like Star Wars, like he grew up watching the older movies with his dad and loved it, but he’s not wicked invested in anything Star Wars related until The Mandalorian comes out???? I’m not saying its because of baby Yoda!!!!
... but it is most definitely because of baby Yoda
this man just really loves the lil green bab??? I imagine that he’s already quite protective of those in danger, being a hero an all, but add the fact that they’re a baby???? oh man will not STOP til the universe itself is babyproofed and safe.
oh gosh
Mirio dressed up as Mando and Eri is baby Yoda I-
my brain is melting both from lack of sleep and the utter cuteness of that mental image.
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