#miss my bby girl zaros so bad
faeskiss · 5 months
Zaros x reader!
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I am not a stranger to weary days, in fact I’ve been nothing but weary for the past couple of weeks…
I cannot for the life of me recall the last time I could peacefully allow myself to lay my head down and give in to sleep, it’s been so long since I’ve had a pleasant dream, cruel and unbearable ones plague me instead, making my nights excruciatingly miserable.
How am I supposed to study and give it my all in the trials if I’m not well rested? Everything in life worries me and I feel utterly powerless, it’s funny actually, how can an earis, someone who’s birthright is power itself, feel devoid of it? It’s all just a big joke
I can clearly hear the storm outside grow worse and worse, lightning cracks and rumbles relentlessly, I usually enjoy rain, but this, this is absolutely terrifying and it’s fuelling my unease by the second
I keep tossing and turning, trying to breathe and collect my thoughts, but it’s no use, it seems my own mind hates me just as much as everyone else.
After a few more torturous moments of pure agony I decide to go outside, I know the storm is raging and growing like wildfire but I can’t stand to be cooped up in my room like this…
I step outside of my room and as soon as I do I am met with a breeze that’s fervently cold, the walls of this palace echo the rage of the storm, it’s truly a ghastly night
I pull my shawl closer to me and wrap my hands inside of it, trying to grasp whatever warmth I can, I slowly pace the halls, passing various rooms, my feet can’t help but abruptly stop in their tracks…
I find myself standing just outside of Zaros’s room and a wave of nostalgia washes over me, I remember all the times we hid from the uproar of the sky, he HATED storms..
I don’t know what’s happening, but it feels like I’m not in control of my reflexes, I immediately go up to the door and knock, knowing full well someone might see or hear me, knowing I’d regret it later
“The earis invited themselves into Zaros’s room the other night, it seems his notorious ways are finally rubbing off on them, what a shame”
Heaven knows what other things these nobles would say, why don’t I ever learn?
The horror of what I’ve done suddenly seeps into me, and before I can even turn around to save face, I am much too late
He opens the door….his green eyes look tired and worn down, the usual charm and gleam is missing in them
“Uhm…..hello?” He asks, obvious confusion painted on his face
I clear my throat, and try to answer
“H-Hello, I- uhm” I reply, absolutely failing to come up with an excuse as to why I am here, in the dead of night, unannounced, barely decent
“You are the last person I would ever expect to show up at my door, in the thick of night” he says with a soft, unexpected laughter
“Trust me, I am just as confused as you are” I reply with a faint laugh
“It seems that I’m finally rubbing off on you huh?” he says slyly
“Oh please! it’s not like that, I-‘’ before I can finish my sentence a loud clap of thunder booms and reverberates through the halls, startling us both
“I JUST don’t want to be alone, during this outpour…….I’m sorry but I just didn’t know where else to go” I say, surprising myself
His eyes soften, and a warm, empathetic smile forms on his face, something I thought I’d never see from him, ever again…
All of a sudden, he reaches for my hand, gently and slowly pulls me in the room, and I just let him
He then shuts the door behind us
I cannot believe that I’m in Zaros Atha’llin’s room……..at night…… the nobles would have a field day if they ever caught wind of this, but the truth is, that I don’t care, when I know I should and that gravely concerns me
“Look, I’m so very sorry I interrupted your sleep, I didn’t-“ I say
“It’s okay, I was awake anyways” he cuts me off
“Couldn’t sleep?” I ask
“You of all people should know how much I loathe storms” he adds
“How can I ever forget” I reply softly
“I see you haven’t grown to like them either”
“Ha! Never” I reply
“I think we should sit down” he says as he moves towards the bed
“ah yes, of course” I reply as I follow him
I seat myself beside him, another frantic wave of nostalgia crashes against me, I always sat next to him back in school….
“I know there’s something troubling you, something other than the storm” he says in a calm yet stern voice
“I- I just” I try to reply, but I just can’t, it’s quite abnormal being vulnerable to him, the last time him and I had a heart to heart was quite simply a lifetime ago
“Please do not feel obligated to talk about it, take your time” he says
“I just have the worst, most obscene amount of anxiety these days, and it only gets worse and worse as the weeks pass” I reply, this took a lot of courage and valour, it took all the strength in me to even say these words to someone
“I-I understand you more than you might ever know, it seems that these trials have not been kind to either of us, the stakes are unachievable and the water’s rough, you are not alone, I feel it too” he says in a somber tone, his expression is filled with gloom
His words shoot right at my heart, making me feel understood and protected, I would have never imagined that anything he’d said would have this affect on me, but I don’t despise it, not even a little bit
“I wouldn’t wish this entire ordeal on my worst enemy…..which,would be you I suppose” he ends his sentence with a unexpected burst of laughter, which in turn makes me laugh too
“I suppose so” I reply, giggling like a child
Me and Zaros, actually laughing together, as if nothing’s ever changed, I never would’ve imagined
“From best mates who are absolutely inseparable to enemies who are fighting for the throne, how the tides change” he says, looking directly at my face, I am unsure of the intention behind his tone
“It’s all written in the stars, what can us mere mortals do about it?” I reply, fidgeting with my fingers
Silence creeps into the space between us for a few moments, it’s absurdly comforting, sitting next to him, I can feel his warmth, it’s familiar and safe, it feels like home….he feels like home
“I cannot believe that I’m actually about to say this, but I feel as if I have to, for my own sanity” he says
“What are you trying to say?” I reply, puzzled as ever
“I-I really wish I never left, I wish I stayed by your side, I wish I never lost the eight years I could have had with you” he says, desperation laced in his voice
I look at him with wide eyes and shock painted on my face, I have a very strange feeling that I know what he’s about to say
“Zaros, plea-“ I try to interrupt him
“No, just don’t!” he snaps
“I have felt this way for quite a while now, and sometimes, it’s all I can think about, I wish we never had that wretched fight in the first place!” He exclaims
I am left utterly speechless by his words, nothing could have ever prepared me for this
“I really wanted you to trust me more!” he adds
That sets me off, how can he ever expect me of all people to trust him? After his relentless insults and torments, he is so delusive
“Don’t start!” I snap
“What? Are you that scared of the truth?” he interrupts
“Well you have not made it easy for me, have you now?” I sneer as I jolt up, out of the bed
“What do you mean?” he replies as he gets up
“How in the name of Gods can you expect me to trust you after everything that’s happened? You agreed to contest against me, we are competing AGAINST each other or have you forgotten? How can I trust you any which ways? You are my rival!” I say with all the anger my voice can muster
“I had no.other.choice” he replies sternly
“And besides is that all I am to you? Just a rival, an enemy you want to overthrow? Or did you forget us and everything we were before our fallout, did all that mean nothing to you? You are deeply imbedded in all my memories, all my feelings, all my thoughts, there isn’t a corner in my soul where I can’t find you….you, you were everything to me, still are” he says
I want to absolutely scream at his words, he can’t just say that and the worst part is I can’t decide if I’m angry with him or yearning for him
“Please….don’t do this” I say, almost in a whisper, my voice shakes a bit
“How much longer are you going to pretend that you were never in love with me?” he snaps
I can feel my heart stop, my mind starts to fog up and I can barely breathe, a dull, crushing gust of pain swims across my chest…that is until I feel a violent rush of anger flow through me, red and fiery
“You…“ I rage
“I-I’m sorry, I went too far, I shouldn’t have-“ he says
“And you want me to “trust” you, I should’ve never come here in the first place” the hurt in my voice is evident and loud, and I might just burst into tears any second
I abruptly turn and sprint to the door, but before I can open it, he yanks my hand and pulls me to him
“I am so sorry, I know I’ve crossed way too many lines, I am a reckless fool, please forgive me, please stay” he says in the most desperate tone I have ever heard
“Give me one good reason why” I hiss
“I can’t” he replies
“I know I’ve caused you nothing but pain ever since I came back, I can see it on your face every single second, minute and hour I am near you, I have no excuse and no reason, I-I won’t force you to stay or do anything you don’t want to, but just know, how very sorry I am, for it all, we don’t even have to speak if that’s what you want, I care about you way more than I can ever express and I can’t handle seeing you so upset, I won’t hurt you, ever again, I promise, no matter what happens after the trials, it won’t change how I feel about you, nothing ever will” he says
I don’t reply, not because I don’t want to but because I just do not know how, my heart is heavy with a feeling I’d rather not feel, especially not for him, but I can not help it
“I don’t expect you to forgive me and-“
I don’t know what comes over me, but I wrap my arms around him in frantic desperation, as if he’s going to run away from me, as if I’m going to lose him all over again…
He slowly envelopes me in his arms, it’s very gentle, I can feel his heartbeat against my own, his warmth is infectiously addicting, I could practically fall asleep like this
“Don’t ever leave me, ever again, do you understand?” I assert
“I promise you with all my heart, I am never going away, my sweet earis” he replies in a soft, honeyed tone as he places a kiss on my cheek
“Zaros” I call to him as I pull away
“Yes?” He replies as he looks at me eagerly
“I have something very important to confess” I say
“What is it?” he replies as his expression grows more serious
“I am so very sorry I called you a leech” I say, not being able to hold back the mischievous smile forming on my face
At that we both erupt into laughter, and I embrace him once again, feeding off of his warmth
“And I’m sorry I called you a palace brat…though you still kind of are one” he says in a playful mocking manner
“Oh please , you love it” I reply in a calm, unbothered tone, my head resting his shoulder
“Yes, yes I do” he replies as he holds me tightly in his arms
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