fijiantransplant · 1 year
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Portrait of Liebling Marlow, the first Miss Hibiscus by Mary Edwell Burke. Circa 1976
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spiftynifty · 6 years
I've been a lurker in all my fandoms since I was a wee fandom babe but this s8 has got me all aflutter. But first of all, thank you for all your insights into the industry, it does ease the ache a little to understand why. Going off a previous ask, do you think what happens to Allura was always in the show bible?
Honestly, yes. Something like a character death was definitely figured out early, and this season being so Allura-centric made it pretty obvious from ep 1 that her days were numbered. 
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artsy-alice · 5 years
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October Ko-fi Run - Day 7 For misshibiscus at Twitter!
Keith, Shiro & cat!Black, getting all the love!
They found a lil stray who reminded them of lion!Black & they decided it's time to give Kosmo a little sister. They find out later that it's a maine coon.
The point is - Keith & Shiro with all the giant fur babies. thank u.
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Eco-Tourism can finance conservation
JOANA QICA is a first year law student at the University of the South Pacific. Her question required her to find out of Eco-Tourism can help to protect our environment. 
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Joana made strong points about how Eco-Tourism could provide Tourism Fiji with another strong segment. She told the judges that there is a need for more investment in accreditation measures for local tourist operators. Below is her speech at the BEST RESEARCH TOPIC Presentation Competition.
“Define what Eco-tourism means to you and how it contributes to the protection of our environment.”
Good afternoon Judges and good afternoon to those tuning in through Fiji One and Sky Pacific. My presentation, Ladies and Gentlemen, will solely focus on Eco-tourism and how it contributes to the protection of our environment. During my presentation I’m going to show you what eco-tourism is about ,the ingredients of eco-tourism, it’s principles, how it’s useful to the locals and the society, also I’m going to show you how eco-tourism can contribute to the conservation of our environment.
Thank you again Ladies and Gentlemen for the attention.
Eco-tourism is defined by The International Ecotourism Society as “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people”. Ladies and gentlemen, my understanding of eco-tourism is growth in greater active tourist participation but at the same time conserving our natural environment which in turn improves the livelihoods of the people. To further elaborate on “What Eco-tourism is?”, my dear audience I would like to highlight on the three main ingredients that makes up Eco-tourism, that is, “Conservation ,Communities and Interpretation” Conservation in the sense that eco-tourism provides effective economic incentives for conserving and enhancing bio-cultural diversity and helps protect the natural and cultural heritage of our beautiful planet, such examples in Fiji are, Bouma National Heritage Park and Namena Marine Reserve to name a few.  Eco-tourism involves Communities through increase in local capacity building and employment opportunities, empowering local communities around the world to fight against poverty and to achieve sustainable development, such examples are Turtle Island Resort(has the largest solar plant , 5 acres locally produced farm and tremendous support from local villagers), Bagata Village Tour, ladies and gentlemen, which provides employment and income earning opportunities as tour guides and the sale of handicrafts and Matava Resort(with 52 plot organic farm and training, community honey production and 100% Solar power solution).  The principles of Eco-tourism, ladies and gentlemen, is that it minimizes impact towards the environment, builds environmental and cultural awareness and respect in both visitors and hosts, provides positive experiences for both visitors and hosts, provides direct financial benefits for conversation and provides financial benefits and empowerment for local people, and supports human rights and democratic movements. Eco-tourism is beneficial to the locals and the society as it improves the welfare of local communities through employment, fosters and appreciation for nature and local cultures within locals and visitors whilst also respecting the aspirations and traditions of those visited. Therefore, Ladies and gentlemen, “Can Eco-tourism contribute in the protection of the environment? YES it can, because theoretically the finances gained can be used to find more initiatives to conserve the environment and Fiji or any Pacific country for that matter should consider practising Eco-tourism in a global market scale as this will expose visitors to be more aware of the ecology of Fiji’s unique natural attractions, as a result, Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a win win situation as we are improving the wellbeing of our local communities and helping to conserve the natural and cultural environment. Vinaka Vakalevu Ladies and Gentlemen for your time.
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Fiji's Vude Queen calls for KAILA audience Laisa Vulakoro is no stranger to talent searches so when she calls attention to the this weekends Kaila Star Search Heat 1 - it means the event is a must see! The show is scheduled for 6pm on Saturday June 21st at the Suva Civic Centre. Fiji's Vude Queen has in recent years become a patron for the development of local talent. Her influence is such that Fiji has seen an increase in young talent going on to become recording artists. Some of her proteges now lead the search for raw talent. One such person is Savuto Vakadewavosa who leads a team of talented young musicians who make up the Kaila! Star Search Team at the Hibiscus Events Group. Of the group, HEGI Chairperson Hirdesh Prasad says we can expect great things. "They are young people, who were themselves lifted onto the limelight so to speak by senior artists who wanted to nurture talent," Mr Prasad said. "So its a great thing to see that cycle of mentorship continue." Savuto said his team was quite excited to see the 30 acts they had been mentoring finally be ready to get on stage. "The talents in Fiji has just grown to greater heights. Some of these kids are coming in with natural vocal capabilities that other people usually need specialised training for," Savuto said. The young Vude prince attributes the trend to the development in social media. Young people are able to easily access media which encourages talent in a way thats never been seen before. The result is that when the first 15 acts come alive on stage this Saturday, the audience is in for a treat. At only $3, the viewing public is will get to see an acoustic duo, two dance acts and at least 13 solo vocal performances. Savuto said his dynamic team of fellow young rising stars are almost as excited and nervous as the fresh talent Fiji will get to see this weekend. “Mentoring is new for us especially when we are a young team but we always have fun in the process. Kaila! Star search is the first show in the lead up to the Hibiscus Festival so the pressure is there to start the hype well but  we are confident that we will deliver a great show for 2014!” Heat 2 of the Kaila! Star Search takes place next week followed by a Quarter Finals and Semi Finals while the Finals takes place during the festival proper which runs from August 15 - 23rd at Suva's Albert Park. Ends.... By Lice Movono-Rova www.andislandher.com _
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