lucxien · 1 year
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them :)
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I love MistBoyd in a way I love 2000's romcom movies. I can see Boyd sitting outside the hideout with Oscar and Ike tending to the weaponry while talking about everything and nothing and all of sudden he spots her from the corner of his eyes carrying a crate of vegetables back to the the kitchen and it’s like the whole world just slows down all on its own. Titania, Soren and Rhys pass by but he doesn’t notice them, Shinon just bumped into his shoulder but he doesn’t care, Gatrie and Mia are yelling from the back but it’s like they just don’t exist and Oscar and Ike are calling out his name but all he can hear it’s that guitar bit from What Once Was by Hers and the way her laughter rings, like angels’ bells or someting. Rolf is behind her talking to her but the world around just seems hazy so he can barely even see him and it looks like she is the only one in this world with him and she is surround by a halo of light somehow and—
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oneletterdiff · 2 years
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ah mistboyd, my first fire emblem ship || twitter
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indigo-inks · 4 years
What are your favorite pairings for Mist?
i gotta be honest here i am a complete sucker for jillmist! one of the first f/f fire emblem ships i could actually get behind in terms of in-game, plot-related chemistry and existing supports (the other being lissabelle, but that's another story)
mistboyd is kinda okay at best, though i only like it in terms of "mist lovingly bullies him and that's their entire relationship". definitely platonic more than anything else tho. i think best friends is also a stretch... more like brother-sister vibes?
and the last one is actually a ship i made myself, based on my fe:h team comps! julia/mist... which is somehow very dear to me despite the foundings being completely tactical-based. im p sure i've done more fanart for these two than i have jillmist, which is a crying shame i hope to amend
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unfo11owmelol · 4 years
*sweating* suddenly thought of MistRolf. I've always liked them as a brotp in PoR and potentially lowkey think they'd be kinda sweet but UHHH *LOUD SWEATING* I literally don't know how anyone else feels about this ship, probably bad I guess??? Also because of MistBoyd being endgame...
Still though, I really wanna ship Rolf with someone and I think Mist would've been the best. Also because man, Rolf goes through some horrible shit, namely some issues with his parents and war forcing him to become hardboiled...Rolf needs a hug man. :'(
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oneletterdiff · 3 years
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Various stages of a mistboyd wip because I am a firm believer in the inherent romanticism of getting dunked on. Also I hate drawing Boyd’s hair, my goodness. || twitter
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