#mitch & lainey
iamknicole · 2 years
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nequeos · 3 years
i’m convinced the same mutuals i talk to lose braincells with me
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Fringe Day 10 (Final Day)
Shows Seen - 
Breaking The News 8/10 This was recording of a radio comedy programme for Radio Scotland. I also went to it last week which I think was a better show.
JP Delaney/Ruth Ware 7/10 . This was at the book festival. Ruth Ware is one of my favourite authors and I really enjoyed listening to her talk but I’d never heard of JP Delaney and I didn’t like him. He was a bit mansplainey.
The Now Show 9/10. I went along to join the standby queue for this because I didn’t get tickets when I applied. I’m glad I did because somebody gave me a spare ticket they had (which was nice). I really enjoyed this (Steve Punt is one of my favourite. I love him so it was really good). Only dropped a point because I’m still disappointed that Jon Holmes and Mitch Benn are no longer in the show. Also the Military Tattoo was on at the same time so we could hear fireworks constantly. I haven’t listened to it yet so I don’t know if they were picked up by the microphones.
People Spotted
Rev Richard Coles
Ed Gamble
Also the producer of Breaking the News was on my train back from Edinburgh
I have seen 32 shows in 10 days at the fringe. (not in a row). I had so much fun. The Fringe is my favourite thing ever.
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kayah16 · 4 years
Make A Choice
Mitch let out a defeated sigh as he placed one of his many phones down on his coffee table. It was hard being a Malone especially when both sides of the family were on different ends. He had Leo and his Uncle Luca who stayed far away from the Malones. Didn’t want anything to do with them. Only time they came around the rest of them was when they had family functions.
Even then you felt the tension between everybody. Leo, Mama Rose, and Luca wasn’t racist. Yet, the rest of the Malones was racist. They didn’t like no other race or ethnicity, yet Mama Rose has worked with David Harrington. That’s something that always bothered Mitch. Mama Rose loved Lainey hell she still does and loved Treasure and Diego.
In Mama Rose little office, she had pictures of Treasure and Diego hung up. Yet Vinny and Sandy were the only ones who were bothered by it. Especially Sandy, always had a smart remark when he seen Lainey. He should feel so blessed that Lainey hasn’t put his ass twelve feet deep. As he sat and thought about his family and the tension between some of his family members.
He also thought about his last conversation with Cameron and Ms. Hanna. It wasn’t the first time he has heard that the rest of his family was only using him. Wasn’t the first time a member of Lainey’s family expressed concern about him working for his family again. Benny and Caleb expressed it first, but Caleb was just as rude as Cameron was maybe worse.
Even though him and Lainey didn’t end on the best of terms he was grateful she still let him be apart of Treasure and Diego’s lives. Sometimes he regrets going back to work for his family, but they needed him. He couldn’t turn his back on them but sometimes he had to sit back and think. Him and Lainey would be married by now with maybe their fourth child.
He let his family and his ego ruin the one good thing that happened to him. He needed to have a sit down with his brother and Uncle because he felt torn. It was the conversation well not really a conversation but more less the fact he got cursed out by Ms. Hanna and Cameron. Plus, Cameron punched the shit out of him.
Looking at the time he decided to get ready to meet with his Uncle and Brother. He didn’t want to be late meeting with them because Leo didn’t have a lot of patience. Plus, Leo didn’t like when he was late. He hoped this meeting went well. Leo and Luca walked into the iron bar and was instantly met by Sandy.
“Well if it isn’t the uppity side of the Malones. Leo and Uncle Luca. What brings you here?”
Leo inhaled already annoyed by Sandy. He motioned for Uncle Luca to find a table. When Uncle Luca nodded walking off Leo punched Sandy in the stomach making the young Malone double over.
“I am not Mitch. You will not play with me. Go find you an action figure to play with since you still a little boy.”
Adjusting his suit jacket Leo walked around Sandy going to the table Uncle Luca was sitting at. They conversated for about twenty minutes talking about different things. Mitch walked in and was met by Sandy who was still holding his stomach. Sandy thought he was tough, but everybody knew better. He just talked a big game, but he wasn’t about that life. Mitch chuckled he knew his brother punched the youngest Malone. He just slapped Sandy on this back chuckling going to his Uncle and Brother. He sat across from them folding his hands on the table.
“Thank you, for meeting with me.”
“It must be important. What’s going on?”
Uncle Luca asked as he eyed his nephew.
“Well, its about me being apart of the family business. I know everybody has their concerns and I have listened to them but…”
Leo sucked his teeth he had a feeling it was about the family business. Uncle Luca nudged his oldest nephew a sign that he needed to relax. Mitch waited until he knew his brother was calm to finish.
“Mama Rose is retiring, and she wants me to take over. She trusts me. I know. I know I’m making a bad decision but if I don’t take it over. She’s either going to give it to Vinny or Sandy.”
“You lost your family behind joining back into the family business. And you want to do this fulltime? Full? I have nothing against Mama Rose I love her. But the rest of them do not love you Mitch. They just going to continue to use you. And if you be stupid enough to take over it’s going to be worse.”
“Leo, relax.”
“I will not relax. You are not dumb Mitch. But you are being dumb and being treated as you are dumb because you don’t listen. I’m telling you this now. You need to make a choice. You can’t want to have a family and be a Malone at the same time. That’s why you lost Lainey. Can’t have it both ways. You need to choose wisely.”
Again, this wasn’t the first time Mitch has heard that. He did want a family. He did want a do over, but he couldn’t let his other family down. He did need to make a choice. How could he let the Malone name down? How could he have the best of both worlds? It was easier when they just needed him to do hits but now, he was next in charge and that was different. 
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ficsbynani · 6 years
Have & Have Nots - 2
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Mitch needed time to think but the more he drove around the angrier he became. He knew it was wrong of him to go off on Alaina, he felt like shit about it but there was nothing he could do to take it back.
 Minutes later, Mitch found himself in front of Mama Rose’s home. He knew some of his cousins and uncles were inside so he couldn’t go in there as angry as he is. If they saw the anger in his eyes, they would follow him and question him about it until he told them what was up. Mitch didn’t want them involved. This was between him, Mama Rose, Raphael and Alaina.
 As he walked through the house, his family greeted him noisily. He gave them the realest looking smile he could managed before ascending the stairs. He knew exactly where his grandmother was—in her office. He entered without knocking, her eyes snapped up to meet his. Anger sat in her eyes until she realized that it was Mitch and the anger turned into surprise.
 “To what do I owe this late visit?” She asked focusing her attention on her grandson.
 Mitch sat in the chair across from Rose’s desk, legs gapped open and his palms resting on his knees. “You looked me in my face for years and hid this from me, Ma.”
 “What are you talkin’ about, Mitchell?”
 He laughed to himself trying to calm his nerves. “You took trips twice a year to see them. Spent time with them and guilted her into silence.”
 Rose rolled her eyes, staring at her grandson impassively, “Is that what this is about, Mitchell? I told Raphael he shouldn’t have let her come home.”
 “Her sister is dead, Ma. Why wouldn’t she come home?” Mitch asked.
 “Her mother died while she was gone and a few cousins but she didn’t come home then. Raphael was always to soft when it came to Alaina. I’m surprised she kept her away this long.”
 “She had my baby alone, Ma. I should have been there with her but the two of you took that away.”
 “Did you come in here to whine about something that you cannot change? Raph and I made a choice, the best choice for you, her and Treasure. Don’t be ungrateful, Mitchell.”
 “Ungrateful? So I should be happy and thanking you for hiding my kid and the love of my life from me,” Mitch asked sarcastically. He stood from his chair, pacing the floor of Rose’s office. “Answer me this. Why would you and Raphael make that choice? Huh? Cause of some fucked up thing one of you did I bet.”
 “Actually it was something we did for the love of your life that’s coming back to bite us in the ass. Maybe you should ask her what she did, Mitchell.”
 “Don’t you dare, Ma. Whatever she did it was because of you and her father.”
 “Enjoy your time with her. It’ll be the last you’ll see of her for a very long time.”
 Mitch stared at his grandmother in awe. He couldn’t believe what she was saying to him. This was the reason he never wanted to involve himself with his family’s business. But it seems as though, he still ended up in it.
 He left her house in a rush, ignoring his family trying to talk to him. It would be a lie for him to say that he wasn’t thinking about what Rose had said. There were many questions he wanted to ask but he’s be damned if he asked his grandmother or Raphael any of them.
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  While her parents slept, Amanda snuck out of the house to go see Candace. She could have gone earlier but she didn’t have the time or energy to argue with her parents about their friendship. It wasn’t much of a friendship to others but it meant something to Amanda.
 Using the key Candace had given her, Amanda entered the dark apartment feeling around for the light switch. When she found it, she flipped it illuminating the room with an abundance of light.
 “Candace,” she called out. “Are you here?”
 While she waited for a response she walked around the living room area until something caught her eye. Papers that lied on Candace’s coffee table, she saw her name on most of them, her parents’ names on others. While she read a few of the papers as they lie on the table, Candace came into the apartment with War behind her. The pair were laughing until Candace saw what Amanda was looking at.
 “What the hell are you doin’?” Candace asked dropping her purse onto the sofa. War stood back watching the two women. “Did you hear me? I asked you a question, Amanda.”
 “Why do you have this,” she asked pointing to the papers. She knew better than to touch any of the papers. Amanda may not have wanted to be in law school but she listened to her lectures. “What are you doing with this?”
 “None of your damn business. You shouldn’t be here anyway, Amanda.”
 “YOU told me to come over, Candace. I’m here because you invited me and gave me a key. I guess you weren’t planning on me finding these.”
 Candace stalked closer to Amanda, watching her with her eyes narrowed. “You better forget what you saw or we’re gonna have a problem.”
 ‘We already have one, Candace. You’re not supposed to have any of this. Whatever you’re doing is illegal.”
 Candace gripped Amanda’s face, Amanda struggled to get away from her and the pain searing through her jaw. War laughed to himself, leaning against a wall. “Let me tell you something, little girl. If you tell anyone what you saw here I will kill your ass in bury you in your daddy’s front yard.” Tears sprung to Amanda’s eyes as she clawed at Candace’s hands prompting her to let go. “Get your ass outta here. You better remember what I said too. I’ll be watching.”
 “That’s not gonna make this go away, Candace. You’re doing wrong. Is that why my parents don’t want you around me,” she asked with tears in her eyes.
 Candace and War shared a laugh at her expense. They were hard, nothing bothered them. The two of them had seen their fair share of bad shit so tears didn’t move them.
 “War, get this bitch outta my place.” Candace ordered staring a hole in Amanda’s face. She smiled when she saw War approach the girl. “You better be real careful, Amanda. War isn’t as nice as I am.”
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 “Let’s go, cupcake,” War ordered gruffly. He grabbed her arm, dragging her to the door. “Its been a while since I fucked somebody up. Watch yourself.” Amanda shook with fear, she had never had this kind of fear put in her heart. She wished she had just stayed home and worked om designs like she had originally planned on. War pushed her out the door making her fall on her ass, he threw her purse out behind her hitting her in the chest. “You better hope you and I don’t cross paths again or it’s gon be real trouble for you and ya family. Got that?”
  Mitch stood at the end of Alaina’s bed, watching her sleep. A small smile on his face as he watched her toss and turn then reach her arm out. He removed his shirt then his shoes and pants before sliding into the cool bed beside her. It didn’t take long for her to cuddle up to him.
 “I’m sorry,” she whispered.
 Mitch kissed her forehead, squeezing her body tightly into his. “I love you, Lainey. Remember that.” Alaina sat up, staring sleepily at Mitch. He kissed her pouting lips then laid his head back. “Go to sleep. We can talk tomorrow.” She nodded lying her head on his chest.
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iamknicole · 3 years
Although I'm upset... pissed about that ending. I'm proud and happy with the universe that was built because of that series. Some of my best work is within that universe.
Just cause he done.... don't mean I am. Well but i am, we are. 😂😂
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iamknicole · 3 years
New Leaf (2)
After having lunch with her mom, Amanda went to visit her brother, Wyatt, at his rehab facility. Him and her didn't have a very good relationship but she wanted to go see him since it had been so long. She had gotten the address of the facility from her dad under the guise that she wouldn't give the information to her mother which she agreed to simply because she knew her mother didn't care to know in the first place.
The nurse led her to his room and opened the door for. When she stepped in, she spotted him sitting out on his closed off patio. She sat her purse on his desk before going out to where he was.
"It's a nice day, huh?" She said plopping down in the seat next to him.
"If you say so, Amanda. What are you doing here anyway?" He asked barely glancing at her.
Taken back by his tone, Amanda took a few deep breaths to keep from going off on him and smiled once again. "I came to see you. I just moved back yesterday, wanted to let you know."
Finally he looked over at her.
"Where are you staying?"
"At home. Where else would I stay?" She chuckled.
"That's dumb. Why go back there? Those people don't love you, they just wanna control you."
"Wyatt ... no they don't. I get it, you're mad that you're here but I think you should be grateful anyone was willing to help you. They could've just let you keep going until you overdosed. Or they could've let you go to jail for killing that little girl."
Wyatt shot a sharp glare at her and she gave him the same back.
"That look does not scare me. We all know what you did, you're just lucky the right people couldn't prove it." She huffed standing up from her chair. "You know, I know you're pissed at them because of what happened to us at camp but that wasn't their fault, they didn't know that would happen. And you feel like they owe you something, especially mom, because of what happened but mom doesn't owe you a damn thing. You're just spoiled and ungrateful."
Wyatt snorts and rolled his eyes waving her off. "That's easy for you to say. They don't do you like they do me."
"What? Wyatt, before I moved to Atlanta all they did was put all of their attention on you. I barely got a glance. You were always in trouble or in the hospital. They did what they did because for some reason they think you're worth saving."
"And you're saying I'm not?" He asked looking up at her.
"That's exactly what I'm saying. I'm getting out of here and don't expect me to come back. Good luck on getting clean."
Ignoring his yelling and insults, Amanda went back into his room and grabbed her purse. She tossed the gift she'd gotten him on his bed then stormed out of the room leaving the door wide open.
After dropping her uhaul off, Lainey ubered to her father's garage. It was one of two of his businesses, the other being his construction company. This is the one he was at today. While she waited in his office, a couple of his employees came to talk to her. When he walked in she was sitting on top of his desk laughing and talking with them standing near her.
"Now I know yall asses got some work to be doing." His voiced boomed making the two of them jump. "Get away from my daughter before you don't have a job or eyes anymore."
Lainey laughed as they scurried out of the office. "Pop, why you so mean to them?"
He kissed her head then pushed her off his desk and walked around to sit behind it. "First, don't be sitting on my desk. Second, cause they asses don't have no business in here talking to you. Especially when it's so much work to be done. What you doing here anyway?"
"Ew, rude, Pop." She laughed sitting in one of his chairs. "I just came to see you. I can't come see my father that I missed so much and that I love so much."
Caleb started at her with his brow raised. "Your mama put you out, didn't she?"
Lainey laughed loudly. "You know she did."
"What did you do?" He asked laughing.
"Well...I had invited her to come with me to drop the truck off and I would run errands with her. I was tryna help her and provide her with entertainment while she got ready. And do you know what she told me, Pop?"
He chuckled. "No, what?"
"She told me I get on her d-a-m-n nerves so I simply told her that she's a Christian and she not supposed to be cussing. She must ain't like that too much cause next thing I know there was a shoe coming my way and she told me to get out and leave and not to come back to later. So... here I am."
Caleb couldn't help the loud laugh that came out. He could hear his wife's voice perfectly in his head. "And I know you're proud of yourself. Want me to take you to get your car?"
"Very," she nodded. "No, Amanda is gonna pick me up. We're gonna go find her an outfit for tonight."
"Where you two going?"
"A friend of hers is hosting a party at a club tonight so we're gonna go. Might find you a son on law while I'm there."
Caleb stared at her, "Alright ... don't get nobody shot, Lainey. Why don't you invite your brother? I'm sure he'll wanna go."
"You want him to go so he can scare people off so no. But he has a date anyway," she said with an eye roll.
"Oh right with that girl from ya mama church. Something about that girl ain't right."
"Same thing I said but Mama told me hush my mouth."
Across town, Benny and Mitch day in their shared office doing paperwork and talking. They had a very busy morning that tapered off into a calm afternoon.
"How's your brothers, man?"
"They good, they good. Two more months left then they gon be home." Benny told him with a smile. "I can't wait."
Mitch looked up smiling, "That's what's up man. I know they're ready, it's been a long time coming."
"Hell yeah been six long years. I know Mama gon be shouting and praying when they get out. You know her," he laughed.
"Yeah, you know it. You ready for your date tonight?"
Benny huffed loudly and laughed. "I'm ready to get out over with. That girl is weird, something is wrong. I been turning her down politely for months then he ass turn around and go through my mama."
"Knowing Ms. Hanna not gon let you say no."
"Exactly. Ima take her to dinner then ima take my ass home. She not about to get my caught up in nothing."
Mitch frowned a little, "What you mean?"
Benny put his pen down and leaned on his desk, "Something about the way she be looking at me and looking over my shoulder, like she paranoid or something. Ion really like that shit."
"Keep your eye out when you're out with her. You picking her up?"
He nodded. "Yeah, I was gonna have her meet me there but you know."
"Yeah, Ms. Hanna wasn't having that. Just let me know when you pick her up and when you drop her off."
Later that night, Benny sat across the table with his date for the evening, Gia. He had been texting his best friend on and off to give him updates.
"You okay? You seem a little distant."
He raised a brow at her. "I'm cool just hungry. Waiting for my food."
She laughed a little nodding, "Yeah, me too. They're a little slow tonight. So how was work?"
"Work was work," he answered watching her look around for the fifth time, "Aye, what or who are you looking for?"
"Hmm? Oh nobody, nothing. Why did you ask?"
"Cause your ass keep looking around. You got a man or you running from someone. Which one?"
She shook her head laughing a little. "Neither, neither. I just like to watch my surroundings."
Benny hummed not believing her. If it's one thing he could do, it's sense when some shit wasn't right. And nothing about Gia seemed right.
"What did you say you do again?" He asked knowing she had never told him.
"You weren't listening to me?" She asked smiling.
He chuckled rubbing his hands over his beard. "I'm a lil forgetful sometimes. Tell me again, sweetheart."
Gia took a sip of her drink which Benny paid attention to. She was stalling.
"Oh I am a uh consultant for a bridal shop." She stuttered out with a smile.
"Oh really? Which one?" He asked leaning back in his chair.
"Mmm I don't wanna talk about work, Benny," she laughed, "Work is stressful and I wanna leave it where it's at. I'm gonna run to the restroom really quick."
Nodding, Benny watched her hurry off to the bathroom with her phone to her ear. He pulled out his phone to text his best friend and his father to let them know something was feeling off with her. Meanwhile, Gia was pacing back and forth talking on her phone.
"What?" The voice on the other end snapped.
"I think I messed up." Gia panicked.
A loud groan came through the receiver. "What the hell did you do?"
"He noticed me looking around a lot and I don't think he bought my excuse. And he asked me what I do and I told him at a bridal shop."
"Dammit! That is not what I told you to do! You just better hope you don't fuck this up for me! Cause if you do.."
"I know, I know. I'm sorry."
"Not as sorry as you will be if you fuck this up. Get back to that table and stop being so damn paranoid!"
Gia assured them that the rest of the evening would go according to plan and hung up. Before leaving the bathroom she fixed her make up. Benny looked up from his phone when he saw her come back to the table, giving a half smile to her wide one.
"Ooh our food came. This smells and looks good," she commented sitting in her seat. "What did you get again?"
"Steak, roasted vegetables and a loaded potato. You good?"
"Yup, I'm good," she smiled. "Would you like to taste my pasta?"
Benny looked up from his food for a moment, "Nah, I'm good. Thank you though. So the consulting thing. You like a independent contractor?"
Gia thought quickly before nodding. "Yes, that's its. They call when they need me and I go in to help on already scheduled days every 30 days."
"So you make your own schedule and all that? You always wanted to do that?"
"Be my own boss," she laughed a little, "Yes. Consulting, no. It's not the last stop but it's a stop. I love fashion and all that."
Benny hummed listening to her talk. He couldn't care less about what she was saying, he just wanted to keep her talking. Caleb taught him if you kept someone taking long enough, they tell on themselves without you having to do much.
"Cool so what's the next stop?" He asked eating some of his food.
She smiled and shrugged, "Haven't decided yet but something big. I hear your sister is back in town. You excited?"
Benny frowned, "How you hear that?"
"You know your mama told everybody at church," she laughed. "And we know some of the same people."
"Mmhm. Yeah that's my lil baby of course I'm excited."
Gia nodded. "A friend of mine wanted to know if she was dating anybody. He's been crushing on her since they were in high school."
"Nah," Benny answered cutting his steak, "She not dating nobody. At all. Whoever it is can keep crushing cause it ain't gon happen."
Gia laughed mixing her pasta a bit, "Awe you're protective. That's cute."
Lainey left her room with her clutch and phone, heels clicking down the hallway to her parents' room. She walked into the room dancing a little bit and adjusting her dress. Hanna sat in her bed against the headboard watching tv.
"Mama, come on and tell me I look good so I can go." Lainey laughed.
Hanna looked over at her and chuckled. "You missing straps and fabric at the top and bottom of your dress. Where you think you going?'
"Mama ... its a halter dress is not supposed to have straps. And it's almost mid thigh, that's long enough."
"Who told you that you could wear that?"
Lainey laughed a little, "I dunno if you know but I'm grown, Mama. Plus I'm cute and it's cute."
Hanna hummed. "Yeah okay, cute. Your daddy seen what you wearing?"
"Nope and ima leave before he does."
Just as Lainey turned to leave she bumped into Caleb. He looked her up and down then chuckled.
"You gon be late to ya party, go get dressed, Lainey."
Lainey looked down at her dress and heels then back at him. "I am dressed, Pop."
"Where you think you finna go in that?"
Again, she started to dance and laugh. "I'm about to go cut a rug, Pop. Shake what my mama gave me."
"You shake too much and you gon be showin what your mama gave you. You not wearing that."
Lainey sucked her teeth, "Pop, its cute."
"Uhuh, cute, I don't care. Go change."
Pouting, Lainey stomped out of the room back to her bedroom. She started to pick another outfit then grabbed her long sleeve jean button up shirt and put it on over her black dress. She left it unbuttoned and fixed it in her mirror then left to go back to her parents room. When she walked in they were kissing which made her frown.
"Hey, ew. Stop that. I don't wanna see that." She complained. "Is this better? Can I go now?"
They pulled away laughing.
"Much. Leave that on, don't take it off. You staying with Amanda or coming home?" Caleb asked.
"Staying with Amanda. Text yall when I get to where I'm going and when we're back at her parents."
Caleb nodded, "Alright, babygirl. We love you. Have fun but be careful."
Lainey went to kiss and hug them quickly before leaving the room. Once she was in her car, she pulled out of the driveway quickly heading for the Cryer house. Halfway there, her phone rung.
"Hey, Manda! I'll be there in like 15 minutes."
"Ugh I can't go," Amanda groaned, "My dad neglected to tell me that we're having a dinner party tonight. My mom tried to help me out but no dice."
Lainey pouted sitting at the red light. "Damn it. That sucks, I was looking forward to the party. Well call me when it's over and we can chat."
"Okay, I will. I'm so sorry about this. What are you gonna do?" She asked still sulking.
"Uuuh, I don't know," Lainey said quietly. "Probably go see my aunt or get food and go back home."
"Okay well I'll call you. And I'm sorry again."
"Girl you're good. I understand."
When they hung up, Lainey drove around for a bit trying to decide what she was going to do. While she rode around her phone ring again. She smirked seeing who it was.
"You must've known I needed something to do," she laughed.
Mitch's laughed echoed through her speakers. "I have great timing. Thought you had a party to go to."
"Plans got canceled. So now I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go."
"I'm sorry to hear that, Lainey."
She laughed a little. "This is when you ask me if I wanna come over, Mitch."
He laughed. "I was getting there. You wanna come over? I'm not doing anything, my best friend is on a date. I could use the company."
"Well good then. What's your address?" She asked happily.
Mitch gave her the address, then talked to her until she got to his house. While they talked, Mitch straightened his living room up then pulled his car out of his garage so she could park there.
Lainey looked around his living room while he went upstairs to change. He noticed pictures of him and a very familiar older woman who resembled him. She knew she had seen the woman before but couldn't remember from where. Mitch had changed into gray sweats and a black t-shirt before coming back down. He noticed her looking as he took a seat on his sofa sitting with his legs wide.
"Those shoes look nice on you but they can't be comfortable to stand in."
She turned to smile at him and went to sit at the end of the sofa. "They're not uncomfortable yet but I did want to sit down."
"Good. I don't know if I told you but you look beautiful."
"Thank you, Mitch." She smiled fixing her dress a little.
He nodded looking over at her. "How long do I have the pleasure of your company?"
She shrugged. "I'm not sure. I was supposed to be spending the night with Amanda so didn't plan on going home."
Mitch stretched his arms out on the back of his sofa, he's knees fanning a bit. "Well if you wanna stay a few hours, I'm good with that and if you wanna spend the night I'm good with that too. Up to you."
Lainey eyed him. Looking from his open legs to his face then his outstretched arms. She hadn't realized just how much of him it was until now and she was not disappointed at all.
"I um ... I'm gonna stay the night. If that's okay with you."
Mitch smiled at her. "Like I said, I'm good with what you wanna do. We can order food and watch a movie."
Realizing he was about to get up, Lainey stopped him and pulled out her phone. "Wait ... we can use my phone. You don't have to get up."
He chuckled softly taking her phone. "No problem. My uncle's restaurant delivers, I'll order that for us."
"Okay um we should ... we should talk and get to know each other while we wait."
"Wanna talk about this stuttering thing you're doing," he asked concentrating on ordering their food. "You didn't do that before."
"That was before I noticed how much of you there is." She said louder than she intended. Covering her face, she laughed nervously. "Oh my God ... I was not supposed to say that so you could hear me."
Mitch laughed looking over at her briefly, "It's okay, honesty is good. Did you not realize how big I was when we met?"
"Honestly, no. I was so tired from the drive and unpacking that I didn't realize it."
"Even when I walked up on you in the kitchen?"
She shook her head looking at the side of his face. "No. Happened so fast and I didn't want my brother to come in so I was looking at the doorway."
"Tell you what, when I'm done ordering the food I'll stand up for you so you can look again. Deal?" He asked.
"Good then I wanna see this outfit," he added softly, "without the shirt that's covering it."
Once the food was ordered he gave back her phone then stood from the sofa. He fixed his shirt and sweats before smiling at her. Lainey raised a brow starting at the moon in front of her. There were so many things she wanted to say and ask but nothing came out but a small, barely audible, "oh." Laughing a little, Mitch pulled her up from the sofa and looked down at her.
"I'm wearing six inch heels and I'm only at your chest. How is there so much of you?" She asked staring up at him.
"I dunno. Genetics, I guess, Lainey." He laughed and sat back down. "Your turn, beautiful."
Lainey removed the shirt she was wearing on top of her dress tossing it aside into the love seat. She adjusted her dress a bit then spun around so he could see the entire thing. Mitch had to restrain himself from reaching out to touch her when she turned her back to him. He smiled at her once she was was facing him and pulled her to stand between his legs.
"You look beautiful. This is a beautiful dress on you as well. I like it."
"Thank you, Mitch. At least you like it, my parents didn't."
Mitch chuckled grabbing her hands. "They're not supposed to. It fits you very, very well. You wanna take these off?"
Lainey raised a brow and laughed. "Wait ... take what off?"
"The heels, Lainey." He laughed. "The heels. Do you wanna take them off?"
"Oh, oh," she laughed, "Yeah, I do."
Mitch started to help Lainey take her heels off. They got one off successfully but the buckle on the other got stuck. Between both of them pulling and tugging, Lainey fell into Mitch's lap. He caught he'd around the waist, her face inches away from her as she laid her hands on his chest to catch herself. There breathing increased slightly.
"You good? I got you." He said softly searching her face.
She nodded tucking her bottom lip momentarily. "Yeah I'm good. Thank you."
Using his free hand, Mitch finally got the buckle loose and tossed the heel aside. His hand slid down her waist to her thigh keeping his eyes on her.
"You got goosebumps. You cold?"
"No," she answered shaking her head. "No, not cold. Just ... you."
A ghost of a smile graced his face. "I can take a hint."
Pulling her further into his lap then leaned up to kiss her. She fell into his rhythm putting her arms around his neck. The two of them kissed until Mitch's phone vibrated in his pocket making her jump and pull away.
"Sorry," he said softly going into his pocket for his phone, "It's Benny. He's been updating me on his date."
Lainey nodded staring at him, waiting. That was fine that they were keeping in contact with each other but she didn't care. When he tossed his phone to the side, she launched herself at him kissing him hard. While they were kissing Lainey's phone was vibrating on the other end of the sofa being ignored. She's forgotten to text her mama so she was calling.
"She probably just having fun with Amanda and forgot. You know how they are," Caleb assured his wife. "She'll text."
Hanna sighed hanging up. "She better. She knows I worry."
"She's a big girl now, she's okay, lil lady. Let's finish this movie."
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iamknicole · 3 years
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iamknicole · 5 years
Just In Case
After getting Treasure comfortable, Lainey left the house without a word to any of her siblings, husband and parents. She let Treasure know where she was going but not to tell any of them unless she was still gone at bedtime.
Figuring someone from her biological parents' circle was following her, she opted for the Malone's bar and asked Mitch to meet her. Mitch wasn't there but she went on in and waited on him.
Mitch's younger cousin, Louie, sat opposite her in the booth. "Alaina, long time no see. What you doing over here?"
"Came to see Mitch, Louie."
He smiled. "Thought you came to see me. You know I've always wanted you."
"Walk away, Louie. You're a baby." She laughed looking down at her phone.
Louie laughed leaning into the table. "I could change your life, Alaina."
"Get your ass away from her, Louie," Mitch demanded snatching his cousin out of the seat. "Why don't you go see if Uncle Vinny needs anything, huh?"
Mitch watched his cousin until he was in the back before sitting across from Lainey. He smiled at her and she returned it.
"Been a long while since you smiled at me without the kids being around."
She nodded, folding her arms on the table. "You better enjoy it, Malone, might not happen again."
"Noted," he laughed, "Sorry, I'm late. I had to drop Diego off to Luca."
"You're good. I just got here myself. Thank you for meeting me."
Mitch leaned back during the bar for a second, holding momentarily at a few of his cousins. "Its no problem, anything for you. How's T's finger?"
"It's good, I told her you'd come by so don't make me liar, Malone."
"I won't, I won't. Now what's going on? You seem off, angrier vibe than usual and I know it's not me."
Taking a few seconds, Lainey got her thoughts together. She didn't want to have this conversation but she knew she needed to.
"I'm not sure if B told you or not but he got Bishop." She paused for Mitch to nod. "So now Goddess and Kaine are pissed and want blood. They threatened us, all of us, kids included. They've sent two warnings already. Sent people to beat Melissa up and Eric was at T's school."
"Fucking bastard," Mitch cursed under his breath. "I'll kill them. They threaten my kids, you and your family. No, no, no."
Lainey put her hand on top of Mitch's to get his attention. She watched the tension leave his shoulders and his face soften.
"No, Mitch. They aren't after you or anyone in your family. The kids, my sisters and mama are gonna stay with Luca while we handle this. But I need you," she explained softly.
"Need me for what, Lainey? Just let me do this, it's the least I can do."
She shook her head. "No, the least you could do is make sure our kids and my family is safe. I know Luca will protect them but it doesn't hurt to have a little more. Please?"
Mitch sighed staring at their hands. He wanted to kill them but her could never say no to Lainey. "Alright, I'll keep an eye out. Where are you gonna be? You need to be safe too."
Lainey smiled sliding her hand back in front of her. "I'm not hiding, you know I don't hide. I'm gonna be the last face they see."
"You're gonna get yourself killed. Stay with Uncle Luca, the kids need their mom and your family needs you." He reasoned softly.
"I'll be alright, Mitch. Have I ever not been alright?"
Again, he sighed.
"Fine but you let me know if you need anything from me. I don't care what time or what it is, I got you, Lainey."
"Of course," she said getting up from the booth. Mitch got up with her and opened his arms. "I guess you can have a hug but don't overdo it."
Laughing, Mitch wrapped his arms around her hugging her tight. "Take care of yourself. I love you, alright?"
"Love you too, Malone." She laughed letting him go and walked around him towards the exit.
He turned to follow her, he wanted to go handle a few things before he went to see Treasure. When she opened her car door, he called out to her from his, she turned and raised her brows at him.
"Congratulations," he smiled.
Lainey furrowed her brows in confusion.
"Congrats for what?"
"The new addition. You be careful with that."
"New addition?" She repeatedly loudly. "I'm not pregnant, Mitch."
"Trust me, I know, you've had two of my babies."
Lainey laughed, "I'll humor you. How do you know that? I don't even know that. Hell, Mama hasn't even mentioned it."
Mitch smiled at her from across the hood of his car. "Its all in the hug, Lainey. You feel the same way you did when I told you that you were pregnant with T and Diego."
Lainey thought for a second then shook her head. "We'll see. I'll see you later."
"Secret's safe with me, Lainey. I'll be by later to see T."
Lainey got in her Jeep and pulled off not wanting to waste anymore time, Mitch pulled off behind her. The whole drive back to the house Lainey thought about her talk with Mitch and his revelation at the end. She decided that she would tell her brothers, husband and Pop about their conversation omitting the part about her being pregnant. Telling them that would only make them angrier and them keeping her away from the situation before they even figured out if she is or isn't.
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iamknicole · 5 years
What's a Malone?
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Lainey had talked Charles into coming down to Savannah with her to see the kids and their family for the weekend. School was out so they didn't have to worry about Hanna and Caleb fussing about keeping her on her schedule when they took her out.
When the couple crept into her parents house, they found Cameron and Benny in the living room watching television (somewhat arguing). Lainey ran and jumped on them laughing, Charles strolled in behind her.
"You too damn heavy to be jumpin on people," Benny groaned pushing her legs off of him.
Cameron sucked his teeth pushing her as well. "You're ass almost got hit. I ain't know who you was."
"Who else would walk into Pop's house and jump on you? They're not crazy," Lainey laughed hugging them. "I miss y'all."
Benny smiled. "Miss you too. What's up, Chuck?"
"What's up, B, Cam?"
"I didn't miss your annoying ass," Cameron joked getting up to hug Lainey. "What's goin on, Charles? Treating my baby sis good?"
Charles laughed rubbing his hands together. "Yeah even though she yells at me asks hits me."
Lainey pushed him laughing, "Hush it up. You're alive, aren't you?"
"MAMA! I miss you!"
Lainey turned just in time to see Treasure let go off Hanna and Caleb's hands. She ran across the room hugging Lainey's legs. Picking her up, Lainey hugged the four year old tight and kissed her cheek.
"I missed you, T. Did you miss me?"
"Uhuh, I did. I drew you some pictures for the new house too, Mama."
Lainey smiled, "Ooh girl whaaat? Me and Chuck's room is gonna be poppin."
Treasure turned to get left hearing a familiar laugh. "Chuck! You're here too?"
"I sure am. Came to see my favorite girl," he gassed kissing her forehead. "Aaaaand I may or may not have a surprise with me."
"Is it nail polish? Cause I like that now. Me, Auntie CiCi, Auntie Lissa and Nana go get our nails and toes done." She told him flashing her glittery gold nails.
Charles laughed, "We'll just have to see now won't we?"
Treasure held her arms out for Charles to hug him. While Charles held her and talked to her brothers, Lainey went to speak to her parents.
"I missed y'all. How are yall?" She asked after hugging them.
Caleb rolled his eyes, "Like you don't know. You call ya mama ten times a day."
Lainey rolled her eyes playfully. "Anyhow, where's Diego? Him looked so big when we Facetimed the other day. And his cheeks are so chunky now."
"Cause Uncle Cam been feedin him good," Cameron called out.
Caleb sucked his teeth and looked at Hanna. "He's with Mitch. Treasure didn't wanna go. I'll have Luca bring him home."
Treasure got down from Charles' arms and skipped over to Lainey, pulling on her hand.
"Yes, T?"
"What's a Malone, Mama?" Treasure asked pushing her curls out of her face.
"Um, its you and your brother's last name. You got it from Daddy remember?"
Treasure sighed dramatically. "I know that, Mama. What's a Malone?
Lainey frowned kneeling to her daughter's height. "I don't understand, T. What are you asking me?"
"Me an' Daddy went to this big house, I sat in the car while he stood outside it talking to this man about $75. Aaaaand he said somethin' 'bout a hit," Treasure explained dramatically, "And then we went to see Uncle Vinny and Cousin Louie at a reseraunt. They drink what PopPop and my uncles drink. Cousin Louie say nobody messes with a Malone. So what's a Malone, Mama?"
Lainey gritted her teeth. Every time she gives Mitch a chance, he fucked it. Not only did he take their daughter to see about some stupid money, he took her to their families' bar.
"I'll be back yall."
Lainey tried to pass through her parents but they wouldn't budge.
"You're not going anywhere," Hanna said turning Lainey back around.
Lainey sucked her teeth. "Mama, no, I'm just gonna go talk to him."
"No, you're not," Caleb said with finality. "Cam, Benny, Charles, lets go."
Caleb was tired of having this same conversation with Mitch. He couldn't kill him because he was his grandkids' father but he could beat his ass.
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iamknicole · 3 years
Trouble Man
AN:: Because I ain't like it so rewrite it is. Mitch and Lainey are together, Candace is alive in order for this to work..
Candace tossed and turned in her hotel bed trying to shake the voices of those whose deaths she caused. From Oscar, War and Quincy to Erica and Lil Q. She yelled out in her sleep until she felt someone grab her and her eyes shot open landing on Oliver.
"Stop fighting. Stop. And shut up." Oliver demanded in a hushed tone.
"What are you doing in here? Get out of here! Leave me alone!"
Rolling his eyes, Oliver placed a the handkerchief he held over her mouth only moving it when she stopped fighting. Placing it into the inside pocket of his suit jacket, he stood from the bed and motioned to the men he'd traveled with.
"Restrain her and put her in the trunk."
Landen scoffed stopping the other two service members. "We don't just do what you say, Oliver. You don't make demands."
Oliver stepped into his face. "Who did Charles put in charge of this when the first person fell short? Who knew that there was a job to get done and played around?"
There was silence between the men.
"I'll answer for you. He put me in charge when you played around." Oliver spoke through clenched teeth. "So do what I said. Restrain her and put her in the trunk. Now."
Oliver glared at Landen a little longer then left the room with his phone to his ear.
On the other side of town, Benny sat in Melissa's house changing her locks. The two of them had just come in from their ruined dinner.
"Benny, you don't need to change those right now. They're not coming here. Lemme clean that cut on your forehead."
Benny shook his head still working on the front door locks. "Nah, ima be aight this needs to be done. You don't know these people like I do, they're coming. And when they do you don't wanna be caught slippin. Aight?"
Melissa sighed, "Benny, it's fine. I'll just call Veronica and get this taken care of."
"Isn't she the reason you're in this mess? You not calling her. That kid that they sent its tryna prove a point and I'm not gon let him use you for target practice to prove it."
"Alright, Benny. But when you're done I'm cleaning that cut and you're getting out of here."
Benny shook his head again. "No, I'm not. I gotta make sure you safe. He looking for me too I'm sure now so when he shows up he can get the rest of the ass whoopin he ain't get in that damn restaurant."
"I see you're not budging so I'll give up but I think you should at least go check on your family."
"I got that taken care of, ima call them. Why don't you go fix us something to drink or something. Relax. I got you."
After receiving his punishment from his family, Mitch went to sit across from Vinny in his booth clutching his side. Vinny took a swig of his beer then chuckled.
"Learn ya lesson?"
"Yeah, Uncle Vinny. So we good now?" He asked wincing a bit.
"Yeah we are but you listen to me no more lying to your family and covering up for this kid."
"I was helping my friend. His family is my family too. I told you that."
"No," Vinny barked, "The Malones are your family, not them. We are. Understand?"
Sandy approached the table clutching the ice back to his head. "He's acting like that cause he's dating that guy's sister. He's been hiding it from us."
Mitch turned to glare at his cousin, "Shut your little bitch ass up before you get beat up again, Sandy! Not the time!"
"You ain't gonna do nothin. Guess what else, Uncle Vinny. He's got a baby with the broad. How you like that, Mitch?"
Mitch got up as quick as his injuries would allow and stood in front of Sandy glaring down at him. "What did I say to you? What did I tell you?"
"That dumbass friend of yours is gonna get what he deserves for what he did and if I'm lucky I'll get that broad and that baby too." Sandy taunted with a smirk.
Mitch threw a few punches knocking the smaller man down before being pulled away, backed into a wall. Vinny stood in the open space between them pointing a finger at each of them.
"Sandy, if you knew how to back up the shit you say, you wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. You just love getting your ass kicked, don't you?" Vinny asked sarcastically.
Sandy sucked his teeth. "Oh everybody has jokes now. Aren't you gonna do something? He hit me and he had a baby with the black kid's sister."
Mitch struggled against his cousin, "Oh shut up, you whiny ass cry baby! You're lucky they're holding me!"
"Shut it, Mitch! Sandy, you get outta here and do what you said you were gonna do and I want it done tonight. If it's not done then I'm gonna do it to you."
"You got it, Uncle Vinny. I'll even get extras for you." Sandy answered with a smirk.
"I swear to God, Sandy. If you do this, I'll take you out myself. And unlike you, I'm not afraid to do it."
Vinny waved Sandy out of the bar then got closer to Mitch letting his nephews know that they could move.
"So what ... you're gonna kill your own family over these people? It's that what I just heard?"
Mitch glared at his uncle, "They're my family too."
"You mean the black girl and the black baby? Right?" Vinny chuckled.
"I mean my best friend, my girl, my daughter, all of them."
"When were you gonna tell us the good news? Our boy's a daddy now. Hey," Vinny called out, "Get him a drink. He deserves a congratulations."
Mitch huffed. "I don't want a damn drink. I'm leaving."
"No, you're not. You're gonna sit here and wait for Sandy to call. And while we're waiting you're gonna tell me why you didn't tell us."
"I'm not staying here while he's trying to kill them. I told who needed to know. Mama Rose. That's it. She loves my girl and my baby, she's gonna be pissed when she finds out."
Vinny's nostrils flaired as he grew angrier. "Mama Rose isn't here! I am! I'm in charge!"
"All you are is a placeholder while the heat dies down. She wouldn't leave this to you, Vinny. You couldn't even defend yourself from a drug addict," Mitch laughed.
"You keep it up and you'll end up dead along with your precious family, you lil bastard."
While they were going back and forth, one of Mitch's cousins sent a text to Mama Rose about what was happening. Moments later his phone rung and he stepped away to answer.
Hanna pulled up in front of her house and hopped off after killing the engine. She chuckled to herself approaching her stoop.
"Well ... well ... well ... look at my babygirl. What are you doing here this late with my baby?"
Lainey smiled bouncing her four month old daughter in her arms. "Tell your Nana that we were at home alone and your daddy wasn't answering so we thought he was here with Benny."
Hanna grabbed her grandbaby and gave her daughter her housekeys. "No, he's not here but I'm glad you two came to see me. I missed yall. Let's go in and I'll call your bug head brother, I'm sure they're together."
The three of them went inside the two story home, the older two engaging in conversation with each other.
Oliver stood in front of Candace in the chair she was tied to squinting at her. He took a moment to clean his glasses and put them back on before smacking the side of Candace's face.
"Come on, get up. I don't have all day."
Candace came to with a frantic gasp as she tried to move around.
"You might as well stop moving, you're restrained and that won't change. Now are you going to be quiet while we talk to you or do I need to tape your mouth?"
"No, don't. I just wanna know why I'm here. What's happening?" She asked fearfully.
Oliver stepped to the side as the door opened and in walked Charles. His signature smile plastered on his face.
"We met again, Ms. Young. Bet you thought you got away, didn't you?"
"Charles ... what ... what are you doing? Is this because I didn't want to come back? I'm sorry. Just let me go."
With his hands in his pockets, Charles walked a circle around the chair she sat in laughing loudly. "That's not it. Guess again, Ms. Young."
Candace sat quietly. "It's because I told you that I'm pregnant? It's the truth, I am."
"Its not about that because I know you're not."
"What? I went to the doctor. Yes, I am. Please. I'm go away and I won't bother you. Just let me and my baby go."
Again Charles laughed. "You hear that, Oliver? Just let me and my baby go," he mimicked, "When we met, I told you two things that you shouldn't have ever forgotten. Do you remember?"
Oliver stood back with an amused look on his face.
"No, you told me a lot of things. I don't know, Charles."
Charles stopped in front of her and leaned down so she could see his face. "I told you that I'm not the one to play with and there's nothing that you can do, nothing you can say and nowhere that you can go that I won't know about. That doctor told you that because I wanted her to. Wanted to see how long you'd keep it to yourself before you used the card you thought you had."
"All of this so I would come back? Are you really that delusional and crazy?"
"No, that's not it. Whether you came back on your own or forcefully you were coming back. I always make good on my favors for my friends. And this favor just so happens to be for a best friend of mine."
Candace started to move around in the chair trying to get loose. "This is about that money I took from Jim? He got you being his bitch now?"
"That's cute," he laughed, "You think that shit that you pulled with Jim is gonna work on me and you're wrong ... its not. I wouldn't piss on Jim if he was on fire."
"Then who? Who asked you to do this?"
"Aah, if I tell you then I have to kill you." He smiled wickedly at her. "Well ... I'm gonna do that anyways so I'll tell you. On a few occasions David Harrington let you know that you had no idea who you were playing games with and that he could make your insignificant life disappear just ... like ... that. And you didn't listen, you took him for a joke."
Candace started to get scared but still attempted to hide it. "Why?"
"Oliver, would you please enlighten Ms. Young with the list of offenses, please?"
Oliver stepped forward. "Gladly, sir. You extorted money multiple times, interfered and toyed with his niece, Amanda's well being, inserted his son into a murder and got his fiancé killed. And that's just what you did to Mr. Harrington."
"Thank you, Oliver," Charles said with a smile, "Now let's talk about the things you've done to other people. You screwed a friend over which caused the death of your son so you killed your son, you're the reason your brother has caused heartache in the past, you're the reason your brother almost died twice, you're too blame as to why Benny had bad blood with the Malonrs, and you're the reason you're mother almost died."
Candace bit back tears. "Why does he care about those things? They had nothing to do with David."
"Since you asked so nicely. David sees the pain you put your mother through and he doesn't like it at all. Your mother, Ms. Hanna, it's a beautiful woman and beautiful soul who didn't deserve the pile of shit you left in her lap. But he intends to clean it all up, starting with you being in Itty bitty pieces."
Oliver removed his suit jacket and picked up the electric hand saw starting it. The tears started to fall freely from Candace's eyes as she looked between both men.
"Please ... please don't do this," she sobbed "I'm sorry, I'll give the money back I'll leave them all alone."
"Sorry won't undo any of the shit you did, now will it? Oliver, she's all yours. Have fun."
"Will do, sir."
Furious, Mama Rose called Benny's phone. After speaking with her nephew she knew it was time to come out of her faux retirement to set some things straight. In that moment she didn't care about the heat on her being hot, she was going to protect those she held close to her heart above all else.
Benny looked at his phone and frowned a little before answering. "Who this?"
"Now, Benjamin, is that how you answer your phone for your Mama Rose?"
"No ma'am," he chuckled, "How you doing?"
"Oh I would be better if half of my family wasn't worthless. Where are you?"
Benny glanced up from his spot on the floor at Melissa, so was handing him a glass. "I'm at a friend's house helping her. You need me?"
"Is it the girl Veronica had Vinny go after? Is it her, Benjamin?" Mama Rose asked urgently.
"Yes ma'am and I don't even wanna know how you knew that."
"You know I know everything. Listen, you need to go to your mother's house. I'm on my way there but I don't know if I'll make it in time to stop it."
Benny frowned, "Stop what? What's going on?"Just as she got ready to answer, another call came through from mama. "This her right now calling. I'll call you back, Mama Rose." He answered her call effectively ending the previous call.
"Benjamin, baby. Where are you and that friend of yours?" Hanna asked laughing. "Your sister and niece are not happy that you're stealing him away."
"I'm not with him, Mama. I'm helpin, Melissa out. I'm bout to head that way though."
"Okay, baby and bring Melissa with you. And can you please see if you can find out where Mitch is?"
"Yes ma'am I will. Be there in a few. Love yall."
Benny finished chaging the locks quickly then he and Melissa left her house headed for his mama's house. Thankfully there wasn't much traffic so he was able to speed a bit to get there quicker. While they made their way to the house, Mitch was glaring at his uncle making a plan in his head.
"You got something you wanna say to me?" Vinny asked.
Mitch shook his head. "Nothing that I haven't already told you. You know where I stand on this."
"And you know where your family stands. There were lots of good girls that hang around here that you could've had. And you have too many cousins around here to be lookin elsewhere for friends. You're just gonna try any way you can to get away from us."
"I never wanted this. Ever. And you know that. The only reason I got as involved as I was is because your ass went and got stabbed so I had to help." Mitch fired back smartly. "You're so mad that I'm Mama Rose's favorite and she understood me not wanting to be apart of this."
Vinny grunted, "I don't give a shit about that."
"Yeah ... ya do. That's why you try do hard to find shit on me."
"You know what ... if Sandy doesn't get that broad and that baby I think I'll do it myself. And I think I'll enjoy it."
"The same thing I said to Sandy goes for you too. I'm not about to play this bullshit game with you or him when it comes to my family. I will kill you and not think twice about it. And if I don't," he smirked, "Mama Rose will. Just like I'm her favorite and she would do anything for me ... she feels the same way about those two. You harm any of us and she'll kill you."
Vinny stared at his nephew as he answered his ringing phone. He put it on speaker and sat it on the table.
"Just letting you know that we're pulling up to the house."
Mitch's blood boiled as he listened to his younger cousin talk. "You little bastard ... you better not."
"Shut up," Vinny barked, "Good. You do it and then you get your ass back here. Understand?"
Sandy agreed before getting off of the phone. One of the cousins that worked behind the bar approached their table extending the bar phone to Mitch making Vinny frown.
"What the hell are you doin?"
The cousin shrugged urging Mitch to take the phone. "Mama Rose."
Mitch took the phone and the cousin walked away. When he put the phone to his ear, he stared atvhis uncle.
"Yes ma'am?"
"Do not change your face. You keep whatever expression you have, I want him to think I'm pissed at you." Mama Rose instructed quickly.
Mitch sighed harshly, "Yes ma'am., I understand."
"Good, good. I know what's happening and I'm trying to get there and stop it."
Mitch almost broke and cheered but the sight of Vinny's smug smile kept him from doing so.
"But, Mama," Mitch started trying to act as if he was pleading. "Please, that's my baby in that house."
"And I'll make damn sure they all remain safe. But listen to me. Are you listening?"
Mitch dropped his head a bit. "I'm listening."
"If I am unable to get there before it happens and stop it, whether anyone gets hit or not, I will make sure that those involved are handled. In the event that this happens, I will let your cousins behind the bar know and they will do as instructed. Okay?"
Yes, Mama. I understand but please hear me out."
"I know, Mitch. You did good. I have to go."
The phone hung up before Mitch could say anything. The cousin came to retrieve the phone making quick eye contact with Mitch then walked off.
"Mama, can you make her a bottle while you're in the kitchen? She getting all fussy." Lainey yelled from her seat on the sofa in the living room.
"Yeah, baby but you're gonna have to bring her formula! I don't have anymore here!" Hanna yelled back.
Lainey looked through her daughter's diaper bag for the can of formula. Once she had it, she carried it and her daughter to the kitchen. Benny pulled up in front of his mother's house and quickly jumped out of the car with Melissa. He pulled her in front of him then let them into the house.
"Mama! Lainey! Where yall at?" He yelled frantically as he walked through the foyer.
Hanna laughed a little, "We're in the kitchen and stop yelling."
Benny pulled Melissa along with him, when he got to the kitchen he hugged his sister and his mama then kissed his niece's head.
Lainey stared at him strangely and laughed, "Boy what is wrong with you? You squeezing the life outta us."
"Something is going down, it's not safe." He explained quickly. "Mama Rose called to warn me. I'm sure it's about what happened earlier."
Lainey and Hanna shared a look then looked at him. "What did you do, Benjamin?"
Melissa stepped forward. "He was protecting me, Ms. Hanna. Veronica sent the Malones after me and Benny beat him up so now he's pissed."
The black van carrying Sandy and his cousins pulled up slowly in front of the two story home. Inside Sandy readied his gun but kept fumbling.
"You sure you got this? We can do it."
Sandy glared at his cousin. "I don't need help. I got this. You just sit back and watch. I'm gonna take all of them out."
Oliver finished with his task, set up the disposal and went to get cleaned up before going to meet with Charles. He met the president elect in his home office.
"I take it that it's taken care of," Charles said smoothly turning side to side in his office chair.
"Yes sir, of course. She's being disposed of as we speak."
Charles smiled. "Did you save what I asked you to save?"
"Yes sir," Oliver said proudly, "Packaged, sealed and ready to go."
"Good, good. I want to be in Savannah tonight. I like to deliver my good news in person."
Oliver nodded pulling his phone out. "I can make that happen in the next thirty minutes. If I can ask, sir. May I make a personal stop during this trip to Savannah? It won't take long."
Charles leaned back in his chair relaxing, his smile still on his face. "Somce you did such a good job, I'll allow it. What is the stop?"
"I just wanna check in on a friend of mine. She had a baby not too long ago and I haven't been able to see the baby yet."
"You got a girlfriend and a baby, Oliver? Hiding things from me?"
Oliver quickly looked up from his phone laughing, "No, sir. Of course not. Me and her have been friends for years, nothing like that. She's actually Hanna's daughter."
Charles raised a brow, "Alaina? She anything like her sister?"
"No, not at all. If she was, we wouldn't be friends. She's a good girl who doesn't take anybody's shit," Oliver laughed going back to his phone, "She is definitely her mother's child. She loved to fight growing up."
"I think I'd like to make this stop with you."
Oliver glanced at him for a moment then back to his phone. "That's fine with me, sir. But I have to warn you, she is in a relationship."
Charles chuckled. "I just wanna meet her. Nothing else."
"Yes sir of course. We will be ready to take off in about twenty minutes. I'll have a bag prepared for you. "
"Thank you, Oliver. Let Landen know you and Ramsey will be the only ones accompanying me. He is to stay here and make sure that the house gets packed up correctly."
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iamknicole · 4 years
Sibling Rivalry
This has been in my drafts for a long...loooooooong time this was prior to Lainey and Charles' wedding😂😂😂our conversation made me think about it. I never finished it cause I ended up doing something else but ... why not let it out?🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️😂😂
Have & Have Nots
"Listen to yourself that makes no sense, Lainey."
"Really? Really? You're one to talk about sense, Benjamin! You just got yours back!"
"Okay but you can't send an invite and then take it back cause you got an attitude. That's childish."
"It's my wedding, I can do whatever the hell I wanna do!"
Melissa, Marcie and Cameron watched the two siblings go back and forth. They were working on the seating arrangement for Alaina and Charles' reception, and Alaina decided that she no longer wanted one of friends to come because she found out the girl slept with her brother, Zion, when they were in high school and never told her.
"Yeah, it's your wedding but you and ole girl been friends since y'all were little."
"Even more reason for her not to have fucked my brother and not tell me about it!"
Hanna, Caleb and Charles came into the kitchen at the tail end of Alaina's statement. Hanna face turned up at her language.
"Hey, come on with all that language, Alaina! And y'all stop fussing." Hanna fussed.
It was as if neither of them heard her.
"Maybe that's why neither of them told you cause they knew you were gonna be a baby about it. Grow up and forget about it."
"What if one of your friends slept with yours? Then what, Benny?"
Benny laughed wiping his face. "Mitch did. He slept with both my sisters and got you pregnant. Twice."
Alaina rolled her eyes at him. "Oh whatever, you don't count. Cam, wouldn't you be upset?"
Cameron shrugged and bit into his apple. "My friends know better. They wouldn't even look in y'all direction cause they know I would murder they ass."
"Cameron," Caleb and Hanna yelled.
"Not my fault. She asked." He huffed.
"Either way that heffa is not coming to my wedding. Nope."
Benny threw his hands up, "Y'all see what I'm saying? She's childish as hell. It's not that deep."
Charles stood quietly watching the siblings go back and forth. It was slightly comical, he never did it with his sister.
"This kills me to say but Benjamin is right," Cameron said reluctantly slapping hands with his brother. "I know you're upset about it but there's nothing you can do about it. What happened, happened."
"Oh shut up. Nobody was talking to you, Cameron."
Cameron stared at her for a second. "Girl, who the hell you talkin to like that? I'm not Benjamin, I'll shake yo lil ass."
"Try it! I dare you!" Lainey yelled jumping at her oldest brother.
The three of you stop it," Caleb demanded loudly.
Cameron sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes choosing not to say anything. Benny thumped Lainey in the middle of her forehead for mushing his.
"What did I just say?"
"Well tell your daughter stop being a child. Treasure is more mature than she is."
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iamknicole · 4 years
Just the Two of Us (22)
Candace laid back on her bed and laughed as she scrolled through the pictures I've of her girls sent to her. She had been laying low in the Artesian on Jim's dime of course. Jim came out of the bathroom fixing his tie.
"What's funny?" He asked going to sit on the side of the bed. Candace handed him her phone telling him to look for himself. "And this is?"
"It's Alaina's salon. Its fucked up. You're welcome."
Jim frowned still looking through the pictures. "Remind me who Alaina is again and why I care."
"Alaina is my adopted sister, the one dating Charles. Get her," Candace explained sitting up, "Get Charles too. Job is done."
Jim smiled handing the phone back. "Lead with that next time. Speaking of that though, I need to call and check on that favor. See how it's going."
"Well I'll do that for you. I've got to meet with Mitch later on today. Cause you've got more important things to do right now."
"You're right I do. But you make sure you call me and tell me what he says."
Lainey, Marcie and Melissa had settled into their cleaning after getting to the salon a couple hours prior around 6am. Melissa was in Lainey's office sorting through all of the paperwork that had been thrown around the salon as her friends brought it to her. Lainey and Marcie were in the main area of the salon sweeping and picking up debris.
Caleb, his sons, Charles and Oliver had met up at the hardware store to pickup their order. Bishop was were he usually is, watching out for his sister at a distance until the others makes got there.
"Benny, has that boy been to work?"
Benny shook his head at his father. They stood outside their vehicles as they waited for their order to come out. "Nah. But he been working though. Secretary said he has her bring anything that needs to be signed to his house."
"When the last time you saw him?"
"When I beat his ass." Benny slapped hands with his older brothers and smirked. "He don't wanna get his ass whooped again. But last I heard he been spendin a lot of time at his family's bar and that hotel down by River Street."
"Astoria?" Zion asked quietly.
Charles answered before Benny could. "Artesian. He was there last night too. Meeting with Candace."
The siblings and Caleb turned their attention to the governor. His answer was just above a whisper but they heard him.
"How do you know?" Cameron inquire rubbing the top of his head.
"I have eyes and ears everywhere," Charles explained flashing a big smile, "They've been talking a lot on the phone as well. Mitchell is also very sloppy."
"How so?"
Charles shrugged, "He takes the same routes every day, makes calls from his actual phone and he takes meetings in public places. He clearly learned nothing from Mama Rose."
The men talked a little longer until their order came, they helped get it all loaded up and left. When they got to the salon Bishop came over to help them unload everything.
Charles snuck up behind his girlfriend and wrapped his arms around her as she was explaining something to Marcie. She jumped a little then turned in his arms.
"What are you doing here? And dressed regularly."
Charles kissed her chuckling softly. "Good morning to you too, beautiful. Me and Oliver came to help."
"Charles, baby, you didn't have to."
"Like hell they didn't," Marcie laughed, "Which of us was gonna pick these heavy ass chairs up."
"Exactly. Now where would you like me and Oliver to put the supplies we got?"
Lainey stared at him for a second. "I ... put them in the reception area. Thank you, Charles seriously. And Oliver too."
Oliver smiled standing in the doorway. "Its no problem, I don't mind helping out. Just show me where you want me to start."
Lainey hummed looking around her boyfriend, "Can you and Charles get these chairs outta here? They're all busted."
Oliver nodded telling her he was going to grab the toolbox. Marcie stood off to the side watching the couple talk.
"Yes, good morning, Charles. I'm great and you?"
Charles laughed going to hug Marcie and kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Good morning, Marcie. I'm good, I'm glad you are too. Cameron actually asked me to send you out there. Said he wanted to ask you something."
Lainey watched her friend leave the room all giddy then looked at her boyfriend. "What did he want with her?"
"Nothing," Charles laughed, "But he was talking about her a lot so was doing a friendly favor."
"Charles, he's gonna get you." Lainey laughed.
"It got you to laugh that's good enough for me. How long have you three been here?"
"Umm a lil before six this morning."
He nodded looking around at the progress they'd made, "Okay, you're not staying past 6pm."
"Says who?"
"Says me. Its gonna be dark, I don't want yall here after dark."
Lainey folded her arms, "You are not my daddy."
Charles smirked, "That's not what you said a couple days ago."
For the next few hours they all did their part to start fixing up the salon. Once the chairs were out of the styling area and in the garbage, Charles and Oliver went outside to help her brothers and father.
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iamknicole · 4 years
Just the Two of Us (20)
Excuse any typos please!
Two weeks passed since the trip to Savannah and things had been relatively quiet. Lainey, Marcie and Melissa were moved into the house Caleb had fixed up. Both, Marcie and Melissa had served their husbands with divorce papers. Lainey knew her brothers, her father and boyfriend were all working hard to fix and handle things so she didn't protest when she realized she had a detail. Bishop was already following her, another person didn't bother her.
Charles had been back and forth from Atlanta to Savannah without Lainey knowing. He wanted to focus on business and not lead anybody to her new place just in case they were dumb enough to follow her.
He walked in the Love Train diner taking a moment to look around. Once he found who he was looking for, he winked at one of the owners an older woman before going to the booth. Making himself comfortable, he smiled at the man across from him.
"Mitchell Malone, you are not a hard man to find." He said coolly.
Mitch had to do a double take when he looked up from the menu. "What can I do for you, Charles?"
Charles chuckled picking up the menu in front of him opening it up. "You should get the pot roast, it's pretty good. And for the record, governor will always do from you. Alright, Mitchell?"
"You know I could kill you right now? There is a price on your head, ya know?"
"Hmm, I think I might try the iron city meatloaf. Did you know that the woman who owns this diner, Ms. Hattie, named that after Mama Rose? She loved it so much."
Mitch stared at him sitting the menu down. "Did you not hear me?"
Charles kept his eyes on his menu, "Maybe you're more of a chicken man. You have a lot in common."
"What's that mean, Charles?"
"I think I was very clear about what you could call me," Charles responded his eyes still on the menu, "You know Mama Rose is a sweet woman. She always tells me that she wishes you had even a little piece of what I have in me."
"Don't you dare bring up my grandmother."
The waitress approached the table for their orders, Charles took the initiative to order for them both disregarding Mitch's disdain. After he ordered, Charles turned his attention back to the man sitting across from him.
"I can do what I want, she's my grandmother as well. She invited me into the family a while ago," he smiled, "Yeah, you're her favorite grandchild but me? I am her favorite everything. When she's in trouble, when she needs anything she calls me. When I need anything, she volunteers to handle it."
Mitch grunted. "You say that to say what?"
"If and when Mama Rose finds out what you and those clowns are planning, family or not, she'll handle it. I won't even have to lift a finger if I don't want to."
"Yeah okay, dude. Whatever."
The waitress brought their drinks and food with a special message for Charles from Hattie. Quickly, Charles said his grace and started to eat his meatloaf.
"Eat up, no sense in having this conversation on an empty stomach. And don't worry, it's on me."
Begrudgingly, Mitch started to eat his food looking cautiously around the diner. He wasn't sure who or if anyone had come in with Charles so he kept his eyes opened. The thought of calling his uncle came and went, by the time his uncle got there Charles would've been long gone.
"You're familiar with Alaina Parker?"
"Yeah I know Lainey. Why?"
Charles corrected him quickly, "Alaina. I was told that not only do you have a growing obsession with her but you can't keep your hands to yourself when it comes to her."
"Don't know what you're talking about."
Charles hummed. "No, you know. I'm sure of it. Whatever you're thinking about that concerns her in any capacity, it'd be in your best interest if you let them remain thoughts."
"Look, I'm grown. I'm gonna do what I want."
"That's right you're gonna do what you want," Charles repeated then took a sip of his drink, "And if you do what you want that includes Alaina in any way then I'm gonna do what I want to you and whoever else that's involved."
Mitch leaned onto the table. "Is that a threat?"
"No, not at all, Mitchell. I am not threatening you, I'm simply telling you what's going to happen. And if you think what her brother did to you was painful then you don't want me to get my hands on you."
Mitch eyed him, his nostrils glared in annoyance. He couldn't believe Charles was trying to scare him. No one ever tries a Malone like that and gets away with it.
"You just watch your back, Governor."
"Only cowards kill from behind. Malones aren't cowards," Charles said wiping his mouth and getting up, "Or did you forget?"
Charles tossed the money on the table then strolled out of the fine going to the waiting SUV. He knew he'd put a fire in Mitch, that's exactly what he wanted. Mama Rose anyways told him how impulsive Mitch could be and that's exactly what he wanted.
Melissa sat in the middle of her bed waiting for Benny to come out her bathroom from taking his shower. She figured out a way to tell him that would hopefully put a smile on his face. Ten minutes later, Benny came out the bathroom in a t-shirt and basketball shorts going to plop on the bed beside her.
"You good? Look like you thinking?" He asked rubbing his head.
"Yeah tryna remember this riddle I learned today."
Benny laughed, "Look at you but you said mine were annoying."
Laughing, Melissa turned to face him on the bed. "They are annoying. Mine are actually good."
"Yeah yeah. Lay it on me then."
"I’m small but very important and loved already. I’m free to make but expensive over time. You’ll see me very soon but you cannot see me yet. What am I?"
Benny frowned thinking and repeating what she'd said. "Free to make but expensive over time? What the hell?"
Melissa laughed, "Think really hard, B."
He sat quietly, mumbling occasionally to himself. To be honest, it was getting harder and harder for Melissa not to blurt it out. She wanted him to know but she wanted him to work for it.
"See me soon but not yet ... small but important and loved," he said softly. A minute later he clapped and sat up. "I figured it out!"
"What's the answer, B?" Melissa laughed.
"Its a baby, that's the answer. Gone and tell me I'm right. Go head."
She nodded having his hand putting it on her stomach. "You're right, B. Its a baby."
Looking from her face to his hand and back again, a slow smile spread across his face. "A baby? We havin' a baby?"
"Yes, we're having a baby. You happy?"
Benny moved his hands to her face and kissed her urgently. "Yooo ... I'm havin' a baby. I can't believe this shit. That's my baby in there."
"That's right. I'll get a DNA test if you want, B. I don't mind."
"Nah," he said quickly, "Ain't no need for that. This baby couldn't be nobody's but mine. That's all me."
"You sure?"
"I'm damn sure. That's my baby and so are you."
Because of the appointment she had with Veronica and Victoria, Lainey let her stylist know that they weren't opening until 1pm. As soon as she pulled into the parking lot she noticed something was wrong. Throwing her car in park, she hopped out with her phone in her hand rushing to the salon where a few of her other girls were standing, staring.
"What the hell happened?" She asked looking at the broken glass everywhere from the window and doors. "What is this?"
One of the girls shrugged telling her they had all just gotten there right before she did. Nodding, Lainey carefully walked truth the glass and into her salon glancing momentarily at the all but destroyed doors. Tears stung her eyes with every step she took. Her salon had been destroyed. Dryers and sinks ripped from the wall so water had been spraying everywhere from the pipes, chairs ripped from the floor and beat to hell, all the mirrors were smashed. The computer in the reception area was smashed, there was damage to the desk as well. Her plants were uprooted scattered around along with the soil. Her pictures, her signs were all broken. There were things spraypainted along the walls that she didn't bother to read.
She opened and closed her mouth a few times but nothing came out.
"You want us to call the police, Lainey?"
Lainey shook her head slowly. "No, no don't. My brothers."
Taking the hint, her employee left her and went to make the call. Lainey's phone started to vibrate in her hand, she answered it slowly putting it to her ear.
"You free? Or you back at work?" Charles asked with joy in his voice.
"Charles," she whispered trying not to cry alerting him.
"What is it? What's wrong, baby?"
"My ... they ... its ruined," she mumbled still looking around.
"What's ruined? I dont understand."
"My salon," she cried into the phone. "Its ruined."
"Shit, I'm coming. I got the chopper on standby, thirty minutes at the most but I'm coming."
Lainey stumbled into the only chair that was still somewhat in tact and put her free hand on her face crying. Charles tried to soothe he as best he could but he knew she was devastated which pissed him off. He knew this wasn't a one and done, this was a warning and he was about to give one of his own.
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iamknicole · 4 years
A/N: If Zion and Cam didn't go to jail, Caleb and Mama are married and Lainey lives with Mama and Caleb. Laineyis 16. Its short and not the best but it's here!
"You sure its straight if I'm here?"
Lainey nodded leading her boyfriend, Mitch, up to her bedroom. "Yeah, Pop, Benny and them are out doing whatever, they dont usually get home till dinner time and Mama is at work. Its fine."
He nodded still looking around until they entered her bedroom. She closed and locked the door behind them. After tossing her bookbag down and slipping her shoes off, Lainey went to sit on her bed laughing when she saw Mitch just standing there.
"You look so scared. Lighten up. They won't be home for a while."
"Man, ya pops, Cam and Zion already threatened me for sitting too close."
Lainey shrugged. "So what? In order for anything to happen to you, they gotta know you were here and they won't. So come sit down."
Wearily, Mitch walked over and sat on the bed. After a while he got comfortable and the two started to kiss. He laid he girlfriend back on the bed and got on top of her still kissing.
While the couple made out, Caleb, Hanna and their three sons had come home early. There had been a problem at the Cryer house and Katheryn didn't want her friend involved so she sent her home and the men were finish doing what they had to do.
Benny sniffed and frowned, "Yall smell that?"
"Smell like cheap ass perfume," Cam said fanning his face.
"Nah," Zion argued, "That's cheap ass cologne."
Caleb looked towards the stairs when he heard a bump and shook his head. "This better be a break in cause if its ya sister, yall won't have one anymore."
Caleb went up the stairs two by two with his sons and wife behind him. He stood at the door trying the door knob quietly sucking his teeth when it didn't open. He told Cam to get the key from the master bedroom. Once he had the key he unblocked the door then busted in startling the teenager and her boyfriend.
"Pop!" Lainey yelled out in fear.
"Get the hell off my daughter!" Caleb yelled going to the bed snatching Mitch off of his daughter. "Didn't I tell you that you weren't allowed in her room or in my house when me, her mama or her brothers aren't home."
Lainey fixed her shirt and sat up on the bed. "We weren't doing anything!"
"Girl, you better shut your mouth!" Hanna yelled coming around to look at her daughter. "Having this boy in this house alone!"
"Tell ya lil boyfriend bye, you won't be seeing him for a long time," Caleb said before roughly pushing Mitch out the room. His followed behind him wanting to see what Caleb was going to do.
"Mama, we were just kissing. That's it," Lainey argued standing from the bed.
"I said hush! You think you gon live here and be running that boy, that you have no business dating anyway cause he's your brother's age, in and out of my house!"
Lainey opened her mouth to say something but Hanna's expression silenced her.
"If you wanna be like Candace and sneak people into my house then you can just get ya lil ass out now, Alaina!"
"I'll just go stay with Zion." Lainey shrugged.
"You will not and I'll be sure of it." Hanna threatened. "Now you're gonna act right or ima give you the ass whooping I should give you right now. Do you understand?"
"Yes ma'am." She mumbled.
"You are on punishment until further notice. No television, electronics, parties, going out. None of that. You will wake up early in the morning and cook breakfast for the house and dinner for the house. On the weekends you'll be at the hotel as a volunteer maid. Understand?"
"Mama, you don't even clean anymore."
"Cause I supervise... wait, wait why am I explaining myself to you? Now you hear what I said. Did I make it clear?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Get ya butt downstairs and start on dinner. Then you can clean the kitchen and dining room when you're done." Hanna watched her daughter as she left the room then followed behind her.
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iamknicole · 4 years
Just the Two of Us (20)
Since Marcie was driving down on her own, Lainey decided to work the whole day at her salon. Marcie and Melissa had planned to hang out until she got off. Lainey was glad she didn't have to make up something to get out of the house alone to meet Mitch.
Once closing time rolled around, Lainey sat at the front desk of the salon waiting on Mitch. He texted her letting he know that he was five minutes out then her phone rung.
"Mr. Governor, I didn't expect your call."
"Element of surprise. How was your day?"
"It was good, went by fast. Finishing some paperwork before I get outta here. Yours?"
Charles yawned, "Long. Very long. And boring. I spent most of my meetings thinking about you."
"You're gonna get in trouble," she laughed.
"You're worth it. I need to get to my next meeting they're staring at me. I'll call when I get home unless I call asleep. Okay?"
"Alright, babe. Bye."
As soon as she hung up, Mitch pulled up in front of her salon. Lainey watched him get out and slowly walk to the door, she stared at him for a minute feeling uncomfortable and regretting the choice to do it alone. He stepped inside and started to look around the room. Lainey got up from behind the desk, going to stand in front of it.
"Looks good in here, girl. You deserve it."
"Thank you. What do you wanna talk about?"
Mitch smiled at her, "Where your brothers? They must not know if they ain't here."
"Yeah and if they were here, you'd be getting worse than what B did to you, so you're welcome." She responded folding her arms across her chest.
He laughed holding his hands up, "You got me there. You look beautiful."
"Mitch, stop it. Say what you need to say so I can go home. Please."
They stood in silence for a few moments.
"Look, I'm sorry about that night. I was drunk and my better judgement escaped me. I just want you to forgive me."
Lainey rolled her eyes, "You don't need my forgiveness, Mitch. Whatever you thought was gonna happen, isn't. Let's just not do this, you leave me be and I won't tell my brothers that you keep texting me."
Lainey went behind the desk to grab her phone, purse and the key to one of Caleb's cars he let her borrow. Mitch watched her thinking for a second, he was trying to be nice but she wasn't listening. Lainey set her alarm then walked out with him in front of her and locked the building up.
"At least lemme walk you to your car, Lainey."
Again, she rolled her eyes and started walking to the car with him beside her. He opened the driver side door for her watching while she put her purse inside. Mitch pulled her to him before she could get in.
"Mitch, let go of me," she said flatly.
"I just want a hug."
Lainey stood there for a second then tried to push away from him. "You got your hug. Let go."
He held her tight, his big hands cradling and groping her ignoring her protests. Ignoring her cursing, he kissed her lips then her neck moving to pin her between him and the car.
"Let her go. You don't wanna do that."
Sucking his teeth, Mitch pulled away slightly from her and looked over his shoulder. "Get outta here, dude. We're good."
Lainey couldn't see who it was that approached them but she was glad they did. "No we're not. Get off me, Mitch."
"I said let her go."
Mitch turned to look at the person and his breath caught in his throat.
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Mitch's nostrils flared but he walked away fuming. Bishop stared at his sister, waiting until Mitch drove off to speak.
"You good?" He asked in almost a whisper.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you. What're you doing here?"
Bishop put his hands in his pockets shrugging. "I'm usually here to check on you in the morning before you open and at night when you close. Make sure nobody bothers you."
Lainey furrowed her brows, "No, you don't. I never see you. I only see you like once a month in the store."
"I'm always around. You see me in the store cause I want you to see me. I'm always around especially when you're alone."
"Why?" She asked.
Bishop smiled, "You're my baby sister, gotta make sure you're good. Gone and go home."
With that, he turned and walked away from her. She tried to see what car he was getting into but the light from her parking lot didn't reach that far. Shrugging, she got into the car and sped out of the parking lot.
When Lainey got in the house, she took her shoes off at the door and went to the living room. She hugged both of her friends then sat between Cam and Marcie.
Marcie laughed moving over, "You are such a baby."
"That's right and he sitting too close. You're my friend," she said with a smile. "Where's B and Zion?"
"B upstairs and Zion went with Pop and Lil Q to get Mama."
Lainey frowned looking at her two friends and her brother. "So yall been here alone? What yall been doin?"
Cam and Marcie laughed, Melissa just sat in the love seat spaces out.
"Nobody did anything. We were talking," Marcie told her laughing, "That's it. But you're late. Where have you been?"
At that question, Lainey got up from the sofa and pulled Marcie up then Melissa. "We're gonna go get dressed to go out. And no you can't go, Cam."
Rushing her friends upstairs to her room, she let them know that she'd be right back and went to speak to Benny. She knocked on his door then eased it open closing it behind her. Crossing his room, she went to his bathroom and leaned against the doorframe. He stood at the sink in his towel with his wave cap on brushing his teeth.
"You need to put that lil bird chest away, B," she joked.
Benny scoffed and turned to her, "Stop playin with me. You see these muscles, girl."
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Lainey laughed going to hug him. "Yeah, yeah, I see em. Just came to speak, ain't heard from you all day."
Benny kissed her head lovingly. "Was working, lil baby. How was your day?"
Lainey started to think about Mitch and Bishop but decided to leave that part out.
"It was good. Was able to get paperwork done. How was your day?"
"Good. Ima be out tonight but call me if yall need me while yall out. Aight?"
Lainey frowned, "Out where? Where you going?"
"Got a date," he replied before turning back to the sink to brush his teeth.
"A date with who? It ain't Melissa so I don't know her. You ain't going with somebody I don't know and don't like."
Finishing brushing his teeth, Benny rinsed his mouth out then washed his face waiting for his sister to get done. He grabbed his clippers to line up his beard.
"Her name is Kaylee, met her the other night when me, Cam and Zi went out. Nothin serious, just a date."
Lainey hummed, "What about Mel?"
Stopping, Benny looked at his sister through his mirror. "What about her, Lainey?"
"As much as I don't like it," she said rolling her eyes, "You clearly like her and she clearly likes you. And yall look kinda cute together."
"That's all true but I'm not about to just take half of her either, Alaina. She got somebody, she don't get to have us both. She gotta choose."
"Lainey," she corrected, "I'm not in trouble."
He winked at her going back to lining up his beard. Standing there a little longer, Lainey left his room and went to hers. Marcie and Melissa were sitting on her bed talking. She kicked off her shoes and went to sit at the foot.
"Did you bring them, Marce?" Melissa asked softly.
Marcie nodded going in her purse pulling out the three boxes. "I got them but why did I need to get 3?"
"Cause yall are gonna take one with me. I'm not doing it alone."
"Buuut I already know I'm not pregnant," Lainey protested.
Marcie laughed, "Girl, please. After what you told us that you and Charles did, your ass might be."
Lainey opened and closed her mouth a few times making her friends laugh. She playfully snatched one of the boxes from Marcie and got off the bed.
"I hope it's funny too that yall gotta go use the other bathrooms. Hope yall get caught. Get on my nerves," she fussed getting off the bed going into her bathroom.
While the girls took their tests, Bishop was walking into his parents' house. There was a lot that he didn't do for them anymore and they never complained about it. They asked him to come to their house and sit in on a meeting with them. He walked through the house, then down the stairs to the basement where the offices were. Upon entering his father's office, he noticed his two brothers, his father, Kaine, Vinny Malone, and a few other Malones. Quietly, he took a seat.
"Cryer wants us to take out the governor, other casualties are just a bonus." Kaine explained.
Vinny nodded, "And you want our help?"
"We don't need help, my friend. We just wanted to extend an invitation."
Vinny sat quietly for a moment. "What're the numbers?"
"He's offering 4 million. 2 for you, 2 for me. 200k for each additional person."
"Your daughter ... she worth 200k then?"
Kaine smiled evilly. "You need not worry about her. I'd do that for free. So do we have a deal?"
Coming to an agreement the meeting ended and the Malones left. Kaine kept his sons for an hour longer to discuss meeting back up to plan and surveillance. Bishop rushed out of there and sped away from the house, thinking about his next option. He knew he was going to protect his sister but he needed to figure out who he was going to go to first. Caleb and her other brothers or Charles.
"Shit, lemme go get Lainey trash. She always forgets." Cam groaned.
Getting up to his sister's room, he pulled the bag from the small trashcan. He started to leave but he heard something but the floor. Groaning to himself, he turned around to see what it was and frowned.
"What the fuck? Zion! Come here!" He yelled staring at the three tests on the floor.
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