#mittsu rambles
kotos-and-smiles · 1 year
Ch.122 Rambling
As I often am, I’ll be referring to tessenpai‘s rough tl which you can find here
Finally got around to reading the newest chapter of kot last week (brainrot for another thing has been taking over my life) and it’s just so amazing. Had some thoughts I felt like sharing and also remembered some of the Discord discussions about this chapter too. So, some things that stuck out to me: Granny (Shizune) is still so iconic, just being like oh yeah, thought I heard some people making a ruckus, makes sense it’s the Tokise kids, but also those are her grandchildren. Chika just loves being a grandkid and I can’t handle it. Like, he was so damn happy to be called Shizune’s grandkid, and he literally can’t really have that with actual familial relations anymore at this point. Chika deserves every good parent/grandparent figure he can find. Love Satowa joining the hive mind of the Sane, Kota, and Mittsu, though she still probably has a braincell to herself. That moment where Sentarou’s grandma mentions being in the hospital and just how obvious Chika’s reaction is when you know his thoughts just immediately went to his grandpa, it’s just so painful, and Satowa noticing is so significant. 
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There are so many instances, especially earlier on in the manga, where we have Chika noticing little emotional reactions from Satowa when something affects her, and so I love seeing that Satowa is also tuned into Chika and notices his reactions too. It’s all coming full circle. And I’m hoping this is also setting up Satowa actually asking Chika about his past. She’s wondered about it before, but a lot of what she knows is from other people, friends who have known Chika for longer, telling her things or things she learned with the whole Uzuki situation. I’d love to see a conversation where Chika opens up to Satowa about it, also because I think it’d be nice if she knew the whole story and for Chika to be able to share that with someone, much as she shared her story with him. It helps to understand one another better, as well as being able to ease the burden of the past a little.
Sentarou’s grandmother almost immediately melting at Chika’s offering to help because she sees the pure intentions despite the bad manners. He’s so eager to do what he can for her, especially once he notices how it might be harder for her to maneuver around a crowd to find a seat. Love that Satowa steps in after he leaves and thanks Sentarou’s grandma for understanding Chika’s feelings. Like, I just so love that, it’s like she’s trying to smooth it over a little and show manners while at the same time genuinely thanking her for not just judging him and actually understanding his feelings. I just, ugh, them. It’s an understanding from Satowa of just how much interactions like this mean to Chika. And Kota looks so serious when he says “true!” to Sane’s statement about how Chika’s such a granny’s/grandpa’s boy.
Tomoe needs to snap the hell out of it, cuz she witnessed Chika being the cutest doing such a pure, innocent thing, helping someone and waving to a young kid as he was doing it, like girl needs to get over it, and I’m excited to see her come around sometime. Just let Chika live and be the sweet grandchild he is in anyway he can be! She seems to be getting it a little, but hasn’t completely broken free of her prejudice. Her memories of seeing Chika interact nicely with people did give me an excuse to look up this moment again though, so that’s nice
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Akari deserves all the love and support he’s getting from his friends, both in and outside the club. His friends that came to see him are so sweet! They’re there not knowing anything about koto, having traveled all that way, purely to see their friend play, and that’s so sweet. And love the teamwork of the club and how much they’re supporting each other and especially Akari. Takinami has been such a mood lately, and I love it so much! Like, him trying to buy alcohol a couple chapters ago, and now him overhearing Keishi talking to Akari’s friends and just thinking disdainfully “extroverts” or as is pointed out more accurately “monsters of communication” which I think feels very accurate. Like, I don’t want random people to communicate with me. (Usually well intentioned) monsters indeed.
I love, as always, seeing commentary on the music through Tokise. It still gives little tidbits of the characters while focusing on the music. Even Momoya seemed like he liked the performance so far.
Think it’s cool that Sentarou, even playing alongside 2 17-stringers, has the power and presence to not get drowned out. Like, that was a cool moment. I really don’t want to discuss the last pages. They were simply so painful after such a nice performance and the chapter that got us to care about Akari. This just isn’t fair and my heart aches. Hope for the best resolution next chapter, but it could go either way. He’s a very new player and we’ll have to see if he can recover from this mistake. But just, oof, it hurt to see that. Akari is just so genuine and trying his best, and I hate to see him mess up like this especially when I know he’s gonna feel like he let down his Senpai. It’s just something you never wanna see happen. Especially with his friends watching too. Amazing storytelling though. I’m way more attached to Eidai than I thought I’d be honestly.
So yeah, that’s just a little collection of thoughts that got way longer than I expected. 
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