#miyuki tachikawa — ultimate ballerina
ouranswer · 3 years
It was just the usual. Boxes upon boxes of sweets and the like even if she had no interest in them, flowers and more flowers even if they only shed petals and were troublesome to take care of, and it went on to the generic gifts a ballerina received after her performance.
Of course, she was also celebrating her birthday. That was her secret, however.
So, when she found a small box decorated like a birthday box… she was surprised. The little tag in it, from “a patron of the arts”, was the only indication of who had sent it to her. She ripped the wrapper as quietly as she could, raising an eyebrow once she got rid of the box’s cover.
A beautiful necklace. …She couldn’t help but be enchanted by the beautiful, pink jewel that adorned it.
Whoever got her that must have paid an exorbitant amount for it…
[Birthday Girl: Miyuki Tachikawa]
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ouranswer · 4 years
I come back from watching Terraria to this. What the actual fuck.
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“Terraria? You’re from kindergarten or what?”
“No no no! That is not how a maid speaks! A little bit of sass coming from one is alright, but not all that!”
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“……welcome home, g… goshujin-sama. I apologize for the confusion. Anyway, we are all being fo—”
“You were asked to!”
“…wear maid outfits.”
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ouranswer · 4 years
Did you guys hear about the owl magician? His name is Who-dini
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“Unimpressive, try harder.”
Miyuki’s perpetual ‘bad mood’ is acting up again.
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ouranswer · 4 years
Where's the lazy squad at? My homies
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“Leader of lazy squad!”
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“Since when are you the leader of anything period, besides leader of useless people?”
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ouranswer · 4 years
What're you guys doing for Father's Day?
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“Why would we do something if we hate our fat—”
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ouranswer · 4 years
Pog- a cardboard or plastic disk printed with a design or picture, collected or swapped by children or used in games.
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“…wow. That’s worthless. Why would you even waste time on that?”
Not everyone is a great ballerina with an amazing future laid in front of them, Miyuki.
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ouranswer · 4 years
>:0 it is a real word
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“Not on the dictionary. A real word, please.”
She’s not going to stop until the anon stops, huh? A weirdly stubborn girl.
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ouranswer · 4 years
:00 Mizuki AND Miyuki pog
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“Real words, please.”
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ouranswer · 4 years
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“Only now that girl gives me an appearance? Sheesh, she’s awfully laid-back for someone who considers herself a ‘writer’. After all, I am the most important character.”
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“Oh, I wouldn’t judge her for doing it on purpose. Your vulgar self is so vile I myself would keep you faceless if I had the power to do so. A shame she decided to make you even appear here.”
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“Geez, now look at what you’ve done. I have to agree with the weirdo now. Apologize for that!”
“Besides, that lazy idiot will probably take her sweet, sweet time to make our profiles.”
“I said ‘apologize’, not ‘keep on talking to yourself’!”
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ouranswer · 4 years
Miyuki you're being watched
…? She’s not listening, either.
Actually, she’s talking to the other students. With a smile. Happily, and not ironically or coldly, like always.
Her eyes are bright blue.
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ouranswer · 4 years
Sakutaro: Do you ever do anything except whine like a little bitch?
Miyuki: sometimes i whine like a BIG bitch
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ouranswer · 4 years
Figs > lemons
Ryuunosuke turned his head towards the anon, glaring at them. While he didn’t outright say it, the message was written on his face: ‘shut up, you’re a bother to me’. It was quite the cold look.
He decided to check on Hope’s Peak theater. They had it for the most varying students to use; the Ultimate Opera Singer, the Ultimate Actor, the Ultimate Ballerina, you could keep going and you would have a list of different students that utilized that space to hone their talents. And there, unmistakably, were not one, but two of his classmates.
“Now, let’s go over the five positions again,” He heard Miyuki say. Surprisingly, there wasn’t any hint of sarcasm or anger in her voice, like usual. And, by her side, was a struggling Fumiko, trying her best to learn ballet (he assumed, because honestly, he had no idea of how ballet even worked).
Well, this will be double the trouble.
[Kitsune: 10/19]
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ouranswer · 4 years
Fumiko: Itd be funny as fuck if the world operated like how people with social anxiety think it does. Like what if you got on a bus and everyone was like wow look at that piece of shit loser. Get off the bus you ugly bastard
Miyuki: thats just middle school
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ouranswer · 4 years
Inside A Deep Isolation
When a musician steps down off the stage,
when he steps down, sent off with the clapping of a fine crowd of people,
what an intense and deserted isolation he must feel.
In spite of that thunder of admiration
how deeply a fine musician, outside the bounds of the crowd of people,
must love with a passion the height of isolation that is his.
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