#mizuka's fe3h stuff
mikaharuka · 1 year
Desiderium - Official Post
This one is... special. For those of you who don't already know, Fire Emblem Three Houses was the fandom I started out in, almost 4 years ago - with Hubert/Ferdinand (Ferdibert), to be exact. Real life got busy and I stopped writing 3 years ago. Of course, I picked up my gay Twilight/LnD rewrite and world, and started posting last year.
Two weeks ago, I was cleaning out my Google Drive and noticed a huge folder of all these Ferdibert (+Edelthea) ideas that I'd outlined, and I thought that I might finish those if the inspiration struck.
So here I am. Having returned to Ferdibert with this new mini-series "Another World". It'll have six fics to it by the end - a trio each for Hubert/Ferdinand and Edelgard/Dorothea alike, 900 words per fic.
Title: Desiderium (Part 1 of 6, Another World - Ferdibert 1 of 3)
Author: Mizuka
Rating: Mature (no smut in this entry)
Category: M/M
Word Count: 900 words
Summary: A complicated thread of fate binds Hubert and Ferdinand, leaving them with thoughts of another future.
Notes: This contains canonical MCD, as this fic is canon-compliant and follows Claude's route... however, it isn't quite traditional. Reincarnation is a major component of this series (hence the series name "Another World"). As such, while the fic has real MCD and a sad ending, it also has a notably bittersweet and hopeful tone. The overall series does have an unambiguously happy ending.
(Tagging because you might be interested? Not sure tbh, since this is new, so let me know if I missed you! @mrsmungus, @udaberriwrites, @magma-saarebas19, @aislinnstanaka, @writingpotato07, @lena-hills, @hylianjo, @bees-and-sunshine, @tsunderewatermelon, @bleepbloopbotz @axolotlsupremacyowo, @kayedium-writes, @sliebman10 @danceswithdarkspawn @precambrian-sea-pancake)
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mikaharuka · 2 years
Edelgard for the character ask game please!
Heyo Iris! Thanks for the ask~
1: sexuality headcanon: Interestingly enough, my headcanons for JP and EN Edelgard differ.
For EN Edelgard, bisexual with a strong preference for women.
For JP Edelgard, however, pansexual. Did you know that JP Edelgard is the only major character in JP FE3H whose lines are exactly the same, no matter if you play as Bereto (m!Byleth) or Beresu (f!Byleth)? That's pretty much proof that her feelings are based on Byleth as a person and are independent of gender. Hence the pan headcanon.
2: otp: Oooh, Edelthea is my favorite! Though I also enjoy Edeleth as well~
3: brotp: Hubert, hands down. I mean... it's pretty blatantly clear how much they mean to each other. And in fact, their JP supports together with their paired ending seriously gives me strong queerplatonic vibes.
4: notp: Hubert - I mentioned it elsewhere, but my strongest brotps also tend to be my strongest notps. True, Ferdibert is my one FE3H monoship, making conflicting ships 'technically notp by default', but this specific pair draws a very strong reaction from me precisely *because* I see them as queerplatonic or an extremely close platonic pair.
I should note that this is all with JP conversations in mind. The JP supports mention 'strong feelings', but the charge and target of said feelings were left open ended. So while you could read the charge as romantic and the target as Edelgard, it is far from explicit or definitive. Meanwhile the EN localization took away all the nuance and ambiguity and explicitly declared a charge and target. I could go on forever about localization issues, but I'd be here all day >.>
5: first headcanon that pops into my head She's such a strong romantic, even if she hides it. Well... that part is canon, but small things like loving romance-driven media is my HC!
6: favorite line from this character Oh, I adore JP Edelgard - her softer personality (relative to EN Edelgard, at least) just shines in these subtle ways. A personal favorite is from the JP Edelthea A support. Here is the EN line, the JP line, the transliteration, and my translation of the JP line in italics:
Don’t you see? No story about me would be complete without the character of Dorothea. わからない?私の物語には、貴方ガ必要だもの。 [Wakaranai? Watashi no monogatari ni wa, anata ga hitsuyo da mono.] You don’t understand? In my story, you are irreplaceable.
Indirect, non-explicit confessions of love are extremely popular in Japanese. "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" (tsuki ga kirei desu ne) is the most famous example of this. With the surrounding context and unspoken subtext, this is pretty much a confession of love.
There are a few details that help - 'hitsuyo' translates as 'essential', 'necessary', 'vital', or 'indispensable'. Also, while 'monogatari' means 'story', JP Edelgard is also talking about her life in this context - I settled on 'irreplaceable' because it fits 'hitsuyo' and the tone.
7: one way in which I relate to this character Being a secret romantic? Pfft totally me. Though my 'secret' nature is only the case IRL. To those who know me online? Super obvious lol
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character Tbh... I'm having a little difficulty thinking of an obvious answer here.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? As much as I love Edelgard, I do have to say 'both' - I can't quite discount her actions, after all. But on her personality alone, she's absolutely a cinnamon roll - both versions of her, too~
[check out my other answers for this ask in this post]
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mikaharuka · 2 years
Ohhh, and Dorethea!
Heyo again, Bleep! Thanks for the ask~
1: sexuality headcanon: Dorothea strikes me as bi with a favor for women that is extremely strong. Combine that with her history and her perspective towards men and... I guess "effectively lesbian" is the closest description?
2: otp: I can't decide between Edelgard and Petra! They're both so good!
3: brotp: Ferdinand, quite solidly. There's this understanding between them, and I really liked the evolution of their connection.
4: notp: Yep, the pair with Ferdinand would be my notp. My brotps tend to also be my notps with very few exceptions. Also, Ferdibert is the one FE3H monoship I hold. That being said... even though all conflicting ships are technically notps, they don't hit me too strongly, unless the conflicting ship is also a strong brotp - like it is here with Dorothea.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: That she's someone who finds a way to be politically involved, or at least relevant. Not out of personal gain, as her superficial cover might suggest, but out of genuine desire. Like... even when she goes all in on the opera house, I feel like she'd be politically relevant somehow.
6: favorite line from this character: So... I mentioned doing a translation of the JP Edelthea supports, right? My favorite line is from the A Support. Below is the EN line, the JP line and transliteration, and my translation of the JP line in italics:
And then I’ll sing it in your face! そして、私が高らかに歌う… [soshite, watashi ga takaraka ni utau...] And then, I will sing it from the heavens…
At this point in the support, Dorothea mentions composing an opera about Edelgard on the spot, to stop Edelgard's inquiry into her status. The EN version mentions singing in her face... but the JP version uses this word, 'takaraka'. The kanji character means 'high' or 'tall', but the word translates roughly as 'ringing' or 'sonorous'. The way Juri Nagatsuma, the JP voice actress, delivers the line, there's this pride that shines through - it's elegant, strong, and shines with her romantic feelings for Edelgard, though they aren't explicitly noted. This line/delivery best encapsulates my view of her in general. It's also why I opted for that translation - it carries that sort of vibe.
7: one way in which I relate to this character I'm definitely a fan of music in general! And while I'm not super versed in opera, what little I do know of the style, I love quite a bit!
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character To me, EN Dorothea lacks a certain delicacy or nuance that JP Dorothea has. That being said, I think it fits well with EN Dorothea's character. I also think EN Dorothea is a character that Western audiences more easily connect to and I love her too - it's just that she was a touch too 'loud' for me, yielding the mild second-hand shyness.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Definitely a cinnamon roll - both JP and EN Dorothea alike!
[check out my other answers for this ask in this post]
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mikaharuka · 2 years
My beloved Hilda for the ask game!
Heyo Bleep! Thanks for the ask~
1: sexuality headcanon: She's definitely a shade of multi to me, though I keep alternating between bi and pan in my head. I can't figure out which one it is...
2: otp: Totally Marianne, hands down. I love those two - their characters are so perfectly complementary, and their cotton candy aesthetic together is just so wonderful!
3: brotp: Claude, easily. I see those two gossiping and plotting stuff together on the regular. Those two are totally on that wavelength XD
4: notp: See, normally brotps tend to be my notps as well... but this is a rare exception. Claude/Hilda actually isn't a notp for me, though I wouldn't say I 'shipped' them (Hilda/Marianne has my heart, after all!). I think Hilda might be a character I don't have an obvious notp for... though there are definitely combinations I'd raise an eyebrow at!
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: Super strategic and brilliant. Almost at Claude's level even. I think she's just really good at leveraging her appearance, position, and presentation to get whatever it is she's looking for, and hiding her overall objectives... except around Marianne. She's soft around her, of course <3
6: favorite line from this character: I had to go to the FE3H wiki to refresh myself, since I remember there being quite a few lines I enjoyed. I think her line - "Wow, I put in more work than I realized", from when she masters a class, is my favorite, since that line is so relatable for me!
7: one way in which I relate to this character : Oh hey, nice timing with my previous answer! I'm definitely someone who trends towards the lazier side of things, and tends to avoid the boring in my general tastes in entertainment. I could also be way more efficient and produce way more results than I do right now~
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Probably that she's way more forward and blunt about things than I am. That being said, I also feel a deal of admiration towards her for the same reason - she's a bold character who knows what she wants!
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: She's definitely more of a 'problematic fave', if I had to choose between the two... but she has her cinnamon roll side around Marianne, made obvious with their conversations and her lines~
[Also side note, Bleep - you were asking me the other day about any other het ships that I really liked and I said I'd have to think about it to remember, right? Well, with this ask, I remembered that Felix/Annette is a dynamic I enjoy quite a bit - it's very cute, for sure!]
[check out my other answers for this ask in this post]
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mikaharuka · 2 years
Hmm, how about "dominate" for the Fanfiction Work-In-Progress game?
Hope you're having a good day so far and that lunch was great!
Oh no, you actually hit a word that I was going to use in the near future in Prithvi, but haven't gotten to yet! It's not in Apricity either.
However, I did find it once. In my first fic, The Tape. Yes, that "I took the bait" 12k smut piece I wrote three years ago for the FE3H fandom, Ferdibert (Hubert von Vestra/Ferdinand von Aegir) ship.
You know, the one that all my fellow shitposting fans and loveable trolls thought would be hilarious for an aroace person to have as their first fanfiction written ever. Yeah. that one. See where I am now XD
I think it should qualify as a WIP even though it's on hiatus because it was originally meant to be a 2-part deal, rather than the 1-part it was.
(also, the pasta just finished, so I'm finally having lunch... at 4pm)
Ahem. Anyways... the line.
Yet, with the scent of Hubert’s musk surrounding and overwhelming him, with that silky voice and those filthy words intoxicating his mind, and with the weight of that body covering his own in such a dominant manner, Ferdinand could not help but think that he might very well be capable of exactly that.
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mikaharuka · 1 year
I think of you as Mika, or Mizuka, with occasional panicked spirals into "Crap, she said either one is fine, I hope I haven't been using one too much recently!"
Both are fine! The story of how I ended up with them is... boring, tbh.
Over a decade ago, I established myself online and needed a name. I chose the very common name, Mika. Soon, I realized that I needed another name to differentiate myself, and chose Haruka - a gender neutral name whose common kanji was similar in theme to my name.
(Side note - I am agender, but I'm pretty apathetic and live as a cis gay-aroace woman for convenience. Any pronouns are fine by me.)
This is why my Tumblr, Reddit, and Discord are all "Mika Haruka". I even joined AO3 and posted my FE3H fics under that name in late 2019-early 2020. However... not long after, I left fandom and writing in general. My real life got really busy, so I just went back to lurking.
I wanted a new name for a few reasons - my FE3H experience ended on a sour note; having one name instead of two would be easier; having a more distinct name in general, and just wanting a change. I still liked the name - I kept it and used it everywhere except fandom.
I chose Mizuka in 2020, but it didn't matter... until I posted Apricity last summer. At that time, I had to decide if I wanted to return to Mika Haruka or if I wanted a new start with Mizuka as my main alt.
As you can tell, I chose the latter and I'm really glad, in retrospect. The stuff I write now is so different from before, and with the unique name, I have a distinct presence that's wholly my own.
Being said, I still use and like "Mika Haruka". Since I'm years out, I'm fine with my old name being associated with fandom. Heck, some fans still recognize/find me under my old name because they liked my FE3H fics and/or support translations! That's kind of nice~
So yes, both names are truly fine by me, Miranda! You're good ^_^
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