#mizzy the nightmaren
mizzymaren · 1 year
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Chao Mizzy wants to ride roller coasters with you! She bonks against you until you take her to the biggest one!
(Don’t tell her she’s too small for the big ones she’s going to try anyway)
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mizzymaren · 1 year
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guys she’s just a little bit silly
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mizzymaren · 1 year
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Mizzy holds Nightopians like this
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mizzymaren · 1 year
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Mizzy has something to tell you about roller coasters :>
What’s something you want to know?
~some Mizzy doodles~
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mizzymaren · 1 year
Heya! Mizzy just got one thing to question how did you came up with the idea of Mizzery any concepts That Made you Do him? I was designing a nightmaren based of my self!
So glad you asked because Mizzy as you know her wasn’t even supposed to exist.
Not in the serious sense, at least. The original Mizzy is a character from a story I’m working on called Beyond Beyond—I just drew her as a Nightmaren for fun and brought over the concept of Mizzyland for her character. However, I ended up loving ‘Nightmaren Mizzy’ so much I ended up developing her into my Nightmaren OC!
This took a lot of design iterations, which I’m excited to share:
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This little robot is the original Mizzy character. She exists separately from ‘Nightmaren Mizzy’ now.
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Her first Nightmaren design was much more true to how ‘BB Mizzy’ looks. While I thought it was cute, I felt the design was getting stuck on trying to translate her different body colors. The idea for Mizzy’s dark eyes came from translating her face screen, which did stick.
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When I then redesigned her my goal was to make her look more like a 1st level Nightmaren and to differentiate her from ‘BB Mizzy’. Still I thought the design didn’t flow right.
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Almost there! This is the design that stuck with a few minor changes. I thought it was funny that you couldn’t tell if Reala is wearing a white bodysuit with white face paint or if that’s just his body, so I made Mizzy more ambiguous in that nature as well. Wanting to also push the bunny monster aspect of her design, I kept the ‘ear’ pattern on her horns and gave Mizzy paw hands with beans (Yes, bunnies don’t have beans, but those and her fangs come from headcanons about Nightmaren biology… and my previous lack of knowledge about bunnies not having beans). Fun fact, it wasn’t until her current design that I picked her full name, Mizzery. And if I’m being honest, the idea came from listening to Maroon 5’s ‘Misery’ and thinking how funny it would be if… Yeah, I know. It does hold significance, though! ‘Mizzery’ contrasts her cheerful personality but is spot on hinting at that joy being a mask to hide how sad and hurt she truly is inside.
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Aha! Mizzy as you know her. The carousel bunny theme park clown. While the concept of her running a lil’ theme park came from the original Mizzy, her fascination with rides comes from my own special interest in roller coasters. And, yes, I do know how to operate them!
Overall I’m very happy with her design. Who knows, I may tinker further with it here and there, but I absolutely love my lil’ nightmare bnuuy🥰
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mizzymaren · 1 year
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Mizzy doesn’t like when no socks :(
She doesn’t like shoes either. Just socks.
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mizzymaren · 1 year
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Look at her look how much fun she’s having.
Coaster Mizzy now isn’t just a car, she’s a whole train. A train jumping off the rails :)
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mizzymaren · 1 year
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That’s it guys that’s how he did it. That’s how he made the bnuuy
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mizzymaren · 1 year
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Another bnuuy!!!! Mizzy really wants to be friends with the other bun maren👉🏻👈🏻
Mizzy is drawn to Puffy because, even though she’s a lvl 2 and quite different, Mizzy sees her as the closest thing to herself and desperately craves to have that sense of belonging.
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mizzymaren · 1 year
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Mizzy’s kart of choice in Mario Kart. The carousel one.
Hshshhdhd look at this, she’s the same colors as the car. This wasn’t even planned.
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mizzymaren · 1 year
I like to think that NiGHTS’ and Reala’s persona masks aren’t just a symbol of loyalty to wizeman but, like the other personas you collect in the game, are also a boost of power/new abilities.
This is why we see Reala able to create that arena in the sky, but we don’t see NiGHTS utilizing any ability like that (certainly doing so would give them an upper hand in evading capture).
I also think the other masks are specifically tied to transformation abilities—yes NiGHTS can shapeshift, but it’s more contorting their body, versus when they have the mask, they are more physically transformed into a dolphin/rocket/dragon. I believe the reason NiGHTS opts to collect these other personas rather than wear their own is a matter of principle and trauma; NiGHTS doesn’t want to wear their own mask no matter the advantage because of it being that symbol of everything they left behind, but they wear the others, uncomfortably, out of growing necessity as the threats become greater.
This is the basis of the idea for how Mizzy’s persona mask works—the start of her theme park-building ability is within her, but the mask takes that twinkle track trail and allows her to form it into permanent rides. Her mask also allows her to create the rest of Mizzyland, such as its midways, fair flags, and fountains. Wizeman takes it away as punishment because she’s so hyperfocused on her park that she won’t do much other work for him.
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mizzymaren · 1 year
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og post
would mizzy consider eating these?
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mizzymaren · 1 year
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Mizzy Stimming!!
As a short introduction, Mizzy is neurodivergent, which plays into a lot of her character.
She was created to run a nightmare theme park (Mizzyland) but theme parks quickly became her special interest. She’ll eagerly interject to explain everything there is to know about theme parks (that’s almost just as fun as riding the coasters). Mizzy tries to share her love of rides and invites the other Nightmarens to her park often—going as far as making coasters inspired by each of them. This is her attempt at connecting with her fellow ‘marens, though, they don’t really understand the meaning behind her gestures.
I’d like to make a comprehensive list of notable aspects of how her neurodivergence shows up in her character, this is just the intro~
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mizzymaren · 1 year
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Name: Mizzery (Mizzy)
Species: Nightmaren–lvl.1
Age: N/A (adult for the species)
Affiliation: Still serves Wizeman, but does so to keep her theme park. She has complicated feelings towards NiGHTS.
Mizzy is a roller coaster loving nightmaren who was created to scare Visitors with the rides in her theme park, Mizzyland. Although, she’s much more interested in her coasters than she is in collecting Ideya for Wizeman…she’ll happily tell you all about them! Mizzy is excitable, genuine, sensitive, and emotional. She has a one-track mind and is often off in her own world (Mizzyland). Her strange behavior and hyperfocus on roller coasters has led her to be socially outcast by most of the other nightmarens, but she still desperately tries to befriend them. Mizzy longs for acceptance and true companionship.
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mizzymaren · 1 year
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Mizzy’s special twinkle dust ability: Twinkle Track
When Mizzy flies, she can leave a trail of shimmering, translucent roller coaster track behind her, formed from her twinkle dust.
Her flying patterns mimic how a coaster loops and swoops in the air, and she can fly with the speed to match. Dive loops, batwings, corkscrews, helixes, overbanks, immelmanns, sidewinders, cutbacks, cobra rolls, heartline rolls, banana rolls—and sooo many more. Fortunately, this doesn’t make her dizzy (even if the other Nightmarens consider her to be a bit loopy).
Mizzy gains her increased speed in flight by plummeting from the sky like a roller coaster’s first drop. The look of the track that trails behind her can change its style, as there’s tons of different types of track out there!
Like NiGHTS, Mizzy can turn into a roller coaster car—she absolutely LOVES this—and then ride on the track she’s created. Mizzy can’t fly while in her bunny transformation, so she can’t make track while in that form.
Mizzy needs her persona mask to make her twinkle track permanent, as well as create any other additions to her theme park, Mizzyland. Without her mask, Mizzy’s track trail will dissipate behind her—but remain solid long enough to pack a punch! Mizzy can use this trail to block attacks by using it as a barrier or to strike attacks by ramming it into enemies after flying past them. If she fights with her persona mask, Mizzy is able to use her ability to create rides to attack with to a much greater extent, going as far as tangling them into an arena.
Mizzy’s paraloops lead Visitors to Mizzyland, where they’re trapped until they’re scared awake by her rides. Mizzy doesn’t intentionally try to scare them, she just likes creating the wildest coasters possible and hopes they’ll enjoy them on her thrill-seeking level.
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