bongwaterbunny · 8 months
love, you're already my dumb bunny <3 I wanted to make you mine the second I started talking to you again. now that that mutt is out of the way you *are* mine for as long as You want to be. hope you're having the best day rn by the wayyyy <3 mwah
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bongwaterbunny · 7 months
mmmnhf i wanna pierce her tits n tug on em n listen to her squeal <3 ughuhghughuhugh
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bongwaterbunny · 7 months
Bunni help message me. right now. /neu I just need to rant
rant to me my love!
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bongwaterbunny · 7 months
nope <3 you'll just have to live with me forever and ever. you can't escape me that easily- dying is a copout
finnnnneeee (was gonna type some cheesy line about "omg i get to go to heaven without dying??" but my brain is so fried from earlier im still sorry sbout that i love you my darling)
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bongwaterbunny · 7 months
babe you can't apologize for saying you want to hurt me. like. not to be weird but it's hot. but on a serious, non sexual note- I feel the same way with you, I get it. I don't really call myself pathetic as an insult, weirdly enough it's kind of just stating the obvious for me. it's less an insult or self deprecating and more like just saying things about myself that are objectively true at this point. it doesn't hurt really- but like. I just get jealous sometimes honestly?? which is weird because I have another *partner*, I have a weird relationship with Killer and I have fuckbuddies to hang out with all the time. I'd understand if you were jealous, but not me. I don't have that right. that's why I was so mean to myself- I'm sorry. thank you for caring about me, I really do appreciate it even though it doesn't seem like it. I love you to death, Bunni.
you were upset cuz you were jealous? you know you can always tell me that stuff right baby? i don't want you beating yourself up thinking ill be uncomfy if you bring something up, if somethings on your mind n i have a slight chance of being able to fix it i want that chance! you're definitely allowed to be jealous, i genuinely don't mind it if you wanna be posessive with me i just know that you have other people youre also posessive of n i dont want to be too clingy or do anything to make you feel like you're *trapped*, yk?
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bongwaterbunny · 7 months
you can't die. I can't either. not for a long time anyway. if you die before asking me I'll never forgive you, okay? I'll still love you but I won't forgive you.
:( but what if i super duper wanna?
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bongwaterbunny · 7 months
nvm she called me bunni everything is fine now ive never felt sadness in my life
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bongwaterbunny · 7 months
no please yell at me it's the only way I'll listen to you. you don't have to if it hurts you though. just talk to me. I love you I'll listen I promise
its just. idk. im scared all the time and i know theres no reason to be. there's no reason for me to be angry there's no reason for me to be so fucking upset over everything to do with you because its not your fault! seriously. we're both insanely sensitive and i should understand you better than i do but i see you call yourself pathetic and theres this part of me that wants to hurt you? not even hurt *you*, just. hurt the part of you that thinks so little of the person i love. if that makes sense. i know i sound dumb and you're probably uncomfortable reading this because i literally just said i wanted to hurt you but i love you so much. so. much. like i didnt sleep last night i was too busy writing and rewriting a poem to send you for valentines, and then i got scared again so i never did send it.
believe it or not, you're one of the (if not *the*) most important person in know. you stole my heart the day i met you and i just wish you would use it and realize how utterly amazing you are! you're not perfect, you're nowhere near perfect my love but neither am i. nobody is. perfect isn't real so you can't expect yourself to be perfect. you're human. you deserve just as much love as everyone, if not more. so please. please try to take care of yourself the same way you would take care of your favourite person in the world, ok? at least until i can drive out to you and do it for you?
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bongwaterbunny · 7 months
i want to scream at you. i want you to know how angry it makes me when you treat yourself like that. but how can i shout when you're so precious? how can i be mad when i love you so much?
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bongwaterbunny · 8 months
be careful with Manic... you might make Alexander Hamilton from the hit musical Hamilton by Puerto Rican-American songwriter Lin Manuel Miranda angry.... (all these asks are fucking stupid I'm so sorry I'm giggling rn)
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bongwaterbunny · 8 months
anyways hi honey <3 what have you been up to?
me n my brother n his friend are hanging out playing horror games n smoking- holy shit i havent stopped shaking im not built for this hhhh my dumbass only smokes to go to sleep
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bongwaterbunny · 8 months
Aiden would send you the duck song lyrics if she thought it would make her look intimidating
SHE TOTALLY WOULD omg she's probably putting fucking evanescence on tryna be angsty about it while she spams me like an actual child.
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bongwaterbunny · 8 months
I'm sorry honey I haven't checked tumblr in a while. what happened? why are you jealous? /nfta
jus bein selfish yu shuld ignor those hh
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bongwaterbunny · 8 months
don't be jealous don't be jealous don't be jealous
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bongwaterbunny · 8 months
miss my baby
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bongwaterbunny · 8 months
im so in love
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