frostcorpsclub · 11 months
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Based on this meme: 7c7c0ca90cb3789131059bf80ebd60a9b16fc9dd
You may notice upon first glance that these aren't her babies! As you know over the period of many many years, through winterbeings having kids, turning their partners into frostbitten, breeding with humans, etc. the species grows far beyond the family. 
Refer to: The North Pole It's not the only place there are winterbeing communities and they have their own buildings for specialized purposes like any other species, this one specifically takes place in a winterbeing maternity ward which is MUCH more luxurious than most species. Motherhood is highly praised and valued, partially because of the influence of Suzy herself since...you know she's one third of the reason their species exists at all. In these wards they keep the snowbabies and frostbitten babies seperate as it would be very easy for the snowbabies to hurt them, as they're stronger and have yet matured to a level where they can see the frostbitten babies as their equals and not food. Suzy is comfortable in her pjs as she comes to visit very often to help out the nurses and new mothers.....mostly to just play with the winterbeing babies though (her hatred of other people's children doesn't apply to winterbeings, they may not see her as closely related but she does.)
I may or may not have gotten slightly attatched to one of these babies.
I may or may not have gotten slightly attatched to one of these babies.
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frostcorpsclub · 11 months
Snowpeople babies are the cutest babies in the world hands down especially when they're in that phase where they don't know how powerful they are, mostly involving not knowing they can turn into water/mist yet
Like when James was a baby and accidentally rolled himself up in Jack's scarf and cried so loud for so long
So many of the frost kids have gotten stuck in bottles, jugs, etc.
How can you stay mad at a baby who giggles and literally rolls away from you when you try to reprimand them
They also eat their own eyes and noses ALL the time and when they have fussy tummies you can just snuggle with them and they won't try and murder you <3
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frostcorpsclub · 2 years
Staple food and common dishes
Medical practices
Traditional clothes and items
For Winterbeings or Elves
(Have fun love :))
OR more like BOTH MWAHHA I'll reblog and add on the elf portion tomorrow
To reiterate context snowciety as i like to call it isnt a thing until like decades into the future, so its a given that many humans from many different cultures have been turned into frostbitten.
That being said they'll often recreate many different kinds of dishes only with cannibalistic substitutions.
Though there are also many unique examples
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This is only for Winterbeings who prefer their food to be cooked, raw is actually much more beneficial but cooked food isn't harmful. Many will just devour a body bones and all.
Winterbeings get no nutrients from regular human food like vegtables. Animal products can extend energy in an emergency but its a bit like making your dog go vegan, maybe they can survive but they won't be healthy or happy whatsoever
There are groups of Winterbeings who want to be as ethical as possible and despite having no choice but to eat humans want to treat them with respect.
These communities often live intermingled with humans and act as protection and compansionship in exchange for the corpses of those who have passed from natural causes. They'll even leave things like the bones, hair, and teeth for compost and so the families can have keepsakes.
Being a doctor to winterbeings is quite interesting. You'll note that (as of now) every ailment is either reasonably treatable at home
Being immortal and nearly indestructable means that, luckily, many diseases were discovered from trial and error experimentations. When you're part of a species that eats bugs and flesh and....garbage for fun, in addition to brutal bloodsport, any non-self afflicated pain is taken very seriously.
this is gonna be a short one for...obvious reasons
The "native" population of Winterbeings is located in Marie Byrd Land on the continent of Antarctia meaning that gardens are esentially impossible there.
However, there are some options. For those living on the antarctic islands or pennisula nearby can enjoy the small green pleasures of hairgrass, lichens and pearlwort. The latter being favored and common for wedding bouquets.
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Traditional Clothes and Items
These fuckers make the most useless winter clothes you'll ever wear in your life. They really enjoy the aesthtetics of fur lined coats, pants, and boots but the fuctionality of these would be a detriment to their own survival. So these are often made from very thin and breathable material.
On the other hand, for those living in places where it gets hot, Frostbitten at least have to dress even less in the summer months. This can be difficult for those who have integrated into more conservative socieites and some chose to go into a hiberntation like period of hiding during the summer.
On the other hand Winterbeings are incredible weapon makers. Since 50% of their species is inhumanly large, along with the fact theres a lot of power behind their swings, weapons being proportional and well made is a necessity.
There are also weapons made to compliment a winterbeing's special ability. For example a snowperson with the power of Ice infusion might have a weapon thats made to inject poison, giving them an extra danger in battle.
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frostcorpsclub · 1 year
Ok so…. Yk how babies like to gnaw on frozen stuff when theyre teething to help with the pain?? Do snowbabies go thru that too
If so jack is the ideal teether
They're born with their teeth (to pierce their mothers body for blood nursing) so I don't think so! It's also common to use small bones as pacifiers to get the baby ready to move onto solid foods.
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frostcorpsclub · 1 year
i found your snowperseon species chart and i was a little confused by the height limits >m< i love original stuff like this i hope you dont mind
EEE i love waking up to messages like these it's not an issue at all. They have height mins and maxes like any living creature. There are some exceptions in the frost kids and grankids because there are SO fucking many of them
It's just statistical
Some of my friends who have made ocs have had their characters artifically extend their height with like shoes, doing it by packing extra snow into their body is not sustainable in the long term
Making them shorter than usual (like Janleigh does) is much easier as all it requires is the snowperson having the rest of their extra heigh floating as a gas coldfront around them, water if they're an asshole and want people to trip lol
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frostcorpsclub · 1 year
The post I just made made me think 
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frostcorpsclub · 2 years
New lore addition
I realized that snowpeople babies wouldn't be able to use pacifiers because they're born with their sharp teeth Suzys solution: ground beef molded around the nipple of the pacifier and frozen for when one needs to quickly comfort a fussy mutant killer baby 🥰
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frostcorpsclub · 1 year
Since Suzy can have kids she like? has a period right? I know she's a corpse but that seems like an important part of reproduction
Yeah I mean I guess she'd have to. Winterbeings don't have other *bodily secretions* besides sweat, semen and well blood but they expel waste in other ways.
I think Frostbitten afabs would have regular human menstruation while afab Snowpeople, since they're all hermpahroditic and being afab really only refers to which secondary sex characteristics/hormones their bodies lean towards having more of, would just have the hormonal aspects of a period.
All that aside imagine how fucking funny this is in context.
Josephine, 10: Daddy when I woke up my tummy was cramping and there was blood all over my bed, what's going on? :(
Jack, no clue what he's supposed to steal for this:
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