kharasdiary · 4 years
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woop honse team
Original base can be found here: https://www.deviantart.com/zoiby/art/MLP-Group-base-523566911
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art-going · 5 years
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was a little lazy doing the background, I already spent like 4 hours on the picture and was really tired. Just imagine a police station or something' Lol ~ "We need to help Caden-" Devyn huffed "But why?" Lewis scoffed, "She abandoned us!" "No- we split up. There's a difference Tahnee." "Lewis-" "Lewis..." Devyn huffed,  "Look we need her. And she needs us. We have to stick together, okay?" "Fine-" Lewis finally gave in. - I huffed as I sat in the confined area. Police scattered among the place... It'll take a miracle to be set free- - "Lewis, stay somewhere safe, away from the others. I'll go sneak a key out of one of their pockets." Devyn muttered to Lewis, "How do you know if it's the right key-" Lewis hissed. "Trust me Lewis." Devyn followed a long white haired cop, praying he wouldn't notice her sneaky stance. Unlucky enough, he noticed, "You need somethin' ma'am?" He turned to her. "UHh- I uh." Devyn was holding a key in her mouth. He looked down to see the key was missing from his pocket. "What're you-" "Please help us!" Devyn silently shouted to him. "Wh-" "Come!" Devyn dragged his arm to the bathroom, grabbing Lewis as well. ~ Leaving that there-Not the best page for the last, but I'm really excited about this new comic I even make a reference for the main character BEFORE I even STARTED a sketch! Now that itself means I am excited for it!
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melodiousalien · 4 years
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This is my MLP OC Mythos, or more importainly this is her pony form as she’s a changling. a Intel scout of the queen who didn’t know about her people’s change till later and was to scared to change alone so kept her post hidden among the ponies.
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I always wanted to draw a new style but I could never figure out if the OG drawings are better than the custom ones. Maybe you guys can help me?
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insaneus · 7 years
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Yea yo this is old as sin and I posted it on dA too but my art blog is naked and sad so. 
It’s my oc Geena. 
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taigahiraoka-blog · 6 years
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I'm back from drawing on PC. #mlpstyle #undertaker #wwe #art
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xiobomb · 7 years
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I got bored in a couple of my classes during the week and since I had some spare time from finishing my work before like everyone else (which not to brag but I often do😎). So to resolve my boredom, I found a pony generator on tumblr (I shared it to my page so it'll be there) and I started drawing the ones I liked. I had to scan these and touch them up so they were a little more clear and all that jazz. I would have done a few more but I have been commissioned yet again by the infamous ZiaxDerpy. This one is going to be a doozy but it will (hopefully) look awesome when its done and that is all I'm going to say about it. Yep, so I may actually use these as like background characters/ do something like I did here for background characters when Ziax and I get the comic up and running and actually need background characters but that is a later discussion... Thanks for looking!
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art-going · 5 years
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Made it back from Nebraska safely! I didn't make any sketches so that's why I didn't post anything. Plus the internet was bs there. Just one more page till I finally release my new comic idea! ~I was traveling for hours. I stumbled on my legs. I groaned as my body shifted from one corner to the next. I felt broken, destroyed. - A stick broke behind me. I turned in fear, "Devyn? Lewis? Is that you." I shuddered. No... no! An officer... "Put your hands up goddammit!" He hissed. I struggled to move, but I obeyed the command. I could run. But... fear kept me near. I huffed as I got handcuffs places on me. A person walked up to me. An-- another android? "Just another Deviant. Am I right, Lieutenant?" "You shut the fuck up." He hissed. Human/Android connection? Humans hate us though..! I was thrown into the back of a car and drove somewhere I never thought I'd go... ~ Little short, I was hesitant to add Hank and Connor for story reasons, but I guess a small appearance won't hurt anyone? Will work on sketches for page 10! Let me know if you're excited for the new comic!! I know I am! :D
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art-going · 5 years
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It was shortly after dark when I was bought.
I'm about 15,000 dollars worth. Am I worth the large cost? Of course, I can do just about anything!
Clean, cook, take the dog for a walk, take care of the kids, etcetera. ~ While driving to my owners house, I stared out the window... processing everything that was happening.
My mind turned yellow as I processed. Bringing everything into my memory software.
I was astonished by the large buildings and the bright lights.
Curious, I was. My mind was open. ~
Sincerely apologize from the long wait for this page, I've been working all week and it's kinda hard to get a little art in!
This week I'll work on page two! Any ideas on what that should look like?
I am more active on Deviantart! Find me by searching Art-Going Deviantart into your browser!
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art-going · 5 years
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~ It had been about 5 hours after last night. We had went to a few stores to gain some regular clothes.How did we buy them? I had grabbed a few 20 dollars before leaving my owners house. - I sat on the bench, looking around at other androids and their owners, some were kind, most were abusive. I shuddered, I felt terrible for them. Though, that's what humans have turned into... they use us to do their dirty work. Devyn paced around, they seemed tense. I would too... Tahnee finally thought about talking, "What if we get caught.." she muttered over to me. "We won't." I try to get comfortable on the bench. A long silence had awoke, soon later I hear a voice in my ear, "So- does this mean we can change our names?" Tahnee slowly got closer to me, really curious on the answer. I deeply sighed, "Y- sure.." "LEWIS!" Tahnee screeched out loud. I almost fell off the bench, and a few people gave us a look.I gave her a glare, and so did Devyn. "What? I was thinking about names." I sigh as I think of my own, "Caden.. that could be cool." I mutter. Tahne- Lewis... smiled at me. Devyn hadn't thought about a name, nor did I think they would. - A few hours pass by like sprites, (the mythical creature, not legit sprite cans... that would be amusing to see but... no) I had been nudged by Devyn, they quickly point over to a police car. "Shit." I mutter,"Just act casual... c'mon." I had led Devyn and Lewis away from the car, but a few more had came.. "A c t. C a s u a l." I hiss to the others. I was as concerned as they were. Besides, the cops that had seen us might've been here plus might still recognize our faces... I was a tad confused since I had no idea why they were there. Either way, I was still tense from it. - Before we could find a way far from the police, one calls at us. "Hey!" I got tense, without hesitation I shooed Devyn and Lewis away. I had turned around to a police officer, human... The officer opened his mouth as if he were to speak, I imagined a question , though he had paused. "You look- familiar.." I felt my mechanical body shift. I had known already that they had noticed it was me, their hands were behind their back. I had that idea that a gun was behind. I did what I had to do. Run. (roll credits) A shot fired at me. Luckily, they had missed. "Go!" I yelled out to Devyn and Lewis. The two of them ran separate than me, we split up. - (im a little lazy t'day, so enjoy this action time skip - Brought to you by the illiterate fuck that made this comic) I had finally lost that cop. Fuck. I thought, I had lost Devyn and Lewis. Pray we'll find each other, soon. ~ Well aint this page just a sack of potatoes. I wasn't lazy on the picture this time, but on the description. FreAIck. Oh well, life sucks. Better go work on Page 8 now. Note: I accept ideas. If you have any thoughts on where this comic can head please tell me some! Try not to have a few ideas that might involve the collision of stories. I.E: Chloe/Caden finding Kara and Alice/Getting Caught by Connor/Meeting Markus/ETC. I will love to hear your ideas though! Maybe you can give me ideas for some extra points! ~ I have a discord server! Feel free to join! Why? You be the first to know when I stream, see sketches for my own personal art/comic pages! This is also the perfect place for you to ask for commissions/requests/art-trades/and more! Click here to join! :D
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art-going · 5 years
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Yippie! Another page! :D I'm super proud of this one, though it was tricky. I wanted to make it feel as if they're near the broken android dump place.
So I wanted to make it seem as if there were light pollution, it was tricky but I think I did well on it!
Mild Language below, if you're sensitive to any language whatsoever please avoid reading! Thank you and have a good day! :D
Onto the page~
All three of us were covered in dirt and mud, my clothes still stained with my owners, plus my own blood.
I shivered as the cold rain poured on my mechanic body. My mind grown red as I saw a man on a hill, looking around with a flashlight.
"Fuck-" I hissed.
Devyn walked up behind me, "The humans are everywhere Chloe, what if-"
"Shh- It's a cop..." I hushed her, the man walked above us...
"Wha-" I interrupted Devyn once again,
"Get in!" I shuddered as I pushed the two into the large sewage pipe.
I heard footsteps fade, were we safe?
No... more footsteps, approaching us... shit, I thought. I eavesdropped on the conversation the people were having,
(Now, the cop that will be speaking about the missing deviants /obviously Chloe, Devyn, and Tahnee can be noted as anyone... for the sake of fitting them into the story, It will be Hank Anderson's first missing Android Case, even though the first case about deviancy we see in Connor's story line in the actual game might actually be the first. Again, the cop can be noted as Hank or even some other cop, but I will be making this cop Hank for the sake of fitting them into the story... keep in mind this is a fanmade comic, this obviously won't go with the game as accurately and in the end might be different than the game's intent/ endings)
Back onto the story shall we? / /
"So, three missing androids... AV 700, SX 600 and 400. Jeez who needs so many androids?" A cop deeply exhaled.
"Well, two are owned by Malaki Wallace, the other owned by Baxter Kensington." Another man had spoke.
"Oh for the love of- the drug guy?" The cop groaned.
"Yep, the drug guy.." The other continued.
I heard a squeak, Tahnee had nearly slipped on the wet surface of the pipe.
"Shi-" I had stopped myself when realizing the people above heard.
"What was that?" The cop stammered.
"Let's go find out.." the other insisted they'd look.
I heard people slip down the muddy hill... it was too late to stay quiet.
"RUN!" I yelled
I pushed at the two to start running, and so they did.
"Shit- it's the androids!" a guy said causing the cop to shoot at us.
I yelped as a bullet pierced my shoulder. "Chloe!" Devyn yelled out,
"Run! I'm right behind you!" I tried to distract her from my pain, and focus on escaping.
We made it to three separate pipes... I looked at the other two,
"Split up!!"
We all ran in three separate directions.
A cop had followed me,
"Shit-" I muttered.
The pathway I took led to a gate, no exit...
The cop approached slowly, gun in hand.
I raised my hands high, as soon as he approached-
I kneed him in the chest and grabbed the loaded weapon, running back the way I came.
People surrounded the entrance, I shot two people in the side, and ran in another pipe.
After a few minutes of running, I finally made it out of the pipe.
I finally felt safe.
I collapsed onto the edge, sighing of relief.
I felt free.
I looked at the loaded weapon, though a shimmer caught my eye.
A glass shard.
I raised my finger up to my mind, the dead give away that I was an android... had to be removed. It wouldn't do any harm would it?
I grabbed the shard and cut out a piece of my mind.
I sighed of relief, though jumped when Devyn patted my shoulder, with Tahnee holding her hand.
"We're free." I smiled as I handed them the shard.
"Are we though?" Tahnee blurted, "They're still going to come after us, won't they?"
I looked up at the polluted sky, sighing and nodding my head.
"Maybe, but we have each other... and that's all I'll ever need to be happy."
I smiled as we all embraced the night.
We will be free... soon. Soon I pray...
hoLy ShiT THiS waS lonG To DO
it took about 6 hours to complete the picture, and a hour to complete this. w h y.
Any ideas for page 7? Feel free to give me some! It'll help! :D Im more active on Deviantart! Find me by searching Art-Going Deviantart into your browser!
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art-going · 5 years
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Slight laziness with this one, had no inspiration drawing wise so here's a quick sum-up. Some details might be off, there might be an added humanity to our yet to be deviants. I.E Devyn and Tahnee.
I knew what I had to do, the moment I left the building.
I had no where else to go. My humanoid friends would only see me as something they should fear, besides, Deviancy is a common thing humans actually fear.
I went for some who wouldn't see much in the topic, ones who don't have emotions. My own self,
A seemingly popular artist in our neighborhood owns two androids, I became friends with the both of them... so maybe they can help out.
I sneaked up into the window after checking the security systems. There were none.
An android quickly ran over to help, | this is Devyn,
"Chloe? What are you doing here? I almost called the police on you-"
I interrupted the android , "Y-yeah I know..."
"What's wrong? You seem shook."
I nodded, "I- I am."
"If something is wrong I need to know."
I shivered. "I... I did something, I didn't mean to it wasn't on purpose-"
"What, what do you mean?"
She sat me down close by, "I did something bad. Something that humans fear when purchasing their own android.."
I heard the ambulance siren get closer, and I tensed up.
"I killed him." I huffed out.
"But- Chloe you realize-"
"Yeah yeah I know. Well, in reality I don't actually know if I did. I- He'll be okay."
She sighed, "And how do you want me to help, you can't stay here for long-" she looked out the window, "If they catch me helping you, you know what they'll do?"
"I'll be spare parts." she hissed.
I was distracted by the loud noise, A light turned on down the hall.
Devyn quickly motioned me to hide behind the seat,
She had said her owners name in confusion, "... is that you?"
The other android her owner owned walked out holding the pet cat that they have.
"Did I interrupt something?" she coughed.
I slowly raise from the hiding place, "Tahnee?"
"What are you doing here-?"
"It's a long story." Devyn said.
I sighed and continued to what I was there for.
"I need your help. Please, I can't go off alone."
"Please!" My mind turned red, hearing a knock at the door.
"Is that them?" I felt my body shake.
"Sure is, y'know if we leave our owner will just track us down." Devyn sighed,
"Put a note?" I suggest.
"Not bad, but-"
"It's good enough!" I hiss.
"Alright-" I see her write on a paper and place it on the fridge, she leads me to the backdoor.
I cough as I scribble a message at the bottom of the note before following,
"Wait- Can I come too?" Tahnee asked,
"It's dangerou-" I get interrupted.
"We're stronger together, c'mon then."
Tahnee put the cat down and followed us.
The note slowly falls under the fridge, under reach...
the following is said:
When you read this, you'll realize your androids are gone,
Our friends, Chloe and her owner had an incident.
You'll probably learn about this soon, she said it was accidental.
We wish luck to you, If we're still there obviously she didn't convince us,
Well in reality you wouldn't be reading this note if so,
Jesus this is long.
I'm sorry for the spam of drawings- :cry:
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art-going · 5 years
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Little lazy on the bg, but I was overall proud of the final picture ~
It was storming outside. I was doing the usual, giving my owner beer, etcetera.
But once he asked for me to wash and dry some of his clothes, things when downhill.
The washer and dryer were downstairs, in the basement.
I had slowly walked downstairs with a bin full of clothes.
Rust covered the walls.
I start to wash the clothes when I notice something, A small packet of what appears to be-
Red Ice?
I felt like I heard my body slam against the wall way before I actually was.
"Don't touch my shit..." My owner hissed in my ear.
I muttered 'okay' and he let me go.
I was breathing heavily when I continued my job.
After a few 20 minutes, I heard yelling from upstairs. I went upstairs to see what was wrong,
He was wrong.
He seemed frustrated. I went into the kitchen where he was.
"Back off!" He yelled, so I did so.
"You're a fucking idiot, you know that?"
5 minutes later, a knife rips across my face.
My mind glitched, he told me to stay still, but I was so scared...
So I did what first came to mind, DEFEND YOURSELF
I grabbed a small knife and stabbed his shoulder, running downstairs after doing so.
"You little bitch!" I heard as I stumbled on my feet.
He came at me with knife and pounced on me, cutting my shirt open and leaving a large wound.
I cut his cheek and stabbed his chest twice, he stumbled down to his knees and I quickly ran to the stairs. I sighed as I dropped the knife and walked towards him without it.
I did what an android would do, call an ambulance...
It wasn't my intention to hurt him, but... I wanted to live.
What now? I heard the ambulance siren clear as day, it was the first time I had no commands.
I thought for a minute, maybe two... and knew what I had to do,
I left, knowing I am now DEVIANT
Little longer than usual, sorry bout that. But there was so much I had to include or else it would seem empty.
Hope you like it! I'll try to work on the next page soon.
I really need your help I can't tell if you're enjoying it so far, so give me a hint!! I don't want to scrap this because you don't want to speak about how you're feeling about the comic! I’m more active on Deviantart! Find me by searching Art-Going Deviantart into your browser!
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art-going · 5 years
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Kinda got lazy with this one, mostly since I didn't know what to do, etc.
~ It was awful, the pain.
All I could get out was the word, "Please".
The pain occurred after a cook out. I finally got to meet two other androids. They looked alike, they looked different,
One of them was called Devyn, the other Tahnee.
I don't know what I did wrong. I obeyed every order, every command... but still was hit with fury.
Was it fair? I, I don't know. Was it?
The only thing my software could keep in its memory was the bat. The bat being thrown in my point of view. Then, black. - My mind flickered red, then yellow, to blue.
It was long after the incident, I was still... what's the right word... shook?
I was... scared. ~
This is probably the worst page yet.. I'll try doing better. Sorry bout that. I am more active on Deviantart! Find me by searching Art-Going Deviantart into your browser!
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