#mmhmm mmhmm mmhmmmmm
missamyrisa2 · 3 months
Do you think you'd be able to make me beg to cum while edging me with different types of feathers and brushes
I meannnn begging is alllll fine and dandyyyyy~~ but what I'm reallllllyyyy after are those gigglewhimpersssss ~ when you're sooooo wanttyyyy and ohhh sooo neeeeddyy that you can barely get a word together much less verbally beg ~~ and I can just smirk and smile knowingly~ asking you those loaded questions like howwww often do you wish you were right on the edge like thisss? Awwww such a naughtyyyy little thing gettttting sooo worked up from a little tickle tickle from Mrs feather?? Soooo bouncyyyy and whinyyyyy from Mr brush under your royal button? Mmhhhh you wanna gigglecum dontchaaaa mmhmm those eyessss and quiveryyy lips alllwaysss give it awayyyyy mmmh that's right you dooooo you wannnntyyyyyy uhhuhhh~~~ but nooononooo I can't deprive you of this wonderful tingle no no noooooo the most ticklyyyy of tinglessss when your royal part is soooo cuteeeee and needyyy ~ I know I knowwww that tinyyyy stiff feather ~ I call her Rhonda ~ she's just such a pixieeee right in that goodie spottttt and ooh mmhhmm ol fannieeee my fan brush is getting in there uppppp and downnnn those thighssss and bellyyyyy you just watch the prettyyyyy brushes angel, just watch the brushesssss and tickle mama will take you alllll the way to that tingle~~~ and you can bodyyyy beg allllll you likeeee mmhmmmmm~<33
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