#mmmmmmmmmmmm that's some good tea
teddybeartoji · 4 months
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5, 13 and 33 for your ask game :3
5. tell us some funny drunk story
😭😭😭 idk how funny it is to everybody else but it sure is to me. it's more embarrassing actually but i'm gonna tell you anyway:333 soooo cue me going to the club after a 12h shift. i hadn't eaten anything since like 3pm and my work day ended at 9 aaaand we were at the party at like 11 already. it's not looking too good already now is it.............. i also vaped at that time. and i am a terrible lightweight :D so i am starving and two drinks in, vaping and dancing my ass off, and i'm already starting to feel a little off yk? so i think that taking a piss will fix me.
it did not.
oh and also this was during february so it was cold as shit and we didn't even take our coats off (just bc we kept going outside and then back inside). so now. i'm in this bathroom that's exactly the size of ONE toilet i kid you not. it's literally the door - you - toilet and that's the whole room😭😭😭😭 i was already struggling with my long coat bc fuck my head is dizzy and there's no room and there wasn't anywhere to put the damn thing either so i ended up just holding it in my lap. i finally manage to actually take a piss and then...
oh no...
i feel SO bad. like sick. like i'm about to vomit. FUCKFUKCUFKCUFK THE ONLY THING IN MY HEAD WAS HOW THE FUCK AMI EVEN GONNA PUKE IN HERE?????? AHGSHASHGAGHSGHA I WAS ABT TO FREAK THE FUCK OUT. i took a few deep breaths and made a plan that i'm gonna rush outside immediately. i will not vomit all over the floor of the club. i will not. i know most of these people i would actually have to kll myself.
i push up i manage to pull my PANTIES on and... voila.
so i just ended up bent over the toilet bowl with my big ass coat in my hands with only my pink panties on i didn't have the time to pull up my pants, and since my ass was facing the door i just couldn't stop thinking abt the lousy ass lock on the thing... what if somebody actually pulls it open😭😭😭😭😭😭
i was just stuck in that pose for like two whole minutes bc i just... was kinda shocked that it even happened lmao AAAND THENNN as a cherry on top - i could fucking hear my friends ahshgasgha calling from me. i heard them talking to someone else being all like ":oo we lost mickey we lost mickey" but i didn't have the free hands to reach for my phone eitherrrrrr ajshhgsghaghsaghsgha plss it was so ridiculous.
after i finally regained some energy lmao i dragged my ass outside into the BLIZZARDDD BTWWWW IT WAS SO FUCKING COLD and i was sat there for like 40 minutes i think. my friends came out with me dw they brought me tea and everything:3333 but yeah the whole thing was soo stupid esp since i don't puke. like ever. i don't even get hangovers lmao
13. if the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say?
FIRST OF ALLLL THIS IS SCARY AS FUCK HELLO😭😭😭 I DO NOT WANT THAT MANY PEOPLE LISTENING TO ME HASHGAHGSAHA hmmmmm but... i'd either just go for the good old "i love you" because why the fuck not orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i'd fucking rick roll all of you:33
33. something you are good at?
mmmmmmmmmmmm being very straightforward lmao and taking things literally. can be a bad thing but i think it's good too. i think i'm pretty good at finding solutions for the silliest problems just bc i think a bit differently than most i guess. autism<333
interview the mayor
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ghostie-gengar · 3 years
Ok so i have had this idea of an AU where N has like an actual known mother for like so long and i just. i have to get it out i need to so here’s a very very watered down version of her story with events that are so unlikely but whatever i just (warning it’s really long despite being a summary so prepared to get smacked with mom lore)
so. Her name is helen and she is a very nice lady. like SUPER NICE like you could break into her house and she’d be like “oh hey :) would you like some cookies i can put on a pot of tea” but also not a doormat. she Would Not hesitate to tell ghetsis off or smack anyone who hurts her kids.
anyways helen and ghetsis met in their mid to late teens, became friends (somehow :/ ghetsis was quite the charismatic young guy i imagine) and got married in their 20s. after a couple years twins!! im sure i don’t need to tell you how that happened. anyways concordia and anthea popped up and they were quite the handful but helen absolutely adored them and ghetsis was just kinda like “ok whatever children”
oh also im not sure if i’ll keep this but helen can sooooort of understand pokemon and N got that ability from her
oh also btw helen and ghetsis formed team plasma together see helen’s idea was to create like a pokemon relief center kinda like a sanctuary idk and ghetsis’ branch of family was kinda like a cult that thought humans and pokemon should be separate and ghetsis wanted to use that for more power and saw helen and was like “i can use this :)” anyways moving on
One day helen and ghetsis were taking a lovely stroll and they came across these young triplets who were homeless and helen was like “mine” so they adopted them and ghetsis twisted it to make it seem like He was the cool one who saved them so they’d listen to him (shadow triad)
this is kinda where team plasma begins to seem more evil and helen is catching on but she’s like “noooo ghetsis wouldn’t do that” (girl you’re wrong)
anyways once concordia and anthea are like eight or nine a little natural harmonia gropius pops up!! and helen is overjoyed cuz like she secretly always wanted six kids and now one two three four five six!!!!
she and ghetsis are also quick to notice how much n looks like ghetsis and ghetsis is mentally like “haha yes mini me >:D”
Then team plasma is very clearly a cult like helen can’t even deny it anymore and she tries to bring it up to ghetstink but he just waves her off like “now now dear don’t be silly” and she’s like >:(
ghetsis starts taking about making n the king of team plasma and helen’s like “well only if he wants to right” and ghetsis is like “no”
he only wants to use N more when he figured out N could understand pokemon cuz like he’d babble to helen’s minccino (oh yeah btw helen has a minccino)
theeeeeeeeeeen helen walks in on ghetsis being mmmmmmmmmmmm not good to concordia and concordia and anthea are both crying and helen is like “DUDE” and makes him sit down and have a serious talk about proper parenting which ghetsis also brushes off
then after a couple of days, concordia and anthea run away and helen is obviously absolutely devastated and she and ghetsis look for weeks. months. And no sign of them. ghetsis is like “well i guess they’re dead nvm then” and helen is like “DUDE” and she looks in the girls’ bedroom and finds a note from the girls that tells her to keep n safe and not to worry about them
after thinking about all the crap stuff ghetsis has done lately helen takes n in the middle of the night and runs. no looking back. bye bye ghetstink :( and life is much better honestly
she lives in that trailer in lostlorn with lil baby n and her plan was to wait for him to be able to walk and fend for himself and then they’d both go look for concordia and anthea but until then peaceful forest life playing with pokemon
And ghetsis upon waking up and seeing his wife and kid is gone he’s very upset. after a few years however he’s walking in like white forest or something and stUmbles upon concordia and anthea and he’s like “frickin sweet man” and snatches them and they are Not Happy but when they get back to the castle and see helen and n are gone? they are So Relieved those two got away even if they had to stay there
Anyways once n was three or four he was fine he could walk and he loved to wander around and make pokemon friends and he’d always come back to the trailer
one day ghetsis was walking through lostlorn for no particular reason and he came across n playing and recognized him immediately and was like “Oh My God No Way” and committed grand theft natural right there on the spot
but before he left he left a note for helen to find that said “did you really think you could hide forever” just to rub salt in the wound
anyways helen is like man it’s getting late i wonder where little natural is and so she gets a pidove to go look for him and the pidove brings back the note and when she sees it. tears. literal tears and sobbing she’s like “oh my god he has him He Has Him” and then she’s like “k you know what? Imma go get him i will go GET my child from this stinky man watch me grab my coat and i will get back the boy and if he has the girls too i’ll take them too and”
and then!! The shadow triad appear in the trailer (they all have names that only helen bothered to learn) and they’re like “hey so we kinda have strict orders from ghetsis that if we see you in the castle or anywhere near team plasma we kinda have to tell ghetsis and he’ll hurt n so maayyybe don’t?”
and helen is like crap. like genuinely there is no good solution cuz if she goes and fails to get the n back ghetsis would hurt n and if she did get the n back ghetsis would hurt the shadow triad and so she’s stuck and she has no choice but to just let everything happen
But!!! This story has a happy ending!!!
so i didn’t mention this cuz my thoughts are all over the place but helen likes to paint and so in order to cope with everything she painted her kids and they’re like really good anyways
N meets her at some point after bw2 cuz he was in lostlorn and it was raining and zoroark ran into her trailer and he was like “zoroark you Cannot Be Here we need to go” and helen walked in and she recognized him immediately like she was internally like holy arceus above that is my son that is my son that is my
but N doesn’t remember her like at all so she doesn’t want to say anything in case she overwhelms him and N is like “i am so sorry for coming in here my zoroark just hey you know what i’ll just leave”
Meanwhile she’s trying not to cry and she’s looking from n to a painting of n she did and she’s like holy arceus and she’s like “nono you can stay for tea until the rain is over”
And n had also noticed the painting and he was like that’s literally me but didn’t want to say anything
So n stays for tea and they have a lovely chat and helen is like this is literally my son and he has no idea who i am and then the rain stops so n leaves and helen is just like. Sad
But then n comes back another day and stays for tea again cuz they kinda became buddies and n is about to leave but he stops. at the doorway and slowly turns around and is like “i feel like i know you from somewhere” and helen is like “???” about to cry again
And you can like see the gears turning in n’s brain and he just freezes. and he looks up. And he’s like “.......mom?”
tears. Everywhere and both of them are sobbing and hugging each other and helen’s like “omg you’re so tall look at you how you’ve grown” and more tears and they literally hug for like hours while helen tells the story and helen was like starting to calm down and n’s like “btw connie and anthy are alive” and she just starts crying again and then they go to the house in driftveil so helen can see the girls and everyone just starts crying the girls are freaking out cuz they never knew what happened to mom and rood was there and crying like “mistress helen you’re alive ma’am” and just. big group hug and the shadow triad probably teleport in there for like five minutes and helen will absolutely not let them go without hugs even if they still work for ghetsis and yeah. that’s the very long summary of n’s mom imagine how long it would have been if i like actually wrote it professionally ok bye
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erisis · 2 years
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So, of course I went and got myself some tasty BBQ!!!! Despite my good friend Toby’s very strong and repeated recommendation of, “This really good vegan place!” And while, I do like some tasty vegan goodness; when I’m in Texas, I’m gonna eat some meat!!! (Sorry Toby!) And the meat was indeed good. Brisket, pork ribs, cheese and jalapeño sausage, all deliciously smoked! With bacon Mac and cheese, cheesy jalapeño rice (Which was recommended) and obligatory potato salad! (What? I’m wicked freaking Irish kid!) Washed down with sweet tea! Mmmmmmmmmmmm……. #texas #bbq #sanantonio #transwoman #meat #texasbbq #massholeabroad (at Pinkerton’s Barbecue - San Antonio) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb_aE7HOasz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mellohyi · 3 years
wooowowowoo i miss summer camp so much
like this is my second year without going and as much as it sucked i loved it
there is a large rant about the place and like every single living detail i remember about it under the cut (is that the right phrase to use for this idk)
like the big field with the train tracks next to it and the beehives on one edge. i miss throwing a frisbee for my few friends there and laughing when i would get it stuck in a tree or they would throw it and it would go so far away. and i miss jumping on the trampoline and getting so pissed off (jokingly) at the dudes spending like 10 decades on it and because i was the only british person there they would be somewhat scared of me? so i would literally stare at them somewhat angrily and with my shitty latvian accent complain about how long they are taking and they would get off LMAO it only worked on the dudes younger than me but it worked... and the basketball on the small court !!! :D im not good at like,, throwing ball type games tbh? but like this court was magical because like 9/10 i would actually get it in and score a point and i loved how,, rapid (?) the games were like if you failed to get it in at a certain point you would be out and you had to get it in to stay in the game !!
and i remember the lake!!! it had a lot of those thingies.. oysters? idk i googled it and thats what they looked like. i can still remember the feeling of them and they were sharp LMAO and there was a zipline thing you could go on and it would take you to the middle of the lake and you could jump into it from there. and there was a game we played where we would be in two teams and then we would send a person down the zipline and if they fell in we would all have to do i think 10? pushups and it was fun cheering on people from the small platforms next to the zipline !! and we used to build a sorta dodgy looking sauna using some planks of wood and a big blue tarp that was held down by some rocks and we would collect sticks to make a fire with and then we would go sit in it and just talk and chill in the sauna. not everyone wanted to go, understandably considering iirc i put it off the first year i went but then tried it the next and loved it, so there was enough room for all of us to comfortable sit and even lie down on the log benches !! and we even had like,, bay leaf sticks with the leaves on it and stuff and we would dunk them into a bucket of water and then gently hit someone who was lying down as a like,,, relaxation thing? and it was so nice and it smelt SO GOOD it smelt like wood and grass and nature and it was sweet in a savoury way and i miss the smell so much just thinking about it. like you could literally smell the bay leaves because of the water evaporating after you take it out the bucket. and the hot air was so much harder to breathe when you stood up and it felt thicker and the air lower to the ground was cool so when you found it hard to breathe you would basically stick your head onto the grass to get a bit of cool and it felt so good !! and we would take breaks to drink water and pour cold water on ourselves or we would go into the lake though the last time i went a lot of the lake had dried up D: but its okay because i still have good memories with the lake when it wasnt like that. once during the sauna we went in the lake after and the sky was so clear like i could see all the stars and i could see the big dipper and it was just so beautiful. i even used the zipline to get into the lake that time as well and it was just so magical. i was kinda like,, sleepy (?) so i kinda was just not fully there so it was like so much cooler because i didnt feel real during it and it was just amazing.
omg and the activities we would do. we went on a hike in a forest and it was SO COOL like we would have to go climb up the steep hill that separated the field area and the train tracks and we would literally go onto the train tracks and at the time there wasnt any trains so we got to literally touch the tracks and we would go into the forest and IT WAS SO COOL like the light came in at a perfect angle and it was so pretty and we would pick blueberries and aaaaaaaa it was so amazing !! and we would split up and walk to an area to play some games using the trees and it was amazing. and also we would just do sports games using the field but also we went BIKING!!!! they had so many bikes for the people who didnt bring their own and we would go on the bikes and cycle to some sand dunes literally like 5 minutes away from the place and climb up them and jump and stuff and we carved tic tac toe grids into the stable parts and played and it was so fun AND I LITERALLY SAW A LIZARD CLIMB UP ONE OF THE EDGES INTO THE GRASS LMAO and we also cycled to a lake
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this one to be exact!! and we would jump off from the small pier thing and swim around back to the edge and it had sand and a slide and it was generally really fun cycling to and from there. i did cause multiple crashes with the bikes while cycling there LMAO mainly because my brain just tends to blow things out of proportion for no reason and like LMAO someone would start coming a bit closer to me and i would panic and stop and then everyone behind me would then have to immediately stop and they would crash into me.. like once i got my cousin to come with me and someone looked like they were gonna go behind my cousin who was in front of me and i panicked because i didnt want to be separated from her so i just stopped because i was panicking too much and everyone behind me crashed into me LMAO and they were all like 'bruuuuh' but anyways it was really fun cycling there because i went past the place my aunt on my mums side got married + the place my uncle on my dads side got married (no they did not marry each other it was separate weddings) !! a few times i didnt go cycling because i just didnt feel good and didnt want to go but it was okay in the end because i was all alone in the cabin and i would just sleep and draw while waiting for them to come back and they would flood in cycling down the small hill that leads to the field and has the bike area and i would just see them from the porch of the cabin and it was cool :D
mMmMmmmmmMMM and the food area !! we would usually sit inside the pizzeria (because the place was also a pizzeria more on that later) and it was fun because we had breakfast, lunch, dinner + a night snack thing (its called naksniņas) and like even though im usually the pickest eater at the camp and they had to make exceptions for me because we werent allowed dessert at lunch unless we ate all our food like i still got to eat a lot lol like there was usually something i could eat even if i couldnt eat all of it and the juice was so nice and ngl i kinda liked being on the like,,, duty of having to set up before the meals + clean up after because getting all the stuff and setting it up was just so peaceful and calm and i loved it and mmmmsmsmsmsmsm it was so cool and THE NIGHT SNACK THING WAS LITERALLY THE BEST it was practically dessert for dinner but right before bed + we would do an activity after dinner before it !! i talked to my dad and figured out the spelling of the word because im not that good at latvian atm and mmmm . also like we would have tea and it was so good !! we would also have a small snack like a biscuit or cereal bar and it was so nice good way to end the day :D
i also lost an entire waterbottle there dont ask how
the cabins were nice because i usually end up on the second floor level thing of it and theres a small window on it !! and a cool ladder to get up to it though its a pain when camp first starts + when it finishes because you have to pack everything up while trying to not hit your head on any of the beams or the slant of the cabin roof and you have to haul everything up and down... other than that its so fun because theres small holes (like,,, really small. cant fit a pen down it) and when the people in the two rooms below that cabin spot are being pisstaking you can pour water down it and they shut up LMAO its really funny because they see the water dripping and get more pissed off and then become less annoying and we used to slip them notes to tell them to shut up LMAO also listened into their convos to be annoying too
anyways to finish off with my favouritest things ever about it. last day we would make pizzas and your family would be there and you could make multiple pizzas ! i usually made one for my parents / family and then one for myself and my sister because we r really picky and dont like cheese . and it was so fun and the pizzas were SO GOOD and i share the other pizza thats not mine with my family because i hate cheese and they are happy too. i also love the one evening where we cook dinner ourselves i think thats the sauna night as well but omg its so nice we have dough balls to wrap around a stick and asduidfohih its so nice omg i love them so much right because we take the stick and then toast them over a fire and when you do them right its a tiny bit doughy on the inside but a safe amount and its like,, slightly crispy in a good way on the outside so amazing and like you can put stuff in it like cheese and ketchup and stuff but i just eat mine plain and they are so good mmmamMMm and we also have watermelon iirc and it was so good overall like best evening of the camp :)
anyways i love camp and i miss it
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ss-trashboat · 5 years
5, 7, 11, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 26, 27, 28, 38, 40, 46, 48, 50, 54, 55, 58, 60, 62, 67, 69, 85, 86, 89, 92, 95 ~ (heres a """few""" for the weird asks and i have no regrets LOL)
oh yes just a “few” LOL
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? i prefer the soda can amount as it’s a good amount for me since i barely drink it anymore, but i like to pour it in a glass cup
7. earbuds or headphones? earbuds cause i have a fat head lol, but also incase somethings going on or someone’s around i can have one in and one out
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? nothing usually LOL, which i know is very bad. i used to stock up on pop tarts and breakfast bars for a quick thing but i’m broke now so i can’t get any yet mmm
12. name of your favorite playlist? it doesn’t have a name? it’s just my favorites playlist on youtube that has all my jams and songs i don’t get sick on no matter how many times i play them lol
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? lord of the flies without a doubt. dark shit like that is my jam
18. ideal weather? cloudy with a really nice breeze, ideally in the 50s or 60s temp wise ~
21. obsession from childhood? definitely pokemon cause that’s been a 20 year love lol. also backstreet boys cause i’ve always been boy band trash. still have the shirt i used to wear lol
24. favorite crystal? after looking them up earlier i found three cause i can never have one fave lol. but sapphire because it’s super pretty and it was my mom’s birthstone, rose quartz cause that color is fffffffreaking gorgeous, and obsidian cause my dark heart loves it mmm
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? go out for walks. it’s therapeutic and always nice to look at nature. plus pokemon go lol
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? snuggle under a blanket with kitty cuddles and a warm drink. also very therapeutic lol
28. five songs to describe you? ah yes this fun one lol, but yes in no order:1. “nightmare” by halsey2. “dizzy” by waterparks3. “invisible” by skylar grey4. “what the hell” by avril lavigne5. “missing you” by all time low
38. lemonade or tea? oh tea all the way. since college i’ve become a bit of a tea addict, as i’m drinking some now lol
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? i’m not really sure? it was in redneck country so my norm might be someone else’s weird lol, tho one kid rode his lawnmower to school one day during finals so there’s that?
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? lightweight pajama pants and a tank top ~
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? i wanna say a peach? soft on the outside with a hard pit on the inside? i don’t know i’m a peach take it lol
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? i don’t even know. i’ve laughed quite a bit at ridiculous things tho scoot scoot lang is probably gonna be up there lol
54. what did you learn from your first job? that i wouldn’t make it as a teacher LOL. my first job was helping out during summer school and yeah. teaching isn’t meant for me
55. favorite fairy tale? i’m not really sure? it’s been so long since i’ve read any of them, tho i love the brothers grimm fairytales so can i just say that lol
58. four talents you’re proud of having? i can draw, i can do impressions, i feel my wit/sense of humor counts as a talent so there’s that, aaaaand i can make some pokemon with perler beads?
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? i wanna be in a shojo anime in the worst way pls
62. seven characters you relate to? mmmmMMMMMMMM. unlike you imma try to answer this one lol1. tohru honda from fruits basket2. roxas from kingdom hearts3. haruhi from ouran host club4. mantis from marvel 5. abby from ncis (my dad even used to call me abby because of her lol)6. armin from attack on titan7. misty from pokemon
67. good luck charms? not really, i’m not really one for luck lol
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? i feel like there’s a bunch but they’ve all escaped from my brain mmmm
85. fairy tales or mythology? mythology yeeesssss, i had a bunch of books on greek myths growing up and was fascinated with them for a long time, tho i still am really
86. cookies or cupcakes? MMMMMMM how dare i love both i’m not choosing boo you
89. who would you put before everyone else? i’m honestly not really sure. probably my closest friends and my cats tbh
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? i love lamps a ton yesh those
95. favorite app on your phone? pokemon go. i mean come on we were expecting that
thank you for asking!!weird asks ~
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spengrantest · 7 years
Autumn would you rather
Got tagged by @zoralink98
Never done one of these before so eeeeeeeeeh but let’s go!
Would You Rather:
1. Go Apple Picking V.S. Go on a Hayride
If I can eat the apples off the tree, heck yeah.
2. Scary V.S. Sweet
Probably sweet. I love horror but nothing beats buying a bag of single cup Reece’s.
3. Sweaters V.S. Boots
Sweaters are basically a portable blanket (that you don’t get judged for using)
4. Socks V.S. Mittens
Socks. Mittens aren’t functional enough. And you can wear six pair of socks and nobody knows.
5.Bonfires V.S. Football
6. Trick or Treating V.S. Watching Scary Movies
Trick or treating is only really fun with the right group of friends.
7. Apple Pie V.S. Pumpkin Pie
Apples = natural caramel. Pumpkin pie is just a lump.
8. Halloween V.S. Thanksgiving
Honestly, gotta say thanksgiving. On thanksgiving I get to see all my family members and be happy for a bit. On Halloween I stay up too late and get a stomach ache. (Then my brother pesters me for my candy)
9. Bake Pie V.S. Bake Cookies
Even better, bake 4 batches of different types of cookies, and freeze most of them for year long snacks.
10. Rain V.S. Fog
Fog stresses me out since I’ve started driving, and rain makes calming sounds.
11. Black Cats V.S. Owls
I love owls! They're always super calm and they’re SOOOOOO pretty.
12. Ghosts V.S. Wizards
Gotta say wizards. A wizard can do all the things a ghost can, AND summon cookies from thin air.
13. Harry Potter V.S. Halloweentown
I don’t remember Halloween town a ton. All I remember is being forced to watch it and resenting that for some reason. Also there was a giant pumpkin or something IDK.
14. Go Hiking V.S. Sleep In
Sleep is faaaa too good to pass up.
15. Cinnamon V.S. Nutmeg
Neutral about both.
16. Reading V.S. Writing
I’d say writing lately. Just started really doing it but world building is SO FUN.
17. Hot Chocolate V.S. Tea
I have tea to help me sleep every night. Hot chocolate is better to warm up after being cold, but tea is my one true love.
18. Live in a Cabin In a Forest V.S. Have It Be Fall 24/7
Fall 24/7. FAAAAAR too paranoid to ever live away from people.
19. Candy Apples V.S. Caramel Apples
Candy apples hurt my teeth. ;–;
20. Blankets V.S. Pillows
More blankets = more fun!
21. Roasted Marshmallows V.S. Roasted Chestnuts
Roasted marshmallows are baaaaaasically sugary goo balls and I love it.
22. Coffee V.S. Apple Cider
Coffee is gross too me. Too dark of a flavour if that makes sense.
23. Red Leaves V.S. Orange Leaves
Orange has more shades. Way more appealing.
24. Braids V.S. Bows
Bows. You can only do so many braids. You can do an unlimited amount of bows.
25. Scented Candles V.S. The Smell Of Fresh Baked Goods
Fresh bread. Mmmmmmmmmmmm.
26. Carve Pumpkins V.S. Make Pumpkin Pie
Carving pumpkins is always amazing fun. Especially just getting silly with it.
27. Pumpkin Spice Lattes V.S. Chai Tea Lattes
Never had either.
28. Coats V.S. Oversized Sweaters
Long sweaters = built in gloves.
29. Beanies V.S. Berets
Love beanies. Super warm.
30. Candy Corn V.S. Peanut Butter Cups
As I said. Bulk bag of peanut butter cups. In my mouth.
31. S’mores V.S. Apple Crisp
Once again. Roasted apple = instant caramel.
32. Jump In A Pile Of Leaves V.S. Swing on A Tire Swing
Leaves are too comfy to pass up. Plus you might meet a caterpillar.
33. Corn Maze V.S. Haunted House
Corn maze, simply because if someone jumps out at me my first instinct is to attack. Don’t wanna get sued.
34. Bob For Apples V.S. Visit a Pumpkin Patch
Picking pumpkins is so fun!
35. Whipped Cream On Hot Chocolate V.S. Marshmallows on Hot Chocolate
Whipped cream + heat = 0 structural integrity.
And I’m tagging.... nobody because I don’t have many tumblr friends!
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rules: answer the twenty questions and then tag twenty people you want to get to know better !
Name: fate
Zodiac Sign: ariiiieeeessss
Height: 5′7.
Languages Spoken: english, and a teeny tiny bit of spanish and an even smaller amount of latin but thank fuck i’ll never get lost in a country that only speaks latin bc i’d DIE.
Nationality: american
Favourite Fruit: .................i am..... allergic.... to so many..... plums maybe tho??? i love plums. and nectarines!!! both v v good and v seasonal.
Favourite Scent: raaaaaaiiiiiin. bc i grew up in the desert.
Favourite Colour: green also bc of desert.
Favourite Animal: DOGS. this is an accurate response so imma leave it as is but also. i fuckin. i fuckin love frogs.
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: hot chocolate tbh.
Favourite Fictional Character(s): .....all. of them??? but uh. special mention to tyran.nus basil.ton pitch tbh. MY BOY. and uh. all six of the six of cr.ows.
Dream Trip: mmmmmmmmmmmm......... i reeeeaaally wanna see hawaii with bestie one day? but also my mom and my sister and i were supposed to go to the win.chester my.stery hou.se together and we didn’t get to so i’d really like to go with my sister at some point.
When Was Your Blog Created: july 2012 officially but revamped into an rp blog in january 2014.
Last Movie Seen: incred.ibles 2!!!!! and before that OCE.AN’S 8.
Songs You’ve Had On Repeat: recently? i’ve been working on a dumbass novel so the playlist for that’s been on a lot so: sob.er II (melo.drama) / lord.e, say amen (sat.urday ni.ght) / p.atd, and one of us / the li.on ki.ng 2 soundrack. >>
Album You’ve Had On Repeat: bouncing between pr.ay for the wick.ed / p.atd, and hi.gh as ho.pe / flor.ence + the mach.ine. which are two. v different moods.
Favourite Candy: ........i mean it’s definitely reese’s and i am definitely allergic to them so do with that info what you will. but i’m also weak for salted caramel and banana taffy.
Favourite Holiday: HALLOWEEEEEEN. and uh. thanks.giving too bc it’s like the one time of year my fam all gets together.
tagged by: @ecriivant tagging: anyone who wants to do it but especially @selfsaving and @hybriidborn bc i don’t tag either of you in much stuff so here you gooooo.
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