#mobile bound đźš—
doyl1st · 2 months
Lmao I went ahead and did it.
Isaac not sfw sideblog here.
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doyl1st · 2 months
It’s my birthday and I’m having wine coolers for dinner
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doyl1st · 3 months
Hey do you guys wanna hear something heinous
A few months ago there was a trend on TikTok for people to replicate the voice of D.obby from H.arry P.otter, and make him say rather heinous things.
If you didn’t know, Isaac’s faceclaim was D.obby’s voice actor, and, in my head, I sometimes think of his dialogue in that voice. It’s not accurate, that’s not how Isaac actually sounds, but I can’t help it.
And I’ve had some of those lines stuck in my head for weeks. So, anyway
“Dobby’s Daddy’s gonna fuck you slow” is burned into my mind.
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doyl1st · 4 months
I think it’d be very funny for Isaac to have a very tall, chaotic stupid bf. Pinky and the Brain type of couple.
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doyl1st · 5 months
Hey I made something this week.
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doyl1st · 7 months
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I had lots of fun the last time I did this, and I’d really like something to get my mind off of things. So give this post a like for a music-based starter.
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doyl1st · 4 months
Isaac body refs under the cut
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He actually might be a bit chubbier than that but I don’t wanna spend all day trawling DILF blogs lmao
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doyl1st · 6 months
Y’all ever have those incredibly niche OCs that you love but could never bring to tumblr so they’re relegated to the depths of discord
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doyl1st · 7 days
I just know Isaac would love 100gecs
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doyl1st · 1 month
I’ve said it before, but Isaac is fully aware that IQ tests are bullshit. But he’s also aware that most people don’t know that, so he’s absolutely not above flexing his score if he feels it’s advantageous for some reason.
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doyl1st · 1 month
Isaac has literally no problem with hopping into a chair to bitch slap someone btw
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doyl1st · 2 months
Something small to note about the way Isaac has developed:
His time as a detective has made him realize just how much he enjoys helping people, but his overall morality hasn’t really changed all that much.
Like, yeah, he’s much more likely to go out of his way to be altruistic, and he’s less keen on using and manipulating people.
But, he’s still very much willing to. He sees nothing wrong with manipulating someone if he feels it’s for the best, like if an investigation hinges on it. He’s perfectly alright with it for any reason if he feels someone deserves it, too.
He regains (the majority of) his freedom by outright blackmailing someone because they double crossed him.
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doyl1st · 2 months
I’m still kind of ironing things out but
The biggest change regarding Isaac’s backstory is that his detective associate is being excised completely, and the circumstances of his arrest are quite different.
The detective worked as the figurehead of an ensemble team, but now that Isaac is a traveling solo act, he’s just kind of unneeded. It didn’t make much sense for him to transition from catching art thieves to murderers, either.
And while it’s true that he was the original ignition point for Isaac’s character development, I think that role would be better suited for his brother, Iggy. As things are now, Iggy comes into his life much later, after Isaac has already had a lot of character development, but I also think that’s just kind of unnecessary. It overcomplicates things.
I believe Iggy coming in much earlier, and being the instigator of his development, would be best. It would sort of streamline things, while also being more cohesive, I think.
As for the deal itself, I’m thinking that Isaac may have actually turned himself in and then negotiated for his position. I’m not sure why he’d do it just yet, but I’m leaning towards him making a powerful enemy and then needing both protection and assistance getting rid of them. Whatever I end up deciding on, I do know two things:
1. Isaac demands that his brother, Ignatius, be allowed to assist. At this point, Isaac thinks of him as a dimwitted tool to be used. He’ll eventually grow to genuinely care for him, and to be deeply ashamed of his initial feelings.
2. The person he makes the deal with will stab him in the back, and Isaac will be sent to prison once the first case is over with. This person will eventually realize he’s too valuable to keep locked away, loaning him out to other organizations, departments and things, in exchange for favors.
Isaac’s character itself won’t really be changing. I’m thinking of dropping the idea of him having believed that he was a sociopath, because it’s also pretty unnecessary. It was an interesting idea, but Isaac has kind of just developed beyond it, you know?
Nothing else really changes, though.
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doyl1st · 2 months
Isaac will insist that he’s no common criminal, certainly no ruthless, uncouth thug. He is a gentleman! A gentleman thief!
And then he’ll call someone a punk bitch or a dickhead.
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doyl1st · 5 months
A lot of Isaac’s social awareness and behaviors have been informed by pop culture and media.
After leaving the Facility, he quickly discovered how mind-rottingly wonderful things like television and movies could be, and he spent a lot of hours just staring at the screen and soaking everything in.
At this point in his life, most of that “information” has soaked in, so to speak, further influenced by his real life experiences, and it’s just been assimilated into who he is.
Every now and then you’ll catch him doing something that’s definitely directly inspired by something he’s seen or read, though.
For example: When he’s in a romantic mood, he speaks to his partners like the protagonist of a romantic drama. Very dramatic, very flowery language. You can tell he’s trying a little too hard, but it’s charming in its own way.
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doyl1st · 3 months
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It’s becoming increasingly obvious.
He can deny it no longer.
He is small.
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