#mobilized construction teams caribbean region
agilnetworks · 2 years
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Network Audits Gis Mapping and Data Integrity - AgilNetworks
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AgilNetworks provides consulting services for the telecommunications industry in USA, South Africa, Latin America, Caribbean etc. The services are application management, network design, financial and business case planning, supply chain management, mergers and acquisitions, noc operations, network audits, capacity planning, due diligence, data integrity, process improvement, gis mapping and cataloging, network architecture, program management. Contact: +1.917.821.4317, +1.876.470.9957 for enquiry.
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Consulting Services for Telecommunications Industry - AgilNetworks
AgilNetworks provides consulting services for the telecommunications industry in USA, South Africa, Latin America, Caribbean etc. The services are application management, network design, financial and business case planning, supply chain management, mergers and acquisitions, noc operations, network audits, capacity planning, due diligence, data integrity, process improvement, gis mapping and cataloging, network architecture, program management. Contact: +1.917.821.4317, +1.876.470.9957 for enquiry.
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g-29astarothtrinity · 4 years
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RX-78-6[S] Mudrock Wraith Gundam
Earth Federation Forces Prototype Assualt Mobile Suit
>>Mobile Suit Data<<
>Pilot: First Lieutenant Yaozu Arakami
>Affiliation: Earth Federation, Task Force 15 - "Prowler" MS Team (Earth Federation Central Intelligence/Earth Federatiom Ground Forces)
>Technology & Combat Characteristics:
The clandestine sister unit to RX-78-6 Mudrock Gundam, the "Wraith" as such is also built for heavy firepower and sustained combat engagments. The key difference is an additional emphasis on targeting accuracy and stealth capabilities.
The BALLISTICA fire control systems suite was developed especially for the Mudrock Wraith to provide significantly heightened targeting accuracy. Stealth capabilities are comprised of a number of implementations such as a classified paint coating and specialized hydrualics and ground pressure dampeners to decrease the gundam's seismic signature when moving. The result is a relatively stealthy mobile suit capable of high accuracy heavy fire power.
However, combat field tests indicate that the BALLISTICA FCS suite was quite fragile and complicated, requiring extensive recalibration and fine tuning after each sortie. This made maintainence exceedingly costly. Despite this, it would contribute to furthering Mobile Suit FCS technologies development.
60mm Vulcans
300mm Low Velocity Guns
Beam Cannons - Upgade armament to the 300mm guns. Medium yield.
XBR-M79X-C2 Beam Rifle - Although officially not completed for the Mudrock Gundam's deployment, a single prototype model was finished for use by the Mudrock Wraith.
90mm Rocket Grenade Launchers - Mounted on the wrists. Capable of firing specialized rounds such as HEAT against enemy MS, and anti-personnel/anti-vehicle flechette burst rounds. Carries 4 rounds each.
BALLISTICA Fire Control Systems - A prototype suite of systems and optics designed to deliver precision targeting, especially for the back-mounted 300mm guns. Although intended for conventional ballistics weaponry, it was later field modified for the beam cannon upgrade.
Beam Sabers
Shield - Originally armed with the model shield used by the GM Command and GM Custom MS models.
>>Operational History<<
The Mudrock Wraith Gundam was constructed in parts at Jaburo. Construction of the parts was finalized a month before the Zeon assault on Jaburo, and were secretly shipped out to a classified base storage site in the Caribbean. It's construction prioritization contributed to the Mudrock Gundam still being incomplete by the time of the battle at Jaburo. Final assembly was completed at White Sands Base, New Mexico, North America, a major staging area and command center for the Earth Federation's North America campaign. The parts were smuggled in seperate shipments to avoid possible detection by Zeon intelligence.
Once complete, the Mudrock Wraith Gundam was assigned to Zeon defector First Lieutenant Yaozu Arakami as part of Task Force 15's lead MS Team "Prowler" for the covert joint EFCI-EFGF Operation Night Specter. From Late October up to the Battle of Jaburo in late November, it would conduct a sparse number of night raids as part of the operation. Several Zeon battle groups were decimated, softening up Zeon's frontline forces for the main EFGF assaults.
In early December, the Mudrock Wraith Gundam and Task Force 15 made contact with quick reactionary force elements of the Valkyrie MS Battalion for the first time, with serious resistence but that ultimately resulted in Zeon losses. The gundam recieved serious damage while successfully defending its covert forward operations base in Arizona against the Valkyrie Battalion during a surprise Zeon counteroffensive. Once repaired, it conducted further night raids under Operation Night Specter before being heavily damaged beyond repair in a final battle against the lone survivor of Valkyrie Battalion's 02nd MS Team "Hildr" somewhere along the North American Cascades southwest region.
>>Build Notes<<
Base Kit: HGUC RX-78-6 Mudrock Gundam
Customized using parts from the HGUC FA-78-3 Full Armor Gundam 7th. Custom colors applied using Tamiya acrylic paint and lacquer spray paint. Water slide decals. Panel line wash using Mr. Weathering Color black and sand color ink by Mr. Hobby.
Really satisfied with this custom build. I do plan on upgrading/switching out the arms eventually. The Mudrock Gundam arms are really not that great. However, my custom Earth Federation covert MS Team is now complete!
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the12thmansp · 4 years
How the Globalisation of football can create forms of racial social exclusion?
Football is presented as a huge global phenomenon due to the process of globalisation, however the process can present forms of social exclusion. Globalisation is a term which many scholars have struggled to define. Miller et al. (2001) explains globalisation is a difficult, continuous word meaning different things to different people. From a sociological perspective, Globalization includes social structural and cultural changes reflecting the growing interdependence and increasing interaction between individuals and organisations in space and time in order to form social order (Goldthorpe, 2002). When exploring globalisation, there is a need to be aware of the difference between the process and its outcomes (Houlihan, 2003). The outcomes of globalisation in sport can present many forms of social exclusion, which is interesting as ‘sport is increasingly recognized as a means for promoting social inclusion’ (Liu, p.1 2009). Social exclusion is defined as ‘an inability to participate effectively in economical, social, political and cultural life, alienation and distance from the mainstream society’ (Levitas, p.365, 2000). Forms of social exclusion, such as racial exclusion can be seen at a global level across sports including football.
This essay examines the globalisation of football and the effect the process has had on racial social exclusion. The essay starts by exploring globalization in football, social exclusion and race/racism. The potential reasons as to why racial social exclusion is presented in the global age of football are mapped out and analysed. A case study that encapsulates forms of racial social exclusion in football on the global scale is examined to provide evidence to determine how the globalization of football can create forms of racial social exclusion.
Globalisation of football
Football has long been one of the most popular sports across the world, which has developed the sport into a global process. This process is otherwise known as globalisation. Close and Askew (2004) explain globalisation is a collection of processes that promote increased global flows such as industry, investment, individuals and information. Furthermore, Hargreaves (2002) explains the globalisation of football presents great variation as it acts as the product of interaction between independent economic, political and cultural forces. The cycle of globalisation in football is demonstrated by the World Cup, the biggest international football event that draws millions of foreign fans, is televised around the world for a whole month and includes more than 200 national teams vying for the same award (Washington, 2010).
International competitions such as the world cup present many global flows. One global flow is ethnoscapes - the global flow of people (Appadurai’s 1996). In football this sees the transfer of individuals to foreign clubs or in football competitions such as European champions league where the best players drawn from Europe, South America and Africa perform all around Europe (Maguire, 2000). This sees players performing away from home in unfamiliar surroundings for the public’s entertainment. New surroundings involve different cultures, religions and beliefs. This is otherwise known as the ideoscapes global flow, which focuses on values that are centrally associated with state or counterstate ideologies and movements (Maguire, 2000). Giulianotti and Robertson (2004) explain globalization is marked culturally by processes of ‘glocalization’, whereby local cultures adapt and redefine any global cultural product to suit their particular needs, beliefs and customs. Glocalization suggests, international competitions and foreign players are usually welcomed, however what happens when they are not welcomed?
Social exclusion
Sport is a social configuration that enhances social inclusion by promoting tolerance, respect for others, cooperation, loyalty, friendship, and values of fair play (Marivoet, 2014). The globalization of sport looks to further promote social inclusion by turning the world into a single place where there is a sense of togetherness, unity and equity (Robertson, 1992). In many ways, this is true with the spread of sports throughout the world and the diversity in athletes’ origins participating in many of the professional leagues around the world (Thibault, 2009). However, in some cases, the globalization of football creates the opposite. Social exclusion is a widespread and pain fully felt feature of contemporary life conditions that encompasses economic, social, political and cultural dimensions (Spaaij, Magee and Jeanes, 2014). Tacon (2007) explain social exclusion refers to the multiple and changing factors resulting in people being excluded from the normal exchanges, practices and rights of modern society. Social exclusion has transformed into a seemingly permanent problem where the worlds ‘losers’ are separated from the ‘winners’ (Spaaij, Magee and Jeanes, 2014). But who decides the winners and the losers?
One-way social standards and class has been historically decided is through race and ethnicity. Marjoribanks and Farquharson (2011) defines race as a social construction based on appearance, skin colour, hair texture and facial features that many believe hold importance regarding the individual. Race and ethnicity continue to act as markers for national culture which determines whether individuals and groups that are deemed to fall outside this are targets for exclusion (Cleland, 2015).
Lusted (2009) states Football continues to play a leading role in discussions around the politics of ‘race’ and social integration in European nation-states. There are dominant claims that football is colour blind and racism is used to sustain white hegemony in the structures and subcultures of the professional game (Burdsey, 2007). Similarly, Bradbury (2013) suggests football remains a site in which the complex configuration of overt, culturally coded and more institutional forms of racism and discrimination are presented and generated in and through its practice and encounters. This is not just treatment towards the players, there are low levels of minority coaches in the amateur and professional game and Less than 1% of senior administrators at professional clubs and executive committee members at national and regional federations are from minorities (Bradbury et al. 2011). Despite all of this, Burdsey (2006) argues that racism is often denied within the football industry due to the increased participation and growing acceptance of African-Caribbeans in the game. Wagg (2004) suggests there are contemporary concerns with social exclusion in relation to a consumption driven football industry and its associated supporter cultures.
Global football governance
Cleland (2015) believes that colour blind ideologies exists amongst the games governing bodies. Similarly, Giulianotti and Robertson (2004) have the view that footballs national governance harbours significant problems associated with political representation and social exclusion and believe a reformed football governance could help to promote social inclusion within the game. Bradbury et al. (2011) suggest patronage and sponsored mobility are evident within the hierarchical pyramid structures of football federations tasked with governance of football at international level. Bradbury et al. (2011) For some authors, the concept, practices and outcomes of institutional racism in football are underpinned by the ‘invisible centrality of whiteness’ found within the senior organizational tiers of the game. Bradbury (2013) argues that it is the unremarked, everyday taken for grantedness of whiteness which has enabled the games key power brokers to maintain their powerful position as ‘inside’ and ‘included’, whilst minorities remain ‘outside’ and ‘excluded’ from key decision-making positions within powerful administrative and legislative bodies within the sport. This colour-blind ideology presented by the football governing bodies is absorbed by football fans and mirrored in their behaviours.
Supporter cultures
Football supporter cultures provide vivid and varied representations of social transnationalism and connectivity (Giulianotti and Robertson 2004). Furthermore, football culture affects individuals’ notions of self-identity, belonging and interpersonal relations (Stone 2007). Different national supporter groups converge, displaying their own identity including their own songs, dresses and behaviour (Giulianotti and Robertson 2004). Due to globalisation many spectator cultures at leading clubs undergo continuing revitalization which attracts more fluid followers to form diversity (Giulianotti and Robertson 2004). However, some supporter cultures refuse to adapt and alter their identity, therefore excluding people from their club.
Racial abuse has been an occurring problem in football to date. Bradbury (2011) states the historical legacy of spectator racism at professional football games has contributed significantly to the relative paucity of BME fans attending live games and has impacted negatively on the experiences of BME stadium communities. Moreover, Giulianotti and Robertson (2004) suggests poorly articulated supporter alienation can degenerate into extremist politics, as witnessed by rising racist and neo‐fascist spectator subcultures in parts of the continent. In Europe wider political narratives around national identity and citizenship and the practical implementation of policies of multiculturalism, integration, assimilation or non-intervention impact strongly on the everyday lived experiences of minority populations in different ways across different nation states (Bradbury 2013).
Arnold and Veth (2018) expresses the major concerns about Russian fans before the 2018 world cup in Russia, due to their extreme right-wing beliefs and racism. Russian supporters do not want black players playing in their county as it doesn’t fit their culture and identity. This was seen when Zenit st Petersburg fans created a club manifesto that states no purchase of a black player was allowed at the club. The manifesto was ignored by the club and not dealt with, which links back to the colour-blind ideologies held at powerful positions in the game.
Case study
Racial social exclusion has unfortunately been presented throughout football on a number of occasions. The international game takes players across the globe, with players representing their country in a proud moment for them and their family. In October 2019, England's 6-0 win against Bulgaria in Sofia was stopped twice and could have been abandoned as England players received racial abuse from the parts of the home supporters. The Bulgarian fans' behaviour included Nazi salutes and monkey chants and the match was stopped twice for racist chanting by home supporters. After the game, both the president of the Bulgaria Football Union (BFU), Borislav Mihaylov, and Bulgaria manager Krasimir Balakov resigned. Following from the events, the Bulgaria Football Union said in a statement "We sincerely believe that in the future, Bulgarian football fans will prove with their behaviour that they have unjustifiably become the subject of accusations of lack of tolerance and respect for their opponents,".  This provides evidence for Cleland(2015) claim that ‘colour blind ideologies exists amongst the games governing bodies’ as the Bulgarian FU believe their fans have done nothing wrong and have ‘unjustifiably become the subject of accusations of lack of tolerance and respect for their opponents’. This further expresses the need for a global reform of football governance to help to promote social inclusion within the game (Giulianotti and Robertson (2004). The racial abuse projected by the fans was beliefs that were mirrored by the country and their governing bodies. This abuse left the black English players feeling socially excluded from other players in their own national team. In a sport where they should feel equal, the globalization of sport and expanding international tournaments has left them with a feeling of not being accepted.
The globalization process in football can present forms of racial social exclusion. This is presented through rigid supporter cultures that fail to accept anyone who doesn’t fit the clubs culture or identity. This is seen in international or European competitions where globalisation creates ethnoscapes and ideoscape global flows which mixes different individuals with different beliefs and backgrounds. This results in exclusion for that individual and also can create forms of racial abuse or miss treatment. The colour-blind ideologies that are held by national governing bodies transmit through a country or club and are presented by fans and supporters. This is seen in the case study where black England players were racially abused by Bulgarian supporters and the Bulgarian FU and manager believed they had not done anything wrong. Football governing bodies need a reform if football is to become a ‘sport that is increasingly recognized as a means for promoting social inclusion’ (Liu, p.1 2009).
Appadurai, Arjun. Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization. Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, 1996.
Arnold, R., & Veth, K. M. (2018). Racism and Russian Football Supporters’ Culture: A Case for Concern?. Problems of Post-Communism, 65(2), 88-100.
Bradbury, S. (2011). From racial exclusions to new inclusions: Black and minority ethnic participation in football clubs in the East Midlands of England. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 46(1), 23-44.
Bradbury, S., Amara, M., Garcia, B. and Bairner, A. 2011. Representation and Structural Discrimination in Football in Europe: The Case of Minorities and Women, Loughborough: Loughborough University.  
Bradbury, S. (2013). Institutional racism, whiteness and the under-representation of minorities in leadership positions in football in Europe. Soccer & Society, 14(3), 296-314.
Burdsey, D. (2007). Role with the punches: The construction and representation of Amir Khan as a role model for multiethnic Britain. The Sociological Review, 55(3), 611-631.
Burdsey, D. (2006). British Asians and football: Culture, identity, exclusion. Routledge.
Close, P., & Askew, D. (2004). 15 Globalisation and football in East Asia. Football Goes East: Business, Culture and the People's Game in East Asia, 243.
Cleland, J. (2015). A sociology of football in a global context. Routledge.
Giulianotti, R., & Robertson, R. (2004). The globalization of football: a study in the glocalization of the ‘serious life’. The British journal of sociology, 55(4), 545-568
Goldthorpe, J. H. (2002). Globalisation and social class. West European Politics, 25(3), 1-28.
Hargreaves, J. (2002). Globalisation theory, global sport, and nations and nationalism. Power games: A critical sociology of sport, 25-43.
Houlihan, B. (2003). Sport and globalisation. Sport & Society. A Student Introduction, London: Sage, 345-364.
Levitas, R. (2000). What is social exclusion. Breadline Europe: The measurement of poverty, 357-383.
Liu, Y. D. (2009). Sport and social inclusion: Evidence from the performance of public leisure facilities. Social Indicators Research, 90(2), 325-337.
Lusted, J. (2009). Playing games with ‘race’: understanding resistance to ‘race’equality initiatives in English local football governance. Soccer & Society, 10(6), 722-739.
Maguire, J. (2000). Sport and globalization. Handbook of sports studies, 356-369.
Marivoet, S. (2014). Challenge of sport towards social inclusion and awareness-raising against any discrimination. Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research, 63(1), 3-11.
Marjoribanks, T., & Farquharson, K. (2011). Sport and society in the global age. M
Miller, T., Lawrence, G. A., McKay, J., & Rowe, D. (2001). Globalization and sport: Playing the world. Sage.
Robertson, R. (1992). Globalization: Social theory and global culture (Vol. 16). Sage.
Spaaij, R., Magee, J., & Jeanes, R. (2014). Sport and social exclusion in global society. Routledge.
Stone, C. (2007). The role of football in everyday life. Soccer & society, 8(2-3), 169-184.
Tacon, R. (2007). Football and social inclusion: Evaluating social policy. Managing leisure, 12(1), 1-23.
Thibault, L. (2009). Globalization of sport: An inconvenient truth1. Journal of sport management, 23(1), 1-20.
Wagg, S. (2004). British football & social exclusion. Routledge.
Washington, R. E. (2010). Globalization and football.
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khalilhumam · 4 years
Six Takeaways from the New Growth Forecasts from the IMF and the World Bank
New Post has been published on http://khalilhumam.com/six-takeaways-from-the-new-growth-forecasts-from-the-imf-and-the-world-bank/
Six Takeaways from the New Growth Forecasts from the IMF and the World Bank
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*/ This week the IMF released new global economic growth projections in the face of COVID-19, updating their earlier projections from June and from April before that. In recent weeks, the World Bank has also released new projections for various regions. Here are six takeaways that we gleaned from reviewing those and dozens of other projections from other organizations over the course of the year.
1. This year was worse for low- and middle-income countries than predicted. Repeatedly.
In January, the IMF’s projection of global growth for 2020 was 3.3 percent, an increase over 2019’s global growth rate of 2.9 percent. By April, that global estimate had not just slowed but reversed, to -3.0 percent. June estimates were even lower (-4.9 percent), and this week’s estimates—now more than three quarters of the way through the year—landed us at -4.4 percent (Figure 1). Figure 1. IMF global and regional projections for 2020, by month of publication of projection
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Source: Authors’ construction based on IMF January 2020, IMF April 2020, IMF June 2020, and IMF October 2020 forecasts.
But while high-income countries are the hardest hit on average, the projected growth in low- and middle-income countries has also dropped significantly. The figure above shows that region after region has downgraded growth projections, not just relative to January but also relative to April. The IMF projections for a few middle-income countries are particularly striking. India, Mexico, and South Africa have been particularly hard-hit. Economic growth in India was 4.2 percent in 2019. The current projection for India in 2020 is -10.3 percent, the largest drop reported by the IMF for any low- or middle-income country. That’s 5.8 percentage points worse than what the IMF was projecting in June. Mexico now has projected growth of -9.0 percent. South Africa is at -8.0 percent. World Bank projections have shown a similar downward trend, as you can see in Figure 2. South Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean have shown particularly negative trajectories. Despite the pandemic arriving late to Latin American countries, it has now become the worst-hit region in the world, at one point accounting for over half of daily coronavirus deaths. Similarly, India is second only to the US in number of cases and the country’s economy severely contracted in the second quarter of the year, much worse than previously expected. Figure 2. World Bank regional projections for 2020, by month of publication of projection
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Source: Authors’ construction based on World Bank’s forecast released in January 2020, the regional forecasts released in April 2020, forecast updates released in June 2020, an update in September 2020, and the recently released forecasts (October 2020).
Strikingly, the 2020 projections were much worse for low- and middle-income countries than for rich countries (Table 1). To use the IMF’s groupings, the 2020 projections changed by 5 percent between April and October for advanced economies, but they changed by 230 percent for emerging markets and developing economies. Likewise, low-income developing countries have an updated projection that is 400 percent lower. These percentage numbers are big in part because we’re dealing with changes of small numbers, but the updates are much bigger for low- and middle-income countries. Furthermore, the projections for 2020 are worse now for each of these developing regions, whereas they are slightly better for the advanced economies. Earlier in the year, Sandefur and Subramanian highlighted that the IMF’s predicted economic impact of COVID in low- and middle-income countries was lower than could be explained by “external vulnerabilities to trade disruptions, financial crises, or commodity price shocks” (i.e., the growth estimates were too optimistic). That has unfortunately proven true. Table 1. Difference between IMF October projections from the April projections, by selected country groups
  Projections for 2020 Projections for 2021 April October Percentage point change Percentage change April October Percentage point change Percentage change Advanced economies -6.1 -5.8 0.3 +5% 4.5 3.9 -0.6 -13% Emerging markets and developing economies -1.0 -3.3 -2.3 -230% 6.6 6.0 -0.6 -9% Low-income developing countries 0.4 -1.2 -1.6 -400% 5.6 4.9 -0.7 -13% Emerging and developing Asia 1.0 -1.7 -2.7 -270% 8.5 8.0 -0.5 -6% Latin America and the Caribbean -5.2 -8.1 -2.9 -56% 3.4 3.6 0.2 +6% Middle East and Central Asia -2.8 -4.1 -1.3 -46% 4.0 3.0 -1.0 -25% Sub-Saharan Africa -1.6 -3.0 -1.4 -88% 4.1 3.1 -1.0 -24%
Source: Authors’ construction based on IMF World Economic Outlook April 2020 and October 2020.
2. Africa has not been spared.
The COVID pandemic’s health impact has been less marked on the African continent than elsewhere. That’s not to minimize its effects, with more than 1.2 million cases and over 27,000 deaths to date. But as journalists ponder whether the pandemic has “spared” the continent, the economic storm is clear. The IMF projection for growth across Sub-Saharan Africa in 2020 was 2.9 percent in January, -1.6 percent in April, and this week’s projections put it at almost twice as bad as that, at -3.0 percent. Last week’s numbers from the World Bank project a slightly worse -3.3 percent (consistent with the World Bank’s numbers from April). But these total output numbers don’t factor in population growth. Per capita income across the continent is expected to fall by 6.5 percent. Per capita GDP had already begun to fall in 2016, but this represents a drop-off, as Figure 3 shows. Figure 3. Per Capita GDP in Sub-Saharan Africa over time
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Source: Authors’ construction based on World Development Indicators 2020. (Inspired by Figure 1.52 in Africa’s Pulse, October 2020.)
This decline over the course of 2020 is consistent across projections for Africa from various organizations. A range of groups have produced forecasts for either Africa as a whole or for Sub-Saharan Africa, and later forecasts have been consistently lower (Figure 4). Figure 4. Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa projections for 2020, by month of publication of projection
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Source: Authors’ construction based on a McKinsey report (April 2020), UN ECA report (April 2020), UN World Economic Situation and Prospects (May 2020), IMF forecasts (January 2020, April 2020, June 2020, and October 2020), and World Bank forecasts (January 2020, April 2020, June 2020, and October 2020).
3. Lockdowns aren’t the only reason for slowing economic activity. People are also avoiding each other.
Using data for 128 countries, the IMF report examines the impact of lockdowns on mobility (as one proxy for economic activity) in both high-income and low- and middle-income countries. It also examines mobility drops from COVID cases beyond the effect of lockdowns. This is likely driven by voluntary social distancing, a manifestation of what Evans and Over refer to as “aversion behavior” (i.e., people avoiding activities where they might catch the virus). They find that both lockdowns and voluntary social distancing reduced mobility. In low-income countries, about two thirds of the effect on mobility was from lockdowns. In higher-income countries, the effect was more balanced across the two. The IMF report cautions against jumping to the conclusion that lockdowns are the problem: “Despite lockdowns having negative short-term economic effects, letting infections grow uncontrolled can also have dire economic consequences. This is because voluntary social distancing in response to rising COVID-19 infections has severe detrimental effects on the economy.” In Latin America, there are a couple of examples suggesting that lockdowns implemented well—before transmission could get out of hand and effectively managed by the government, including providing clear and consistent information to the people—may have help flatten the curve with only reasonable cost to the economy.
4. 2021 looks better, for now.
Projections for 2021 still point to recovery, despite the fact that the spread of the virus has persisted beyond what was assumed in the early 2020 projections (Figure 5). Reports published in April and May assumed containment of the pandemic within the first half of 2020, combined with the pandemic fading on its own and a robust recovery by the end of the year. (This was potentially modeled after China’s recovery in March.) However, as cases piled on and lockdowns continued for many of the affected countries, assumptions have shifted from when containment will take place to when vaccines will be available and deployed. While some of the more recent reports acknowledge that the pandemic may be with us for a while—for example, the IMF October report assumes that social distancing measures will spill over to 2021 and a World Bank regional projection assumes that we will still have a quarter of the current magnitude of the outbreak in 2022 —generally, the reports account for the swift and sizable fiscal policies governments have deployed and still project a recovery in the coming year. That said, the projections for 2021 have updated much less than the projections for 2020 (see Table 1 above), and the further out we get, the more uncertainty there is. Estimates by a team at CGD suggest that a vaccine may not even be approved until well into 2021, without even considering purchase and distribution. Figure 5. IMF regional projections for 2021, by month of publication of projection
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Source: Authors’ construction based on IMF January 2020, IMF April 2020, IMF June 2020, and IMF October 2020 forecasts.
5. These growth numbers have real impacts.
It can be easy to get lost in these aggregate output numbers and forget the human lives behind them. The negative GDP growth projections reflect lost income for the majority of the world’s population, especially those employed in industries dependent on open borders and working supply chains (such as the service, tourism and agriculture industries) and the informal sector. Last week, a World Bank team released new poverty projection numbers. They estimate 88 million additional people in extreme poverty (that’s $1.90-a-day poverty) in 2020 as a result of COVID. The vast majority of those are in South Asia (remember those terrible growth numbers for India?) and in Sub-Saharan Africa (where the growth numbers aren’t as bad, but many people are close to the extreme poverty line). Here’s a word from the team: “Using the data and projections available now, it appears that COVID-19 has already been the worst reversal on the path towards the goal of global poverty reduction in at least the last three decades.” While the extreme poverty numbers are lower in Latin America, that region has the worst growth forecast among all developing regions, with projected increases in less extreme poverty, leading some to reference a potential “lost decade” for the region. Those poverty increases translate to increased food insecurity, fewer resources to invest in education and health, and lower tax revenues for governments to provide services.
6. The projections are wrong. (They’re always wrong.) That doesn’t mean they aren’t useful.
Economic forecasts are often wrong, which is unsurprising given the number of variables at play. But they are often reasonably accurate in the short run, which suggests that we may be close to understanding 2020 (even as it draws to a close). We should take projections for 2021 with a few grains of salt. This analysis suggests two challenges for future projections. The first is to improve assumptions about both the spread of the virus and the reactions to it (like vaccine development). But we recognize that this is easier said than done. The virus was raging in April, but its future trajectory remained highly uncertain (as it does now). The second is to seek to improve the quality of the forecasts in low- and middle-income countries. Existing analysis suggests that should be possible. All that said, the assumptions on risks detailed in the forecasting reports, together with the analysis of particular weaknesses of the economies, can prove useful for policymakers needing to make hard choices. Gill writes for Brookings that forecasts during the global financial crisis of 2009 were dire, but that the world bounced back much more quickly than predicted. So perhaps there can be optimism for 2021, with continued, concerted effort to contain the virus and keep economies—including the most vulnerable within them—supported. The order of authors on this blog post was determined by a virtual coin flip. This post benefitted from comments from Amanda Glassman and Justin Sandefur.
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certainheartrunaway · 5 years
Amateur Radio Resources Ready as Dorian Poised to Become a Major Hurricane
[UPDATED: 2019-08-29 @1945UTC] Amateur Radio resources organized this week as Hurricane Dorian threatened Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands and worked its way through the Caribbean. A change in direction spared Puerto Rico — still recovering from hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017 — from taking a direct hit; the Virgin Islands suffered downed trees and widespread power outages. As of August 29, Dorian was a Category 1 storm with maximum sustained winds near 85 MPH with higher gusts. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC), Dorian was expected to become a major hurricane on Friday and remain an extremely dangerous hurricane through the weekend, reaching Category 3 or 4 by September 1. Heavy rainfall generated by Dorian could cause flash flooding, the NHC said.
“The risk of devastating hurricane-force winds along the Florida east coast and peninsula late this weekend and early next week continues to increase,” the NHC said on August 29.
“We are standing by in a ready-to-respond state, once a more definitive track is known,” Southern Florida Section Manager Barry Porter, KB1PA, told ARRL Headquarters on August 29. “We will be holding a tri-Section conference call tonight to firm up any plans.” Porter said Florida Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster and Red Cross were in preparation mode.
On Wednesday, the Hurricane Watch Net (HWN), activated for about 9 hours on 14.325 MHz and 7.268 MHz, working in conjunction with WX4NHC at the NHC in Miami to provide “ground truth” weather data to forecasters. The VoIP Hurricane Net also activated.
The HWN has continued to closely monitor Dorian’s progress. HWN Manager Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, said the HWN tentatively plans reactivate on August 30 at 2100 UTC.
The ARRL Headquarters Emergency Response Team is also monitoring the situation closely. ARRL officials are in regular communication with partner agencies, particularly FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security. In addition, ARRL HQ remains in close contact with Field Organization officials in the affected region, where some ARRL Ham Aid equipment was previously positioned.
W1AW, which had already planned to be in operation for the Hiram Percy Maxim 150th Birthday special event this weekend, will remain ready to assist with emergency communications.
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The Legendary G5RV Antenna – ARRL The Doctor is In podcast
August 15, 2019 No comments
“The Legendary G5RV Antenna” is the topic of the new (August 15) episode of the ARRL The Doctor is In podcast. Listen…and learn!   Read more
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August 12, 2019 No comments
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3/3 (6) element 50/70MHz Yagi (1.2m)
July 26, 2019 No comments
An Excellent Dual Band Yagi for 50/70MHz with 1.2m boom Model: DB-664 A dualband balun is recommended for this antenna, details can be found HERE The… Read more
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JVP Antennas back to the market!
July 24, 2019 No comments
JVP Antenas was born in 1982 by José Vasallo Paleologo LU1FJ, former LU5FHM with the idea of ​​manufacturing high performance antennas for amateur rad… Read more
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UltraLight MLA antenna ver. 4 designed for lower HF bands.
July 22, 2019 No comments
This 4th version of the QRP UltraLight MLA antenna has the same foldable construction designed for easy carry in a common laptop bag same as the 3rd v… Read more
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V1.0b of the Spectrum Analyser software developed by Steve Andrew specifically for the RSP line of products
August 20, 2019 No comments
“We are pleased to announce the availability of V1.0b of the Spectrum Analyser software developed by Steve Andrew specifically for the RSP line… Read more
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Fldigi v4.1.08 now available
August 15, 2019 No comments
The hard-working development team led by W1HKJ have announced the release of Fldigi v4.1.08.  This maintaneance release of Fldigi brings several bug f… Read more
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WSJT-X 2.1.0 is available!
July 15, 2019 No comments
WSJT-X 2.1.0 Description WSJT-X implements communication protocols or “modes” called FT4, FT8, JT4, JT9, JT65, QRA64, ISCAT, MSK144, and W… Read more
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Video showing the suppression of a local noise source using a RSPduo and release 1.32 of SDRuno
July 12, 2019 No comments
SDRuno v1.32 release ! Read more
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SDRuno v1.32 release !
July 09, 2019 No comments
“We are pleased to announce the release of v1.32 of SDRuno. The purpose of this release is primarily to add MRC Diversity functionality for the… Read more
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Retevis RT98, the mini mobile radio show
August 23, 2019 No comments
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Should a Baofeng be your First Ham Radio – Ham Radio Q&A
August 12, 2019 No comments
“The Baofeng UV5R. Some have called them the savior to ham radio and others say they are nothing but a scourge to the hobby. But one is for sure… Read more
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WRC-19: request to support 50MHz
August 02, 2019 No comments
As the run-up to WRC-19 gathers pace, the UK Six Metre Group has also written to Ofcom in support of a positive approach to Agenda Item 1.1 concerning… Read more
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D41CV work DK5AI – 144MHz ! 4966 KM
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TYT DMR Radio IP-79
July 23, 2019 No comments
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  The post Amateur Radio Resources Ready as Dorian Poised to Become a Major Hurricane appeared first on QRZ NOW – Ham Radio News.
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sexypinkon · 5 years
13th Havana Biennial 2019 Official Announcement
Cutting Edge Art in Havana Weekend April 12-16
Official Havana Biennial Travel Curated by ARTempoCuba
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Experience the opening of the 13th Havana Biennial with the curators from ARTempoCuba! Enjoy exclusive insider access to special events including invitation-only private parties and exhibition openings.  This content will not be available from any other source – only from ARTempoCuba’s curators.  If you want to experience the very best of the Havana Biennial, join us for Cutting Edge Art in Havana Weekend!
Havana Biennial 2019 Official Announcement
The Curatorial Team of the Wifredo Lam Center for Contemporary Art has announced the dates for the long-delayed 13th Havana Biennial. The 13ma Bienal de La Habana will be held from April 12 to May 12, 2019.  The theme will be “The Construction of the Possible” which seems to be recalling that the event was delayed indefinitely citing damage from Hurricane Irma. Cuban artists and art lovers may owe a debt of gratitude to the brave souls whose defiant independent efforts have resulted in the revival of the Havana Biennial four years after it’s last presentation in May, 2015.
For those wishing to visit the 13th Havana Biennial 2019, ARTempoCuba has created a variety of programming including studio visits, group presentations, lectures, a private gala celebration, and other interactive experiences.  Contact Havana VIP, the leaders in concierge-style Cuban tours, travel, and events to investigate the possibilities or to reserve your trip to the 13 Bienal de La Habana.
Because ours is an English language site, what follows is a roughly translated version of the announcement of the 13th Havana Biennial from the Centro Wifredo Lam.  Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or to obtain our copy of the Spanish Language version.
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The Construction of the Possible. Theoretical Platform of the 13th Havana Biennial 2019.
The Biennial of Havana, recognized among the most prestigious events of Latin America, the Caribbean, and the world, has made visible not only Cuban thought and artistic practice, but artistic creation contemporary of the Southern Hemisphere and other regions of the world. Since it’s emergence in 1984, the Havana Biennial has been a platform for justice and equality. It has stimulated socio-cultural work, theoretical reflection and the transforming role of the visual arts in a polarized world, culturally segregated and dominated by the supremacy of the market. The event aims to give continuity to its foundational projections taking into account the conditions of a world in which they have intensified nuclear and warmongering threats, xenophobia, racism, forced displacement, fascist tendencies, violence against the one who is different, ethnic-cultural conflicts, inequality, terrorism, the systematic use of lies and an environmental crisis that threatens the survival of the human species itself.
This crisis affects us all and in particular the island countries of the Caribbean. The cult of consumerism and the promotion of the irresponsible wastes the planet’s natural resources. It is essential to mobilize broad sectors in the work of preserving a balance between society – culture – nature. Science has understood the need to approach this issue in a multidisciplinary systemic way, and art has not been alien to it. Given the persistence of military, economic hegemonies, political and cultural models of existence are reconfigured in an attempt to raise new emancipatory projects and to dignify the coexistence among human beings in the midst of so many contradictions. Among them, the rescue of forms of community life, the struggle for the preservation of memory and the validation of others knowledge and knowledge systems; the search for older correspondences between creation and life practices; or points of convergence, nodes and networks that propose spaces for future models of understanding and solidarity among human beings.
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Tania Bruguera
The 13th Havana Biennial 2019, to be held from April 12 to May 12, proposes to encourage the interaction between creators, curators, experts and institutions, in a variety of way that contribute to sustainable variants, without departing from the propositive nature that all work or artistic project represents. We aspire that art point out new paths of collective reasoning and that their achievements offer, from the confrontation of different creative models of circulation, a greater rapprochement between the levels of viewers, locations and experience. Along with the idea of ​​responding to the present, these practices outline possible notions of the future that, at least in the poetic or symbolic level, correspond with some needs of social transformation.
Can art involve a new social dimension and serve as a model for meeting with new sustainability structures? In what measure do  emerging practices of survival, emancipation and social development inspire and generate new narratives and artistic methodologies? What kind of relationships can we establish among curators, artists, projects, groups and emerging practices, national and international institutions, or even between different art circulation schemes?
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Ramon Alejandro
The next edition assumes the 13th Havana Biennial 2019 as a space for those artists who understand creation as a living event or ongoing experience. We are interested in those strategies that result from multiple confluences or propitiate existence in exchange networks beyond the aesthetic autonomy and the traditional notion of authorship, with a transforming vocation and recognition of diversity. Also, strengthening the formation of new social relationships and symbolic generated by different modes of interaction with art take  transversality to cultural perspective and multidisciplinary approaches. We aspire to the creation of circuits among which to be tested modalities of coexistence and respect. International biennials that have remained almost alien to each other, they would find here a close dialogue of twinning; artists and artists become managers would show as a possible unit; development projects and initiatives that pay tribute to local and community interests would converge in the same plane. Also, curators, mediators of the activity artistic and emerging cultural managers, together with others established, would accompany these processes from the understanding and would set a pattern of difference between the mechanisms habitual circulation of biennials.
In this way the institution, in keeping with art and its permanent exercise transforming and maintaining the necessary energy to contribute to human improvement in the midst of complexity. Havana will once again host its most important international event in the visual arts and leaves open, from now on, a platform for exchange and analysis of the ideas that will shape it.
— Curatorial Team of the 13th Havana Biennial 2019, Wifredo Lam Contemporary Art Center, Cuba
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agilnetworks · 1 year
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Capacity Planning - AgilNetworks
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AgilNetworks - Construction Management Work Florida provide services of Project Financing, Construction, Professional Planning, Provisioning, End-to-End Program Management, Service Delivery, Safety (SHEQ OSHA) Program, Operation & Maintenance Services, Survey, Training & Certification, Design, Disaster Recovery in the areas of the USA, South Africa, Latin America, Caribbean etc. Contact: +1.917.821.4317, +1.876.470.9957 for enquiry.
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Network Construction and Management Florida - AgilNetworks
AgilNetworks - Construction Management Work Florida provide services of Project Financing, Construction, Professional Planning, Provisioning, End-to-End Program Management, Service Delivery, Safety (SHEQ OSHA) Program, Operation & Maintenance Services, Survey, Training & Certification, Design, Disaster Recovery in the areas of the USA, South Africa, Latin America, Caribbean etc. Contact: +1.917.821.4317, +1.876.470.9957 for enquiry.
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larebomrglobal · 4 years
Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on the Global Manufacturing Industry, Deviation, Research and Forecast 2019-2025
COVID-19 epidemic is a human tragedy and is showing a huge impact on the global economy. The pandemic has majorly affected the US, China, and European countries; however, its impact can be seen in other parts of the world. Latin America is one such region that drives its economy from the trade of goods from these severely affected regions. Therefore, the outbreak has declined the economical growth of Latin American in the past few weeks. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has stated that the COVID-19 pandemic will leave a devastating mark on the global economy, which could be more intense than the 2008-2009 global financial crisis. Latin America will not be spared since it will get affected by several channels, which includes the exports of agricultural products to China, the decline of tourism in Caribbean countries, and a drop in commodity prices. The governments of the respective countries are taking measures regarding the declining economy, involving lowering interest rates, increasing social spending, and suspending bank credit fees.
Request a Free Report on Sample of Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on the Global Manufacturing Industry: https://www.omrglobal.com/request-sample/impact-of-covid-19-on-global-manufacturing-industry
Latin America is expected to face a year followed with lower economic growth along with much weaker public finances, which in turn, will lead to the potential downfall of the region in sovereign ratings. Based on industry classification, the Latin American economy is classified into automobile, food & beverage, construction, oil & gas, aviation, retail, travel and tourism, and others. Latin America generates its economic growth from the oil, manufacturing, tourism, and agricultural industry. The region has nearly 15% of oil resources of the world and exports its oil and related commodities to the US, China, and other countries. However, as per the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the global demand and supply for dry bulk shipping stocks such as commodities and building materials have relatively fallen in the past few weeks; impacting the construction and manufacturing sector. Similarly, Latin America exports oil and relative commodities to China. The decline in the economic activity in the US, China has led to a decrease in the prices for these commodities. Therefore, with the lower oil prices, there will be a slowdown of developments in Vaca Muerta and a delay in production. It will also increase the economic crisis in Venezuela, as the country has a lower down cost of oil in the recent period.  
A full report of Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on the Global Manufacturing Industry is available at: https://www.omrglobal.com/industry-reports/impact-of-covid-19-on-global-manufacturing-industry
Verticals Affected Most
Food & Beverage
Electrical and Electronics
Pharmaceutical and Medical Equipment
Others (Textile and Plastic)
Impact of COVID-19 on major economies  
North America
United States
Rest of Europe  
Rest of Asia-Pacific  
Rest of the World
Middle East & Africa
Latin America  
Company Profile
ABB Group
Airbus SE
Apple Inc.
Caterpillar Inc.
China Baowu Steel Group Corp. Ltd.
Exxon Mobil Corp.
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V.
Ford Motor Co.
General Motors Co.
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Sinopec Group
The Boeing Co.
The Coca-Cola Co.
VF Corp.
Xiaomi Corp.
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kathleenseiber · 5 years
Network sounds the alarm to prevent famine from drought
A drought early-warning system called FEWS NET has made progress anticipating famines and coordinating aid in the 30 years since its launch, researchers report.
Tens of millions of people face malnutrition the world over. The Famine Early Warning Systems Network, or FEWS NET, identifies the location, severity, and causes of food insecurity and issues alerts to humanitarian NGOs and government agencies. It achieves this by taking advantage of satellite observations, in-situ measurements, Earth systems models, and field scientists’ observations. FEWS NET covers Africa, central America, and parts of central Asia and the Caribbean.
Researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara and the FEWS NET team detail in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society how the system works, how it has evolved, and advances that have taken place, particularly since the tragic Somali famine in 2011.
“Whereas I think decades earlier the reporting would have looked something like, ‘There are people starving here now. Send relief,’ we can now provide advance warning of potential food crises months in advance,” says researcher Greg Husak, principal investigator of UC Santa Barbara’s Climate Hazards Center and part of the FEWS NET team.
Better, sooner response
To illustrate this point, the group highlighted differences between the Somali famine and the East African drought just six years later. The 2011 drought over the eastern horn of Africa was one of the worst on record, the paper states, affecting over 12 million people. FEWS NET was able to issue an early warning, but conflict thwarted an effective response. The event claimed over 250,000 lives in Somalia alone.
Advances in FEWS NET’s monitoring and communication contributed to a much better outcome when drought hit East Africa in 2016 and 2017 compared to the 2011 Somali famine. (Credit: Funk et al.)
In late 2016, FEWS NET forecasted another unprecedented drought. Predictions suggested it would span a larger area and affect more than twice the number of people as the 2011 drought. However, better data, new tools, and more effective communication enabled FEWS NET to mobilize governments and NGOs. Preemptive food aid arrived to the region early the following year, well before the spring rains failed. The juxtaposition between the two events provided an opportunity for the team to reflect on their progress and document their findings.
The US Agency for International Development established FEWS NET in 1987 in response to the devastation caused by the Ethiopian famine three years prior. Driven by limited data availability and infrastructure, the system’s assessments were less timely in its early years, assessing conditions as they played out and making recommendations based on technical analyses.
Along with Husak, UC Santa Barbara researcher Chris Funk joined the network in 1999, founding the university’s Climate Hazards Group, as of 2018 the Climate Hazards Center, in 2003. “We’re trying to make a scientific discipline out of something that has historically been more ad hoc,” says Funk, the center’s research director. “This science involves combining and integrating multiple sources of information in ways that build on their relative strengths.”
FEWS NET response
To that end, several developments have enhanced FEWS NET’s drought early warning capacities. There have been tremendous advances in data collection and modeling techniques, not to mention many new satellite monitoring systems that simply did not exist when the network was born. The team has also benefited from a better understanding of the climatic conditions that drive droughts, all courtesy of fundamental scientific research.
But the researchers also attribute much of the network’s recent success to better communication. “Without that, then the rest doesn’t really matter,” Funk says. Rather than one alert, the system now sends a series of alerts and recommendations leading up to a food shortage. “That stream of information is what allows the people who coordinate the humanitarian responses to do what they need to do,” Funk says. “In February of 2017, large-scale humanitarian assistance was already arriving in Somalia, so that when the rains failed in April it prevented a famine.”
FEWS NET’s communication continues after an event as well. The team uses historical data to evaluate the fallout and response and compare it to past events. They also created public-facing, online databases that food security analysts can explore themselves.
Immediate international response
FEWS NET is science at its most applied. If the team sends out an alert, it often triggers an immediate international response. However, the initiative’s pragmatic nature has limited its exposure in the broader academic community. This new paper is a chance to share the project’s scientific developments and achievements more broadly. There’s also still a lot to learn about how to effectively monitor and predict droughts. Given FEWS NET’s success, the team sought to document their processes and improvements in the hope that it could help other organizations involved in similar efforts.
“Despite increasing wealth across the globe, there are still millions and millions of people who are facing extreme food insecurity,” says Funk. “But the latest satellite, weather and hydrologic models can help us identify droughts that put these people at risk, and [we’re] doing this in a systematic way.”
FEWS NET has additional members around the globe, including NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the US Department of Agriculture, and the US Geologic Survey, among others. The network also employs local field scientists who carry out monitoring and outreach within the affected areas.
The FEWS NET team has weekly teleconferences about current agricultural conditions and discusses the latest climate forecasts on a monthly basis, explains Laura Harrison, the center’s operations analyst. This information supports the climate component of FEWS NET’s Food Security Outlooks, which constructs hypothetical scenarios to anticipate where food insecurity is most likely to change in the upcoming eight-month period. Active monitoring of agro-climatic conditions is crucial for predicting drought in a timely manner. For its part, the Climate Hazards Center focuses on providing the best possible weather datasets to support its partner institutions and the network’s field scientists.
FEWS NET also works with scientists, professionals, and agency leaders in these regions so that they can better understand the climate risks they face and counsel their government agencies, explains associate researcher Shraddhanand Shukla.
Husak agrees. “We’re giving them information and skills to help them better assess their countries’ conditions,” he says.
Source: UC Santa Barbara
The post Network sounds the alarm to prevent famine from drought appeared first on Futurity.
Network sounds the alarm to prevent famine from drought published first on https://triviaqaweb.weebly.com/
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garyh2628 · 5 years
Chairman and Managing Operational CEO (Global Legal Authority)
(Finance, planning, industry and foreign trade portfolios) Private
Head of Human Resources Finance and People and Global Head of Corporate Responsibility
 Investments/Contracts/Superior/Technically Competent and Right-Hand Men
NGO - (Finance, planning, industry and foreign trade portfolios) Private
 To my Pharma Hubs, Technology Hubs, Social Creative/Personal Hub, My Private Hubs, My Financial Hubs and my Health and Wellbeing/Scientific Hubs, Legal and Innovation Hubs, Hinterland Hub and to my Eastern Caribbean Hub, Linguistic/Psychology Hub, to my beloved additions and to my Institutions and Partners and Team, Pool of Potential Personal Assistants and Private Secretaries and Business Managers and also to my Fitness Hub which is an extension of my Health and Wellbeing Hub and not to forget my beloved Brooklyn Hub and my Wine/Adviser Hub and my Influential Legal Cashier.
 There’s a fresh new wind blowing through the sector, and it’s a circular one called Intellect. “In my time as a CEO, I’ve seen plenty of sustainable projects come and go, but this Network and this Global Structure beats them all hands down. The world’s first Community of Corporations and Businesses and Institution across Sector is currently being built, Gary and this Network and this Global Structure is within these Sectors are here to stay”.  We will win for share prosperity.  We will deliver a robust and formidable Economy.  We will deliver and robust and earthquake proof Intellectual Environment.  We will win we must win. I think we should all be saddened that in our midst are people who seem to still have sympathy for the regime of mediocrity and the under valuing of moiney despite what it has done to poor people. It has not just made them poorer, it has made them destitute and, in many cases, has forced them to flee. So, let those who are in that group which are subjecting those CEOs and Managers of Small and Medium Size Businesses and Partners and Institutions to a barrage of vicious personal attacks hang their heads in shame.  We will win the Election, we will win on pay and we will win on Economics and we will win on Philosophy and we will win on Development and yes we will win on Intellect and yes Education will once again float to the top of every Region in this world, this Network and this Global Structure and I will deliver for you.  It’s time my friends, it’s time my Colleagues, it’s time my People, across this Globe that you no longer live on the cliff of poverty, but it’s instead this is your time to Live your Best Life.
 Our businesses have globalized. That is why it is so important for companies to benefit from the support of this Global Structure, we must deliver the Offices, we must deliver the Particulars in order for us to be able to mobilize our expertise anywhere in the world, in order to serve all our stakeholders. In addition, more and more companies will turn to this Network and this Global Structure to accelerate their transformation strategy. Finally, the regions are beginning to change shape to accommodate us, we must translate this relevance, and this added value into the delivery of every piece of tool kit, every property within the Global Portfolio, every piece of document that are part of every settlement and every piece of document to are legally binding.  We must win across media, we must win for clarity, we must win for constructive and developmental critical thinking.  We must win for Intellect, let every Intellect, not only walk in the cool of the day, but every Intellect must have the right environment to develop if they so choose to that of Classical Intellect.  We will win, you know that, I believe that, you worked for this, I deliver this and together we will deliver for Humanity.  We must win. Executives from across the Network and the Global Structure said they were planning for a to secure a favourable legally binding outcome from all of the relevant negotiations for discussions with myself as we put the final pieces to this kaleidoscope together. This is your time Network, This is your time CEOs, this is your time Sector, this is your time Global Structure, this is your time Institution, this is your Time Partners, this is your time Team, and yes this is your time to Live your Best Life.
 With the Election of me as your Elected Leader, you have been given a new lease of life. This family and I hear you, we will deliver for you, we will deliver more Intellectual Capacity of which we already have a surfeit, we will deliver Financial Capacity of which this Network and this Community of my Companies that I own and this Sector and this Industry have a surfeit, We will translate those rich Natural Resources into Prosperity for you and your Children, we will put no other above you. To thyself be true, we will win, we must win. In recent years, not many funds have been able to pay a good yield and protect your capital. Of the funds in some sector, just 16 have increased or maintained the initial amount invested while paying out a dividend.  Think where they live, they live within the walls of this Global Structure and within this Network.  According to analysis from my Intellectual Analytical Outfit it is because of the Classical Intellect that is unique to us of which we have in abundance that cause us to not only be able to give the desired return on Investment, but it is only us who can analyse the value of money.  When I say to you, that we are going to win, don’t believe me, do you mathematics, do your analysis, look at your data, and yes when all of this was done, it is My Principles, it is my fundamentals and yes, it is my methods, and this Network and this Global Structure which can deliver for the value of money, which will deliver shared prosperity, Intellect and allow you to be in control of your destiny. We will win, we must win.  There is now a climate of determination and method.  You will know on the first day of Office, we will be releasing details via a CIM (Confidential Information Memorandum).
 Making your region more sustainable is a costly and complex affair. Enough reason for most people to do nothing. This Network and I and these Community of Corporations and Businesses that I own has big ambitions and some great programs to deliver in your part of the world in the coming weeks.  We have already begun the process of to deal with some of the challenges and will be taking decisions on the first day of office that will make us essential players that will accelerate the transition from my personal Boardroom into your regions.  There is no doubt about the reality and depth of our commitment; it is part of the future of the planet, countries, people, and naturally, this Network and this Global Structure and Partners and Institution and Team and CEOs and my Property Expert guy. You my friends in this sector and Industry and in every Region must share in your prosperity because you have played a a collective effort in making this your reality.
 For almost half a century, he has played the self declared role of “dirty trickster” — planting false stories about political opponents, slandering people nominally on the same team, and making hay from a lucrative lobbying shop that advanced the causes of kleptocratic tactics. Sailing perilously close to the edge of the law is acceptable. So too is breaking every moral law known to humankind. Frequently boasting about such activities is also fine (anyone who has not seen the Netflix documentary Get Me Roger Stone should do so). But doing all three throughout your life is to tempt fate. When you do cross the line, fate will strike back. Remember, it was an accountant who nailed Al Capone.  Yes, we are mobilising across regions and across sector and across Industry and will be utilising our full suit of leverage et all in dealing with future instance of this kind.  We are Suring up and implementing safeguard across the board in order for safe delivery of all the particulars and also for safe delivery of our potential employees and our current employees who are working pro bono until the Office of Budget and Management is ready.  Why? In this Network work and with these walls of the Global Structure we believe that it is our duty to assist economies and countries that, while starting from the reality of today, are building a true transition trajectory. Since 2015 we have been committed to aligning our activities for the delivery of this Global Structure and Network and our Statement of Intent.  In a short period, our financing increased by more than 70%. At the same time, we are gradually mapping the process for delivery.  Since my Personal CEO came on board, this Network and this Global Structure saw a rise in the number of mergers and acquisitions taking place worldwide, as well as their total value. What are the main factors driving this? I as your leader and Intellect, our fundamentals, our methods, our principles and our values.
 We chose pragmatism and Intellect over mediocrity and dysfunction, and as such it removes the gridlock and the duplicity within the ranks.  This will allow this Network and this Global Structure to deliver for the Environment and deliver for shared prosperity and deliver for Education and Intellect which will enable the hard-working people in this Community who have placed their trust in intellect to have the future they so desire — a future which rekindles hope but translate into action and results for them and further restores growth.
Today we stand in the midst of a global structure that has transformed and will continue to transform the way we live and the way we work. Creativity and prosperity travel wherever the brightest minds and most innovative economies can be found.  Over the coming weeks after the offices are delivered, we will begin to witness will happen as we roll out the various Initiatives across the Globe.  In your lifetime you will witness the fruits of the Environment. You must win, and we will win, we must win.  We will deliver on health, yes it will be a clean sweep, we will deliver for my Private Hub yes it’s a clean sweep, this generation will see Intellect at work, yes it’s going to once again be the reality wen this person will say, great things are spoken of thee, and you can go to another region and yes great things are spoken of thee, the vaults of Innovation that will stand the test of time, will once again be open.  We will deliver on outr Intellectual Tour and yes, we will deliver yes I dare say a clean sweep for the Private Sector and yes your young men will indeed see vision. From see to shining sea freedom shall reign, freedom to life your best life, freedom to be in control of your destiny and yes freedom for prosperity.
 Yes, I love you and yes I love you and yes I love you, and yes I want to know what real love is, not only for me, but for my children and their children and every person that sit within the walls of this network and Global Structure Children, a love that will stand the test of time.  Let me say, this family hears you, this family will deliver the requisite ingredients to the environment to allow you to experience what it is your dare dream to experience.  Yes, the vaults will be open, we went down to the dept of hell, and we recover you, and we will let you have a grip on your destiny.  You must live your best life, everyone must live their best life and it is precisely because of this that we must win, we’ve got to win.  We will win.
This Network and this Global Structure only do Legal Authority, we do not do bragging right which lives in mediocrity. They falter and yes let me say emphatically failed.
The Symmetry of Intellect is determined by the perfectly proportioned principles, which eliminates irregular shaped facets, incorrect angles, off centre-tables and culets and wavy or non-parallel girdles and tables.  The quality of a well-polished Intellect streamlined also ensures it beauty.  This Network and the Global Structure and within this community we insist upon the finest polish, symmetry and precision of fundamentals.  We will deliver for Intellect.
 Truth to tell, Tell it First and Tell it like it is.  I’m feeling bullish, I’m feeling on top of the world.  I’m feeling as though humanity has just been given a new lease of life.  We must win. I love you!
Yes Community, the particulars and the office and every piece of the Global Portfolio will be delivered.  Don’t get excited, we are on course for me to deliver my Fire and Brimstone Address. Stop jumping up and down, take a seat, we have work to do (laugh). You and I have a mission with the Environment, we have a mission with shared prosperity, we have a mission with regulations and treaties and compliance and cross board compliance and a rendezvous, yes there it is, I said it, a rendezvous with Intellect.  We will win, we got to win, we must win.  We have a duty with Infrastructure.
 Chairman and Managing Operational CEO (Global Legal Authority)
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37. Doodles Street (塗鴉街).
Johnny Depp was actually birthed in Owensboro, Kentucky, June 9th 1963. Historical rates as well as true returns paid from $10,000 put in as $1k in each from the inventories and also the accumulated single allotment rates from those 10 stocks generated information factors for 2017. As I reviewed the new route building site where I had first saw the rail roadway grade I located an area prolonging southern that appears to be equally this was actually the day free throw line was actually abandoned. C: Section Home, Clifford Arms, Cotton Picker, Home, Dental Crown (4 ), Train & Horses (2 ), Cavern, Cunard, Crescent (2 ), Coffeys, Cross Keys, County (2 ), Cleveland, Clubmoor, Canon, Copplehouse, Broccoli Venue, Chepstow Castle, Court Property, Coronation, Caseys, Palace, Pet Cat & Fiddle, Convivial, Central Commercial, Clarence, Clock (6 ), Cairo Joes, Caradoc, Cains, Chaucer Vaults, Cabbage Lodge, Cooksons Bridge, Coffee Residence (2 ), Casa Del Crocodilo, Cygnet, Corner Pub, Corn Market, Captains Cabin, Crocodile, Cock & Bottle, Chillies, Cumberland Arms (2 ), Cambridge, Coopers Emporium, Chaucers, Carnarvon Castle. The trial, which organizes to deliver upload rates of 150Mbps, makes use of a comparable fiber visual setup as the one employed by Fujitsu, as well as targets mixeds media firms near the joint from the city's Old Road as well as Urban area Road, likewise referred to as the Silicon Roundabout.
We all understand how much our team have actually permitted Wall Street handle the talk, notifying us that the marketplace is actually "up" today or even the marketplace is actually "down." Our experts brought the calf to Commercial to admit our loyalty to incorrect The lords and to announce that something was dying for our company. That death is our personal opinion in the blessed calf from the Wall Street photo of deep space. It was constructed in 1778, although Main Street was actually not that wases initially site. The more mature parts of the town are actually mainly built of neighborhood gray sedimentary rock. In total, with this improved course, during the following eight fourths our experts assume to return $89 billion to our real estate investors, which stands for regarding 12% from our market limit at the current sell rate. INTERVIEWS On one of the first scorching times in May 2006 in Chandler, Arizona they stand on the road edge, in the parking lots, as well as commonly in the streets. Around all 3 of our reporting business sectors, we obtained tough outcomes for the fourth. Mixing the data assimilation and analysis abilities along with the applicable results, visit their website the report has anticipated strong future growth of the Magnesium mineral and also Magnesium Alloy market in all its topographical and product segments. 1 The public housing ventures generated several immigrants off the Caribbean, East Africa, China and also Vietnam Alexandra Playground is actually recognized for possessing some of the biggest African Canadian communities in Toronto, and also folks from African American origins are still evident within this general vicinity. Baseding Upon Charles Taylor (Literary Scenic View Vol II) "The body of Mr Perceval was gotten rid of coming from the Speaker's House during the night to his very own in Downing Road; as well as on the Tuesday morning at 11.0' time clock a very most decent court was mobilized to attend at our home from Francis Dukes, at the sign of the Rose as well as Dental Crown in Downing Road. Located in the Panlongshan in the western area of Jingdezhen City, the Ceramic Past Museum, Currently Jingdezhen Ceramic Folk-Custom Gallery is an expert ceramic gallery covering a region of about 83 hectares (approx.205 acres), and also was built in 1980. The - as an example, there's the entire certificate layer concern, to get a permit plate to steer an automobile in a great deal of the major Mandarin areas is fairly tough, so whether you possess the electricity lorry exception in an offered area or not brings in a huge difference since if you do not, then people could buy the automobile yet they cannot steer that. So our experts've been actually - that has taken a little while yet our company've been actually properly in obtaining EV plate exception anywhere other than Beijing, and also we're positive regarding Beijing.
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Developing Android App For Fleet Administration System
The crew has put in over 250 of Auriga’s clever dispatch systems worldwide and roughly 30,000 Auriga in-vehicle units which can be in use every single day. The car tracking models transmit data to the Fleetmatics servers by way of GPRS wireless networks each ninety seconds, delivering ‘real-time’ insight for improved determination making. Business skilled Thomas Pretty looks into how GPS tracking techniques have gotten more and more in style with companies. Given TomTom’s pedigree in consumer GPS hardware, it ought to be no surprise that their Webfleet product for companies excels at the dispatching and routing features that benefit from it. The codes of fine governance are particularly important cases of finest practices and businesses should assume concerning the dangers of breaching provisions referring to objectivity and integrity and likewise management over the organization. Interestingly, aside from the usual jobs that you may think of, you may as well earn a living at house on-line simply by placing adverts right in your individual net site or weblog. With HMRC putting business mileage information beneath increased scrutiny correct mileage records is a should when managing your enterprise fleet. Others could include: serving to you develop and current your resume, matching you with the best contracts, and managing your portfolio for you.
Will employees pay any benefits on an afer-tax basis?
How is mobile technology serving to fleet managers today? Managers can also send messages to staff, who can use Mix Go to take images, capture signatures and scan barcodes, cutting down on paperwork. Managers even have standards by which to guage employee efficiency and an outlined means to offer direction by way of clear work course of and procedures. It doesn’t matter how great your small business ideas are and the way effective your merchandise/providers are, when you don’t have skilled workers to carry out the tasks, your enterprise can not attain the specified heights. Staff save on federal earnings taxes. Will employees pay any benefits on an afer-tax basis? Some gross sales positions may pay commission based on a percentage of gross sales. You could also be considering what stage of journey can be expected with you in Royal Caribbean cruise employment. The Workplace Fairness Group offers a supply to locate an attorney who makes a speciality of employment legislation. However conducting such assessments to ascertain a drug-free workplace is a challenge as the duty calls for efficacy and confidentiality. To ensure that those that shall be examined are actually chosen randomly, the DOT recommends that a random-quantity table or computer-based random number generator that's traceable to a selected employee be used.
Winter transportation offerings for staff are very just like last 12 months.
Going inexperienced: With increasing pollution, several initiatives are being taken to bring the menace to the environment below control. Admin has the management of each driver app and passenger app. It additionally stepped up set up of optimistic prepare control on the closely used tracks between Boston and Washington, D.C. Thats what we will go into here – the best way to convey a mission assertion alive so it has meaning to the purchasers and to the road employees who do many of the work in any group. Public and non-public healthcare facilities are able to offer totally different staff advantages. Winter transportation offerings for staff are very just like last 12 months. Worker. For this exclusion, treat any individual of a de minimis transportation benefit as an worker. If your employer reimbursed you or gave you an advance or allowance to your employee enterprise expenses that is treated as paid beneath an accountable plan, the cost should not appear as earnings in your Type W-2 (PDF), Wage and Tax Statement.
Forgotten or lost permits cannot be changed at campus gatehouses nor can use an alternate car.
Snappii gives ready-to-use inspection apps, for each automobile and fleet management, which permits a business to revision their paper and make the change to digital in as little as just a few weeks. You may hire a digital employee for your online business in accordance with your online business wants at low-hourly charges. They can arrange a cab physically for the worker and send the cab details to the worker who positioned the request. Ask about using public transportation, in the event that they trip to work with one other employee or family member and about non-motorized ways. Forgotten or lost permits cannot be changed at campus gatehouses nor can use an alternate car. Carpool/Vanpool Community: We are able to arrange an organization community by way of the regional carpool matching database. By one size, we imply that it will work for your organization - no matter whether you're a massive taxi agency or a small taxi startup. It is going to, that's, if you’re one among GPSTrackIt’s fleet management clients using their Fleet Supervisor GPS tracking software program. The service provider is obliged to supply one contact particular person of the shopper (company consultant) with the data and assisted distant trainings, mandatory for connection and convenient usage of Laptop "TaxiAdmin".
Planning a company event is a number of fun. Teams would then monitor shoppers who purchased the bins of detergent to their houses the place they would be awarded with a prize for his or her buy. One other typically reported complain is a boring necessity to trace gas consumption and mileage and make a day by day inspection of the vehicle after a long working day. A cellular gadget transmits automobile location coordinates to the server by way of a cellular network thus enabling actual-time location monitoring. Taxi Booking Utility via mobile facilitates future booking and also it allows canceling the journey. Normally, mobile app growth is a long process that finally ends up costing way greater than what you had been quoted to start with. After that, the demo app was despatched to the consumer for evaluate. Is it price to create fleet monitoring app? GPS fleet administration systems. For fleet monitoring the GPS system or Global Positioning System comes helpful.
Our web-based booking dispatch system is unique to the industry as a result of it's constructed within the cloud and is hardware free—meaning no installation, no setup fees and no want to buy devoted devices. The dispatch management system enables you to arrange and have the right overall view of the place and what your drivers are in real time. Make your transportation plans forward of time. Directly contacting corporations like Blizzard, EA Software, Konami, Riot Video games, and others by yourself will solely price you in your individual time and sources. You'll be charged the only, day by day rate. As soon as they are there, they are going to convey you to wherever it is advisable to go. A Home windows system will want windows suitable software. Mercury Taxi Software program was created and developed by Exel Know-how Group Ltd, and has since earned a popularity for high quality services that created a big and loyal buyer base inside the UK taxi business. Excellent for taxi / supply dispatch.
Today’s apps for fleet management as well as building professionals supply highly effective new means to boost productiveness in the sector. The convention is intended to address the interests of a broad spectrum of transportation professionals in the Northwest. On a panel dialogue at the American Trucking Associations’ annual administration conference last fall, Uber’s Anthony Levandowski outlined a vision for the future of transportation of “liquidity and automation.” Liquidity, he defined, is the ability to match carriers with shippers. Customers can strive web panel demo for admin, driver, and passenger from our webpage. Right here yow will discover new, refurbished or used smartphones and tablets at aggressive prices. Be sure you do get the very best; don’t settle for anything less. This may also enable you kind out any discrepancies between how a job sounds on paper and the way that place translates into actual life. As a rule, the worker simply does not have the proper data to do the job accurately.
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